A884085 - A884123
JUL-DEC. 1977
A884084 (con.) DeoDis dartio Si Oeonis Martin issuoau. adi. HicrofilB. iladi: 15JU177;
A884085. lilDess and adaptation in a NeHf ouDdiand outport. By Eobert Conrad Ness. Bicrofila. Robert Conrad Ness; 15.1iil77 (in notice; 1976) ; »88a085.
A884086. k Study of younq children's developing knowledge of linear patterns. By Barold Laurence Bidqe. Hicrofiln. O Harold Laurence Bidqe; 15Jul77 (in notice: 19761: A88U086.
A884087. The Effect of changes in the sound level, frequency, and haraonic structure of clarinet perfornances on perception of Buslcal interpretation. By Theodore DeCorso, Jr. aicrofiia. Theodore Decorso, Jr. : 15Jul77: A88H087.
ABB4088. The Effect of coapetition on the self concept, peer social acceptance and work productivity of aental retardates in vocational training. By Hilfred fiussell Berqer. Hicrofila. Bilfred Bussell Berger; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976): ABBVOeB.
A8840B9. Sibilla Aleraao: a critical bioqraphy. By Barbra Apfelbaua. aicrofiia. C Rarbra Apfelbaua; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976) ; A881089.
A884090. The Literary Boheaians of New York City in the aid-nineteenth century. By Euqene T. Lalor. Hicrofila. Euqene T. Lalor: 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); A88a090.
A884091. Personality trait correlates of discrepant reading achieveaent in fifth graders. By Martin J. HcGrath. Bicrofila. Hartin J. HcGrath; 15Jul77; A88lt091.
A884092. Elizabeth Barrett Browning's poetic and feminist philosophies in Aurora Leiqh and other poeas. By Sandra Harie Donaldson. Hicrofila. C Sandra Harie Donaldson: 15JU177 (in notice: 1976): A884092.
A884093. The Attitudes of Israeli teachers and students toward the two seies and their sexually stereotyped behaviors. By Shoshanna Bentsvi-Hayer. Hicrofila. O Shoshanna Bentsvi-Hayer: 15JU177: A884093.
A884094. An Ezaaination in depth of one the reqolar phonoloqical changes that came to affect Slavic diphthongs ending in a liguid. By killiaa Noraan Chertack. Hicrofila. Hilliaa Noraan Chertack: 15JU177 (in notice: 1976) : A8e«09«.
A884095. Short-tera aeaory perforaance in emotionally disturbed children. By Jaaes Joseph creains. Hicrofila. O James Joseph Creains; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976): A88U095.
A884096. A Hethod for the selection of aetal cutting variables using a aachining state description. By Boger Stewart Pressaan. Hicrofila. C Roger Stewart Pressaan; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976) ; A884096.
ind the folk tradition. By Susan Louise Blake. Hicrofila. Susan Louise ai^ke; l5Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; A68i|097.
A884098. Pragmatic functions of intonation. By Harilyn G. Harek Glenn. Hicrofila. O Harilyn G. Harek Glenn; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); A884098.
A884099. A Coaparison of the recreational quality of intercollegiate athletic programs in selected institutions of higher education. By Keith Jeffrey Conners. Hicrofila. Keith Jeffrey Conners; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); A884099.
A884100. The Relationship of attitudes toward achieveaent of eleaentary school girls and participation in educational sport. By Hildred C. Hurray. Hicrofila. Hildred C. Hurray: 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976): A884100.
A884101. The Essentialisa of Kripke and Hadden and metaphysical necessity. By Jane S. Zembaty. Hicrofila. O Jane S. Zeabaty; 15Jul77: ABBKIOI.
A884102. Optiauffl diet and body size in bac- kswiffimers (Ueteroptera: Notonectidae, pleidae. By Steven Howard Gittelman. Hicrofila. Steven Howard Gittelman; 15JU177; A8B4102.
A88410J. Kom tenses and aspects. By Eaaanuei Nges Chia. Hicrofila. C Eaaanuei Nges Chia; 15Jul77; 1884103.
