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JUL-DEC. 1977

18817514 (COD.) Hilton Bradley Coapaoy; 1i<Dec76; 18817511.

A881755. Pco»e-It: plurals and possessives. No. 7756-5. Created by John Pescosolido. Kit. ippl. au: Hilton Bradley Coapany. Hilton Bradley Conpany; 1<IOec76; A881755.

A881756. Tenperature Trek; teaperatare (Celsius) No. 7680-1*. Created by George Spooner. Kit. Appl. au: Hilton Bradley Coapany. Hilton Bradley Coapany: 1<(Dec76; 1881756.

1881757. Fii-1-sord; word structure. No. 7757-2. Created by John Pescosolido. Kit. Ippl. au: Hilton Bradley Company. Hilton Bradley Coapany; 14Dec76 (in notice on container, quide & card containing spinner: 1976, in notice on 8x10 cards: 1977); 1881757.

1881758. Cheese Chase; silent letters. No. 7756-1. Created by John Pescosolido. Kit. Ippl. au: Hilton Bradley Coapany. Hilton Bradley Coapany; 1ilDec76; 1881758.

1881759. Bound The Toan; syllables. No. 7756-2. Created by John Pescosolido. Kit. Appl. au: Hilton Bradley Coapany. O Hilton Bradley Coapany; 1i|Dec76: 1881759.

1881760. lardvark; stressed syllables. No. 7756-1. Created by John Pescosolido. Kit. Ippl. au: Hilton Bradley coapany. Hilton Bradley coapany; 1iiDec76: 1881760.

1881761. Pattern cards for parguetry design blocks. luthor: Joanne Gilles. Folder B 10 cards in box. Ippl. au: Hilton Bradley Coapany. Hilton Bradley Coapany; 17Har77: 1881761.

1881762. Spinaaay. Created by John Pescosolido. Kit. Ippl. au: Hilton Bradley Coapany. O Hilton Bradley Coapany; 14Dec76; 1881762.

1881763. Vowels-Dp. Created by John Pescosolido. Kit. Ippl. au: Hilton Bradley Coapany. Hilton Bradley Coapany; 1<4Dec76; 1881763.

1881764. Litt-1-Score. Created by John Pescosolido. Kit. Ippl. au: Hilton Bradley coapany. C Hilton Bradley Coapany: 1itDec76: 1881760.

1881765. Sylla-Build. Created by John Pes- cosolido. Kit. Ippl. au; Hilton Bradley Coapany. Hilton Bradley Coapany; 1itDec76; 1881765.

1881766. Travel-Tix: words in context. Created by John Pescosolido. Kit. Ippl. au: Hilton Bradley Coapany. Hilton Bradley Coapany; 14Dec76; 1881766.

1881767. Track-Hete: aetric Jength. Created by George Spooner. Kit. Ippl. au: Hilton Bradley Coapany. Hilton Bradley Coapany; 1'IDec76: 1881767.

1881768. Litre-Land: aetric voluae (capacity) Created by George Spooner. Kit. Ippl. au: Hilton Bradley Coapany. Hilton Bradley Coapany; 1ilDec76: 1881766.

1881769. Not yet. The Prying pan. Badio aessages by Ben Haden. 20 p. (Changed lives) NH: p. 10-17. O Ben Baden; 29Jun77; 1881769.

1881770. Hhen the Lord slaas the door. Learning patience. Badio aessages by Ben Baden. 20 p. (Changed lives) NH: p. 12-18. O Ben Uaden; 21JU177; 1881770.

1881771. God error. Deniability. Badio aessages by Ben Haden. 20 p. (Changed lives) O Ben Haden; 7Jul77: 1881771.

1881772. North laerican forest products export directory. 2nd ed. 207 p. Ippl- au: Paul J. Hiller. Industrial Rood Trade Publications, Inc.; 29Jul77; 1881772.

1881773. C.S.B. furan no-bake binders. 2 p. Foseco Hinsep, Inc.; 15JU177; 1881773.

188177"). The Center solution; ideas for classrooa learning centers. Britten by Linda Schwartz, illustrated by Bev Irastrong. 74 p. O The Learning gorks; 1SJul77: 1881774.

1881775. 1 Life change group with high risk adolescent feaales. By Coleen Dooley stokes. 156 p. O Coleen Oooley Stokes; 25Hay77; 1881775.

1881776. Identification of body parts. By Dave Deaetral, Tiaothy C. Blackburn & Georganne ihite-Blackburn. 1 v. (1 Sex educa- tion/faaily planning course for people, section 2) O Deaetral, Blackburn. Hhite-Blackburn, a fira consisting of Dave Deaetral, Tia Blackburn fi Georganne Bhite-Blackburn; 13Jan77; 1881776.

