A882393 - A88243t
JUL-DEC. 1977
S882393. The ases and effects of violence in the fiction and drama of James Baldwin. By Lester Allen Fisher, tllcrofiliu. S Lester Allen Fisher; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; Aa82393.
A882394. R. Eleazar b. Azariah: traditions in Babbinic literature. By Izvee Zahavy. HicrofilD. e Tzvee Zahavy; 15Jul77; Aa82394.
A882395. Information theory and the ethnography of television news. By John Ellison Kelly. Microfilm, e John Ellison Kelly: 15JU177: A882395.
4882396. Drastic social change of a closed community: a study of a religions community that underwent change as a result of Vatican Council 2. By Sister Mary Phyllis McCarthy. Microfilm. O Sister Mary Phyllis McCarthy; 15Jul77; A882396.
A882397. Aspects of trade in many goods and in intermediate products. By Billiam Der. Microfilm. 6 Billiam Der; 1SJul77 (in notice: 1976): A8a2397.
A882398. Geometrical and topological formulation of local gauge and supergauge theories. By Kenneth Ivor Macrae. Microfilm. O Kenneth Ivor Macrae: 15Jul77; A882398.
A882399. An Investigation of the role of the surface In the mechanical behavior of polycrystalline titanium. By Elaine Irene Savage. Microfilm. 9 Elaine Irene Savage: 15Jul77; A882399.
A882i(00. yincenzo Cartari and his works; translation and mythography In sixteenth century Italy. By Susan Roberta McDaniel. Microfilm. 6 Susan Roberta McDaniel; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); A882'100.
A882«01. Public sector wage determination: a democratic theory of economics. By Bernard Frederic Lentz. Microfilm. Bernard Frederic Lentz; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); A882i»01.
A882tl02. External diseguilibrium and growth without development: the import sub- stitution model: the Mexican experience (1929-1975) By Rene Patricio Villarrcal Arrambide. Microfilm. 6 Bene Patricio Villarreal Arrambide; 15Jul77; A8821102.
A882it03. The Raging impotence: humor in the novels of Oostoevsky, Faulkner and Beckett. By Assunta Sarnacchiaro Pisani. Microfilm. S Assunta Sarnacchiaro Pisani: 15JU177; A882I403.
A882il0it. Administrative intensity in the manufacturing industry of the post war Dnited States: a longitudinal analysis. By Michael Robert Smith. Microfilm. e Michael Robert Smith; 15Jul77; A882IiaU.
A882'(05. Shaping Republican strategy: political change in New York State, 1893-1910. Vol. 1-2. By Richard Levis Mccormick. Microfilm. 3 Richard Levis Mccormick; 15JU177: A882H0S.
de Joachim Da Bellay: critique. By Naomi Fischer. Microfilm. a Naomi Fischer; 15Jul77; A882it06.
A882l»07. A Light in the dark place: the Hawthorne-Barren relationship. By Peter Jan Bitteveld. Microfilm, e Peter Jan Hitteveld; 15Jul77; 4882407.
A882408. The Protoapennine ceramic tradition of Buccino, the early bronze age village of lufariello. By Susan Snow Lukesh. Microfilm, e Susan Snow Lukesh; 15Jul77; A8821(08.
4882409. Chinese law in transition: the late Ch'ing law reform, 1901-1911. By Joseph Kai Huan Cheng. Microfilm. 6 Joseph Kai auan Cheng; 15Jul77; A882409.
4882410. The De partu wirginis of Paschasius fiadbertus: critical edition and monog- raphic study. By Edith Ann Matter. Microfilm. NM: introd. S notes. Edith Ann Matter; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; A882410.
A882411. Improving co-ordination in the Federal grant system: three alternative models. By William Ellsworth Hudson. Microfilm. @ Uilliam Ellsworth Hudson: 15Jal77: A882411.
4882412. In the name of God and of profit: the pilgrimage industry in southern France in the late Middle Ages. By Esther Cohen. Microfilm. Esther Cohen; 15jul77 (in notice: 1976); A882412.
