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A882898 - A882937


JUL-DEC. 1977

1882897 (con.) extended coTeraqe endorsement- Prepared bv American Bar Association* Committee on Property Insurance Law, Section of Insurance, Negligence and Compensation Law. 1115 p. Appl. au: American Bar Association. 3 American Bar Association; 2Aag77; S882897.

A88289S. Detente. Issues series no. 1. 84 p. Based, in part, upon the American Bar Association's Law Professor Horkshop, The Dilemma of detente for an open, free market-oriented society, held at Washington, DC, Bay 13-14, 1976. e American Bar Association: 2Auq77; A882898.

A882899. How to program microcomputers. By Hilliam Barden, Jr. 256 p. 6 Howard K. Sams and Company, Inc.; 1Auq77: A882899.

AB8290a. Heunier Electronic Supply, Inc. catalog. 344 p. Na: revisions e additions. Howard H. Sams and company. Inc.; 14JU177; A882900.

A882901. Sams Photofact CB radio series- Vol. 132, catalog no. CB-132, Aug. 1977. By the Howard 8. Sams and Company, Inc. engineering staff. 128 p. e Howard H. Sams and Company, Inc.; 1Aug77; A882401.

A882902. Sams BOdular hi-fi components. Vol- 98, catalog no. llHF-98. 128 p. MM: compilation 6 additional text. 6 Howard R. Sams and Company, Inc.; 1Aug77: A882902.

A882903. Sams modular hi-fi components. Vol. 99, catalog no. HHF-99. 128 p- NH: compilation £ additional text. 6 Howard B. Sams and Company, Inc.; 1Aug77: A882903.

A8a2904- Sams Photofact tape recorder series. Vol. 191, catalog no- TE-191, Aug. 1977. By the Howard R. Sams and Company, Inc. engineering staff. 128 p. Howard N. Sams and Company, Inc.; 1Auq77; A882904.

&882905- Sams Photofact CB radio series. Vol. 133, catalog no. CB-133, Aug. 1977. By the Howard 8. Sams and Company, Inc. engineering staff. 128 p. e Howard 8. Sams and Company. Inc.; 1Aug77: A88290S.

Aa82906. Sams Photofact CB radio series. Vol. 134, catalog no. CB-134, Aug. 1977. By the Howard 8. Sams and Company, Inc. engineering staff. 128 p. & Howard 8. Sams and Company, Inc.; 1Aug77; A882906.

A882907. Sams Photofact CB radio series. Vol. 135, catalog no. CB-135, Aug. 1977. By the Howard 8. Sams and Company* Inc. enqineerlng staff. 128 p. Howard 8. Sams and Company, Inc.; 1Auq77; A882907.

A832908. Sams Photofact auto radio series- Vol. 246, catalog no. AB-246, Aug. 1977. By the Howard 8. Sams and Company, Inc. engineering staff. 128 p. Howard 8. Sams and Company, Inc.: 1Auq77: A882908.

A382909. Sams Photofact CB radio series. Vol. 131, catalog no. CB-131, Aug. 1977- By the Howard B. Sams and Company, Inc. engineering staff. 128 p. 6 Howard 8. Sams and Company, Inc.; 1Aug77; A882909.

A882910. Sams Photofact CB radio series. Vol. 136, catalog no. CB-136, Aug. 1977. By the Howard 8. Sams and Company, Inc. engineering staff. 128 p. 6 Howard 8. Sams and Company. Inc.; 1Auq77: A882910.

A882911. Bankinq law journal digest. 1977 special bulletin: fiecent developments in bankinq law, by Harold E. Hortimer; 1977 cumulative suppl. to 6th ed., compiled by the editorial staff of the Bankinq Law Journal. 769 p. 6 Barren, Gorham and Lamont, Inc.; 7Feb77: Aa82911.

A882912. Free to all subscribers: Hetro's Fall home improvement section. 18 p. @ Hetro Associated services. Inc.; 28Jul77; A882912.

A882913. Suffolk, SY, telephone directory, 1977-78. 6 Hew York Telephone Company: 29JU177; A882913.

A882914. The Hew York times index. Vol. 65, no. 9, Hay 1-15, 1977- 108 p. The Hew York Times Company; 28Jun77: A882914.

A882915. The Hew York times index. Vol. 65, no. 10, May 16-31, 1977. 100 p. O The New York Times Company; 20Jul77; A882915.

