A883287 - 1883328
JUL-DEC. 1977
1883286 (con.) B. O. Lovlnq and I. L. Hill. 1 V. MN: revisions & additions. HacDillan Publishing Conpanr, Inc.; 25Jal77: 1883286.
4883287. The Story of Pentecost; children's Geaeindestunde. Held by Heini Arnold at Boodcrest, Bay 29, 1977. Ho. 112. 8 p. 6 Plouqh Publishing House o£ the Roodcrest Service Connittee* Inc.; 1Jun77; 1883287.
1883288. Ueddinq neetings for Hark Clement and Krista Snavely, Danny King and Jill llezander, Jeremy fiazeley and Anna nengia Hathis, Peter Huleatt and Gvynedd Bobertshaa, Hay 19-22, 1977. Ho. 1. 38 p. Ippl. au: Christoph Irnold & Indreas Heier. O Plough Publishing House of the Boodcrest Service Committee, Inc. ; 25Hay77: 1883288.
1883289. Psychology as religion; the cult of self-Horship. By Paul C. ¥itz. 1*9 p. e Billiam B. Eerdmans Publishing Company: 18JU177: 1883289.
1383290. Ill truth is God's truth. By Arthur Frank Holmes. 145 p. filliam B. Eerdmans Publishing Company; 15Jnl77; 1883290.
1883291. The Church and the older person. By Sobert H. Gray £ David 0. Hobecq, iiith a foreword by the late Ernest H. Burgess. 227 p. HH: revision of a prev. pub. work B additions (p. 72-711, 86-91, 62-64, 136-140, chap. 10, appendix 1, appendix 3 £ material scattered through the book) 3 Hilliam B. Eerdmans Publishing Company; 18JU177; 1883291.
1883292. 1 Half century of theology: movements and motives. By Gerrit Cornells Berkouwer, translated £ edited by Lewis B. Smedes. 268 p. Appl. au: Hilliam B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, employer for hire. Translation of Een Halve eeuw theologie: ootieven en stromingen van 1920 tot heden. MM: translation, e Billiam B. Eerdmans Publishing company; 12Jul77; A883292.
A883293. A Guide to overnight trips in northern California. By Carole Terwilliger Beyers (Carole Esther Heyers) , illus. by Gary Thomas Kong. '97 p. (Heekend adventures for city-weary families: a guide to overnight trips in the U.S.A.) Carole Terwilliger Heyers; 14Jal77; A8e3293.
A883294. Experiencing, living, sharing Christ: sermons on the evangelistic life style. Edited by J. Bichard Hawley. 91 p. Judson Press; 1SHar76; AB83294.
A383295. God can work through you. By B. Otto Bheeley. 61 p. S Judson Press; 25Har77: A883295.
A883296. The Struggle for meaning. Editor: Billiam Powell Tuck. 144 p. Judson Press: 17Peb77; A883296.
1883297. The Old Testament experience of faith. By David T. Shannon. 175 p. Q Judson Press: 16llay77: 1883297.
A883298. The Hanger mouse and other Christmas poems. By Balph Billiam Seager, illustrated by Bobert L. Jefferson. 30 p. NH: illus. O Judson Press; 20Jun77: A883298.
A883299. Those meddling women. By Janice Bailey. 95 p. Judson Press; 22Jun77: A8S3299.
A883300. Stones into bread? what does the Bible say about feeding the hungry today? By Owen D. Owens. 124 p. 3 Judson Press; 22Jun77; A883300.
A883301. Combat Captain Plaque — use fluoride dailyi Poster. Ippl. au: Oavid Leigh Burke. 6 David L. Burke Design; 1Aug77; A883301.
A883302. Starve Captain Plaque — eat sugar less! avoid sweet snacks! poster. Ippl. au: David Leiqh Burke. David L. Burke Design; 1Aug77; A883302.
1883303. Bipe out Captain Plaque! Poster. Appl. au: David Leigh Burke. O David L. Burke Design; 1Aug77; 1883303.
A883304. Zap Captain Plague! Poster. Appl. au: David Leigh Burke. O David L. Burke Design: 1lug77: 1883304.
1883305. The Path of life. By Karen Carncross. 1 v. O Karen Carncross; 41ug77; 1883305.
A883306. Hessages of peace. Vol. 6. By D. H. Hillar, pseud, of Dorothy H. Tyndall. 1 V. O Dorothy H. Tyndall d.b.a. Ithamar Publications; 22Jul77: A883306.
