4882315 - 4882352
JUL-DEC. 1977
46823111 (con.) Hiccofila. Elizabeth B. illson; 15Jal77: 48823111.
4882315. The DenonizatioD of minority groups in Christian society during the Central Diddle 4ges. By Leon Neal McCrillis. Hicrofila. Leon Heal HcCcillis; 15Jul77 (in notice: 19711); 4882315.
4882316. The Balor Biblical prophets in Taloudic and Hidrashic literature. By George Louis Berlin. Dicrofiln. O George Louis Berlin: 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); 4882316.
4882317. "The Feast itself": a study of narrative technique in the fiction of Eudora Helty. Bv 4rline Garbarini. Hicrofiln. 6 4cline Garbarini; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4882317.
4882318. FroD traditional to parliamentary democracy in Xorubaland, 191)5-60. By Joseph 4gboHaro. Hicrofilm. 6 Joseph 4gboiiuro; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976): 4882318.
4882319. Coordination in social service systems: the area agency on aging as a case study. By Terrie Todd Hetle. Hicrofiln. Q Tercie Todd wetle; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); 4882319.
48S232a. HinerSf merchants, and farmers: the roots of entrepreneurship in 4ntioquxav 1763-1610. By 4nn Tvinam. Microfilm. 4n Tuinam (in notice: 4nn Tvinam) ; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4882320.
4682321. The Belationship between teachers" concept of ideal behavior and teachers' perceptions of leadership behavior in the elementary school child. By June Eldridge Hughes. Microfilm. Q June Eldridge Hughes; 15Jul77: 4882321.
4682322. Bioecological studies of Niditinea fuscipunctella (Bavorth) (Lepidoptera: Tineidae) in poultry manure and inte- ractions Hith natural enemies and Husca domestica L. By Stuart John Long. Hicrofilm. C Stuart John Long; 15Jal77; 4882322.
4662323. 4n 4ssessDent of motor home users' safety knovledge. By Gordon Daniel Howard. Microfilm. 3 Gordon Daniel Howard; 15Jnl77: 4682323.
4882321). The Crystallographic and calorimetric effects of 41-Si distribution on the tetrahedral sites of nelilite. By James 41an Hoodbead. Hicrofilm. James 41an Roodhead; 15Jul77; 4882324.
4882325. The Rater supply of ancient 4thens from 3000 to 86 B.C. By John BcKesson Camp 2nd. Hicrofilm. C John HcKesson Camp 2nd; 15Jul77; 4682325.
4882326. The Feminine dimension of the divine. By Joan Chamberlain Engelsman. Hicrofilm. Joan Chamberlain Engelsman; 15Jul77; 4882326.
4682327. Establishing criteria for effective oral argument before a court of appeals. By Joan Estelle Harley. Hicrofilm. Joan Estelle Harley; 15Jui77 (in notice: 1976) : 4882327.
4882326. Calibration of photographic systems for guantitative psychomotor analysis. By Jerome Beed Noss. Hicrofilm. 6 Jerome Beed Hoss: 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); 4882328.
4682329. The Novel of personal relationships: a study of three contemporary British women novelists. By Evelyn Delores B. Stephens. Hicrofilm. 3 Evelyn Delores B. Stephens; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); 4882329.
4882330. Lawful meaning, sinful fact: a study of the sources and development of detective fiction. By Timothy Beid Steele. Hicrofilm. O Timothy Beid Steely; 15JU177; 4882330.
4882331. 4 Cross-cultural comparison of the symptoms of maladaptive functioning and the attitudes of psychiatric staff members toward mental illness in Nigeria and 4merica (O.S. ) By Supo 4yodele Lao- sebikan. Hicrofilm. @ Supo 4yodele Laosebitan; 15Jul77; 4882331.
4882332. Political participation as a value in 4merican radical thought: a study of three political philosophers. By John Baymond Krause, Jr. Hicrofilm. John Baymond Krause, Jr.; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); 4862332.
