JUL-DEC. 1977
A871562. Ponca Cit», Marland, OK, telephone directory, June 1977. O Southiiestern Bell Telephone Companv: 7Jan77; A871562.
4871563. Alnena, Norcatur, Norton, Oberlin, KS, telephone directory, June 1977. SouthBestern Bell Telephone COBpany; 6Jun77: A871563.
A87156it. HNI summer hardware sale. 7 p. 6 Hardware Uholesalers, Inc.: 20Jun77 (in notice: 1976): A97156II.
A871565. High scores! — Scholastic Aptitude Test (S.A.T.) preparation workshop and college application counseling. By Eugene Paul Shapiro S Lenore V, Shapiro. 3 p. Eugene Paul Shapiro 6 Lenore V. Shapiro: 20ct75; A871565.
A871566., Series L pulse generator type VVI-aodel 100B: physician's manual- 38 p- & wall chart. Pacesetter Systens, Inc.; 27Jun77: A871566.
A871567. Therapeutic diet. Proi the Departnent of Internal Medicine, Kayo Clinic. 15 p. Appl. au: Bayo Foundation. NM: editorial revision. O Mayo Foundation: 1Jun77: A871567.
A871568. Living with lung cancer; a reference book for people with lung cancer and their families. Written by Barbara G. Con, in collaboration with David T. Carr 6 Bobert E. Lee. illustrated by John H. Desley. 95 p. Appl. au: Hayo Foundation. C Hayo Foundation: 1Jun77: A871568.
A971569. Looking forward; a guidebook for the laryngectomee. By Robert L. Keith, Howard C. Shane, Harvey L. C. coates 6 Kenneth D. aevine. 56 p. Appl. au; Hayo Foundation. Hayo Foundation: 1Jun77: 4871569.
A871570. Parent's guide. Folder. Appl. au; Erwin Gross. @ Educational Beading Aids Corporation (in notice; Educational Beading Aids): «Bar77: A871570.
A87t571. The Library; an open door to adventure, drawers that unlock doors: card catalog skills. Polder. Appl. au: Erwin Gross. O Educational Beading Aids Corporation (in notice: Educational Reading Aids): HIFeb77: A871571.
A871572. Learning can be fun: books are the doorway to the world: parts of a book skills. Folder. Appl. au; Erwin Gross. d Educational Beading Aids Corporation: 10Jan77: A871572.
A871573. Learning is fun: book eiploration; let's blast away the barrier between us and research. Folder. Appl. au; Erwin Gross. Educational Beading Aids Corporation: 10Jan77: A871573.
A8715711. ABC fun book. 17 p. Appl. au: Erwin Gross. C Educational Beading Aids Corporation: 1itFeb77: A87157i(.
A871575. Are you haunted by headaches? By Botruda B. Glover. 29 p. Botruda B. Glover: 2UJun77: A871575. gas, electric and electronic cooking equipment. By Boy Uenshall. 117 p. C Polytechnical Institute; 16Har77; A871576.
S871577. Selections from a Fallewelle hunt diary. By Joan Green Harris. 1 v. O J. Green-Harris: 29Jun77; A871577.
A871578. The Franeless animation kit. 1 v. Appl. au: John J. Livecchi. C John J. Livecchi: 1jul77; A871578.
A871579. Spanish-English airline phrase booklet. 10 p. (9 The Bilingual Institute. Ltd.: 12llay77: A871579.
A871580. Hergert's skin cancer treatment. 2 p- John Louis Hergert; 27Jun77: A871580.
A871581. I ching game rule book. Created & written by Toshio Tamano. 1U p. C Toshio Tamano; 20Jun77: A871581.
A871582. Buehler versamet metallograph by Unitron. Folder (t p.) Buehler, Ltd.; 17Sep75: A971582.
A8715B3. Buehler macromet Eockwell type hardness tester. Folder. 6 Buehler, Ltd.; 11JU175: 4871583.
A871584. Buehler metallographs. 15 p. Buehler, Ltd.: 17Sep75: A871581I.
