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A882851 - A882897


JUL-DEC. 1977

A882850 (con.) editorial aotes £ selected biblioqrapfay. H. i. Norton and Conpanf, Inc. ; 18JU177; i882850.

1882851. That Has the Life. By Dora Jane Bamblin. 320 p. MM: text 6 coapilation of pictures. Dora Jane Haablin; 23Hay77: i882851.

1882852. The aenoiES of Arthur Synons: life and art in the 1890's. Edited by Karl Beckson. 284 p. MH: introd., notes* coBpilation & selection of aaterial. O The Pennsylvania state Oniversity; 13aay77: 4882852.

4882853. Black pceachinq: selected secaons in the Presbyterian tradition. Edited by Bobert T. Neuboia. Jr. 179 p. The Geneva Press; 15Jun77: 4882853.

1882854. Historical catastrophes; fires. By ialter S. Broun S Nonan D. 4ndecson. 169 p. on teit; Salter B. Broun C Noraan 0. 4nderson: 15Bar76: 4882854.

4882855. PyqaalioD or Frankenstein? 41tecnatiTe schoolinq in 4Berican education. Edited by John C. Carr, Jean Dresden Graabs & E. G. Caapbell. 230 p. Addison- Hesley Publishinq Coapany* Inc.; 21Jua77; 4882855.

4882856. Inside inforaation: coaputers in fiction. By ibbe Hovsbovitz. 345 p. Nil: additional teJtt S revisions. 4ddison- Hesley Publishinq Coapany, Inc.; 5Jan77; 4882856.

4882857. 4pplied aatheaatical proqraaainq. By Stephen P. Bradley, 4rnoldo C. Bai C Thoaas L. Baqoanti. 716 p. O 4ddiEon- Hesley Publishinq Coapany, Inc.; 6nay77; 4882857.

4882858. 4 Horse like Bister Saqaan. By Bachel Bivers-coffey. 150 p. Bachel Bivers-Coffey; 18Jul77; 4882858.

4882859. 4n 4aerican*s quide to Britain. By Bobin «. Hinks. 382 p. Prev. pub. abroad 5)lay77, 41-16588. Bobin. uinks; 18JU177: 4882859.

4882860. Lanqdon Cheves of South Carolina. By Archie Ternon Buff, Jr. 276 p. 6 Oniversity of South Carolina; 29Jun77; 4682860.

4682861. 200 years of Aaecican architectural dravinq. By David Gebhard e Deborah Nevins, drauiuqs & intent in Aaerican architecture by David Gebhard, coaaen- taries on the dravinqs by Deborah Nevins. 301 p. NO: coapilation, iiith nen text S additional illus. Bhitney Library of Desiqn; 10Jun77: A8828ei.

4682862. Sears list of sub'lect headings. Edited by Barbara Harietta Bestby. 11th ed. 617 p. The B. H. Hilson Coapany; 18Hay77: 4682862.

4682363. Blanchard, Dibble, Neacastle, Bradley, OK. 4uqust 1977. C Sooner State Telephone Coapany: 22Jul77: 4882863.

4882664. Bicknell, Edwardsport, includinq listinqs for Sandborn, IN, 4uqust 1977. O Indiana Telephone Corporation; 19Jal77; 4682664.

4882865. Clarence, 14, includinq listings in 4talissa, Bennett, and others, 4ugust 1977. Add. ti: Tipton, Clarence, lA, August 1977. Onited Telephone Coapany of loHa; 27JU177; A862865.

A662866. Hechanicsville, lA, including listinqs in Atalissa, Bennett, and others, August 1977. Add. ti: Tipton, Hechanicsville, 14, 4uqust 1977. O Onited Telephone coapany of loiia; 27jul77; 4882866.

4882867. De Quincy, Baqley, Starks, L4, telephone directory, 4ugust 1977. O Evangeline Telephone Coapany & Louisiana Hestern Telephone Coapany: 29Jul77: 4662867.

4882668. Grangeville, Greensburg, Hontpelier, pine Grove, L4, telephone directory, August 1977. O Century Telephone Coapany, Inc.; 21JU177; A682868.

A882869. Apache, OK, August 1977. Sooner State Telephone Coapany; 21Jul77: A882869.

