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A881793 - 1881835


JUL-DEC. 1977

1881792 (con.) ed.. 39 p. 6 R. B. Thieae, Jr.; 9Jun77; A881792.

S881793. The Blood of Christ. By B. B. Ihleme, Jr. 3rd ed. 3i» p. 6 B. B. Thieae, Jr. ; 1Apr77: A881793.

£881791). Isolation of sin. By B. B. Thieae, Jr. 30 p. NH: revisions* additions & updating. B. B. Thieae, Jr.; 1Dec7e: £881791.

4881795. Old sin nature versus Boly Spirit. By B. B. Thieae, Jr. 28 p. HH: additions £ revisions. C S. B. Thieae, Jr.; 4Feb77 (in notice: 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976); 4881795.

4881796. Divine establishaent. By fi. B. Thieae, Jr. 102 p. NM: additions, revisions & updating. 3 B. B. Thieae, Jr.; 19liov76: &881796.

A881797. Victorious proclaaation. By B. B. Thieae, Jr. 2nd ed. 38 p. B. B. Thieae, Jr.; 1ipr77: A881797.

4881798. The Christian warrior. By B. B. Thieae, Jr. 121 p. O B. B. Thieae, Jr.; »Aug75; 4881798.

4881799. The Trinity. By B. B. Thieae, Jr. 36 p. NH: additions & revisions. B. B. Thieae, Jr.; 174pr75: 4881799.

A881800. Eternal life. By B. B. Thieae, Jr. 36 P. B. B. Thieae. Jr.; 18Apr69 (in notice: 1968); 4881800.

4381801. BST sales data cards. Bay 1977. 94 cards. Add. ti: Sales data cards 1 through 94, May 1977. e Mid-South Title Coapany, Inc.; 21Jun77; A881801.

A88ie02. Science, fiction, and fila: a study of the interaction of science, science fiction literature, and the growth of cineaa. By Bruce Bandall Cook. Microfila. e Bruce Bandall Coo); ; 17Aug76; A8eje02.

A881803. Dedhaa, Massachusetts, 1635-1890. By Bobert Brand Hanson. 250 p. NM: new aaterial. Dedhaa Historical Society: 10Dec76; A881803.

A881804. Tears of strife, 1929-1956. By Billiaa Loren Katz. 85 p. (Minorities in Aaerican history, vol. 5) 4ppl. states all new except soae photos, prev. pab. e Fran)clin Watts, Inc.; 23Jan75; 4881804. (2nd print, deposited)

4881805. Israel. By Nora Benjaain Kubie. 2nd ed. 88 p. e Franlclin »atts. Inc.; 7Apr75; 4881805. (2nd print, deposited)

4881806. Southern 4frica. By Harry stein. 83 p. 4ppl. states all new except sooe photos, prev. pub. e Franklin iatts. Inc.; 19Feb75; 4881806. (3ra print, deposited)

4881807. The Colony of Delaware. By Nancl 4. Lyaan. 88 p. Appl. states all new except some photos, prev. pub. e Franltlin iatts. Inc.; 31Mar75; A881807. (2nd print, deposited)

4881808. Colorado Biver ghost towns. By Stanley i. Paher, in collaboration with Bobert L. Spude, with etchings & illus. by Boy £. Furcell. 63 p. Soae aaterieil prev. pub. in Northwestern 4cizona ghost towns. MM: new pictures, new text £ revisions. Stanley H. Paher; 29Dec76; A881808.

A881809. The Planning process. By Billiaa U. Brickner e Donald H. Cope. 209 p. Hinthrop Publishers, Inc.; 1Mar77; 4881809.

A881810. Coabinatidns and connections: a handbook for coaposition; teacher's aanual. By Peter D. lindbloa. 25 p. Add. ti: Teacher's manual to Combination^ and connections, e Hinthrop Publishers, Inc. ; 15Feb77; 4881810.

4881811. Introduction to administrative office management; teacher's aanual. By Zane K. Quible. 228 p. 4dd. ti: Teacher's manual to Introduction to administrative office management. © Binthrop Publishers, Inc. ; 30Jan77; 4881811.

4881812. Perspectives on public bureaucracy; a reader on organization. Edited with introductions by Fred 4. Kramer. 2nd ed. 220 p. Uinthrop Publishers, Inc.; 2S4pr77; 4881812.

