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48832119 - »883286


JUL-DEC. 1977

t8832it8 (con.) CoDrad John Kasperson; notice: 1976) ; i8B32t8. 15JU177 (in

A8832lt9. An Averaging estimator technique for inventocTinq earth resources fron space usinq nultispectral scaoninq. By Howard J. Goldman. nicrofilm. Hovacd J. Goldman; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); A88321t9.

A883250. The Research library of Euqene O'Heill. By Kathy Lynn Bernard. Hicrofilm. O Kathy Lynn Bernard; 15Jiil77 (in notice: 1976): A883250.

A883251. Delusion and distortion: a study of some Anqlo-Indian fiction. By Bashna Batlinala. Hicrofilm. Bashoa Batlinala; 15Jul77; A883251.

A883252. Consciousness raisioq qroups for women: implications of Paulo Preire's theory of critical consciousness for psychotherapy and education. By Janet Perry Bailey, aicrofilm. C Janet Perry Bailey: 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; A883252.

A883253. Educational renewal for urban middle schools. By Harvin Barlcsdale. Hicrofilm. Harvio Barlisdale; 15Jul77; A883253.

A883251t. Information pcocessinq as a function of amount of uncertainty and reading ability. By Ann Rhonda Zweiq. Hicrofilm. Ann Bhonda Zweiq: 1SJul77: A883251I.

A883255. Analysis of complete and partial reversal learninq in the goldish. (Carassius auratus) By Barry Alan Belch. Hicrofilm. Barry Alan Beich; 15Jun77: A883255.

A883256. A Comparison of two qroup behavioral approaches to the treatment of chronic heavy ciqarette sfflO)cinq. By Edward Hitchell Hendrix. Hicrofilm. O Edward Hitchell Hendrix: 15JU177; A8832S6.

AaB3257. Characterization of the thymidine )cinase in herpes virus-transformed cells. By John Stacze)!. Hicrofilm. John Staczeli; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) : ASB3257.

A883258. The Development of selected languaqe variables in two modes of writinq and their relationship to readinq compre- hension in the primary qrades. By Helen r. Heil. Hicrofilm. O Helen P. Heil; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; A883258.

A883259. The Planninq for enerqy and resource recovery from solid waste in the state of New york. By Hilton Bhodes. Hicrofilm. e Hilton Bhodes: 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976): A883259.

A883260. A Tear on the farm with brother Billy. Foster. Appl. au: Billy Giles. Billy Giles: 2Hay77: A883260.

A8e3261. Guidebook to fair employment practices, 1977. 172 p. commerce Clearing House, Inc.; 19JU177; A883261.

A383262. Suideboolt to occupational safety and health. 1977 ed. 432 p. O Commerce clearing Bouse. Inc.; 1Jul77: A883262.

A8e3263. Hark Twain: life as I find it. Edited, with an introd. £ notes, by Charles Neider. 311 p. NH: revisions, edited with an introd. & notes. O Charles Seider; 30Har77: A883263.

A883264. The Sea gull; a comedy in four acts. By Anton Chekhov, a new version by Jean- Claude Van Itallie, commentaries by Hilliam H. Hoffman, Daniel Seltzer, textual notes by Paul Schmidt. 102 p. NH: additional text & revisions. Jean-Claude Van Itallie; 25Hay77: A883261t.

A883265. The Small town in American literature. Edited by David H. Cook e Craig G. Swauqer. 2nd ed. 288 p. e Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc.; 2Jan77: AS8326S.

A883266. The Hay to vibrant health: a manual of bioenergetic exercises. By Alexander Lowen & Leslie Louen, illus. by Ualter Skalecki. 166 p. O Alexander Lowen £ Leslie Lowen: 29Jun77: A883266.

A883267. Pairing and parenthood: an introduction to marriage and the family; instructor's manual. By John Perry £ Erna Perry. 6<t p. Add. ti: Instructor's manual for Pairing and parenthood: an introduction to marriage and the family. John £ Erna Perry; 2Jan77; A883267.

A883268. Basic algebra; instructor's manual. By yirginia Lee. 61 p. Add. ti: Inst- ructor's manual for Basic algebra. Virginia Lee; 15Jun76: A883268. A883269. Becoming professional. By Bue Bucher £ Joan G. stellinq, pref. by Eliot Freidson. 289 p. Sage Publications, Inc.; 9Auq77; A883269.

