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1883502 - iB835i)2


JUL-DEC. 1977

JDl. - DEC. 1977 &883501 (con.) Aeroquip Corporation; 25Har77; A883501.

A883502. Now there's a fast, easy, dependable way to connect and disconnect iust about every fan iupleaent! Bulletin 5503. Folder. 6 Aeroquip Corporation; 31May77; A883502.

A883503. FT10U9 production crinp nachine. Aeroquip industrial engineering bulletin 220. Folder. Aeroquip corporation; 15Jun77; A883503.

A883504. FD69 series quiclc disconnect water blast coupling. Aeroquip industrial engineering bulletin 227. 2 p. Aeroquip Cor- poration: 20Apr77: A883504.

A883505. Gustin-Bacon vent protector. Aeroquip Gustin-Bacon product bulletin BPB 3. 2 p. Aeroguip Corporation: 30Har77; A883505.

A883506. FD<40 and PD^I series quick disconnect couplings. Aeroquip industrial engi- neering bulletin 20«A. Polder. NH: new text. O Aeroquip corporation; 20Peb77; A883506.

A883507. He were anong the first to use FC195 AQP hose — we've yet to have a hose failure. Aeroguip AQP hose performance report, no- il. 2 p. Aeroquip Corporation; 24llar77; A883507.

A883S08. FC300 AQP hose handles a wide variety of fuels in let fuel control system tests. Aeroquip AQP hose perfornance report, no. 3. 2 p. G Aeroquip Corporation; 25aar77: A883508.

A883509. Aeroguip Staplok hose fittings and adapters. Bulletin 5500. 11 p. 6 Aeroguip Corporation; 31May77; AB83509.

A883510. FC300 AQP hose, the choice for long service life in tough applications. Aeroguip AQP hose perforaance report, no. 5. 2 p. Q Aeroquip Corporation; 3may77; A883510.

A883511. Aeroguip worldwide product availa- bility/aarkets served/plant facilities. Bulletin C-166. 13 p. NH: new teit for plants. Aeroquip Corporation; 15aay77 (in notice: 1976); A883511.

A883512. Aeroguip Haxibrake 50 spring brake; brake unit & systea installation instructions. Bulletin 8082. 7 p. Aeroquip Corporation; liiApr??; A883512.

A883513. Aeroquip Caatite spring brake. Bulletin 8086. 8 p. e Aeroquip Corporation; 20llay77: A883513.

A8835111. New PDU5 series coupling. Aeroquip industrial engineering bulletin 187A. Folder. NH: new text. Aeroquip Corporation: 1ilHar77; A88351't.

A883515. Haraan Swivelaaster exhaust ball joint. Aeroguip Haraan product bulletin 117A. Folder. NH: new text. O Aeroguip corporation; 18Hay77; A883515.

A883516. Series E strap asseablies and aluainua beaas used by Berqer Transfer and Storage, Inc.. Aeroquip cargo control application bulletin 5. 2 p. O Aeroquip Corporation; 9Bay77; A883516.

A883517. Series P shoring bars used at Brockway- Saith Coapany. Aeroguip cargo control application bulletin 7. 2 p. O Aeroquip Corporation; 15Feb77; A883517.

A883518. AQP: the scientifically superior faaily of hose. Aeroguip bulletin 5477. Polder. G Aeroquip Corporation; 20Apr77; A883S18.

A883519. your coupling connection. Aeroquip bulletin 5481. Folder. Aeroquip Corporation; 20Apr77; A883519.

A883520. Aeroquip sales proaotion specialties. Bulletin 5488. Folder. G Aeroquip Corporation; 18aar77; A883520.

A883521. Gustin-Bacon hose, fittings and hose asseablies for freight car air brake piping systeas. Aeroguip Gustin-Bacon product bulletin BPB 5. 2 p. Aeroquip Corporation; 15Apr77; A883521.

A883522. Gustin-Bacon lock-tite cotter. Aeroguip Gustin-Bacon product bulletin 8PB 6. 2 p. e Aeroquip Corporation; 15Apr77; A8e3522.

A883523. captain Kangaroo connect the dots; authorized ed. No. 4965. Drawings by Pollard Studios. 1 v. Appl. au: Lowe, Inc. G Robert Keeshan Associates, Inc. ; 10Hay77; A883523.

