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A882U75 - A882515


JUL-DEC. 1977

A8B2475. On the iron law of interest rate restrictions: aqricaltiiral credit policies in Costa Bica and in other less developed countries. By Claudio Gonzalez- Vega. Microfilm. C claudio Gonzalez-Vega; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976ยป; A882475.

A882't76. Vascular reactivity in the doca hypertensive pig. By Kathleen Helen Berecek. Bicrofilja. S Kathleen Helen Berecek; 15Jul77; A88247e.

A882477. Class and conservatism: the changing social structure of the Gernan right, 1900-19 2 8. By Charles Bobert Bacheller. HicrofilB. e Charles Bobert Bacheller; 15JU177: A882477.

A882U78. The Econoaics of the market for human blood. By Douglas Earle Hough. HicrofilD. e Douglas Earle Hough; 15JU177: A882478.

A882479. International politics, economic development and social change in Trabzon in the nineteenth century. By A. Oner Turgay. Microfilm, e A. Oner lurgay; 15JU177; A882479.

A882480. Studies on the membrane bound fla- voenzyme, reduced triphospho-pyridine nucleotide cytochrome C ojcidoreductase. By Jerry John Zimmerman. Microfilm, O Jerry John Zimmerman; 15Jul77; A882'180.

A882II81. The Application of rules in simple mathematical systems. By Sylvia Cada Auton. Microfilm, e Sylvia Cada Auton; 15J0177 (in notice: 1976); A882481.

A882482. Microaave conditioning of durum and UBS wheat in a closed system. By Heil Curtis Doty. Microfilm. Heil Curtis Doty; 15JU177: A882482.

A8824B3. Interagency linkage between North Carolina's agricultural extension service and community college system. By Maurice Freeman Cole. Microfilm. O Maurice Freeman Cole; 15Jul77; A882483.

A8824B4. Differentiation of rehabilitation needs and outcomes in alcoholics. By Larry Stephen Hart. Microfilm. Larry Stephen Hart; 15Jul77: A882484.

A882485. An Observational study of the pre-main sequence Herbig Ae/Be stars. By loring Hilliken Garrison, Jr. Microfilm. e Loring Hilliken Garrison, Jr.; 15Jul77; A882485.

A88248e. Hegulation of a non-renewable resource: the case of natural gas. By Oliver Scott Goldsmith. Microfilm. Oliver Scott Goldsmith: 15JU177: A882486.

A882487. The visual arts experience of the retired aging. By Gregory Craig Johnson. Microfilm. C Gregory Craig Johnson; 15JU177; A882487.

A882488. Milwaukee: an ecological analysis, 1940-1970. By Philip Howard Kuhn. Microfilm. C Philip Howard Kuhn: 15JU177; 4882488.

A8824B9. Aspects of market structure in the O.S. television industry, 1959-1972. By Timothy Lee Larson. Microfilm. Timothy Lee Larson; 15Jul77: A882489.

A882490. The second American revolution: South Carolina politics, society and secession, 1776-1860. By Kenneth S. Greenberg. Microfilm, e Kenneth S. Greenberg; 15Jul77; A882490.

A882491. The Effect of rhythmic subdivision activity upon rhythmic performance skills of subjects in high school mixed choirs. By James Edward Major. Microfilm, e James Edward Major; 15Jul77; A882491.

A882492. A. I. Koshelev and the emancipation of the Bussian serfs, 1847-1862. By Steven James Coffey. Microfilm, e Steven James Coffey; 15Jul77: A882492.

A882493. fielative effectiveness of assertive skill training and desensitization for high and low anxiety women. By Janice Mae DeLange. Microfilm. 6 Janice Mae DeLange; 15Jul77: A882493.

A882494. Formal themes in medieval Chinese and modern Bestern literary theory: mimesis, intertextuality, f igurativeness and foregrounding. By Hilliam Craig Fisk. Microfilm, e Billiam Craig Fisk; 15JU177; A882494.

