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381 168 - i881206


JUL-DEC. 1977

AB81167 (con.) educationally handicapped students in reqular school proqrans. By James Earl Johnson. Hlcrofiln. Janes Earl Johnson; 2UHay76: 4881167.

A881163. The anderqraduate science laboratory as a learning environaent: an exploratory study. By Norna June Lash Hilbur. Hicrofili. Horma June Lash lilbur; 10ct76: »8B1168.

1861169. The Effects of token reinforcement and a task analyzed program on the acquisition of the place value concept for learning handicapped children with low mathematical abilities. By Robert Harvey Batlow. Hicrofilm. Eobert Harvey Matlow; 120ct76; »881169.

A881170. The North of intercollegiate athletics to the small private liberal arts college. By John Gardner Crandall, Jr. Hicrofilm. 6 John Gardner crandall* Jr. ; 3Jun76: A881170.

A881 171. A Survey of religious drama in the United Presbyterian Church, 0. S.A., Synod of Southern California. By James Edgar Bodman. Hicrofilm. O James Edgar Bodman; 9Sep76: 4881171.

A881172. The Twisted dream: capitalist deve- lopment in the Dnited States since 1776. By Douglas Fitzgerald Dovd. 2nd ed. 364 p. ginthrop Publishers, Inc.; 15Feb77; A881 172.

A881173. A Programmed teit in macroeconomics. By Hartin L. Priaack. 20 1 p. Uinthrop Publishers, Inc.; 1Feb77; A881173.

A88117I*. The American political system: a radical approach. By Edward S. Greenberg. 501 p. Binthrop Publishers, Inc.; 24Feb77: A88117I4.

A881175. Careereach; student ed. B teacher's guide. Authors; Bichard Bishop, Allen Hark Perres, Dion E. aheeler & John Paul Eddy, editors; Edward Niziol, Hilliam Hood 6 Cheryl Nelsen, illus. Hary Burke. 2 v. O Visco, Inc.; 1Hov76; A881175.

A881176. College survival. College survival teacher's guide. Authors: Thomas Hesiak, Jake Dereszynski, Allen Hark Ferres G Bobert Dixon, editors: Edward Niziol, Hilliam Hood & Cheryl Nelsen, illustrated by Hary Burke. 2 v. Add. ti: College survival and teacher's guide of College survival. Appl. au: Dion iheeler 6 John P. Eddy. Visco, Inc.; 1Nov76: A881176.

A881177. Decision making; student & teacher's guide. Authors; Bobert Nelson 6 Allen Hark Perres, editors; Edward Niziol, Hilliam Bood £ Cheryl Nelsen, illus. by Hary Burke & Jan Siragusa. 2 v. Appl. au: Dion Rheeler. O Visco, Inc. ; 1llov76: A881177.

A8ei 178. Job search, seizure, survival; student & teacher's guide. Authors; Larry Larvick, Bichard Bishop & Allen Hark Perres, editors: Edward Niziol, eilliam Hood & Cheryl Nelsen, illus. by Hary Burke. 2 v. Appl. au: Dion Vheeler. Visco, Inc.; 1Nav76: A881178.

A891179. Success core; student ed. & teacher's guide. Authors: Bobert Nelson, Dion E. Iheeler, Allen Hark Perres £ John Paul Eddy, editors: Edward Niziol, Hilliam Bood G Cheryl Nelsen, illus. by Hary Burke. 2 V. O Visco, Inc.; 1Nov76; A881179.

A881180. Prayer. Script: Ella Hayer, photog- raphy: Sister Hadonna Buder, B.G.S. 7 folders. Accoopanied by 6 filmstrips in box. Appl. au: BOA Films. O BOA Films; 28Feb77; A881180.

A881181. Honterey and San Benito Counties, CA, telephone directory, August 1977. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company: 25JU177; A881181.

A881182. East Contra Costa County, CA, telephone directory, August 1977. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company: 1VJU177: A881182.

A881183. Central Contra Costa County, CA, telephone directory, August 1977. C The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; 13JU177: A881183.

