JUL-DEC. 1977
4882189 (con.) Idc. O Clyner Publications, a.a.d.o. Aodleer, Inc.; 26Jul77: AB82189.
1882190. Focd U- wheel drive naiDtenance; Bronco, F-100, F-150, F-250, 1969-1977. By Hike Bishop, editor: Jeff Robinson. 2nd ed. revised by Bay Hoy. 127 p. Appl. an: Clyner Publications, a.a.d.o. Andleer, Inc. Clymer Publications, a.a.d.o. Andleei;, Inc.: 30Jun77: A6e2190.
A882191. Bultaco service, repair handbook: 125-370CC throuqh 1977. Hth ed. updated by Brick Price. 191 p. Appl. au: Clyaer Publications, a.a.d.o. Andleer, Inc. O clyier Publications, a.a.d.o. Andleer, Inc.; 19JU177; A882191.
A882192. Suzuki secvice, cepaic handbook: 50-120CC sinqles, 19611-1977. By David Sales, editor: Jeff Bobinson. 2nd ed. 146 p. Appl. au: Clyner Publications, a.a.d.o. Andleer, Inc. Clyaec Publications, a.a.d.o. Andleer, Inc.; 27Jul77: A882192.
A882193. Subaru service, repair handbook: all models, 1972-1977. By Bay Boy, editor: Eric Jorqensen. 141 p. Appl. au: Clyner Publications, a.a.d.o. Andleer, Inc. MH: editorial revision, additional text, illus., restateaent of procedures & measurenents 6 updating. Clyaer Publications, a.a.d.o. Andleer, Inc.; 19JU177; A882193.
A88219lt. Yaaaha service, repair handbook: 80-175CC Enduro and Hotocross, 1968-1976. 2nd ed. 192 p. C Clyaer Publications, a.a.d.o. Andleer, Inc.; 11Jul77; A882194.
A882195. Salt Lake City and adjoining towns telephone directory, July 1977. aountain States Telephone and Telegraph Coapany; 1Jun77: A882195.
A882196. Heabar, simplified edition. Gaae no. 2/I/S1/V1. Sheets. Appl. au: Helen H. Battels (Beabar) . NM: additions e revisions. C Heabar: 6Aug77: A882196.
A882197. Burpee's Fall garden and gift ideas for 1977. 63 p. O R. Atlee Burpee Coapany; 19JU177; A882197.
A882198. Theory of endowaent developaent. Created, researched C developed by Leaaon P. Grier, Billiaa H. Floyd, Gunther H. Sahlinq Bonald K. Bethea. 1 v. Endowaent Developaent Associates; 10Auq77: A882198.
A882199. Proclaiainq the goodness of God: suggested aids for teaching religion. By Sister nary Theresa Bet2, s. H.D. 22 p. Appl. au: Sisters of Notre Dane. sisters of Notre Daae; 8Aug77: A882199.
A882200. The Speeches of Carlton G. Ketchua: a selection froa speeches delivered between 1945 and 1973. 44 p. Appl. au: Hichael C. Kiefer. C Ketchua, Inc.; 8Aug77; A8822a0.
A882201. Annotated bibliography of published woaen's diaries. Coapiled by Jane DuPree Begos. 66 p. Nil: additions, revisions t coapilation. Jane DuPree Begos; 1Aug77: A882201.
A882202. Zechariah 2:13. Folder. Appl. au: Deborah Gail Cheyne otaguro. O Deborah Gail Cheyne otaguro e shiryoku. Inc.; 13Dec76; A882202.
A882203. The dilltown Buckeye, Uashington and surrounding area, 1839 to 1912. By Kathryne E. Schoedel Bingo. 72 p. O Kathryne Schoedel Eingo; 3Aog77; A882203.
4882204. Synopsis of the doaestic econoay: June econoaic activity. 30 p. B. C. Nainwright and Coapany; 5Aug77; 4882204.
A8822aS. Synopsis of the domestic econoay. Part 2: quarterly econoaic activity. 10 p. O H. C. Hainwriqht and Coapany; 5Aug77; A882205.
A882206. Palo Alto Bicycle shop, 1977/78. 49 p. Palo Alto Bicycle Shop, Inc. ; 25Jun77; A8B2206.
A882207. Copy and read. By Philip L. Bruno. 170 p. e Philip L. Bruno; 3Aug77; A882207.
