JUL-DEC. 1977
tSSUieU (con.) Beach. 22 p. O Geaeral Conference of Seveoth-da? idventists; 25Jul77; ABSUieit.
tB8U16S. Biblical interpretation; qeneral principles. By Gerhard F. Hasel. 61 p. 6 General Conference of Sewenth-day idventists: 7»uq77; A8B14165.
iSBUUe. An Equal eBPlovDent opportunity practice guide. Prepared for the Subcoanittee on Publications of the Conoittee on Equal Employnent and Collective Barqaininq of the council on Labor Lav and Labor Relations. Federal Bar Association; editor-in-chief: Katherine Savers ncGovern. 385 p. O Federal Bar Association; 19Bay77; A88«166.
A88lt167. fiesults tbrouqh effective line supervisors. By fiobert Lee nonson. 1 v. O Bobert L. Honson; 1Feb77 (in notice: 1976): A88"t167.
A66ai68. Audi Fox service iianual, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977. 1 v. O Bobert Bentley, Inc.; 711ar77: A88it168.
A3814169. In His qarden of qlory. By Dottie Ball (Dorothy Ball) Sheets (82 p.) C Dottie Ball; 26Hay77; A8811169.
A88U170. Music for the Master. By Dottie Ball (Dorothy Ball) Sheets (13 p.) Dottie Ball; 26llay77; A881H70.
A88lt171. HoiBen's studies hiqh school curriculum. Conceived 6 edited by Ellen S. K. Arrlnqton. 251 p. e Ellen S. K. Arrinqton; 27Hay77; A98i(171.
A881t172. The E-z count method; a proper fractions ifor)cboo]c for qrades 3-6; teacher's ed. By Bobert B. vicic, Jr. 32 p. Add. ti: The E-z count: a proper fractions iiocl(boo)c for qrades 3-6. Bobert E. VicJc, Jr.; 3Jan77; A88I4172.
A88H173. The E-Z count method decimal fractions uor)cbook for qrades 3-6; teacher's ed. By Bobert E. Vicit, Jr. 32 p. Add. ti; The E-Z count decimal fractions worlcbook for qrades 3-6. O Bobert E. vicli, Jr.; 3Jan77: A88ai73.
A884174. The E-Z count method improper fractions, whole numbers and mixed fractions worlibook for qrades 3-6; teacher's ed. By Bobert E. Tick, Jr. 36 p. Add. ti: Tje E-Z count improper fractions, whole numbers and mixed fractions worlcbook for qrades 3-6. O Bobert E. Vick, Jr.: 3Jan77: A88417U.
A881I175. Problem: elementary school mathematics. By Bobert E. Vick, Jr. Dp. fiobert £. Vick, Jr.; 3Jan77; A884175.
A884176. The E-Z count mixed decimals book for qrades 3-6; teacher's ed. By Bobert E. Vick, Jr. 34 p. Add. ti: The E-Z count mixed decimals workbook for qrades 3-6. e Bobert E. Vick, Jr.; 3Jan77: A884176.
A884177. Photo lab index: the cumulative formulary of standard recommended photoqraphic procedures; compact ed. Editor: Ernest H. Pittaro. 720 p. Add. ti: The Compact photo lab index. Morgan and aorqan. Inc.; 6Jun77; A884177.
Aa84178. The Emperor's new clothes: the ultimate qift, one size fits all royalty. Kit. Appl. states all new except public domain story. O The Emperor's New Clothes, Ltd.; 13Hay77; A884178.
A884179. Fundamentals of machine shorthand. By Darlyn Finley 6 David D. Pinley. 228 p. Gold coast School of Machine Shorthand, Inc.; 10Jan77; A884179.
Ae84180. CSSTAB user's guide. 1 v. Appl. au: Horld Besearch Systems. National CSS, Inc.; 16May77; Ae84180.
ASetlBI. Beview of medical physiology. By Hilliam t. Ganong. 8th ed. 599 p. Lanqe Medical Publications; 22Jan77; A8e41S1.
A8841S2. Cross-age teaching: grades six to second. By Gary A. Bertolino. 167 p. O Gary Bertolino; 20ct73: AB84182.
A884183. Our song book. No. 2. 6 p. Appl. au; Ernest a. Cluett 2nd (Had) 6 Mary Cluett. Had 6 Mary Cluett; 20Jul77; A884183.