4881813. American politics in a bureaucratic age: citizens, constituents, clients and victims. By Eugene Lewis. 182 p. 5 Hinthrop Publishers, Inc.; 15Mar77; 4881813.

4881814. Bhetorical considerations: essays for analysis. By Harold Brent £ Billiaa Lutz. 2nd ed. 548 p. S Hinthrop Publishers, Inc.; 2Jan77; 4881814.

4881815. A Programmed text in microeconomics. By Martin L. Priaack £ James Hillis. 253 p. Binthrop Publishers, Inc.; 3Jan77: A881815.

A881816. Introduction to administrative office management: student guide. By Zane K. Quible. 219 p. Add. ti: Student guide to Introduction to administrative office management. Q Hinthrop Publishers, Inc.; 30Jan77; A881816.

A881817. Cobol programaing: a structured approach. By Bobert C. Hickerson. 318 p. 6 Hinthrop Publishers, Inc.; 3Feb77; A881817.

A881818. Humanized input: techniques for reliable keyed input. By Tom Gilb £ Gerald M. Heinberg. 283 p. O Hinthrop Publishers, Inc.; 180ct76 (in notice: 1977); A8S1818.

A881820. Introduction to adainistrative office aanagement. By Zane K. Quible. 711 p. & Hinthrop Publishers, Inc.; 30Jan77 ; 4881820.

4881821. Dietetic service policies and procedures manual. Hritten by The HM Composite. 1 V. 4ppl. au: Jane Harmer £ victoria Major d. b.a. The HM Composite. The HM Composite, solely owned by J. K. Harmer E V. a. Malor (J. K. Harmer £ ?. H. Major of the HM Composite) ; 314ug76; A881821.

A881822. Psychologically speaking. Sets 7-9. By Thomas Bees. Sheets in folder. Thomas Bees £ Human Interest Features; 25Jul77; 4881822.

4881823. Pencil power; cursive handwriting coordinated with language arts. By Evalyne Bovey. 61 p. 6 Evalyne Bovey; 22JU177; 4881823.

A881824. Syndicated study, performer Q, April 1977; and associated questionnaires. 646 p. Q Marketing Evaluations, Inc.; 3Jun77; A881824.

A881825. Hashington community property deskbook. Editor-in-chief: George T. Shields £ other editors. 1 v. Hashington State Bar Association; 3Jun77; A88182 5.

A881826. Joy, 5/25/77 70 001 and others, parts price listing for mining machinery. Microfiche. Appl. au: Bichard H. Clark. NM: additions £ changes. Purchase Control Systems; 25May77; A881826.

A881827. Help: the useful almanac, 1977-78. Editor: Arthur E. Bowse, assistant editors: Joel V. Hakower £ Ann Bosenthal. 442 p. e Consumer News, Inc.; 30Jun77: A881827.

4881828. Memories of North Carver Village. By Ellsworth C. Braddock as told to Elizabeth J. Snow, drawings by Doris F. Moore. 118 p. e Elizabeth J. Snow; 19Jal77; 4881828.

4881829. The Invisible "killer"; contaminated compressed air and gas. Folder. Prev. pub. Nov. 1976 £ reg. 4831945. NM: new photo. £ revisions. 6 Bobbins Aviation, Inc.; 25JU177; A881829.

A881830. Devotions. Poems by Bichard Hall, linocuts by Sally French. lip. e on text; Bichard Hall; 16Feb77: A881830.

A881831. Sphere. Vol. 22, 1977. Editor: Kanute Drugan fi others. 46 p. C Kanute Orugan; 8May77; 4881831.

A881832. "Sum-Of-The-Digits Total" lottery or similar games. 2 p. Appl. au: Howard C. Zachmann. Howard C. Zachaann; 24Jun77; A881832.

4881833. Building inspector certification examination. Pt. 1-2. 2 v. Based on the Uniform Building Code, 1976 edition. International Conference of Building officials; 10Jan77; 4881833.

4881834. Plumbing inspector certification examination. Pt. 1-2. Issued by International Conference of Building Officials fi International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials. 2 v. Based on the Oniform plumbing code, 1976 edition £ the Oniform mechanical code, 1976 edition. Q International Conference of Building Officials; 10Jan77: A881834.

A881835. Plans examiner certification examination. 20 p. Based on the Uniform building code, 1976 edition. Q Inter- national Conference of Building Officials;

10Jan77; A861835.


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