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1881836 - A881877


JUL-DEC. 1977

1861836. Electrical inspector certifica tioD exaainatioD. Pt. 1-2. Issued by iDteroational conference of Building Officials & International Association of Electrical Inspectors. 2 y. Based on The National electrical code, 1975 edition. International Conference of Building Officials: 10Jan77; A881836.

A881837. Building Inspector certification exaaination. Pt. 1-5. 5 v. Based on the OniforB building code, 1976 edition. O International conference of Building Officials; 10Jan77; A881837.

Ae8183B. Action pack nunber parade; English. Kit. The Instructor Publications, Inc.; 17Jun77; A881838.

A88ia39. Action pack nuaber parade; bilingual. Kit. O The Instructor Publications, Inc.; 17Jun77: 1881839.

ASBIBUO. So easy to begin. By Jules Shear. On record lacket of albua entitled Olivia Newton-John; flaking a good thing better. (Hith Naking a good thing better e others) pre». reg. £0716113. O Onichappell Husic, Inc.; 20Jun77; 16818110.

18818141. Technical aspects--ethyleni«ine- 1 v. The Dow Cheaical Coapany; 25Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A8818ai.

1861842. International aarket indices, aonth ending July 29. 1977. 19 p. Appl. au: Bobert P. Sanna e Halyin B. Boesch. Quantitative Analysis Service; 1Aug77; A881842.

A88181t3. S and P group charts, aonth ending July 1977. s and P group report, aonth ending July 29, 1977, week ending July 26, 1977. 2 V. ippl. au: aalvin B. fioesch G Sobert P. Sanna. O Quantitative Analysis Service; 31Jul77; A881843.

1881814. Full key list suaaary, aonth ending July 29, 1977, week ending August 2, 1977. Beekly charts, week ending August 2, 1977. 2 V. Ippl. au: Bobert P. Sanna C Halvin B. Boesch. C Quantitative Inalysis Service; 41ug77; A881844.

A88184S. Siaplicity's Personal-Pit pattern. Polder. Add. ti: Personal Fit brochure. Siaplicity Pattern Coapany, Inc. ; 5Jul77; A881845.

A881846. Bhat pattern size aa I? Folder. Siaplicity Pattern Coapany, Inc.; 5Jul77: 1881846.

1861847. It Siaplicity we asked ourselves what it Mould take to get a lot aore uoaen to sew. He think we've got an answer. Folder. Idd. ti: E.S.P. folder. Siaplicity Pattern Coapany, Inc.; SJul77; 1881847.

1881848. Double the fashion: wear now, wear later! Siaplicity 8155. Poster. Add. ti: "T" poster style 8155/7353/8 117, Septeaber 1977. Siaplicity Pattern Coapany, Inc.; 5Jul77: 1681848.

1881849. Double the fashion: wear now, wear later! Siaplicity 8153. Poster, idd. ti: "T" poster style 8153/8123, September

A881850. 12 inch Pet-lbles koala; Siaplicity sewing directions for koala bear. 2 p. (Pet-lbles, no. 1482) O Siaplicity Pattern Coapany, Inc.; 5Jul77; 1681850.

1881851. 16 inch Pet-lbles panda; siaplicity sewing directions for Panda. 2 p. (Pet-Abies, no. 1600) Siaplicity Pattern Coapany. Inc.; 5Jul77: A861651.

1881852. 15 inch Pet-lbles lion; Siaplicity sewing directions for lion. 2 p. (Pet-lbles, no. 1601) Siaplicity Pattern Coapany, Inc.; 5Jul77; 1661652.

1861653. 15 inch Pet-lbles bear; Siaplicity sewing directions for bear. 2 p. (Pet-lbles, no. 1540) O Siaplicity Pattern Coapany, Inc.; 5Jul77; 1881653.

1881854. Siaplicity school catalog, fall and winter, 1977. 234 p. Siaplicity Pattern Coapany, Inc.; 5jul77: 1861854.

1881855. Boaer, LA, Lisbon, telephone directory, August 1977. O south Central Bell Telephone Coapany; 18JU177; 1881855.

1861856. llexandria, Deville, Pineville. LI, and others telephone directory, August 1977. South Central Bell Telephone Coapany; 20Jnl77; A681856.

A881857. Cleveland, TN, including Georgetown, Benton, and others telephone directory, August 1977. O South Central Bell Telephone Coapany; 28Jul77; A881657.

