JUL-DEC. 1977
&881«59 (con.) competencT-based approach. By Clifford fi. Eduards £ Robert L. Flshec. 464 p. Q Praeqer Publishers, a division of Holt« Elnehart and Hinston; 22Apr77: £881459.
&881460. Peasants in pover: Alexander Staoboliski and the Bulgarian Agrarian National Onion, 1899-192 3. By John D. Bell. 271 p. Princeton University Press; 1Jul77; &881460.
A881461. The Pagan god: popular religion in the Greco-fioman Near East. By Javier Teixidor. 192 p. Princeton Oniversity Press; 74pr77: A881461.
A881462. British rearjnament in the thirties: politics and profits. By fiobert Paul Shay, Jr. 315 p. NH: additions e chap. 4 completely rewritten e organized. © Princeton Oniversity Press; 23Jun77: A881462.
A881463. The Gothic visionary perspective. By Barbara Nolan (Barbara Nolan Buland) 266 p. Appl. states all nev but parts of 2 earlier versions of chap. 3. d Princeton Oniversity Press; 14Jul77; A881463.
&8S1464. Dostoevsky and the novel. By Janes Michael Holguist. 202 p. Appl. states all new with the exception of portions of chap. 2 which have been prev. pub. in a iournal. Q Princeton Oniversity Press; 5Jul77; A881464.
A881465. The Philosophical anarchism of Hillian Godwin. By John P. Clark. 342 p. NH: additions & revisions. 6 Princeton University Press; 13Jun77; A881465.
£881466. Chaucerian fiction. By Bobert B- Burlin. 292 p. Part of chap^ 11 prev. pub. in a foreign journal. NH: additions. Princeton University Press; 29Jun77; A881466.
A881467. The History of the Maghrib: an interpretive essay. By Abdallah Laroui, translated from the French by Balph Hanheim. 431 p. Appl. au: Princeton University Press. Translated from Abdallah Laroui, L*Histoire du Maghreb: un essai de synthese, 1970. NH: translation. 6 Princeton Oniversity Press; 29Jul77; £881467.
£881468. Equality and preferential treatment: a Philosophy and public affairs reader. Edited by Marshall Cohen, Thomas Nagel S Thomas Scanlon. 209 p. Appl. au: Princeton University Press. The essays in this book, with 1 exception, appeared originally in the quarterly journal Philosophy and public affairs. NM: introd. & compilation. Princeton University Press; 28Jun77; A881468.
A881469. Geographic variation, speciation, and clines. By John A. Endler. 246 p. (Monographs in population biology) Princeton University Press; 28Jul7/; A881469.
A881470. The Aeolic style in architecture: a survey of its development in Palestine, the Halikarnassos Peninsula and Greece, 1000-500 B.C. By Philip p. Betancouct. 169 p. © Princeton Oniversity Press; 20JU177; A881470.
A881471. Putting it all together: a consumer's guide to home furnishings. By Peggie Varney Collins 6 Shirley iright Collins, illus. by Philip F. Farrell, Jr. 242 p. 3 Peggie Varney Collins & Shirley Bright Collins; 18Jul77; £881471.
£881472. Bussia under the old regime. By Richard Pipes. 360 p. (The History of civi- lization) Prev. pub. abroad 28Nov74, AIO-10514. e Richard Pipes; 1 1Har75 (in notice: 1974); A881472.
A881473. Croquet: the complete guide to history, strategy, rules and records. By James M. Charlton & William G. Thompson, illus. by Katherine Freeman, photos, by Roger Adler. 174 p. NM: text, some illus. 6 compilation of prev. pub. material. 6 Turtle Press, Inc.; 21Mar77; A88147J.
A881474. John Dewey: the middle works, 1899-1924. Vol. 4: 1907-1909. By John Dewey, edited by Jo Ann Boydston, associate textual editor: Barbara Levine, with an introd. by Lewis £. Bahn. 437 p. NM: compilation G textual ed. O Southern Illinois Oniversity Press; 16May77; A881474.
£881475. Insects and spiders. Editor: Eleanor Graves £ other editors, art director: Joseph Trautwein. 128 p. (Hild, wild world of animals) Based on the television series Bild, wild world of animals. Appl. au: Time-Life Films, Inc. , employer for hire. Appl. states all new except for prev. pub. text on p. 36, 37, 57, 38, 39, 56, 74, 75, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 6 102. Time-Life Films, Inc.; 8Jun77; £881475.
