JUL-DEC. 1977
A882434 (con.) Laurence Frederic Gross. Hicrofila. O Laurence Frederic Gross; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); »8e243a.
&882lt35. Haraaatanqa: ideoloqy and social process aaonq tlie Haori of New Zealand. By Karen Phyllis Sinclair. Hicrofilm. O Karen Phyllis Sinclair; 15Jul77: »882a35.
A882X36. The Hetaphor of spectacle as an interpretive Bodel in narrative cineaa. By Harqo Law Kasdan. Hicrofila. Hacqo Laii Kasdan; 15Jul77; i882i436.
i882»37. & Seai-foraal explication of Talcott Parson's qeneral theory of action and evolutionary perspective. By Adrian Cecil Hayes. Hicrofilm. O Adrian Cecil Hayes; 15JU177: A882437.
A882it38. Artists* video: the first ten years. By Johanna Branson Gill, aicrofila. Johanna Branson Gill; 15Jul77; A882tl38.
A882l»39. Constraints on sentence coaplexity: a Model for syntactic processinq. By Elizabeth Ann Coaper. Hicrofila. Elizabeth Ann Conper; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); A882439.
A882<li«0. The Diary novel and contemporary fiction: studies in Haz Frisch, nichel Butor, and Doris Lessinq. By Lorna Martens. Hicrofila. 6 Lorna nartens; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); A882a40.
A862I(1I1. The laaobility of the self in the art of Edouard Hanet: a study with special eaphasis on the relationship of his iaaqery to that of Gustave Flaubert and Stephane nallarae. By Paul Abe Isaacs. Hicrofila. C Paul Abe Isaacs; 15Jul77: A882II41.
A882i|lt2. Between city and suburb: architecture and planning in Boston's South End. By Harqacet Supplee Saith. Hicrofila. Harqaret Supplee Smith; 15Jul77; Ae82l»it2.
A882ltl(3. Analytical and experiaental inves- tiqation of pressure-shear waves in solids. By Ahaed Saied Abou-Sayed. Hicrofila. Ahaed Saied Abou-Sayed; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); A882it«3.
A882ltl4lt. Perception of women's roles in Thomas Hardy's novels. By E. Susanne Bichert. Hicrofilm. E. Susanne Bichert: 15Jul77; A882»'t'l.
A882l«US. Husical activity in Ferrara, 1598 to 1618. By Harriet Apperson FranJilin. Hicrofilm. Appl. states all new except musical examples. Harriet Apperson Franklin: 1SJul77 (in notice: 1976): AB82l|lt5.
A882'tl|6. Members of the Essex Bebellion of 1601. By Hary Helen Fernald. Hicrofilm. O Hary Belen Fernald; 1SJul77; A8e2Uil6.
A8821I47. Societal reaction to crime: a study of public reactions toward punishment of offenders who commit burglary. By Martha Lucile Bodqers. Hicrofila. Hartha Lucile Eodqers; 15Jul77; A882a«7.
A8824U8. The Poetry of Thomas aerton; an introduction. By Gail fiaashaw Schmidt. Hicrofila. O Gail Baashaw Schmidt; 15Jul77; A882lll«8.
A88241I9. The Gap between expectations and performance; an exploration of American foreign aid to Brazil, Iran and Pakistan, 1950-1970. By John Lewis Seitz. Microfilm. O John Lewis Seitz; 15Jul77; A882lt«9.
A882«S0. An Unexplored chapter in recent English history: distributism and the Distributist Leaque. By John Michael Thorn. Hicrofilm. O John Michael Thorn; 15JU177; A882450.
A8824S1. Field-dependence in school-refusing children. By Jesse Bernard Levine. Hicrofilm. C Jesse Bernard Levine; 15JU177; A882451.
A8824S2. Eric Sevareid: the making and the art of a television news analyst. By Elsie Harie Patterson. Hicrofilm. Elsie Harie Patterson; 15JQ177; A882it52.
A8e2<453. A Climatic chronology for Africa: synthesis of geological, historical and aeteorological information and data. By Sharon Elaine Nicholson. Microfilm. O Sharon Elaine Nicholson; 1SJul77; 4882453.