A862870. £1 Paso, IL, telephone directory, August 1977. O The Beuben U. Donnelly Cor- poration; 20JU177; 4882870.

4882871. El Paso, IL, classified telephone directory, August 1977. (lith El Paso, IL, telephone directory, August 1977.) The Beuben B. Donnelley Corporation; 20JU177; 4882871.

4882872. 4thens for use at Fulton, HI, telephone directory, 1977-78. aichiqan Bell Telephone Coapany; 25Jal77; 4882872.

4862873. Leiiisville, Bradley, aineral Springs, 4B, and others, 4ugust 1977. ialnut Hill Telephone Coapany; 26Jal77; 4882873.

4882874. Siapson, Eddyville, Bensbaw, IL, and others, 4ugust 1977. Hardin County Telephone Coapany; 22JU177; A882674.

A882675. Atalissa, Bennett, Lisbon, lA, and others, the phone book, August 1977. Onited Telephone Coapany of lova; 27JU177; A662875.

A682876. Flat, Gatesville, Jonesboro, Puraela, Tr, the phone book, August 1977. Gulf States-Dnited Telephone Coapany: 25Jal77; A882876.

4882877. Eaerson, Blooaburq, Doddridge, 4B, and others, August 1977. SouthHest Arkansas Telephone Co-operative, Inc.; 22Jul77; A882877.

4682678. Grant, laperial, Palisade-Hayes Center, NE, and others, August 1977. Central Nebraska Telephone Coapany; 25JU177; A882876.

A882879. Arnold, Callavay, Eddyville, NE, and others, August 1977. O Northeastern Telephone Coapany; 20Jul77: A882879.

A682880. Honon, IN, telephone directory. August 1977 Sonon TElephone Company; 22Jul77; A882880.

A882881. Cedaredge, Eckert, Paonia, CO, and others, August 1977. O Delta Co-Operative Telephone coapany; 19Jul77; A682e81.

A882682. Ackeraan, Chester, BS, telephone directory, August 1977. Ackeraan Telephone Coapany; 20Jnl77; A862882.

A862883. Greenleaf, KS, telephone directory, August 1977. Twin Valley Telephone, Inc.; 19JU177; A882883.

A862664. Luray, Shenandoah, Shenandoah National Park, Stanley, Ik, August 1977. Central Telephone Coapany of Virginia; 22Jul77; A8e2e64.

A882885. Belaond, Alexander, Coulter, 14, and others, 4ugust 1977. O Central Telephone Coapany; 26Jul77; 4882885.

4882886. Saint Paris, OB, and vicinity telephone directory, 4ugust 1977. O Bid-Continent Telephone Corporation; 22Jul77: 4882886. Coolville, Chester, Little Bocking, Beedsville, OH, telephone directory, August 1977. Bid-Continent Telephone corporation: 29Jui77; Ae82667.

4862888. Congerville, Deer Creek, Goodfield, Secor, IL. directory, August 1977. Bid-Continent Telephone Corporation; 19JU177; A882888.

A882889. Beason, Baden, Bartsburg, IL, directory, August 1977. O Bid-Continent Telephone Corporation: 22Jul77: A862889.

A882e90. Clarks Suaait, PA, and nearby coa- aunities, June 1977. The Coaaonveal th Telephone Coapany; 1Jun77; A882890.

A882891. Birdsboro, Green Bills, Borgantown, PA, and others, June 1977. O The Conestoga Telephone and Telegraph Coapany; 1Jun77; A862691.

A882892. Clarks Suaait, PA, and nearby coa- aunities, June 1977. The Coaaonvealth Telephone Coapany; 1Jun77; A862692.

A882893. Bontrose, Tunkhannock, PA, and nearby coBBunities, June 1977. The Coaaon- vealth Telephone Coapany: 1Jun77; A882893.

A882894. Lenisbecry, PA, and nearby coaaunities. Bay 1977. The Levisberry Telephone Coapany; 1Bay77; 4862894.

4882895. Forest City, Clifford, Harford, P4, and others, flay 1977. O The North-Eastern Pennsylvania Telephone Coapany; 1Bay77: 488 289 5.

A882896. Philadelphia, August 1977. The Bell Telephone Coapany of Pennsylvania; 1Auq77; A882896.

4862697. Property insurance annotations — fire and extended coverages; annotations of the

1943 standard fire insurance policy £


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