JUL-DEC. 1977
A882730 (con.) Nachinerv Conmlttee. 79 p. (Technical and research code C-2) &ppl. au: The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Enqineers. C The Society of Haval Architects and Harine Engineers; 1Feb74 ; A682730. (Reprint copies, Jan. 1976, deposited)
A882731. Salespromotion concept directed at radio station and T.V. networks. 1 p. Appl. au: Thonas fi. S. Cram. 6 Thomas £. S. Cram; 17Feb77; A882731.
A882732. The Dalles visitor. Vol. 5, 1973, summer. Editor: Helen H. ihite, assistant editors: Gilbert T. Rhite 6 Brace B. Bhite. 16 p. Minnesota Heritage Enterprises, Inc.; iajun73: A882732.
&882733. Poems et cetera, 1917-1975. By Betty Rilliams. 26 p. C Carlton Hilliams G Christian Hilliams; 5Jal77; 4882733.
A88273it. Procurement guality control: a handbook of recommended practices. By Vendor- Vendee Technical Committee. 2nd ed. 71 p. Appl. au: D. I. Field, A. L. Rilson & E. i. Ellis. American Society for Quality Control; 1Jun76; A882734.
AB82735. Montana in maps, 1974. By Robert L. Taylor, Milton J. Edie 6 Charles P. Gritzner, cartographic assistants: fiobert Bellandi. Nark Leighton E Hark McElaain. 76 p. Portions prev. pub. 1962 in Montana in maps. NM: 3/4 new material. Endowment and sesearch Foundation at Montana state Oniversity; 17Dec7'»; A882735.
A882736. Quoaz — is it a guote or a hoax? 5 p- Appl. au: Arno Selco 8 Boland Edwin Larson. 6 Arno Selco & Roland Edwin Larson (in notice: Selco-Larson) ; 13Jun77: A882736.
A882737. Historical portraits of Riverside County. Edited by John B. Brumgardt. 64 p. Riverside County Historical Commission; 8Jul77; A882737.
A882738. Techer, techer, let me ring the bell. By Mae Hiddleton Struthers. 91 p. e Mae M. Struthers; 15Nov75; A882738.
A882739. The Song. By Calvin Miller. 168 p. 6 Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship of the United States of America; 10Jun77; A882739.
A882740. Prescott yesteryears. Researched & written by Melissa B. Heiner. 44 p. NH: additions G revisions. Q Melissa B. Seiner: 1Jul77; A882740.
A882741. Tit for tat. By Rama Priester. 207 p. e Rama Priester; 180ct76: A882741.
A882742. Bunting magnetic printing cylinders. 7 p. Appl. au: Halter F. Bunting. 6 Bunting Magnetics Company; 1Jnl77; A882742.
A882743. Residents Beferral Service, Inc. 6 p. 6 Resident's Beferral Service, Inc.; 21JU177: A882743.
AB82744. Pro car beauty the professional way. Burford's car beauty the Pro way. Catalog S-200. Folder. BH: abridgment 6 revisions. Q Burford Auto Finishes; 24Jun77; A882744.
A882745. Lecture guide for Accounting principles 2. By Rudolph Malandro & Henri Fusker. 1 V. BM: revision C updating. Rudolph Malandro e, Henri Pusker; ejul77; A882745.
A882746. Hooray for creative writing! Written by Thomas Hayne Davis & Patricia Ann Kienzle. 60 p. e Thomas H. Davis & Patricia A. Kienzle; 20Jul77; A882746.
A882747. Principles of clinical philosophy: supplement. By Peter Koestenbaum. 1 v. Peter Koestenbaum; 5Jul77; A882747.
&882748. Byron Molds doll pattern: Ruthie. Pattern no. DP- 15, dress pattern, pattern 6 instructions by Shirley Augustine. Kit. Prev. reg. A660927. DM: additions e revisions. Shirley Augustine; 27Jun75 (in notice: 1974) ; A882748.
A882749. Byron Molds doll pattern: Pouty K[ non-printable data ]B- 11 4. Pattern no. DP-6, dress pattern. Pattern 6 ins- tructions by Shirley Augustine. Kit. Prev. reg. A660921. NM: additions & revisions. 3 Shirley Augustine; 27Jun75 (in notice: 1974) ; A882749.
A882750. Byron Molds doll pattern; K( non- printable data ]R- 117. Pattern no. DP-8, dress pattern. Pattern & instructions by Shirley Augustine. Kit. Prev. reg. A660922. MM: additions e revisions, e Shirley Augustine; 27Jun75 (in notice: 1974): A882750.
