JUL-DEC. 1977
&884202. Leader's qulde for qroup study of Light in the valley, by Herbert Vander Lugt. Leader's guide prepared by Alma Gilleo- 32 p. Add. ti: Leader's guide for Light in the valley. & SP Publications, Inc.; 15JU177: ia84202.
&881I203. Leader's guide for group study of How to tell the truth, by Richard I. OeHaan. Leader's guide prepared by Edvard Buchanan. US p. Add. ti: leader's guide for HoH to tell the truth. SP Publications, Inc.; 15Jul77: A881t203.
A88lt201t. Leader's guide for group study of All things veird and wonderful, by Stuart Briscoe. Leader's guide prepared by Hilte Frans. 18 p. Add. ti: Leader's guide for All things weird and wonderful. SP Publications, Inc.: 15Jul77; A8811204.
A88U205. Hho's got the answer? plug-in; script. 7 p. Acconpanied by sound recording, reg. Ntltas 6 filBstrip, reg. JP20573. e Scripture Press Publications, Inc.; 19JU177; A88a205.
A881I206. Follow the dots. No. 1263. 1 v. DM: new cover. © Western Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 1itJul77; A88<1206.
A88H207. Leader's guide for group study of Found: God's will, by John HacArthur, Jr. Leader's guide prepared by Dennis Becker. 32 p. Add. ti: Leader's guide for Found: God's will. O SP Publications, Inc.; 15JU177: A88it207.
Ae8it208. Leader's guide for group study of How to get up when you're down, by Lowell Lundstron. Leader's guide prepared by Barbara HcGraw. 32 p. Add. ti: Leader's guide for How to get up when you're down, e SP Publications. Inc.; 15Jul77; A88'l20B.
A88't209. Found: God's will. By John BacArthur, Jr. 63 p. Former ti. : God's will is not lost. HB: editorial revisions. @ SP Publications. Inc.; 1Aug77; A88U209.
A884210. Transio; an urban bus system simulation for management and executive development; player's manual. By Kaiomars Phiroze Anklesaria. 1 v. & printout. HH: revision & upgrading. @ Kaiomars P. Anklesaria; 15Jul77; A88i»210.
A884211. Transim: an urban bus system simulation for management and executive development; reference manual. By Kaiomars Phiroze Anklesaria. 1 v. G printout. HH: revision upgrading. Kaiomars P. Anklesaria; 15Jul77; A88<1211.
A88't212. Atlas of Martin County. Minnesota, compiled by the Hidland Atlas Company, Inc. 1 V. Appl. states all new except some photos. & the county highway map. e Midland Atlas Company, Inc.; 7Mar77; A884212.
A884213. Atlas of Kandiyohi County, Minnesota. Compiled by the Midland Atlas Company. Inc. 1 V. Appl. states all new except some photos. G the county highway map. e Midland Atlas Company, Inc.; 14Apr77: A884213.
Compiled by the Midland Atlas Company, Inc. 1 V. Appl. states all new except some photos. G the county highway map. d Midland Atlas Company, Inc.; 27Jan77; A884214.
A884215. Atlas of Benville County, Minnesota. Compiled by the Midland Atlas Company, Inc. IV. Appl. states ail new except some photos. G the county highway map. e Midland Atlas Company, Inc.; 31Jan77; Ae84215.
A884216. Atlas of Dickey County, North Dakota. Compiled by the Midland Atlas Company, Inc. 1 V. Appl. states all new except some photos. G the county highway map. O Midland Atlas Company, Inc.; 9Feb77; A884216.
A884217. Shy Pokey worships God. 1 v. Appl. au: Mary Joy Hagstrom (Joy Gresham Hagstrom) Prev. appeared in Teaching stories in rhyme book two. NM: 8 illus. in flip-chart construction. 6 Joy Gresham Hagstrom; 11Jul77; A884217.
A884218. Criteria and guide for school system assessment; Texas ed. Author G editor- in-chief: James Franklin Cherry. Sheets. SH: additions. A and O Associates for Educational Excellence; 17Jul77; A884218.
A884219. ISO QEO full-screen edit (FSE) product code PBCC-1300; user's guide. 45 p. Appl. au: Halter S. Josephson. 6 Palm Beach Computer consultants. Inc.; 4Apr77; A884219.