A882495. Empirical tests of dual labor market theory and hedonic measures of occu- pational attainment. By Marc Philip Freiman. Microfilm. O Marc Philip Freiman; 15Jul77; A882495.

A882496. The fielationship of education and other variables to net farm income, non-land farm investment and desire to continue farming of small farmers in Hisconsln and North Carolina. By Abdien Mohammed Ali. Microfilm. Abdien Mohammed Ali; 15JU177; A882496.

A882497. Prehistoric utilization of the environment of the eastern slopes of the Guadalupe Mountains, southeastern New Mexico. By Susan Marjorie Applegarth. Microfilm. Susan Marjorie Applegarth: 15JU177; A882497.

A882498. A Comparative study of computational reguirements for solution of diakoptic eguations. By Mohammad Bahari-Kashani. Microfilm. Mohammad Bahari-Kashani; 1SJU177: A882498.

A882499. Spacings. By Guido Enrique Del Pino. Microfilm. Q Guido Enrique Del Pino; 15JU177; A882499.

A882500. The Feasibility of integrating environmental management concepts into BSCS-yellow version. By Camillus Paul Frigo. Microfilm. 6 Camillas Paul Frigo; 15JU177; A882500.

A882501. Recovery of middle components of human auditory averaged electroencephalic response. By Michael Clark vivion. Microfilm, e Michael Clark Vivion; 15JU177; A882501.

A882502 "All flesh is frayle": human nature and the limits of social action in book 6 of the Faerie Queene. By Thomas Baker Hambury- Microfilm. O Thomas Baker Hamburyj 1SJul77: A882502.

A882503. The Development and validation of an instrument to assess teacher invitations and teacher effectiveness as reported by students in a technical and general post-secondary educational setting. By Sandra Cheldelin Inglis. Microfilm. Sandra cheldelin Inglis; 15Jul77; A882503.

A882504. Prediction of adjustment to prison. By iilliam Allen Stewart. Microfilm. e Hilliam Allen Stewart; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); 4882504.

A882505. New musical notation: a bibliography. Delta for wind ensemble; original composition. By James Hugh Fry. Microfilm. Add. ti: New musical notation: a bibliography, and Delta for wind ensemble (original composition) 6 James Hugh Fry; 15Jul77; A882505.

A882506. Impartial fulfillment; a three- movement work for orchestra, analysis only. By Chester Linwood Mais. Microfilm. O Chester Linwood Mais; 15Jul77; A882506.

A882507. Taos Pueblo: a walk through time; a visitor's guide to the Pueblo, its people and their customs and their long history. By John J. Bodine, photos, made by Don Blair. 48 p. NM: text. John J. Bodine; 30Jul77; A882507.

AS82508. Homegrown sundwellings. By Peter Van Dresser. 135 p. O Peter Van Dresser; 21Jun77; A882508.

A882509. No place to run. By Barbara Beasley Murphy. 176 p. Barbara Beasley Murphy; 27Jun77; A882509.

A882510. How to unlock the power of your mind with hypnosis and explore the riddle of reincarnation. By George Parker 6 Henri Bolduc. 267 p. Add. ti: Bypnosis/- reincarnation. Henri Bolduc; 9Aug77: A882510.

A882511. Charles Ammi Cutter: library syste- matizer. Edited by Francis L. Miksa, reprints of writings by Charles Ammi Cutter 6 new original material by Francis L. Miksa. 344 p. (The Heritage of librarianship series, no. 3) MM: new text. Libraries Dnlimited, Inc.; 1Jul77; A882511.

A882512. Licking County, OH, rural directory, 1976. O Bobinson Directories, Inc. ; 13Jun77; A882512.

A8e2513. Fayette County, OH, directory, 1977. 6 Bobinson Directories, Inc. ; 8Aug77; A882513.

A882S14. General lashington's headquarters, 1775-1783. By Dorothy Troth Muir. 79 p. Q Troy State Dniversity Press; 1Apr77; A832514.

A882515. Bank accounting program package for loans including club accounts and

reconciliation. Printout 6 magnetic tape.


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