4871585. Buehler Ecomet polisher/grinder series. Folder. Buehler, Ltd.; 30Jul76: A871585.
A871586. Buehler Handimet abrasive grinders for metallographic specimen preparation. Folder (1 p.) e Buehler, Ltd.; UNov76: A871586.
4871587. Buehler catting, grinding, mounting and polishing supplies. 35 p. Buehler, Ltd.: 30JU176; A871587.
A871588. An Exhibition of the art of Paul Sawyier: organized by Arthur F. Jones for the University of Kentucky 6 held at the Art Gallery, Fine Arts Building, Nov. 7-28, 1976. 1 V. O Arthur F. Jones; 7Kov76: A871588.
4871589. Treatment-custody role conflict in community based correctional workers; causes and effects. By Ronald J. Scott. 158 p. e Ronald J. Scott; 1Jun77: A871589.
A871590. Travel career training. Lesson 2; The Domestic airways. 57 p. O Southeastern Academy. Inc.; 17Jun77: A871590.
A871591. Promotion to senior claim examiner: Law Department. Exam no. 5575, June 23, 1977. U p. Add. ti: Examination for promotion to senior claim examiner. Department of Personnel, City of New York; 23Jun77; A871591.
A871592. Promotion to senior claim examiner; Office of the Comptroller. Exam no. 5575, June 23, 1977. 5 p. Add. ti; Examination for promotion to senior claim examiner. Department of personnel. City of New York; 23Jun77; A871592.
A871593. Promotion to supervising claim examiner; Office of the Comptroller. Exam no. 5605, June 23, 1977. 6 p. Add. ti: Examination for promotion to supervising claim examiner. Department of Personnel, City of New York; 23Jun77; A871593.
A871594. Promotion to supervising claim examiner; New York City Transit Authority. Exam no. 5605. June 23, 1977. 5 p. Add. ti; Examination for promotion to supervising claim examiner. Department of Personnel, City of New York; 23Jun77; A871594.
A871595. Promotion to supervising claim examiner: Law Department. Exam no. 5605, June 2J, 1977. It p. Add. ti; Examination for promotion to supervising claim examiner. O Department of Personnel, City of New York; 23Jun77; A871595.
A871596. Promotion to senior claim examiner; New York City Transit Authority. Exam no. 5575, June 23, 1977. 5 p. Add. ti: Examination for promotion to senior claim examiner. O Department of Personnel, City of Sew York: 23Jun77; A871596.
A871597. Catalog of chiropractic techniques. 1977: an overview of current chiropractic methods by 29 authors. Edited by Peter u. Kfoury. 119 p. O Peter «. Kfoury: 29Jun77: 4871597.
A871598. It's more than numbers. Developed C written by Janice Lee Hugo. 1 v. 6 sheets. Janice Lee Hugo; 16Jun77; A871598.
A871599. A Cost-allocation system for small and medium-size counties- By Norman Ualzer. 66 p. The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois; 13Jun77; A671599.
A871600. Supplementary word-cell activities, duplicating masters to accompany: An Introductory course in word-cell study. By Remo J. Boffardi. sheets in envelope. Add. ti: "Supplementary word-cell activities" to accompany the text "An Introductory course in word-cell study." 6 Educational Hord-Cell Programs. Inc.; 1Feb77; 4871600.
A871601. Dream journal. Designed by Janice Faye Baylis. 1 V. Janice Baylis; 12May77; A871601.
A871602. Outline of a course: Street-and- labor-journalism in New Orleans as seen and done by Baiter Rogers and Elizabeth Cousins Bogers, 1942 through 1976. 12 p. Appl. au: Halter Bogers 6 Elizabeth Cousins Bogers. Halter Rogers 6 Elizabeth Cousins Rogers; tJan77; A871602.
A871603. Take-off topics, the Diet workshop. June 1977. 3 V. 6 sheets (« p.) The Diet Workshop, Inc.; 1Jun77; A871603.
A871604. The Diet workshop staff package, June 1977. 2 V- C The Diet Workshop, Inc.;
10Jun77: A87160H.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.