A884220. Employee pension benefit plans. Developed by Arthur Young and Company for the Oregon Society of certified Public Accountants, by Sarah C. Harlan G Scott G. Adams. 1 V. Arthur young and Company; 30JU177; A884220.
A884221. Safety controls and eguipment for machinery. Catalog no. ECC-78. 107 p. NM: updating, revisions S additions, e Bockford Safety Eguipment company: 12Attg77 (in notice: 1978) ; A884221.
A884222. Choosing best rather than easy; a Shikari program packet. Grade 7-9. Authors: Virginia Patterson 6 Dee Engel. editor: Julie Smith, artist: Ethel Field, copy editor: Boberta Clark, photographer: Judith Bryson. 6 2 p. in folder. Appl. au: Pioneer Girls, Inc. 8 Pioneer Girls, Inc.; 9Aug77; A884222.
A884223. Go ye; missions plans, resources G ideas for club. By Douglas Livingston, editors: Sandra Ireland G others, artists: Ethel field G Lori Marshall, photographer: Judith Bryson. 6 4 p. Appl. au: Pioneer Girls, Inc. O Pioneer Girls, Inc.; 9Aug77; A884223.
A884224. Take your place in God's family; a program packet for Trailblazers. Grade 5-7. Writer: Dee Engel, editor: Sandra B. Ireland, copy editors: Philita Bush 6 Boberta Clark, artist: Ethel Field 6 photographer; Judith Bryson. 62 p. in folder. Appl-'iau: pioneer Girls, Inc. Pioneer Girls. Inc.; 9Aug77; A884224.
A884225. Dick Cepek Sholesale Division, unigue off-road and camping items, catalog no. 9. 83 p. Appl. au: Dick Cepek. MM: new products, drawings, photos. G copy. O Dick Ce^ek. Inc.; 28Jul77; A884225.
A884226. Solar energy government publication guide. 33 p. Solar Consultants: 12Aug77; A8a4226.
A8e4227. Expressions. By Oerrol Keith (Darrel Keith) G Marlene Smith. 1 v. Q Derrol Keith; 12Jun77; A884227.
A884228. Landlord and tenant law in the District of Columbia (with practice manual) By Julian Karpoff . 135 p. Julian Karpoff ; 25Jun77; A88it228.
A884229. Conditioning and beyond. By John G. Whittle. 62 p- e John G. Whittle; 17Jun77; A884229.
A884230. Potter's mill. A novel by Sylvan W. Miller. 98 p. e Sylvan i. Miller; 2Aug77; A884230.
A884231. Victory over heart attacks. By Joseph Liss. 133 p. e Joseph Liss; 1Jul77; A884231.
A884232. A Mere reflection: the psychodynamics of black and Hispanic psychology. By Jeffrey L. Prather. 167 p. 6 Jeffrey L. Prather; 4Aug77; A884232.
A884233. Sailors have more fun. By Mercedes H. Griffin. 114 p. 6 Mercedes M. Griffin: 27JU177; A884233.
A8eV234. How to find and identify the valuable metals. By George F. Huns. 133 p. e George F. Muns; 27Jul77; A884234.
A884235. Waking up for breakfast. A volume of poetry by Michael Lynch. 51 p. 6 Michael Lynch; 5Jul77; A884235.
A884236. Dik-Dik and Shrew. By Hildred Finson. 37 p. e Hildred Finson; 11Jul77; A884236.
A884237. God's reflections shine on me. By Grace Bogsted. 37 p. Grace Bogsted; 3Jun77; A884237.
A884238. There is no hell: a rational definition of Gold's eternal unity with all mankind. By Carlyle V. Barnard. 71 p. 6 Carlyle V. Barnard; 3Jun77; A884238.
AS84239. Then, now and forever, my Doctor Sovatta. A novel by Annette Millard (Annette Bosen) 100 p. Dorrance and company. Inc.; 15Jul77; A884239.
A884240. In the name of Christianity: the missionaries in Africa. By V. E. Akubueze Okwuosa. 50 p. V. E. Akubueze Okwuosa; 21Jun77; A884240.
A884241. An Angel on my Kalmbach. 155 p. 17Jun77; A884241.
A884242. Brazil rediscovered. By Roberta C. Wigder. 486 p. 6 Roberta C. Wigder;
1JU177; A884242.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.