4662333. The Effects of lexically ambiguous nouns embedded in a reading task for children. By Diane Surle Stupay. Hicrofilm. e Diane Surle Stupay; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); 4882333.
486233D. The New Deal in black Saint Louis: 1932-191)0. By Billiam Jefferson Harrison. Hicrofilm. C Billiam Jefferson Harrison; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4862334.
4662335. The Effect of polyurethane morphology on blood compatibility. By George John Picha. Hicrofilm. O George John Picha; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); 4882335.
4882336. Socio-economic variables and Illinois education tax referenda, 1971-1976. By Tharin Basanond. Hicrofilm. 6 Tharin Basanond; 15Jul77; 4882336.
4882337. Scrimshaw and its importance as an 4merican folk art. By Joseph Frederick Caron. Hicrofilm. 6 Joseph Frederick Caron; 15Jul77; 4862337.
4862338. Information processing models of the immediate verification of sentences. By Jeffrey 411en Johnsen. Hicrofilm. Q Jeffrey 411en Johnsen: 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4862336.
4862339. Target clusters: a method for exploring the consistency in personality. By Stephanie Sellors Neuman. Hicrofilm. O Stephanie Sellors Neuman: 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); 4882339.
4882340. 4n Evaluation model for alcoholism programs. By Prltam Singh Bhatia. Hicrofila. Q Pritam Singh Bhatia; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); 4662340.
4882341. Leopold Hozart's Violiuschule as a guide to the performance of H. 4. Hozart's sonatas for piano and violin. By Balph Cherubini. Hicrofilm. 4ppl. states all new except musical examples. Q Balph Cherubini; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4862341.
4882342. Clinical drug literature: a bibliometric analysis. By Dennis Brent Borthen. Hicrofilm. 6 Dennis Brent Borthen; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976) ; 4882342.
4882343. Cass Gilbert, midwestern architect in New York. By Bobert 411en Jones. Hicrofilm. Bobert 411en Jones; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); 4882343.
4862344. L' Enfant trouve: Tom Jones as an eighteenth-century French novel. By Ellen Holland Keller. Hicrofilm. O Ellen Holland Keller; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); 4882344.
4882345. 4rt departments in selected predo- minately black institutions of higher education in the Onited States. By Jacgueline Harie Fonvielle Bontemps. Hicrofilm. Q Jacgueline Harie Fonvielle Bontemps; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); 4882345.
4882346. 4 Study to investigate the relationship of women in physical education to the total faculty workforce population in physical education at the Ohio State Oniversity, 1970-1975. By Hary Jo Buggieri. Hicrofilm. 6 Hary Jo Huggieri; 15JU177; 4882346.
4862347. Defining the needs for instructor training in adult vocational education programs in Ohio. By Bobert 4. Canei. Hicrofilm. Bobert 4. Canei; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4682347.
4682348. 4 Hethod for determining interdis- ciplinary activities within a university. By 4nn Gould 411an. Hicrofilm. 4nn Gould 411an; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); 4882346.
4882349. 4n 4nalysis of the communication structure of three police organizations in relation to perceptions of the department as held by its members. By Christine Harie Dunning. Hicrofilm. 6 Christine Harie Dunning; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4882349.
4882350. The 4fflerican Indian: an introduction to the culture and life activities; resources for educators. Vol. 1. By Edith Gladys De 4ngelis. Hicrofilm. 4ppl. states all new except prev. pub. materials identified in the table of contents 6 list of plates. 6 Edith Gladys De 4ngelis; 15Jul77; 4662350.
4662351. Social construction of reality and the process of resocialization: a comparative analysis. By Bichard Edwin Houskamp. Hicrofilm. 6 Richard Edwin Houskamp; 15JU177; 4682351.
4882352. 4ge status change in an occupational setting: a small group, ecological perspective on age labelling among air traffic controllers. By Jeffrey Bruce Bales. Hicrofilm. 3 Jeffrey Bruce Bales;
15JU177 (in notice: 1976) ; 4882352.
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