A884184. Atopic dermatitis; script. Presented by Marion B. Sulzberger & Budolf L. Baer. 16 p. (A Brief course xn dermatology) Accompanied by sound recording S slides in box. Appl. au: Institute for Dermatologic Communication and Education. 6 Institute for Dermatologic Communication and Education; 58ov75: A884184.
A884185. Allergic contact dermatitis: examples and approaches. Presented by Ernst Epstein, Howard I. Maibacb e Marion B. Sulzberger. 2 v. (A Brief course in dermatology) English 6 Spanish; accompanied by sound recording & 80 slides in box. Appl. au: Institute for Dermatologic Communication and Education. 6 Institute for Dermatologic Communication and Education (in notice on Spanish script: Instituto para la Comuaicacion y Educacion Deraatologica) ; 3Dec73; A884185.
A884186. To live in Christ Jesus; a pastoral reflection on the moral life, Jan. 31, 1977. Script 6 teacher’ notes by Boger J. Eadley. 8 p. £ film trip. Accompanied by To live in Christ Jesus, a pastoral reflection on the moral life, November 11, 1976 & sound recording in box; a filmstrip program based on the National Conference of Catholic Bishops statement of the same title. Appl. au: Our Sunday Visitor, Inc. O Our Sunday Visitor, Inc.; 18Mar77; A884186.
A8e4187. Baptism: the living water. Scripts £ manual by Margaret Schultz, photography by John A. Zierten. 1 v. £ 2 filmstrips. Accompanied by sound recording Ln box. Appl. au: Our Sunday visitor. Inc. 6 Our Sunday Visitor, Inc.; 13Apr77; A884187.
A884188. Library of Congress catalog, books: subjects, 1970-1974; a cumulative list of works represented by Library of Conqress printed cards. Vol. 31-55. Appl. au: Bowman and Littlefield. NH; editing, arranqement £ additional text. O Littlefield, Adams and Company; 6Jun77 (in notice: 1976) : A884188.
A8U41B9. God made plants and animals. By Mary E. LeBar. 31 p. (God's loving care) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N44481. NM: editorial £ art revisions. SP Publications, Inc.; 30Jun77; A884ie9.
A884190. Happy-time resource packet. 23 p. Appl. au: Scripture Press staff. SP Publications, Inc.; 29Jul77; A684 190.
A884191. Leader's guide for group study of Be right, by Uarren H. iiersbe. Leader's guide prepared by Bobert E. Clark. 32 p. Add. ti: Leader's guide for Be right. O SP Publications, Inc.; 15Jul77; A884191.
A884192. Leader's guide for group study of Daniel: decoder cf dreams, by Donald K. Campbell. Leader's guide prepared by J. Carl Laney. 1 v. Add. ti: Leader's guide for Daniel: decoder of dreams. O SP Publications, Inc.; 14Jul77; Ae84192.
A884 193. Leader's guide for group study of The Apostles' Creed: do you really believe it? By D. Bruce Lockerbie, leader's guide prepared by Silliam Krutza. 48 p. Add. ti: Leader's guide for The Apostles' Creed. O SP Publications, Inc.; 15Jul77; A884193.
A8S4194. Leader's guide for group study of Can you run away from God? By James Montgomery Boice, leader's guide prepared by Nancy E. Bockwood. 32 p. Add. ti: Leader's guide for Can you run away from God? SP Publications. Inc.; 15Jul77; A884194.
A884 19 5. Through the day with Jesus. By Mary E. LeBar. 31 p. (God's loving care) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N44482. NM: editorial £ art revisions. Q SP Publications. Inc.; 30Jan77; A884195.
A884196. God made water and air. By Mary E. LeBar. 3 1 p. (God's loving care) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N44481. NM: editorial £ art revisions. SP Publications, Inc.; 30Jun77; A884196.
A884197. Jesus is with me. By Mary E. LeBar. 31 p. (God's loving care) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N444e2. NM: editorial fi art revisions. SP Publications. Inc.; 30Jun77; A884 197.
A364 198. Toddler teacher's guide. Britten by Thelma F. Neuen. edited by Elsiebeth McDaniel. 48 p. O SP Publications, Inc.; 15JU177; A884198.
A884 199. Learn the colors coloring book. No. 1157. 1 V. Western Publishing Company, Inc.; 14Jal77; A884199.
Ae842Q0. The Apostles' Creed: do you really believe it? By D. Bruce LocJLerbie. 143 p. O SP Publications, Inc.; 1Aug7 7; A8842a0.
A8e4201. Can you run away from God ? By James
Montgomery Boice. 96 p. SP Publications, Inc.; 1Aug77; A884201.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.