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A882257. - A882311


JUL-DEC. 1977

»882271 (con.) Peck. HicrofilB. Bichard Lee Peck; 15Jal77: 4882271.

4882272. Beading and rhetoric; studies in the interpretation of aodern narrative- By Bamon Saldivar. Hicrofila. O Baaon Saldivar; 15JU177: 4882272.

4882273. Inperial finale: crisis, decolonization* and »ar in Spain, 1890-1898. By Thoaas Hart Baker, Jr. Hicrofiim. O Thoaas Bart Baker, Jr.; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); 4882273.

4882271. Conqressional votinq on defense in Uorld Bar 2 and Vietnam: toward a general ideological explanation. By Henry Hayne aoyer, Jr. Benry Hayne Noyer, Jr.; 15JU177: 48822714.

4882275. Longitudinal stress wave propagation in long bone. By Richard B. Pelker. Hicrofila. Bichard fi. Pelker; 15Jui77 (in notice: 1976); 4882275.

4882276. The Sociological iaaqination and the fora of fiction: social structure in the novels of Dickens, Trollope, and Eliot, By Michael David Stern. Hicrofila. O Michael David Stern; 15Jul77: 4882276.

4882277. The Dynamics of Ottoaan rule in Damascus during the first half of the eighteenth century. By Karl Khalil Barbir. Hicrofila. C Karl Khalil Barbir; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4882277.

4882278. Nonstandard partial difference eguations. By Elliott Harren Jacobs. Hicrofila. C Elliott Harren Jacobs; 15JU177: 4882278.

4882279. 41ienation in doraitory life. By Jaaes Brovn Goebel. HicrofilB. O Jaaes Brovn Goebel; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); 4882279.

4882280. Bio-organic content for the allied health proqraas of Florida coaaunity colleges. By Peter Joseph Krieqer. Hicrofila. Peter Joseph Krieqer; 15JU177: 4882280.

4882281. Soaber systea: aodes of prophecy in the poetry of Pablo Neruda. By Enrico Hario Santi. Hicrofila. e Enrico Hario Santi; 15JU177; 4882281.

4882282. The Nature of ethnic identity. By Tonu Parsing. Hicrofila. Tonu Parainq; 15JU177; 4882282.

4882283. 4 Conflict of perspectives: the debate between Karl Barth and ierner Elert. By Bonald Frank Thleaann. Hicrofila. O Bonald Frank Thieaann; 1SJul77: 4882283.

4882281. Syabolic settings in the novels o£ Charles Dic)cens. By Jaaes Allen Gifford. Hicrofila. Jaaes Allen Gifford; 15JU177 (in notice: 1971); A882284.

4882285. The Development of neural circuits underlying chick hind liab aoveaent. By Deborah Gall Horris. Hicrofila. O Deborah Gail Horris: 15Jul77; A88228S.

4882286. Personification of abstract concepts in Greek art and literature to the end of the fifth century B.C. By Harvey Alan Shapiro. Hicrofila. O Harvey Alan Shapiro; 15Jul77; 4882286.

4882287. Porches of the Sun: the problea of fora in ihitaan's Song of ayself. By Suzanne Beth Schneider. Hicrofila. Suzanne Beth Schneider; 15Jul77; 4882287.

4882288. The Taoist individuation of Nikos Kazantzakis. By John Jeffrey Fitting. Hicrofila. John Jeffrey Fitting; 15JU177; 4882288.

4882289. controlling police corruption: scandal and organizational reform. By Lawrence Hilliaa Sherman. Hicrofila. Lawrence Billiam Sheraan; 15JU177; 4882289.

4882290. The Love sonnets of Lady Hary Broth: a critical introduction. By Hay Nelson Paullssen. Hicrofila. Hay Nelson Paulissen; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4882290.

4882291. Bequlation of Brazilian coaaerical banks. By Joao Sayad. Hicrofila. Joao Sayad; 15Jul77; A882291.

A882292. Clarence Cook: his critical writinqs. By Jo Ann B. Beiss. Hicrofila. Appl. states all new aaterial except illus. on R. 378-151. O Jo Ann a. Ueiss; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4882292.