A882916. Hot rod maqazine: Corvette; '53-'77 Corvette buyer's quide. By the editors of Hot rod magazine. 96 p. Add. ti; Hot rod magazine's Corvette. Appl. au: Petersen Publishing Company. @ Petersen Publishinq Company; 4Auq77; A882916.

A882917. Telephoto photography. By Kalton C. Lahue. 80 p. Add. ti: Petersen's Telephoto photoqraphy. Appl. au: Petersen Publishinq Company. & Petersen Publishinq Company: 4Aug77: A882917.

A882918. A Century of service: San Jose's 100 year old business firms, organizations and institutions. Editor: Dick Barrett, sketches by Ed Pranqer. 98 p. Appl. au: San Jose Chamber of Commerce. 6 San Jose Chamber of Commerce; 23Jun77; A882918.

A882919. Your directory of today's hottest new tax deductions. 24 p. 6 Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 25JU177: A882919.

A882920. Introduction to computer programming with the BASIC language- By Harvey B. Deitel- 253 p. Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 27JU177; A882920.

A882921. Blue book supplement, July 29, 1977. 68 p. Q Produce Reporter Company; 29Jul77; A882921.

A882922. Full key list summary, month ending July 29, 1977, week ending August 9, 1977. Beekly charts, week ending August 9, 1977. 2 v. Appl. au: Robert P. Sanna 6 Malvin B. Eoesch. e Quantitative Analysis Service; 11Aug77; A882922.

A882923. Giants 1978 riddle calendar. By Jane Sarnoff e ~Reynold Buff ins. HB: 6 new riddles 6 compilation, a Jane Sarnoff; 18JU177; A882923. Sarnoff e Reynold Guff ins. on illus. ; Reynold Buff ins; 18Jul77; A882924.

A882925. Bhat's up? Teacher's edition. 1 v. (The natural world modules, level 3) Adaptation of Probing the natural world. NB: adaptation. Silver Burdett company: 8JU177; A882925.

A882926. Bho is Lord? Lutheran Hour sermon. By Oswald Hoffmann, presented by The Lutheran Hour. Folder (6 p.) Q International Lutheran Laymen's League; 3Apr77; A882926.

A882927. Save it, lose it; Lutheran Hour sermon. A special dramatic Lutheran Hour Easter proqram with epiloque by Oswald Hoffmann, presented by The Lutheran Hour. Folder (10 p.) International Lutheran Laymen's League; 10Apr77; A882927.

A882928. Life and living; Lutheran Hour sermon. By Oswald Hoffmann, presented by The Lutheran Hour. Polder (6 p.) © In- ternational Lutheran Laymen's League; 17Apr77; A882928.

A882929. Transforming meditation; Lutheran Hour sermon. By Oswald Hoffmann, presented by The Lutheran Hour. Folder (6 p.) Q International Lutheran Laymen's League; 24Apr77; A882929.

A882930. As little children; Lutheran Hour sermon. By Oswald Hoffmann, presented by The Lutheran Hour. Folder (6 p.) e International Lutheran Laymen's League; 1Hay77; A882930.

A882931. Join to praise; Lutheran Hour sermon. By Oswald Hoffmann, presented by The Lutheran Hour. Folder (6 p.) O In- ternational Lutheran Laymen's League; 8aay77; A882931.

A882932. Bhat is Jesus up to now? Lutheran Hour sermon. By Oswald Hoffmann, presented by The Lutheran Hour. Folder (6 p. ) e International Lutheran Laymen's League; 15Hay77; A882932.

A882933. Bhere is your God? Lutheran Hour sermon. By Oswald Hoffmann, presented by The Lutheran Hour. Folder (6 p.) O International Lutheran Laymen's League; 22May77; A882933.

A882934. Spirit-filled people; Lutheran Hour sermon. By Oswald Hoffmann, presented by The Lutheran Hour. Folder (8 p.) e International Lutheran Laymen's League; 29Bay77: A882934-

A882935- Just dying to live; Lutheran Hour sermon. By Oswald Hoffmann, presented by The Lutheran Hour. Folder (6 p. ) O International Lutheran Laymen's League; 5Jun77; A882935.

A8a2936- Uounded; Lutheran Hour sermon- By Oswald Hoffmann, presented by The Lutheran Hour- Folder (6 p-) International Lutheran Laymen's League; 12Jun77; AB82936.

A882937- Kill your only son! Lutheran Hour sermon- By Oswald Hoffmann, presented by

The Lutheran Hour. Folder (8 p. )


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