A883889 - 4883928
JUL-DEC. 1977
1883888 (con.) Jr.: 15JU177 A883883. (in notice: 1976) ; A883889.
It just happens: American migration to Australia. By Jan Joseph DeAmicis. nicrofilm. 6 Jan Joseph DeAmicis; 15JU177; A883889.
A883890. Historical archeology and the national market: a Vermont perspective, 1795-1920. By Suzanne Hood Elliott. Microfilm. e Suzanne Bood Elliott: 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); A883890.
A883891. A Linear programming teclinique to optimize bread quality. By flary Graven. Hicrofila. 6 Bary Graven; 15Jul77; Aa83891.
A883892. Male and female interest for opposite sex scales of the strong vocational interest blank. By Paul Everett Jenks. Microfilm. 6 Paul Everett Jenks; 15Jul77: A883892.
A883893. American political science and the meaning of citizenship. By Dennis Billings Hale. Microfilm, e Dennis Billings Hale; 15JU177: A883893.
A88389it. £1 Fenomeno poetico segun Jose Angel Valente. By Ellen Engelson. Microfilm. e Ellen Engelson; 15Jul77; i88389it.
1883895. The Sun also rises: the making of a first novel. By Susan Ebert. Microfilm. e Susan Ebert: 15Jul77: A883895.
A883896. La Novela puertorriquena contemporanea: Pedro Juan Soto y Emilio Diaz Valcarcel. By olga Casanova Sanchez. Microfilm. © Olga Casanova Sanchez; 15Jul77; Ae83896.
A883897. The Creation of social policies to control a new deviance: term paper companies as a case study. By Hayim Abranson. Microfilm. 3 Hayim Abramson; 15JU177; A883897.
A883898. The "Silent art" of ancient China: historical analysis of the intellectual and philosophical influences in the earliest medical corpus Ling shu ching. By Francis Buey-shuang Lee. Microfilm. Francis Ruey-shuang Lee; 15Jul77; A883898.
A883899. "Category continuity" as a key to understanding the foundation of Dewey's social psychology. By David Hidomlansky. Microfilm, e David lidomlansky; 15Jul77: A883899.
A883900. Maiority rule. By Elaine Spitz. Microfilm. 8 Elaine Spitz; 15Jul77: A883900.
A383901. The Phenomenology of peak experiences in response to music and visual art and some personality correlates. By Robert Panzarella. Microfilm. S Robert Panzarella: 15Jul77; A883901.
A883902. Experience with pregnancy: the demand for prenatal care and the production of surviving infants. By Eugene Myron Leuit. Microfilm. @ Eugene Myron Levit; 15JU177; A883902.
A883903. An Investigation of the differential effects of two dimensions of spokesman credibility as they interact with consumer involvement with band choice. By David William Finn. Microfilm. David William Finn; 15Jul77; A883903.
A883904. Student value formation: the effect of past experiences and perceived behavioral expectations on value formation of first year college students. By Dan Lee Flanagan. Microfilm. Q Dan Lee Flanagan; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); A883904.
A883905. Scheduling the central processing unit in a product information system. By F. Paul Fuhs. Microfilm. @ F. Paul Fuhs; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); A883905.
A883906. A Framework for individual and organizational renewal in post-secondary education: individualized faculty statements. By David Alan George. Microfilm. 6 David Alan George; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; A883906.
A883907. The Agricultural colonization of temperate forest habitats: an ecological model. By Stanton Uilliam Green. Microfilm. @ Stanton William Green; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976) ; 4883907.
A883908. Documentation and analysis of the street academy system of Springfield, Inc. Preparatory School. By Robert C. Henderson. Microfilm. Q Robert C. Henderson; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; A8e3908.
A883909. Properties of ribulose-1,5-diphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase from Spinacea oleracea and Phaseolus vulgaris. By Gary Clinton Harris. Microfilm. 6 Gary Clinton Harris; 15Jul77; A883909.
A883910. Assessing prior non-formal learning. By Edward John Harris. Microfilm. Edward John Harris; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); 4883910.
A883911. On white dwarf models of variable compact X-ray sources. By Paul Donald Guthrie. Microfilm. Paul Donald Guthrie: 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); A883911.
A883912. Localism in Joseph Chamberlain's social politics, 1869-1895. By Everett Parker Hall, Jr. Microfilm. S Everett Parker Hall, Jr.; 15jul77; A883912.
A883913. A Comparison of self-contained and resource room programs by per capita expenditures, student achievement and district size in South Carolina. By Oorinda Donohoe DeRitt. Microfilm. e Dorinda Donohoe DeHitt; 15Jul77; A883913.
4883911. Venus and 4donis: genre and meaning. By Lennet Josep)i Daigle. Microfilm. 9 Lennet Joseph Daigle; 15Jul77; 4883914.
4883915. 4 Study of the effects of direct and indirect contact procedures on the acceptance of help. By Melba Jean Cather. Microfilm. © Melba Jean Cather; 15jul77; 4883915.
A883916. Temperature relationships in coccolith morphology and dimension in fossil and living Emiliania huxleyi (chrysophy- ta:haptophyceae) By Patricia Lurie Blackwelder. Microfilm. Q Patricia Lurie Blackwelder; 15Jul77; A883916.
A883917. Some French works of Jean Gerson: an introduction and translation. By Diana Elizabeth Adams-Smith. Microfilm. English S French. O Diana Elizabeth Adams-Smith; 15Jul77; A883917.
4883918. Complex spacecraft compartment venting systems. By George William Ivey, Jr. Microfilm. @ George William Ivey, Jr. ; 15Jul77; A883918.
A883919. The Determination of priorities for a state plan for career education in South Carolina using a modified Delphi technique. By Howard Dale Holden. Microfilm. Howard Dale Holden; 15JU177; A883919.
A883920. Scheduling assembled products in a multistage production system--a simulation study. By Jack Stuart Goodwin. Microfilm. Jack Stuart Goodwin; 15JU177; 4883920.
4883921. Differences in hemispheric functions between dyslexics and normal readers- By Rattihalli N. Malatesha. Microfilm. © Rattihalli H. Malatesha; 15Jul77; 4883921.
4883922. Foreign exchange risk management: current practices of O.S. multinational corporations. By Michael Jilling. Microfilm. © Michael Jilling: 15Jul77: 4883922.
4883923. Effects of dietary essential fatty acids and energy intake on pituitary gona- dotrophins and growth hormone in the domestic fowl. By Henry Martin Engster. Microfilm. © Benry Martin Engster; 15JU177; A883923.
A883921t. The Concept of man in integral psychology. By Ronald Le Roy Campbell. Microfilm. 6 Ronald Le Boy Campbell; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); A88392U.
4883925. Psychological studies of the sleep state: East and West. By Wayne Earl Bloomguist. Microfilm. © Wayne Earl Bloomquist; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); A883925.
A883926. The Belationship of patterns of family interaction locus of control and adolescent behavior in a psychiatric hospital: an experimental study. By Barbara Cram Frohman. Microfilm. © Barbara Cram Frohman; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); A883926.
A883927. The Creation and survival of private, countercultural, transcendent communities of learning-living. By Leo James Boar. Microfilm. © Leo James Hoar; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; A883927.
A883928. History of academic freedom in Ohio:
case studies, 1808-1975. By Erving Edward
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