4882413. Optimal control of bilinear systems with some aerospace applications. By Kuang-chung Roderick Hei. Microfilm. & Kuang-chung Roderick Hei; 15Jul77; 4882413.
4882414. Compensatory renal growth in the bird, reptile, and amphibian. By Charles Joseph Hammarstrom, Jr. Microfilm. Charles Joseph Hammarstrom, Jr.; 15Jul77; 4882414.
4882415. Roads of excess: towards a poetics of visionary writing: Blake. Burroughs, Lautreamont, Hichaux. By Stephen Hilliam Coon. Microfilm. O Stephen Hilliam Coon; 15JU177; 4882415.
4882416. Community control, community mobi- lization, and community structure: a comparative causal analysis of the demand for community control. By Pamela Irving Jackson. Microfilm. O Pamela Irving Jackson; 15Jul77; 4882416.
A882417. Action writing: a study of selected works of twentieth-century drama, fiction and film whose theme is the examination of their own processes. By Mary-Low Taylor Schenck. Microfilm. O Mary-Low Taylor Schenck; 15Jal77: A882417.
A882418. Patterns of use of the Visiting Nurse Association of New Haven. By Susan T. Reisine. Microfilm. O Susan T. Seisine; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); A882418.
A882419. Thomas Hudson (1701-1779): portraitist to the British establishment. Vol. 1-2. By Ellen Gross Miles. Microfilm. Ellen Gross Miles; 15Jul77; A882419.
A882420.. Individual essences. By Gary Sol Rosenkrantz. Microfilm. Gary Sol Bosenkrantz; 15Jul77; A882420.
A882421. The Concept of jeu in the novels of Jean Genet. By Jaclyn Rose Veneroso. Microfilm. © Jaclyn Rose Veneroso; 15JU177; A882421.
A882422. A Semantic re-examination of aspect and manner of action in Russian. By Michael Kevin Bourke. Microfilm. 6 Michael Kevin Bourke; 15JU177; A882422.
A882423. The Design of Milton's world: nature and the fall in Christian Genesis commentary and Paradise lost. By Ellen Goodman. Microfilm. Ellen Goodman; 1SJul77; A882423.
A882424. Hhite settlers, black rebels: Jamaica in the era of the first Maroon war, 1655-1738. By Rhett S. Jones. Microfilm. e Rhett S. Jones; 15Jul77; A882424.
A882425. Multiplicity of styles in the Guzman De Alfarache. By Diana Patton Grippen. Microfilm. 3 Diana Patton Grippen; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); A88242S.
A882426. A Study of Lorenzo De Medici's villa at Poggio a Caiano. Vol. 1-3. By Philip Ellis Foster. Microfilm. 6 Philip Ellis Foster; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1974) ; A882426.
A882427. Dialectics of police reform: a case study of planned change in the New York City Police Department. By Thomas John Dimieri. Microfilm. Q Thomas John Dimieri; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); A882427.
A882428. Portraits of the self in Henry James's Autobiography and Vladimir Nabokov's Speak, memory. By Carol Thayer Holly. Microfilm, e Carol Thayer Holly; 15JU177; 4882428.
4882429. The Primitivist impulse in the poetic vision of Baudelaire and Senghor. By 41fred Joseph Guillaume, Jr. Microfilm. 3 41fred Joseph Guillaume, Jr.; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4882429.
A882430. Structural innovation in L' Education sentimentale and Middlemarch: their guest patterns and background strategies compared to those used by Balzac and Dickens. By Joel Stewart Simpson. Microfilm. Joel Stewart Simpson; 15JU177; A882430.
A882431. Formation of dimers in free jets. By Naisin Lee. Microfilm. O Naisin Lee; 15JU177; A882431.
A882432. High speed motion neutron radiography. By Richard Henry Bossi. Microfilm, e Bichard Henry Bossi; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); A882432.
4882433. The Man is his art: the aesthetic theories of Henry Miller. By Linda Joyce Lehrer. Microfilm. 6 Linda Joyce Lehrer; 15JU177; A882433.
Stephen Crane: social critic. By
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