A882208. Primary health care to the elderly: an evaluation of two health aanpower patterns. By Phyllis B. Schultz, with Frank B. HcGlone, Eileen Kinderknecht, Laura L. Norton, Sharon A. Eylar C Sharon a. Honley. 109 p. e Phyllis E. Schultz; 8Aug77; Ae82208.
4882209. City drifter. 1 v. Appl. au: Haynard 0. Helsen (Nelsen). O Haynard 0. Nelsen (in notice: Nelsen); 1Aug77: A882209.
A882210. Creaation. By Bita LaForce. 1 p. Sita LaForce; 10Sep76; A8e2210.
A882211. By aother studied ballet. By Bita LaForce. 1 p. O Bita LaForce; 100ct76; A882211.
A8e2212. Annual review of biocheaistry. Vol. 46, 1977. Editor: Esmond E. Snell 6 other editors. 1120 p. Appl. states copyright is not claimed in portions written by Governaent employees within the scope of their eaployaent. Annual Beviews, Inc. ; 15JU177; 4882212.
A882213. The History and teachings of the Eastern Greek orthodox Church. By Geraanos Polizoides. 95 p. NB: additions. D. C. Divry, Inc.; 3Aag77; A882213.
A882214. Exit from hoae. By Anita Beyaan. 277 p. Anita Heyman; 2aay77: A882214.
A8e2215. The Container book; basic processes for Baking bags, baskets, boxes, bowls, and other container forms with fibers, fabrics, leather, wood, plastics, metal, clay, glass and natural materials. By Thelaa B. Newman £ Jay Hartley Newman. 304 p. NH: text, pref . , index, com- pilation of photos. & additions. Thelaa B. Newman e Jay Hartley Newman; 20Jul77: A8e2215.
4882216. 4 Hord from the wise: a sufficiency of quotes and images to brighten your day. By Otto I. Bettmann. Ill p. NH: introd. , indexes 6 compilation of text, photos, e graphics. Otto L. Bettmann; 21Hay77; 4882216.
A882217. Fantastic television. By Gary Gerani with Paul B. Schulman. 192 p. NH: introd., text, index e compilation of photos. Gary Gerani; 13Jun77; A882217.
A882218. Sittin* on a rock and thinkin* and the land seems to talk to me. Card. Accompanied by sound recording fi additional material. O Billi'eve; 16Hay77; A882216.
A882219. Sittin' on a rock and thinkin' . Card. Accompanied by sound recording 6 additional material. Billi'eve; 16Bay77; A882219.
A882220. The Answer? Card. Accompanied by sound recording C additional material. O Billi'eve; 16May77: A882220.
A882221. Ask your Father. Card. Accompanied by sound recording 6 additional material. Billi'eve: 16aay77; A882221.
A882222. You held my hand. Card. Accompanied by sound recording £ additional material. O Billi'eve; 16Hay77; A882222.
A882223. Trust. Card. Accompanied by sound recording £ additional material. O Billi'eve; 16Hay77; A882223.
A8e2224. Sittin' on a rock and thinkin' and the rocks seea to talk to ae. Card. Accompanied by sound recording £ additional aaterial. O Billi'eve; 16Hay77; A882224.
A882225. Did you think to pray? 14 p. Accoapanied by sound recording £ additional aaterial. Billi'eve; 16Hay77; A882225.
A882226. Seven pages of gold. 14 p. Accoapanied by sound recording & additional material. O Billi'eve; 1Aug74: A882226.
A882227. Did you hear what ue said? 14 p. Accompanied by sound recording £ additional aaterial. O Billi'eve; 16Hay77; A882227.
A882228. Moments in creating. 16 p. Accompanied by sound recording £ additional material. Billi'eve; l6Hay77: A882228.
A882229. The Student's consumer guidebook: safeguarding your education, a student's consumer guide to college and occupational education, iritten by Jack A. Hamilton, Jurgen H. Holff, Steven H. Jung £ Charles H. Dayton, design: Bon Zauneker £ Bon Harris, photography: Steve Atkinson. 43 p. 4ccompanied by sound recording. 4ppl. au: 4merican Institutes for Besearch. 4merican Institutes for Besearch; 14pr77; A882229.
A88223a. Law and governaent. 10 posters £ 11 folders. (Law poster set, no. 2)
Justice Publications; IHay77; A882230.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.