4882353 - i882392
JUL-DEC. 1977
4882353. Cardiogenic shock: analysis of the myocardial positive feedback systea. By indrev Bichacd Nara. Hicrofila. tndcev Richard Sara; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); 4882353.
4882351. Orqanizational sanctions: a process of inquiry into deviations. By Janes luqustus Haters. Hicrofila. Jaaes Auqustus Haters; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; 488235U.
4882355. Banqe ten, toun four: a social history of Hudson. Ohio, 1799-181)0. By Bichael 411en HcHanis. Hicrofila. Hichael 411en acBanis; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976): 4882355.
4862356. Bother and teacher educational expectations for first born first graders. By Dorinda 4nii Gershaan. Hicrofila. e Dorinda 4nn Gershaan: 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); 4882356.
4882357. The Peelinq of shaae. By John Hayiiard Shaver. Hicrofila. John Haynard Shaver; 15Jul77; 4882357.
4882358. 4 Phenoaenoloqical study of envy. By Peter Titelaan. Hicrofila. O Peter Titelaan; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); 4862358.
4882359. The Phenomenal field. By Richard Bolceuicz. Hicrofila. Sichard Boicenicz; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); 4882359.
4882360. 4n Existential-phenoaeaoloqical study of qay aale peraanent loyer relationships. By Vincent Hichael Bilotta 3rd. Hicrofila. e Vincent Hichael Bilotta 3rd; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976) ; 4862360.
4882361. Soae effects of tiio foras of seleniua on the aicrobial activity of the bovine ruaen in vitro. By Hayne Eliiood Billon. Hicrofila. Hayne Elvood Billon: 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); 4882361.
4882362. Ovnaaics of continuous thickening. By Dennis Blair Georqe. Hicrofila. Dennis Blair Georqe; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); 4862362.
4882363. The Effect of the equal opportunity provisions of the civil rights act of 1961 on the econoaic situation of non-white Bales. By Gholaa-Hossein Hashayekhi. Hicrofila. Gholaa-Hossein Hashayekhi; 1SJU177 (in notice: 1976): 4882363.
48823e«. 4n Investigation of the thecaal interactions of cellulose and aodel carbohydrates vith selected orqanop- hosphorus coapounds. By Jeffrey Todd Lanqley. Hicrofila. Jeffrey Todd tanqley; 15Jal77 (in notice: 1976); 48823614.
4882365. Bis (bidentate) transition aetal coaplezes of unsymaetrical, heterocyclic, secondary aaines. By Edward Haz Gouge. Hicrofila. Edward Haz Gouge; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); 4882365.
4682366. Puvis De Chavannes: a study of the easel paintings and a catalogue of the painted works. By 4iaee Brown price. Hicrofila. O 4iaee Brown Price; 15Jul77: 4682366.
4882367. The Effects of aass loading and ara-aoveaent duration on kinesthetic- visual intersensory fora discriaination. By Duane Barry Soricelli. Hicrofila. Duane Barry Soricelli; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); 4882367.
4662366. 4nalysis and developaent of reasoning in eaotionally disturbed low IQ children. By Buth Ellen Sower. Hicrofila. Buth Ellen Sower; 15Jul77; 4882368.
4862369. 41exander 1st and the Polish Congress Kingdom: a study in Busso-Polish political relations, 1815-1825. By Frank lilliaa Thackeray. Hicrofila. Frank Hilliaa Thackeray; 15JU177; 4682369.
4882370. Towards defining the stranger within: an approach to the plays and poeas of Edward lounq. By John F. Triboletti. Hicrofila. O John F. Triboletti; 15JU177; 4862370.
4882371. Health status indices for aetropolitan areas. By Haomi Hiriaa fi. Vaisrub. Hicrofila. Naoai Hiriaa B. Vaisrub; 15JU177 (in notice; 1976); 4882371.
4882372. 4 History of Protestant aissions to Brazil, 1850-1914. By Halter Hedeaann. Hicrofila. O Halter Hedeaann: 1SJul77; 4882372.
4882373. The Cognitive significance of religious ezperience in Hhiteheadiau perspective. By David Lynn Bicks. Hicrofila. David Lynn Hicks; 15Jul77; 4882373.