A883524. Captain Kangaroo activity book; authorized ed. No. 6931. Drawings by Pollard Studios. 1 v. Appl. au: Lowe, Inc. Bobert Keeshan Associates, Inc.; 10Hay77; A883524.

A883525. Captain Kangaroo coloring book; authorized ed. No. 4967. Drawings by Pollard Studios. 1 v. Appl. au: Lowe, Inc. © Bobert Keeshan Associates, Inc.; 20May77; A883525.

A883526. Captain Kangaroo fundaaental things to do book; authorized ed. No. 4966. Drawings by Pollard Studios. 1 ». Appl. au: Lowe, Inc. G Bobert Keeshan Associates; 10aay77; A883526.

A883527. Quick and easy steps to aetrics; a play and learn book for children and their parents too. No. 2533. Drawings by H. Sturzenegqer. 1 v. Appl. au: Lowe, Inc. Lowe, Inc.; 26Jan77; A883527.

A883528. The oddball couple coloring book; authorized ed. No. 6933. 1 v. Appl. au: Lowe, Inc. O DePatie/Frelenq; 6Jun77: A88352e.

A883529. Johnny Gaqe, star of TT's Eaergency! coloring book; authorized ed. No. 4969. Drawinqs by Pollard Studios. 1 v. Appl. au: Lowe, Inc. G Eaergency Productions; 6Jun77; A883529.

A883530. Eaerqency! a coloring book; authorized ed. No. 6932. Drawings by Pollard Studios. 1 V. Appl. au; Lowe, Inc. Emergency Productions; 6Jun77; A883530.

A883531. Emergency! coloring book; authorized ed. No. 4968. Drawings by Pollard Studios. 1 V. Appl. au: Lowe, Inc. O Eaergency Productions; 6Jun77; A883531.

A883532. The Oddball couple coloring book; authorized ed. No. 4970. 1 v. Add. ti: The off ball couple coloring book, 4970. Appl. au: Lowe, Inc. Selected froa Oddball couple, uuaber 6933. NH : cover £ selection. O DePatie/Freleng ; 6Jun77; A883532.

A883533. University of California, San Francisco hospitals and clinics diet aanual. 131 p. G The Segents of the University of California; 30Jun76; A883533.

AB83534. Planning in higher education; a aanual for colleges and universities. Editor; John D. Hillett. 326 p. Appl. au: Acadeay for Educational Developaent, Inc. NH: revisions £ chap. 1-4, 8 6 12-14. G Academy for Educational Development, Inc.; 15JU177; A883534.

A883535. Let's be gorillas! By Barbro Lindgren, translated from the Swedish by Suzanne Carlson, art work by Susan Acker. 1 v. NH: translation. G Suzanne Carlson; 30Jun76; A883535.

A883536. Boyal Ambassador campcraft instructor's aanual. Compiled by Jerry Bob Taylor. 1 V. G Texas Baptist Hen; 1Peb77 ; A883536.

A883537. BHT: behavior aodeling training. Developed for .Federated Oepartaent Stores, Inc. , by Bernard L. Bosenbaua, aanual prepared by Laura Adler. 1 v. Add. ti: Participant's guide to BHT: behavior aodeling training. Appl. au: Federated Oepartaent Stores, Inc. G Federated Departaent Stores, Inc. ; 19Nov76; A883537.

A883538. BHT: behavior aodeling training. Developed for Federated Departaent Stores, Inc., by Bernard L. Bosenbaua, aanual prepared by Laura Adler. 1 v. Appl. au: Federated Department Stores, Inc. G Federated Department stores. Inc. ; 19NOV76; A883538.

A883539. An Introduction to the strategy and tactics of postal diplomacy. By Lawrence gilliaa Peery. 1 v. NH: additions. G Institute for Diploaatic studies; 25Hay77; A883539.

A883540. Ironworker apprenticeship training, California-Nevada; prograa guide for Field Iron Borkers Apprenticeship and Training. 242 p. NH: additions £ revisions. G Field Iron Horkers Apprenticeship and Training Program; 13Jan77; A883540.

A883541. Benchmark wage and salary survey of hourly and salaried personnel: San Francisco Bay area and Northwest, spring 1977. 1 V. O BEHA; 16Jun77; A883541.


Benchmark wage and salary survey of hourly and salaried personnel: southern California, spring 1977. 1 v. BEHA; 16Jun77; A883542.


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