A883270. Protest and political consciousness. By Alan Harsh, pref. by Samuel H. Barnes. 272 p. Sage Publications, Inc.; 10Auq77; A883270.

A883271. Bevolutionary ideology and Chinese reality: dissonance under Hao. By Paul J. Uiniker, introd. by Ithiel De Sola Pool. 320 p. C Sage Publications, Inc.; 10Auq77: A883271.

A883272. Placement test. Developed by The center for Individualized Instructional Systems. 31 p. (IHS: individualized mathematics system) Appl. au; Educational Systems, Inc. NH: editorial revision 6 new text matter. Ginn and company (Xerox corporation) ; 11lov75; A883272. (Copyriqht claimed until 31Dec78)'

A883273. Heasurement skill booklet, level 1. Geometry skill booklet, level 1. Developed by The Center for Individualized Instructional Systems. 2 v. (IHS: individualized mathematics system) Appl. au: Educational Systems, Inc. NH: editorial revision 6 new text matter. O Ginn and Company (Xerox Corporation): 1NOV75: A883273. (Copyright claimed until 31Dec78)

A88327a. The Faithful princess. Edited by Donald Jay Grout. 208 p. (The Operas of Alessandro Scarlatti, vol. 4) (Harvard publications in music, 9) O The President and Fellows of Harvard College; 1Aoq77: A883274.

A883275. Songbirds in your garden. By John K. Terres, introd. by Edwin Way Teale, illustrated by Hatthew Kalmenoff. 3rd ed. 301 p. e John K. Terres; 15JU177: A883275.

A883276. Peasant chic: a guide to making unique clothing using traditional folk designs. By Esther B. Holderness, photos, by Joan Hadden £ David Honley, drawings by Kaye Sherry Hirsh. 147 p. Esther B. Holderness: 23Jun77; A883276.

A883277. Americans remember the home front: an oral narrative. By Boy Hoopes. 398 p. O Boy Hoopes; 1Auq77: A883277.

A883278. Fortran 4 implementation manual TH-2002, December 1976. 1 v. (Port//8D Fortran 4 compiler for the 8080 microcomputer) Bealistic Controls Corporation: 2Dec76: A883278.

AB03279. Fortran 4 implementation manual, TH-2002A, Barch 1977. Bevision A. 1 v. (Fort//80 Fortran 4 compiler for the 8080 microcomputer) O Bealistic Controls Corporation; 1Mar77; A8B3279.

A8B3280. The Invention of the telescope. By Albert Van Helden. 67 p. (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society held at Philadelphia for promoting useful knowledge, vol. 67, pt. 4, 1977) O The American Philosophical Society: 6Jul77: 4883280.

A883281. The Journal of chemical physics; author and subject index. Vol. 66: January to June 1977. Editor: J. B. Stout E other editors. p. 5833-5920. American Institute of Physics; 18JU177; A8832B1.

AaB3282. Horkbook for Structure and function of the human bbdy. By Buth Lundeen Henmler £ Oena Lin Hood, illustrated by Anthony Bavielli. 199 p. NH: text. J. B. Lippincott Company; 25Apr77; A883282.

A8832e3. Atlas of cell biology. By Jean-Claude Boland, Annette szoelloesi fi Daniel Szoelloesi, translated from the French by Salvatore F. Vitale, with additional material by James D. Jamieson. 117 p. Appl. au: Little, Brown and Company, Inc., employer for hire. Translation of Atlas de bioloqie cellulaire. on translation; Little, Brown and Company, Inc.; 29Apr77; A8832B3.

A8B3284. Test manual to accompany Kimber- Gray-Stackpoie's Anatomy and physiology, seventeentii edition, 1977. By Harjorie A. ailler, Anna B. Drakontides £ Lutie C. Leavell. 246 p. Appl. au: Hacmillan Publishing Company, Inc., employer for hire of contributors. NH: pref. , revisions £ additions. O Hacmillan Publishing Company, Inc.; 25JU177: ABB3284.

AB83285. Enrichment activity masters. Author: Claire Saalbach. 48 p. (Hacmillan mathematics, ser. m, level 1) Appl. au: Hacmillan Publishing Company, Inc., employer for hire. O Hacmillan Publishing Company, Inc.; 16Aug77 (in notice: 1976); AB83285.

A8832S6. Key to Descriptive geometry worksheets,

series A, fourth edition. By E. G. Pare,


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