A881497 - A881541
JUL-DEC. 1977
i881it96 (con.) photos. C Fraoklin Batts, Inc.; 3Feb75:
il8811|96. The Colony of Connecticut. By Clifford Lindsey Aldernan. 87 p. &ppl. states all new oateirial except for several prev. pub. photos. e Fraaklin Hatts« Inc.; 6Jaii75; 4881497.
&881I198. The Colony of Sassachusetts. By Alice Dickinson. 87 p. &ppl. states all new except for a nuober of prev. pub. photos. & Franklin (atts. Inc.; 6Jan75: A881498.
ABBiigg. The Asteroids. By Alan Edward Uourse. 59 p. Appl. states all new except for a nuaber of prev. pub. photos. O Alan E. Nourse; 7Jan75: 4881499.
A881500. Hussoliai's march on Boae: October 30, 1922. a dictator in the aaking achieves political power in Italy. By Jerre Gerlando Hanqione. 65 p. Appl. states all new except for a nunbec of prev. pub. photos. C Franklin Batts, Inc.; 4Jan75: 1881300.
A881501. The Colony of New Hanpshire. By Eail Lenqyel. 63 p. Appl. states all new except for a nuober of prev. pub. photos. e Franklin Batts, Inc.; 17Jan75; A881501.
A381502. Aquariuns. By John Hoke. 71 p. on text & photos.; Franklin Batts, Inc.; 7Jan75: A881502.
A881503. The colony of Georgia. By Harold Cecil Vauqhan. 88 p. Appl. states all new except for a nunber of prev. pub. photos. Franklin Batts, Inc.; 6Jan75; A881503.
A881504. The Hetric systen. By Jaaes Hahn t Lynn Hahn. 63 p. Appl. states all new except for a nunber of prev. pub. photos. Jaaes Hahn £ Lynn Bahn: 2411ar75: A881504.
A881505. The parade. Ideas B pictures by K1ell Soceosen-Binqi, written by Adelaide Holl. IV. O on text; Adelaide Holl; 11Feb75; A881505.
A881506. The Parade. Ideas 6 pictures by K-jell Sorensen-Bingi, written by Adelaide Holl. 1 V. O on illus.: K-jell Sorensen-Bingi; 11Peb75: AB81506.
A881507. Britannica iunior encyclopaedia. Vol. 1-15. Editor: Harvin Hartin. UB: additions £ revisions. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.; 12Jan77; A881507.
A881508. The "Square sports pool." Poster. Appl. au: Frank C. Lakatos. O Frank C. Lakatos d.b. a. Speco, Inc.; 15Jul77; A881508.
A881509. Play the "square sports sweepstakes." Poster. Appl. au: Frank C. Lakatos. Frank C. Lakatos d.b. a. Speco, Inc.; 15JU177: A881509.
A881510. Beflections from the other side of life. By Catherine S. Bias. 16 p. Catherine S. Bias; 2Auq77; A881510.
A881511. Gaitarians and India: a study in encounter and response. By Spencer Lavan. 217 p. G Spencer Lavan; 3Aug77; Ae81511.
A881512. Bhat did Luther understand by religion? By Karl Holl, edited by Jaaes Luther Adaas e Baiter F. Bense, translated by Fred B. Heuser & Baiter R. Bietzke, appendix translated by Halter F. Bense. 123 p. Translation of Bas verstand Luther unter Beligion? found in Gesaamelte Aufsaetze zu Kirchengeschichte, vol. 1, essay pub. originally in Die christliche Belt, 38, 1924. KM: translations. Fortress Press; 4Aug77; A881512.
A861513. Somewhere after twenty nine. Text by Frederick Howard Swan, illustrated by Stephen John Heck. 1 v. Add. ti: Somewhere after 29. O Fred Swan e Steve Heck; 3Auq77; A881513.
A881514. Prework assignment. 3 p. Situation Hanageaent Systems, Inc.; 12Nov76; A881514.
A881515. Scale definitions for The Influence style guestionnaire (ISO) 8 p. O Situation Management Systems, Inc.; 12IJOv76; A881515.