4882293. Law, love, and incarnation: an interpretation of Piers Plowman. By Gretchen Bolff Pritchard. Hicrofila. O Gretchen Bolff Pritchard; 15Jul77; 4882293.

4882294. lapleaentinq Federal proqraas: adainistrative systeas and organizational effectiveness. By Jaaes Edwin Swiss. HicrofilB. O James Edwin Swiss; 1SJul77; 4882294.

4882295. Education for social work practice in rural and small communities. By Ora Lee Binston Stanton. Hicrofila. 6 Ora Lee Binston Stanton; 15JU177: 4882295.

A882296. English aarriaqe and Bestoration comedy, 1688-1710. By Joseph Lawrence Greenberq. Hicrofila. Joseph Lawrence Greenberq; 15JU177; A882296.

4882297. Bousseau and Levi-Strauss: landscapes of signification. By Deborah Johnston Clark. Hicrofila. O Deborah Johnston Clark; 15JU177; A882297.

A882298. Secondary sources of seisaic noise. By Bobert Lee Geyer. Hicrofila. Robert Lee Geyer; 15Jul77; 4882298.

4882299. Scarsdaie, 1891-1933: the rise of a wealthy suburb. By Carol Ann O'Connor. Hicrofila. Carol Ann O'Connor; 15JU177; 4882299.

4882300. The Coupled response of a dynaaic element riding on a continuously supported beaa. By 41exander Apostolos 41exan- dridis. Hicrofila. O 41exander Apostolos Alexandridis; 15Jul77; A882300.

A882301. State, estate and society in Tsarist Bussia: the question of local qovernaent, 1900-1908. By Neil Bruce Beissaan. HicrofilB. O Neil Bruce Beissaan; 15JU177 (in notice: 1975); A882301.

4882302. Scholar and journalist: the career of H. H. Stasiulevich, 1850-1882. By Alexis Esther Pogorelskin. Hicrofila. O Alexis Esther Pogorelskin; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; A882302.

A882303. Values and value changes in a the- rapeutic coaaunity for drug addicts and abusers. By James Taylor Jones. Hicrofiim. Jaaes Taylor Jones; 15JU177; 4882303.

4882301. African rural-urban aigration: economic choice theory and Kinshasa evidence. By Eric Seed Nelson. Hicrofila. O Eric Beed Nelson; 15Jul77; A882301.

4832305. The Origin of aodern industry in the United States: the mechanization of shoe and sewinq aachine production. By Boss David ThOBSon. Hicrofila. O Boss David Thomson; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4882305.

4882306. A Gentleman in every slum: Church of England missions in East London, 1837-1911. By David Brown Mcllhiney. Hicrofiim. David Brown Hcllhiney; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976) ; 4882306.

4882307. Catholic loyalism and the anti-Jesuit party in Elizabethan Catholicism. By 4rnold Jan Pritchard. Hicrofiim. 4rnold Jan Pritchard; 15JU177: 4882307.

4882308. Ecological studies on the sand beach aaphipod 4Bphiporeia virqiniana shoemaker, 1933 (Clustacea: Haustoriidae) By Bichard Perry Haqer. HicrofilB. O Bichard Perry Hager; 15Jul77: 4882308.

A882309. Theoretical studies in cooperative phenomena and population ecology. By Shripad Digambar Tuljapurkar. Hicrofiim. e Shripad Digambar Tuljapurkar; 15Jul77; 4882309.

4882310. Time and the personae in The Collected poeas of Billiam Butler Yeats — a dialectic of time and eternity. By Bobert Billiaa Kelly. HicrofilB. O Bobert Billiaa Kelly; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); 4882310.

4882311. The Bill: a deterninant of health behavior. By Donald Isaac Baqner. HicrofilB. Donald Isaac Bagner; 15Jul77: 4882311.

4882312. Controversias sobre la novela en espano (1908-1930) By Luis I. Fernandez- Cifuentes. Luis I. Fernandez-Cif uentes; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); 4882312.

4882313. Thoaas Adaas and the ainistry of moderation. By Jaaes Laurence Hedges. Hicrofila. Jaaes Laurence Hedges; 15JU177; 4882313.

4882311. The Lyrics of Old Provencal prose: generic aoveaents of space and time in the

Vidas and Bazos. By Elizabeth B. Bilson.


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