A881656. Athens, TN, Charleston, Decatur, and others telephone directory, August 1977. South Central Bell Telephone Coapany; 29JU177; A881858.

A881659. Educational Technigues, Inc. sound reading. Kit 1: initial consonants. Britten by Jaaes L. Heir 6 Leslie C. Sioonson. 1 p. MM: instructions. O Leslie siaonson & Jaaes L. Heir (in notice: Siaonson G Heir) ; 20ct74; A661859.

1881860. Catcher's aitt. 1 p. Ippl. au: Susan Bussell. Susan Bnssell; 21ug77; 1881860.

1881861. NIVB adult discussion group. 2 p. Ippl. au: Harla Long G Donna Eaerson. national Issociation for Visually Handicapped; 17Jan77; 1881861.

1881862. Senator Bridgewater. By Hilliaa T. Eielly. 1 V. Billiaa T. Bielly; 13Jan77: 1881662.

1881663. Proposal. 25 p. Appl. au: Charles P. cox, Jr. Prev. pub. in 1975 under the title Energy and food unliaited, through electrostatic research. NH: updating, abridgaent G rearrangeaent of aatter. O Franklin Besearch center. Inc.; 4llar77: A861663.

1881864. Fischer Black on options. Vol. 2, no. 1, June 1977. 9 p. Fischer Black; 20Jun77; 1881664.

1881665. The Irt of Hancy Ekhola Burkert. Edited by David Larkin, introduced by aichael Danoff. 1 V. Paintings prev. pub. in Snow-Hhite and the seven dwarfs G others. NH: introd. Bantaa Books, Inc.; 15Hay77; 1861865.

1881866. lay. Vol. 1, no. 1. By Jack Tippit. 4 p. Ippl. au: The Begister and Tribune Syndicate, eaployer for hire. The Begister and Tribune Syndicate, Inc.; 23aay77; 1661866.

1681867. The Faaily circus. Vol. 2, no. 6. By Bil Keane. 1 v. Ippl. au: The Begister and Tribune Syndicate, eaployer for hire. O The Begister and Tribune Syndicate, Inc.; 30llay77: A881867.

A881668. The Faaily circus. Vol. 2, no. 7. By Bil Keane. 1 v. Appl. au: The Begister and Tribune Syndicate, eaployer for hire. The Begister and Tribune Syndicate, Inc.; 3Jul77; A881868.

A881869. Guidebook to the philatelic issues of the Hyoaiug Bicentennial Coaaission; a coapilation of the philatelic and philatelically related aaterial issued by the Hyoaing Bicentennial Coaaission, 1973-1977. By J. Bickie Balsh. 29 p. J. Bickie Halsh; 9Jul77; 1881669.

1881870. Per cent for secondary school study level: a student's guide to the use of the tiae-f unction aodel for the study of per cent concepts. Developed by Bobert K. aason. Sheets (30 p.) O Bobert K. Bason; 17BOV76; 1881870.

1881871. niracles of aind. By Khalif Ibn Shabazz, pseud, of Leroy Cason. '7 p. Khalif Ibn Shabazz; 161pr77; 1881871.

1861872. How to get aore fun and profit froa a garage sale. 36 p. Ippl. au: Hilliaa L. Howe. The Juabo-Petite Publishing Coapany: 10Jul77: 1861672.

1881873. Ghost towns and aining caaps: selected papers. 36 p. Appl. au: Thoaas Koscielecki, Buck B. Nelson G Thoaas B. Buths. The Preservation Press, National Trust for Historic Preservation in the Onited States; 6Jun77: A881673.

A881874. Ownership and transfer at death; aultiple choice tests. 9 p. For use with Hisconsin real estate law. O Hisconsin School of Beal Estate, Inc.; 10AU976: Ae81874.

A681875. Zoning, suJsdivision approval, res- trictive covenants, and other land use controls; aultiple choice tests. 10 p. For use with Hisconsin real estate law. Hisconsin School of Beal Estate, Inc.; 7Aug76; A881675.

A881876. Mortgages; aultiple choice tests. 10 p. For use with Hisconsin real estate law. Hisconsin School of Beal Estate, Inc.; 5Aug76; A881876.

A881677. Correctional law: a bibliography of selected books and articles. Prepared by Jeffrey Curtis, Bichard Crane G aichael Heisz. 28 p. Appl. au: Aaerican

correctional Association. Aaerican


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