4882454. The Horld inside: inquiry into the meaning of closed structures in lite- rature. By fiuth Martin Olasted. Microfilm. O Buth Martin Olmsted; 15Jal77; 4882454.
4882455. Trends in disorders, disruptions and criaes in public secondary schools: 1950 to 1975. By Bobert J. Bubel. Hicrofila. Eobert J. Bubel; 15Jul77: A882455.
A88245e. Implementation of ambiguous legislative language: title 1 of the Elementary and secondary education act. By Floyd Eugene Stoner. Hicrofila. Floyd Eugene Stoner: 15Jul77; A882456.
A882457. Tort law: negligence and liability in physical education with reference to higher education. By Duane L. Strealau. Hicrofila. Duane L. Strealau; 15Jul77; A882457.
4882458. Buddhist wisdom and its expression as art: the dharma of the Zen aaster Takuan. By Dennis Eugene Lishka. Hicrofila. O Dennis Eugene Lishka; 15Jul77: A8824SB.
4882459. Aabivalence in Hesiod and its rela- tionship to feminine deities. By Patricia Ann Marguardt. Hicrofila. Patricia Ann Marquardt; 15Jul77; A882459.
4882460. Acquisition of the consumer role by adolescents. By George Parthenios aoschis. Hicrofila. O George Parthenios Hoschis; 15JU177; 4882460.
A882461. Concomitants of orientations to active political dissension. By Douglas Carlyle Nilson, Jr. Hicrofilm. Douglas Carlyle Nilson, Jr.; 15Jul77; A882461.
4882462. The Politics of ritual control aaong the Bashu of eastern Zaire during the 19th century. By Bandall Hatthews Packard. Microfilm. O Bandall Matthews Packard; 15JU177; A882462.
4882463. The Impact of environmental change on fluvial systems: Kickapoo Biver, Hisconsin. By Uilliam Charles Johnson. Hicrofila. William Charles Johnson; 15JU177; A882463.
4882464. Post-glacial histoiy of vegetation and cliaate in the forest- tundra transition zone Dubawnt Lake region. Northwest Territories, Canada. By Paul Allan Kay. Hicrofila. Paul Allan Kay; 15Jul77; 4882464.
4882465. Hajor General J. Franklin Bell and military reform: the Chief of Staff years, 1906-1910. By Edgar Frank Baines, Jr. Hicrofilm. Edgar Frank Baines, Jr.; t5Jul77; 4882465.
4882466. 4n Investigation of the interactive effects of gonadal hormones and lesions of the ventromedial hypothalamus on the regulation of body weight, food intake and carcass composition in rats. By Joseph William Kemnitz. Microfilm. O Joseph William Kemnitz: 15Jul77: 4882466.
4882467. 4 Strategy for the optimum design of acoustic space. By Donald Eugene Baxa. Hicrofilm. Donald Eugene Baxa; 15JU177; 4882467.
4882468. The Sri Hinaksi Sundaresvarar Temple: worship and endowments in South India, 1833 to 1925. By Carol 4ppadurai Breckencidge. Microfilm. Carol Appadurai Breckenridge ; 15Jul77; A88246e.
4882469. Bole of fetuses, placentas, uterus and ovaries in maintenance and teraination of late pregnancy in swine and rabbits. By Obiekwe Chiboka. Hicrofila. O Obiekwe Chiboka; 15Jul77; 4862469.
4882470. Nietzsche's attack on aorality. By Haudeaarie Clark. Microfilm. Hau- deaarie Clark; 15Jul77; 4882470.
4882471. Cognitive abilities test score patterns for possible utilization in identifying children with learning disabilities. By Joe Harrison Lanier. Hicrofilm. Joe Harrison Lanier; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976): 4882471.
4882472. Biographies of selected leaders in tap dance. By Ollie Mae Bay. Microfilm. O Ollie Mae Bay; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); A882472.
A882473. Irving Fisher's monetary theory: an evaluation. By Keith Craig Carpenter. Hicrofilm. Add. ti: Irving Fisher's monetary theory and evaluation. Keith Craig Carpenter; 15Jul77; 4882473.
4882474. The Eaployment and earnings incidence of the regulation of air pollution: a policy evaluation model. By Kevin Maurice Bollenbeck. Microfilm. Kevin Maurice
Hollenbeck; 15Jul77; 4882474.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.