A881181I. Los Angeles. August 1977. O The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; 15Jal77: ABBIIBt.

A881185. Agoura, Canoga Park, North Hollywood and others address telephone directory, July 1977. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company; 13Jul77; A881185.

A881186. Beverly Hills, CA, address telephone directory, July 1977. O The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; 7Jul77: A881186.

A881187. San Jose, Campbell and Saratoga, CA, address telephone directory, August 1977.. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company: 22Jul77; A881187.

A881188. Oakland, Alameda, Berkeley and San Leandro, CA, address telephone directory, August 1977. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; 27Jul77; A881188.

Asaiieg. Los Altos. Hountain View, Palo Alto and Sunnyvale address telephone directory, August 1977. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company; 19Jul77; A881189.

A881190. Los Angeles address telephone directory, July 1977. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; 27Jun77; A881190.

A881191. contra Costa County, CA, address telephone directory, August 1977. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company; 25JU177; A881191.

A881192. San Diego address telephone directory, July 1977. O The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; 19Jul77; A881192.

A881193. Hid-cities, CA, address telephone directory, August 1977. Add. ti: Compton, Lynwood, Paramount, CA, street address telephone directory, August 1977. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; 26JU177; A881193.

A881194. you the consumer. By Bertram L. Linder 6 Edwin Selzer. 190 p. NH: revisions 6 additions. Hilliam H. Sadlrer, Inc.; 6Dec76 (in notice: 1977); A881194.

A88119S. Economics for young adults, a research and discovery book; workbook. By Bertram L. Linder 6 Edwin Selzer. 208 p. NH: revisions £ additional matter. O Hilliam e. Sadlier, Inc.; 10Jan77; A881195.

A881196. The American stud book. Vol. 26, pt. 1 6 2. 2 V. The Jockey Club; 10Feb77 (in notice: 1976); A881196.

A881197. General introduction to acupuncture. By Bobert C. Isay. 147 p. (Textbook of Chinese acupuncture medicine, vol. 1) Association of New Chinese Hedicine; 1Sep74; A881197.

A881198. Particle size analysis. Edited by John D. stockham £ Edward G. Fochtman. 140 p. Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Inc. ; 15JU177; A881198.

A881199. Solar energy and research directory, 1977. Prepared by Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Inc. special task group. 386 p. Q Ann Arbor science Publishers, Inc. ; 8Jun77; A881199.

A881200. Biochemical effects of environmental pollutants. Edited by S. D. Lee with the assistance of Bruce Peirano. 478 p. Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Inc. ; 24Jun77; A881200.

A881201. Cooperati ves--committed to America's future, American cooperation, 1976-77. Edited by Beryle Stanton. 522 p. Appl. au: American Institute of Cooperation. Q American Institute of Cooperation; 22JU177; A881201.

A881202. The Declassified documents retrospective collection. Pt. 1, vol. 1: catalog o£ abstracts. Executive editor: Annadel N. iile, operations editor: Elizabeth K. Jones. 475 p. Add. ti: The Declassified documents reference system, retrospective collection. O Carrollton Press, Inc.; 27Dec76; A881202.

A88120 3. The Declassified documents retrospective collection. Pt. 1, vol. 2: catalog of abstracts. Executive editor: Annadel N. Nile, operations editor: Elizabeth K. Jones. p. 476-967. Add. ti: The Declassified documents reference system, retrospective collection. © Carrollton Press, Inc.; 27Dec76; A881203.

A8812a4. Let the people cry amen! An inquiry into the oral history of the Old Testament. By John F. X. Sheehan. 200 p. NH; editing. John F. X. Sheehan; 28Feb77; A881204.

A881205. A Socio-theology of letting go: the role of a first world church facing third world peoples. By Sister Harie Augusta Neal, S.N.D. DeN. 118 p. NH; editing. 6 Harie Augusta Neal; 4Har77; A881205.

A881206. The Unity we seek; a statement by the fioman Catholic/Presbyterian-fief ormed Consultation. Edited by Ernest 1. Onterkoefler 6 Andrew Harsanyi. 135 p.

The Missionary Society of Saint Paul the


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