A882751. Byron Molds doll pattern: Large Soogly. Pattern no- DP-3, dress pattern. Pattern & instructions by Shirley Augustine. Kit. Prev. reg. A660929. HM: additions & revisions. Shirley Augustine; 27Jun75 (in notice; 1974) ; &882751.
A882752. Byron Molds doll pattern: Googly Annie. Pattern no. DP-12, dress pattern. Pattern e instructions by Shirley Augustine. Kit. Prev. reg. A660920. KM: additions £ revisions. 3 Shirley Augustine; 27Jun75 (in notice: 1974) ; A882752.
A882753. Byron Molds doll pattern: Joyce. Pattern no. DP-13, dress pattern. Pattern 6 instructions by Shirley Augustine. Kit. Prev. reg. A660925. NM: additions e revisions. O Shirley Augustine; 27Jun75 (in notice: 1974); A882753.
A882754. Byron Molds doll pattern: Billy. Pattern no. DP- 14. Pattern 6 instructions by Shirley Augustine. Kit. Prev. reg. A660926. HM: additions 6 revisions. 3 Shirley Augustine; 27Jun75 (in notice: 1974) ; A882754.
A882755. Byron Molds doll pattern: small Bye-lo Baby. Pattern no. DP-10, dress pattern. Pattern 8 instructions by Shirley Augustine. Kit. Prev. reg. A660924. KM: additions G^r^visions. 3 Shirley Augustine; 27Jun75 (in notice: 1974); A882755.
A882756. Byron Holds doll pattern: large Bye-lo Baby. Pattern no. DP-9, dress pattern. Pattern 8 instructions by Shirley Augustine. Kit. Prev. reg. A660923. NM: additions 6 revisions. 3 Shirley Augustine; 27Jun75 (in notice: 1974) ; A882756.
A882757. Byron Molds doll pattern: my dream baby (Armand Marseille) Pattern no. DP- 11, dress pattern. Pattern 8 instructions by Shirley Augustine. Kit. Prev. reg. A660919. NM: additions £ revisions. 6 Shirley Augustine; 27Jun75 (in notice: 1974); A882757.
A882758. Byron Molds doll pattern: Steiner bride. Pattern no. DP-5, dress pattern. Pattern 8 instructions by Shirley Augustine. Kit. Prev. reg. A660930. NM: additions 8 revisions. 3 Shirley Augustine; 27Jun75 (in notice: 1974) ; A882758.
A882759. Byron Molds doll pattern: Laughing Jumeau. Pattern no. DP-2, dress pattern. Pattern 8 instructions by Shirley Augustine. Kit. Prev. reg. A656383. NM: additions 8 revisions. 3 Shirley Augustine; 27Jun75 (in notice: 1974) ; A882759.
A882760. Byron Holds doll pattern: Schoenhut. Pattern no. DP-4, dress pattern. Pattern 8 instructions by Shirley Augustine. Kit. Prev. reg. A660928. NM: additions 8 revisions. 3 Shirley Augustine; 27Jun75 (in notice: 1974) ; A882760.
A882761. Mortgage loan servicing; a corres- pondence course, student manual. 165 p. NM: editorial revision. 3 The Institute of Financial Education; 1Jul77; A882761.
A882762. Savings association operations; self-guiz answer key. 7 p. NH: editorial revision. 3 The Institute of Financial Education; 1Jul77; A882762.
A882763. Savings association operations; instructor's mcinual. 179 p. NM: editorial revision. 8 The Institute of Financial Education; 1Jul77; A882763.
A882764. Computer simulation of solidification of a casting with a chill; research report. 6 p. 6 American Foundryaen's Society, Inc.; 1Jun77; A882764.
A882765. Squiggles. 8 p. Abi Arts, Inc.; 19May77; A882765.
4882766. Notes from underground: an architect's view of BART. By Howard E. Grant. 71 p. 3 Beid and Tarics Associates, Inc.; 11NOV76; A882766.
A882767. Basic guidelines for executive protection. 44 p. Appl. au: Herman Elroy Rilliams 8 Baymond Earl Pezolt. 3 Rilliams and Associates Security Consultants; 10Jul77; A882767.
4882768. Long term investigations to develop methods and techniques for reducing Loran-C position errors caused by propagation. CBPLi report 77-4, Hay 1, 1977. Report for Sperry Systems management by J. R. Johler. 37 p. e CBPLi; 15Jun77; A882768.
The Core content review of family medicine. Bonus review no. 6: answers 8
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