A881777. Intercourse. By Dave Deaetral, Tiaothy C. Blackburn & Georganne Uhite-Blackburn. 1 V. (1 Sex education/f aaily planning course for people, section 3) O Deaetral, Blackburn, Bhite-Blackburn, a fira consisting of Dave Deaetral, Tia Blackburn 6 Georganne Bhite-Blackburn; 13Jan77: A881777.

1881778. Pregnancy. By Dave Deaetral, Tiaothy C. Blackburn 6 Georganne Bhite-Blackburn. 1 V. (1 Sex education/f aaily planning course for people, section 4) Deaetral, Black>^urn, Bhite-Blackburn, a fira consisting of Dave Deaetral, Tia Blackburn e Georganne Bhite-Blackburn; 13Jan77; 1881776.

1881779. 1 Sex education/faaily planning course for people. By Dave Deaetral, Tiaothy C. Blackburn & Georganne Bhite-Blackburn. 1 V. Deaetral, Blackburn, Bhite- Blackburn, a firm consisting of Dave Deaetral, Tia Blackburn & Georganne Bhite-Blackburn; 13Jan77; 1661779.

1881780. Henstruation. By Dave Deaetral, Tiaothy C. Blackburn £ Georganne Uhite-Blackburn. 1 V. (A Sex education/faaily planning course for people, section 5) O Deaetral, Blackburn, Bhite-Blackburn, a fira consisting of Dave Deaetral, Tia Blackburn & Georganne Bhite-Blackburn; 13Jan77; 1861780.

1881781. Contraception and abortion. By Dave Deaetral, Tiaothy C. Blackburn & Georganne Bhite-Blackburn. 1 v. (1 Sex educa- tion/faaily planning course for people, section 6) C Deaetral, Blackburn, Bhite-Blackburn, a fira consisting of Dave Deaetral, Tia Blackburn G Georganne Bhite-Blackburn; 13Jan77: 1861781.

1681782. Venereal disease. By Dave Deaetral, Tiaothy C. Blackburn G Georganne Bhite-Blackburn. 1 v. (1 Sex educa- tion/faaily planning course for people, section 7) O Deaetral, Blackburn, Bhite-Blackburn, a fira consisting of Dave Deaetral, Tia Blackburn & Georganne Bhite-Blackburn: 13Jan77; 1881782.

4881783. Feedrail 'plug-in'. Catalog FR-Plug-In: Feedrail systeas. Polder. Ippl. au: Electrical Products Division, Hidland-aoss Corporation. O Hidland-Boss Corporation; 20JU177; 1881763.

1881784. 633 Steelcity 'three gang' underfloor box. Bulletin no. FB-663. Folder. Appl. au: Electrical Products Division, Hidiand-Boss Corporation. O Hidland-Boss Corporation; 20Jul77; 1861784.

1861785. Bussellstoll FS/PD: circuit-breaking receptacles, plugs and connectors. Catalog Pfi: plugs and receptacles, section 5. 19 p. Ippl. au: Electrical Products Division, Hidland-Boss Corporation. Hidland-Boss Corporation; 20Jul77; 1681785.

1881766. NlBDl's 1976 costs of doing business survey. 30 p. Idd. tx: NlBDl's 31st annual costs of doing business survey. Ippl. au: Jules Steinberg. O National Ippliance and Badio-Electronic Dealers Issociat^on, a division of NlBDl, Inc. (in notice: NlBDl, Inc.); 26Jul77; 1881786.

1881767. Inalysis of Hay 1977 aagazine adver- tising. Vol. 30, no. 5. Coapiled by Leading National Idvertisers, Inc. Sheets. Idd. ti: PIB aagazine advertising analysis. Ippl. au: Publishers Infor- aation Bureau, Inc. Publishers Inforaation Bureau, Inc.; 22Jul77; 1861787.

1881788. History through literature; France. Discussion guide: Shirlee Neil. 115 p. £ 3 filastrips. Iccoapanied by sound recording, reg. N44261, in box. Ippl. au: Guidance Issociates, Inc. , employer for hire. NH: additions. Guidance Associates; 29Dec76; 1881788.

A881789. Hunters delux gut kit. Ippl. au: Billiaa Holtzinger. O Billiaa B. Holtzinger; 3Jan77: 1881789.

A881790. Hoveaent as an adjunct to the treatment of stuttering: a pilot study aeasuring change through verbalization. By Christine Gail Billey. Sheets (100 p.) O Christine Gail Billey; 2SHar77: 1661790.

A881791. Chec-Ki-Hi. Kit. Appl. au: Frank F. Yanari a.k.a. F. Fusao Janari. C Frank Fusao Yanari; 13Jun77; A681791.


Dying grace. By B. B. Thieae, Jr. 2nd


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