4882374. Liturgy as an art fora: an understanding of the artistic diaension of liturgical worship in the Christian church. By Bayaond Hoche-Hong. Hicrofila. Raymond Hoche-Hong; 15Jul77; 4882374.
4882375. Evidences of a knowledge of Greek in England and Ireland during the age of Bede. By Kevin H. Lynch. Hicrofila. Kevin H. Lynch; 15JU177; 4882375.
4682376. The fiecognition of a significant other as a unigue person: an eapirical- phenoaenoiogical investigation. By Steen Hailing. Hicrofila. O Steen Balling; 15JU177; 4882376.
4882377. Infrared studies of the adsorption of carbon aonoxide and nitric ozide on supported rutheniua, supported platinua and supported bimetallic ruthenium- platinum saaples. By Hary Frances Brown. Hicrofila. O Hary Frances Brown; 15Jal77; 4882377.
4882378. Oaochuanes 41ternative High School: academic achieveaent and attitude evaluation. By David Stephen Eltinge. Hicrofila. David Stephen Eltinge; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); 4882378.
4862379. The Effect of inner-city and suburban settings on attitudinal and behavioral characteristics of pre-service physical education teachers. By Lawrence Benjamin. Hicrofila. Lawrence Benjaain; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4862379.
4882360. Crisis situations and their effect on secondary school principals' ability to satisfy the huaan needs of staff aeabers. By Bichard Gilaore Caton. Hicrofila. O Richard Gilaore Caton; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4882380.
4882381. Developaent of the conditional and disjunctive reasoning abilities of children. By Kathleen Jean Stickel Clark. Hicrofila. Kathleen Jean Stickel Clark; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); 4882381.
4662382. Cultural pluralisa: toward the development of a literature program for grades 10-12. By 4nemone Irene D*4n- giolini. Hicrofilm. 4nemone Irene DUngiolini; 15JU177; 4662362.
4882383. 4 Descriptive study of the Temple Dniversity-School District of Philadelphia Veterans in Public Service (VIPS) program and its graduates. By 41ezander Dill, Jr. Hicrofilm. 41ezander Dill, Jr.; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); 4882383.
4662364. Regression analysis of prior experiences of key production personnel as predictors of revenues from high-grossing motion pictures in 4merican release. By Thomas Solon Simonet. Hicrofilm. Thomas Solon Siaonet; 15Jul77; 4862384.
4862365. 4 Study of the relationship between aanageaent understanding, distributive education curriculum and certain personal factors of distributive education seniors in selected Delaware high schools. By George Louis Frunzi, Jr. Hicrofilm. George Louis Frunzi, Jr.; 15JU177; 468238 5.
4882386. Prior rewards, trust, and choice of influence by subordinates in a simulated hierarchy: an ezperiaental test of Hilliam Gamson's theory. By Robert Hason Smith. Hicrofilm. Robert Hason Smith; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); 4882386.
4662387. Children's acquisition of comparative and superlative adjectives. By Sarah Christian O'oowd. Hicrofilm. Sarah Christian o'Dowd; 15Jul77; 4682387.
4882388. Gumilev's acmeism: theory and practice. By Nancy Elaine Rusinko. Hicrofila. nancy Elaine Rusinko; 15Jul77; 4882388.
4882389. Optiaal harvesting strategies for stochastic populations. By Roy Hen- delssohn. Hicrofila. Boy Hendelssohn; 15JU177; 4882389.
4882390. 4 Critical edition of 4phra Behn's coaedy The Feigned courtesans (1679), with introduction and notes. By Judith Karyn Ludwig. Hicrofila. NH: introd. 6 notes. O Judith Karyn Ludwig; 15Jul77: 4862390.
4682391. The Horcester collection of sacred haraony and sacred ausic in 4aerica, 1786-1803. By Karl Douglas Kroeger. Hicrofila. 4ppl. states all new except ausical ezaaples. Karl Douglas Kroeger; 15JU177; 4682391.
4862392. Surrealiza rosyjski. By Kleofas Hubert Bundzjo. Hicrofilm. O Kleofas Hubert
Rundzjo; 15Jul77; 4662392.
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