A881476. Beating and cooling. By the editors of lime-Life Books, Inc. 128 p. (Home repair and improvement) Q Time-Life Books, Inc.; 22Jun77: - A881476.
A881477. Bamayana. By Hilliam Buck, with an introd. by 6. A. Van Nooten, illustrated by Shirley Triest. 432 p. Add. ti: King Bama*s way. Valmiki's Bamayana told in English prose by Hilliam Buck. NM: compilation, retelling of ancient story, introd. £ illus. O The Regents of the Oniversity of California; 40ct76; A881477.
AB81478. Love and the American delinguent: the theory and practice of "progressive" juvenile justice, 1825-1920. By Steven L. Schlossman. 303 p. Appl. states all new except chap. 2, which has been prev. pub. e The Oniversity of Chicago; 25Apr77; A881478.
A881479. The Novel before the novel: essays and discussions about the beginnings of prose fiction in the Rest. By Arthur Bay Heiserman. 238 p. e The University of Chicago; 22£pr77; A881479.
£881480. A Guide to ancient Mexican ruins. By C. Bruce Bunter. 261 p. C Oniversity of Oklahoma Press, publishing division of the University; SJun77; A881480.
£881481. The University and medicine: the past, the present, akid tomorrow; report of an £nglo-£merican Bicentennial conference. Edited by John Z. Bowers £ Elizabeth F. Purcell. 239 p. @ Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation; 13Jul77: £861481.
£881462. Canton in revolution: the collected papers of Earl Swisher, 1925-1928. Edited by Kenneth R. Bea. 144 p. Bestview Press, Inc.; 5May77; A881482.
A881483. Romanhood in America: from colonial times to the present. By Mary P. Byan. 496 p. e Mar; P. Byan; 20Mar7S: A881483.
A881464. Bigfoot: America's abominable snowman. By Elwood D. Baumann. 107 p. Appl. states all new except some prev. pub. photos. £ drawings. O Elwood D. Baumann; 6Jan75: A881484.
A881485. Motorcycling; a concise guide. Text: Boss Bobert Olney, illus. by Bic Estrada. 61 p. e on text; Boss B. Olney; 10Jan75; A881485.
A881466. Motorcycling; a concise guide. By Boss fiobert Olney, illus. by Bic Estrada. 61 p. e on illus.; Franklin Watts, Inc.; 10Jan75; A881486.
A881487. How the witch got Alf. Text: Cora Annett (Cora Annett Scott) , illustrated by Steven Kellogg. 47 p. O on text; Cora Annett; 10Jan75; A881487.
A881488. How the witch got Alf. By Cora Annett (Cora Annett Scott), illustrated by Steven Kellogg. 47 p. on illus.; Steven Kellogg (in notice: Stephen Kellogg) ; 10Jan75: A861468.
A681489. Backpacking; a concise guide. By. Tony Gibbs, drawings by Linda Bennett. 66 p. Appl. states all new except some prev. pub. illus. e Tony Gibbs; 23Jan75; A881489.
A881490. Know your feelings. By Margaret Oldroyd Hyde £ Elizabeth Held Forsyth. Ill p. Margaret O. Hyde £ Elizabeth Held Forsyth; 6Jan75; A881490.
A881491. The Consumer movement. By James 5. Raskins. 122 p. Q James S. Haskins; 6Jan75: A881491.
A861492. The Drum; an introd. to the instrument. By Thomas A. Hill. 115 p. Appl. states all new except some prev. pub. photos. Thomas A. Hill; 18Feb75: A881492.
A881493. Energy and the future. By Hilton A. Bothman, illus. by Vanguard. 114 p. Appl. states all new except for a number of prev. pub. photos. C Franklin Ratts, Inc.; 6Jan75: A881493.
A881494. Contract bridge: how to improve your technique. By fiobert B. Ewen. 63 p. e Bobert B. Ewen; 10Jan7S; A881494.
A88149 5. Ancient Japan and its influence in modern times. By Bichard Louis Halker. 86 p. Appl. states all new except for a number of prev. pub. photos £ a poem on p. 41. e Franklin Hatts, Inc.; 31Mar7S: A8B1495.
A881496. Indians of the eastern woodlands. By Sally Sheppard. 88 p. Appl. states all
new except for a number of prev. pub.
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