4881516. Blocks to personal power and influence questionnaire. 6 p. O Situation Hanagement Systems, Inc.; 12Nov76; A8815t6.
A881517. Influence style guestionnaire (ISQ) 6 p. Situation Hanageaent Systems^ Inc. ; 12NOV76: A881517.
A8815ia. Assertive persuasion exercises. 2 p. 6 situation Hanagement Systems, Inc.; 12NOV76; A881518.
AB81519. Common vision exercises. 2 p. C Situation Management Systems, Inc.; 12NOV76; A881519.
A881520. Participation and trust exercises. 2 p. O Situation Management Systeas. Inc.; 12NOV76; 4881520.
A881521. Beward and puuishaent exercises. 2 p. d situation Hanageaent Systems* Inc.; 12HOV76; A881521.
A881522. Choosing an appropriate influence style. 5 p. O Situation Management Systems, Inc.; 12IIOV76; 4881522.
A881523. Active listening. By Soger Harrison. 2 p. Appl. au: Situation Hanagement Systems, Inc., employer for hire. situation Hanageaent Systems, Inc.; 12IIOV76; 4881523.
A881524. Some notes on persuasion. By David E. Berlew. 6 p. Appl. au: Situation Management Systems, Inc., employer for hire. Situation Hanagement Systems, Inc.; 12NOV76; 4881524.
4881S25. 4ssessing and recording the use of influence styles. 3 p. Situation Management Systems, Inc. ; 12Nov76; 4881525.
4381526. Staff management style, a consensus seeking exercise. 3 p. Situation Management Systems, Inc.; 12Nov76; A881526.
4881527. Bork sheets for the Influence style questionnaire (ISQ) p. S'15. Situation Hanagement Systeas, Inc.; 12Nov76; A861527.
A881528. Personal influence style and behavior profile. 5 p. Situation Management Systems, Inc.; 12Nov76; A881528.
A881529. Galva, Geneseo, fioxbury, KS, and others telephone directory, 1977-1978. O Home Telephone Company* Inc.; 2Aug77; A881529.
4881530. Alfordsville* Glendale, Montgomery, IN, and others telephone directory, 1977-1978. Add. ti: Montgomery, IB. Daviess-Hartin County Rural Telephone Corporation, Odon-Madison Township Telephone Company & S and B Telephone Company, Inc.; 22JU177: 4881530.
A881531. Council Grove, KS« telephone directory, August 1977. Council Grove Telephone Coapany; 21Jul77; A881531.
A881532. Alden, Buckeye, Dows, lA, and others, 1977-1978. Add. ti: Dows, 14. O Continental Telephone Company of Iowa; 25JU177; 4881532.
4881533. 4uburn, Lake View, Lanesboro, including listings for Hall Lake, lA, 1977-1978. Add. ti: Lake View, lA. Continental Telephone Coapany of Iowa; 27Jul77; A881533.
A881534. Addieviile, Ashley, Bartelso, IL, and others, August 1977. Add. ti: OkawvUle, IL. 6 Continental Telephone Company of Illinois; 21Jul77; A881534.
A881535. Northern Michigan, August 1977. O Continental Telephone Coapany of Hichigan; 1Aug77; A881535.
A881536. Fairfield, ID, August 1977. O Con- tinental Telephone Coapany of the Best; 15JU177; A881536.
A881537. Cullom, Keapton, Saunemin, IL, telephone directory, September 1977. Inland Telephone Company; 1Aug77; A881537.
A881538. Berry, Detroit, Fayette, AL, and others, August 1977. Add. ti: Fayette, AL. O Continental Telephone Company of the South-Alabama; 14Jul77; A881538.
4881539. 4rnoldsburg. Grantsville, BV, 4ugust 1977. Add. ti: Grantsville, HV. O Best Virginia Telephone Company; 25Jul77; A881539.
A881540. Danville, Allentown, Jef fersonville, GA, and others, August 1977. Add. ti: Jeffersonville, GA. C Continental Telephone Company of the South-Georgia; 18JU177; A881540.
Aa81541. Gray, Haddock, Lake Sinclair, SA, and
others, August 1977. Continental
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