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JUL-DEC. 1977

1883928 (con.) Beaureqard. Bicrofiln. e Ervinq Edvard Beaareqacd; 15Jul77; AS8392B.

4883929. The Patient is a person; toHacd huDanistic health care delivery by paramedical personnel. By Hary-Anne Newman. Hicrofilm. d Mary-Anne Nenaan; 15JU177: A883929.

A883930. Construinq the word: an introduction to the vritinqs of Laura (Biding) Jac)cson. By Joyce Piell iexler. Hicrofilm. Joyce Piell Rexlec; 15jul77 (in notice: 1974); A883930.

A8B3931. A Convergence of values in four educational periodicals from '•970 to 1973; a content analysis. By Joseph Francis Sweeney. Microfilm. G Joseph Francis Sweeney; 15Jul77: A883931.

AB83932. A History of music and of music education of the Seventh-day Adventist church. By Charles I. Pierce. Hicrofilm. (Studies in musical arts, no. 30) Appl. states all new except musical example on p. 218-251. e Charles L. Pierce; 15Jul77 (in notice; 1976) ; 4883932.

A883933. The Effect of formal preschool experiences and supportive reading behavior in the home on first grade reading readiness. By Nary Crosby Paul. Microfilm. C Hary Crosby Paul; 15Jul77; A883933.

4883942. The Letters o£ 4uqustus Baldwin Longstreet. By Jimmy Bay Scafidel. Microfilm. Jimmy Ray Scafidel; 1SJU177: 4883942.

4883943. Victor Hugo's La Legende des siecles: descriptive technigues in the first series. By Ann Louise 41derman. Microfilm. Ann Louise Alderman; 15JU177; A883943.

A883944. Kaiser, classicists, and moderns: secondary school reform in Imperial Germany. By James Charles Albisetti. Microfilm. James Charles Albisetti; 15JU177; A883944.

A883945. Facial development in mutant and normal chick embryos. By George Uendel Yee. Microfilm. George Kendcl Jee; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; A883945.

4883946. A Study of defensive style and its interaction with perception and experience of stress. By Darell Jay Scfaregardus. Hicrofilm. Q Darell Jay Schregardus; 15JU177; A883946.

1883947. The Effect of debt on household welfare. By Jean Leppen Kinsey. Microfilm. 6 Jean Leppen Kinsey; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); A883947.

15JU177; A883955. The Law and the mediator: Ga 3:19b-20. By Terrance Dennis Callan, Jr. Microfilm. Terrance Dennis Callan, Jr.; 15Jul77; A883955.

A883956. The Spanish scientific community: a sociological study of scientific research in a developing country. By Pedro Gonzalez Blasco. Hicrofilm. O Pedro Gonzalez Blasco; 1SJul77 (in notice: 1976) ; A883956.

A883957. The Glass of vision; a study of U. H. Auden's Mew year letter. For the time being, and The Age of anxiety. By John Bobert Boiy. Hicrofilm. John Bobert Boly; 15JU177; A883957.

A883958. Analysis of political interaction through communication theory. By fiicfaard Sprague Beth. Hicrofilm. O Bichard Spraque Beth; 15Jul77; A883958.

A883959. The Logic of representation in Vico and Nietzsche. By Andrea Bertolini. Microfilm. O Andrea Bertolini; 15Jul77; A883959.

1883960. Language comprehension in 10 to 16 month-old infants. By Helen Elizabeth Benedict. Hicrofilm. Helen Elizabeth Benedict; 15Jul77; A883960.

A883934. Tensional anisotrophy of the Bion adamellite. By Victor Ian Montenyohl. Hicrofilm. Victor Ian Montenyohl; 15JU177; A883934.

A883935. The Effects of implementing the 4Kerican Psychological Association (APA) ethical principles in the conduct of research with human participants. By Vana Butto Meredith. Microfilm. Vana autto Meredith; 15Jul77; A883935.

A883936. The Location of the American textile industry. By Elbert Lee Heuees. Hicrofilm. Elbert Lee Menees; 15Jul77; 4883936.

4883937. Paleomaqne tic results from Morocco, new results and survey, and a detailed study of the paleomaqnetics of carbonates. By David L. Martin. Microfilm. Q David L. Martin; 15Jul77; 4683937.

A883938. Rilliam Bhite*s printing shop and the printing of Love's labour's lost Q1 (1598) By Edward Paul Rerstine. Microfilm. Edward Paul Serstine; 15Jul77: A883938.

4883939. 41teration of attitudes of colleqe males toward the use of vasectomy as a contraceptive procedure. By Richard Lee Vaughn. Microfilm. Bichard Lee Vaughn; 15JU177; 4883939.

4383940. Henry Fielding and the psychology of womanhood. By Gayle Ruff Swanson. Hicrofilm. C Gayle Buff Swanson; 15JU177; 4883940.

4883941. Conrad's conscious artistry; a computer-assisted exploration of style in Heart of darkness. By Elizabeth 4aii

4883948. Secretion of insulin by the equine (pony) pancreas perfused in vitro. By Daniel Charles Holly. Microfilm. Daniel Charles Holley; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; A883948.

A883949. Close friendship: the individualistic community. By Budy Arnold Haapanen. Microfilm. O fiudy Arnold Haapanen; 15JU177; 4883949.

4883950. Estimating the impact of grants upon local fiscal behavior: does econometric methodology and collective choice specification really make a difference? By James Raymond Follain. Microfilm. O James fiaymoud Follain; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4883950.

4883951. The Nilderness, the frontier and the literature of 41aska to 1914: John Muir, Jack London and Bex Beach. By Frank E. Buske. Microfilm. I9 Frank E. Buske; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); 4883951.

A883952. Some effects of simultaneous variation in salinity and temperature on survival oi adult Neomysis mercedis from populations in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary. B) James Thomas Allen. Hicrofilm. O James Thomas Allen; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); 4883952.

4883953. Tao-ch'o (562-645) : a pioneer of Chinest Pure Land Buddhism. By David Hellington Chappell. Microfilm. O David Uellington Chappell; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); A883953.

1883954. Fra Angelico and his workshop at San Domenico (1420-1435): the development of his style and the formation of his workshop. By Paul Julius Cardile.

4883961. Mode, structure, and text expression in the motets of Jacobus Clemens non Papa: a study of style in sacred music. Vol. 1-2. By Ellen Scott Beebe. Hicrofilm. Ellen Scott Beebe; 15Jul77; A883961.

4883962. Time and eternal life: a problem in the interpretation of human fulfillment. By Stanley 411en Armstrong. Hicrofilm. e Stanley lllen Irmstrong; 15Jul77; A883962.

4883963. 4 Study of the organizational climate within a selected school district and its relationship to social character structure of the district leaders. By Michael Everette 4rfflstrong. Microfilm. C Hichael Everett Irmstrong (in notice: Hichael Everette Irmstrong) ; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976): 4883963.

1883964. The Impact of accountability upon the behavior of mid-managers using diagnostic performance indicators. By Heldon Frederick Ivy. Hicrofilm. © Reldon Frederick Ivy; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976): 1883964.

1883965. Ittitudes toward death and dying in nursing students. By Minnie L. Bailey. Hicrofilm. O Minnie L. Bailey; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; 1883965.

4883966. 4u 4nalysis of the multiethnic character of introductory literature courses in selected black colleges. By Thelma M. Cobb. Microfilm. O Thelma M. Cobb; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); 4883966.

A883967. An Investigation of relationships among selected disciplinary problems, achie- vement grades assigned by teachers, attendance, and achievement as measured by

standarized tests in mathematics. By


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