A884104. Onited States-Canadian relations, 1950-1973: the limits of coamunity. By Stuart fiothenberg. Hicrofila. O Stuart Bothenberg; 15Jul77: A884104.
A884105. Becoming homosexual: self-discovery, self-identity, and self -maintenance. By Thomas Stephen Ueinberg. Hicrofila. e Thoaas Stephen Weinberg; 15JU177: Ae84105.
A884106. Differences in personality traits of special education and eleaentary education college students. By Janelle Bae Johnson. Hicrofila. Janelle Bae Jolmson; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); A884106.
A884107. Hall composition, structure, and synthesis at the ultrastructural level in Derbesia teuuissima (Oe Notaris) Crouan. By Andrew Edwin Uheeler. Hicrofila. Andrew Edwin Uheeler: 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); A884107.
A88410e. Selected characteristics, vocational interests, and reasons for the enrollment of the secondary students in traditional and occupational home econoaics programs. By olga Verro. Hicrofila. O Olga Verro; 15Jui77 (in notice: 1976); A884108.
A884109. A New look at costs and benefits of aembership in the Federal Reserve Systea. By Joanna Frodin Robinson. Hicrofilm. O Joanna Frodin Robinson: 1SJul77; A884109.
A884110. Pheuomenological analysis of inter- personal decision-making as a function of fear of success in woaen and of doainance in aen. By Buta Hackevicius Teisaann, Hicrofila. O Buta Hackevicius Teisaann; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); 1884110.
A884111. Perceptions of the functions of paraprofessionals in the kindergarten. By Daniel Robert Grangaard. Hicrofila. Daniel Robert Grangaard; 1SJul77 (in notice: 1976); A884111.
Ae84112. Instructional sets and treatment credibility as influences on analogue speech anxiety. By Linda Ciricillo Spock. Hicrofila. O Linda ciricillo Spock; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); A884112.
A884113. Feainist tendencies in the works of Hadaae De Stael. By Harianne Spalding Hichaels. Hicrofilm. Harianne Spalding Hichaels: 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); A884 113.
Politics and the novels of George Lamming. By Sandra Kathleen Paguet. Hicrofilm. O Sandra Kathleen Paguet; 15JU177; A884114.
A884115. Temporal aspects of phonological quantity in Estonian. By Koit ojaaaa. Hicrofila. Koit Ojamaa: 15Jui77 (In notice: 1976); A884115.
A884116. The Effect of individualized reading conferences upon reading coaprehension and attitude of high school students. By Hartin Hazer. Hicrofilm. Hartin Hazer; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); A884116.
A884117. Demographic evolution and agrarian structure of a sugar cane region in Puerto Rico. By James Hendell Hessaan. Hicrofila. O Jaaes hendell Hessaan; 15JU177; A884117.
A884118. E. E. Cuaaings, cubist poet: the thought and aesthetic of E. E. Cuaaings. By Carol Fossett Shadoian. Hicrofilm. NH: all new except illus.. p. 1-28. Carol Fossett Shadoian; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976): A884 118.
A8e4119. The Impleaentation of a phonological change: the case of resyllabif ication in black English. Pt. 1-2. By Anna Fay Vaughn-Cooke. Hicrofila. Q Anna Pay Vaughn-Cooke: 15Jul77: AB84 119.
A884120. Ethics and politics in Kant and Bawls. By Sandra Davidson Scott. Hicrofila. Sandra Davidson Scott; 15Jul77; A884120.
A884121. Form and philosophy in the novels of Doris Lessing. By Sally Hickerson Johnson. Hicrofila. O Sally Hickerson Johnson; 15Jul77; A884121.
A884122. The Attitude and behavior of the Prussian Civil Service toward the working class in the Bhineland, 1889-1905. By Noraa N. Von Ragenfeld. Hicrofila. Noraa N. Von Sagenfeld; 1SJul77 (in notice: 1976) ; A884122.
A884123. Children's fun songs and songs of home and sentiment. By Irene Nhitaker. 2nd ed. 32 p. O Irene Bhitaker; 10Mar77 (in notice: 1963, 1975, 1976; on copy: 2nd
ed., 1977); 1884123.
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