A883307. Drumming up business. By Bryant Hall HcKernan. 19 p. 6 Coast Bholesale Husic Company of Los Angeles; 28Jul77; 1883307.
A883308. Astrophotography near city lights. By Joseph A. Cocozza. 48 p. Q Joseph 1. Cocozza; 9iuq77; 1883308.
1883309. HIS Preg-Test: operator's manual. 6 p. e ILIS Corporation: 28Jul77: 1883309.
1883310. lou guessed wrong! it's poetry. By lyanju, pseud, of Easley Quinn, artwork by Cliff aimer. 27 p. Some of the poetry was pub. in a university's student newspaper. O Easley Quinn; 71ug77; 1883310.
1883311. The 1 B C of ruqmaking: latchet hook instruction booklet. 18 p. O Shillcraft (tradename £ registered trademark of 1. and H. Shillman Company, Inc.); 11uq77: 1883311.
1883312. Shillcraft special offer to valued customers! 2 p. Idd. ti: Shillcraft special offer to new customers. S Shillcraft (tradename 6 reqistered trademark of A and U. Shillman Company, Inc.); 1Aug77; A883312.
1883313. ^ Shillcraft readicut kits for rugs, wail hangings and pillows. Vol. 47. 48 p. e Shillcraft (tradename B registered trademark of 1. and H. Shillman Company, Inc.); 1Aug77; A883313.
A883314. Betail store supplies, fall 1977. 163 p. Add- ti: 1977 catalog of retail store supplies, fall/1977, e National Clothier Corporation; 5Aug77; A883314.
A883315. Life, death and life: some answers to many guestions. By E. 0. Van Dyke. 24 p. E. 0. Van Dyke; 28Jul77; A883315.
1883316. Pennsylvania equity index-digest. Vol. 1-3. 1977 cumulative suppl. By Glenn 1. Troutman, continued from 1974 by Horton S. Freeman. 6 George T. Bisel Company; 8Aug77; A883316.
A883317. Pennsylvania damages: personal injury verdicts. 1977 suppl. By Glenn A. Troutman, the material added from 1975 onward has been prepared by Arthur H. Hankin. 90 p. O George I. Bisel Company: 8Auq77; A883317.
A883318. 'Lake of the Hills: its history; as told to Hildred Kaucher. 1 v. Appl. au: Hildred Kaucher. Hildred Kaucher; 3Dec76; A883318.
AS83319. Tomorrow's educator: an alternative to today's school person. By fionald E. Barnes, editors: Barbara Batkins £ Donna Butler. 32 p. O Bonald E. Barnes; 8Har77; 1883319.
1883320. Pomerantz cataloq. No. 400. 64 p. Ippl. au: fieuben Pomerantz, Owen Pomerantz 6 Barry Smith, e Pomerantz Jewelry Company, Inc.; 16Jun77: 1883320.
1883321. The Trout of God's country. By David Irthur Bolf. 88 p. Dave Holf; 13Apr77; A883321.
A883322. SAS supplemental library user's guide. Edited by Jane T. Helwiq. 171 p. C SIS Institute. Inc.; 9iuq77; 1883322.
A883323. S7.68/hour manufacturing Patch-Pins. 14 p. Appl. au: Adrian Gerald Carter (A. G. Carter) Originally pub. 19Dec76, i811564. NH: additions £ editorial revision. A. G. Carter; 9Aug77; A883323.
A883324. Speaking of retirement: program leader's manual. 15 p. O Action for Independent Haturity; 28Jul77; 1883324.
1883325. Hanaging the unmanageable: effectively coordinating a hospital capital deve- lopment program. Presented by TriBrook Group, Inc. 313 p. 6 TriBrook Group, Inc.; 31ug77; A88332S.
A883326. 240 table top duplicator; operator manual. 39 p. 6 Addressograph-Multigraph Corporation; 13Jul77; A883326.
A883327. Instructions for updating the Lexis desk book. Sheets. NH: editorial revision £ additions. 6 Head Data Central, Inc.; 19JU177; A883327. A883328. Child custody and the conciliation courts. By Laura Jean Taylor. Sheets (66 p.) e Laura Jean Taylor; 5Aug77:
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