i88i085 -
JUL-DEC. 1977
ASSIOSS. Does the church need a auiistry? 11 p. Appl. au: Bcyce G. Clark. O Chucch of God, the Eternal: 18Jq177: A88 1085.
A88iaB6. Consumer product safety. Beport no. 569, Dec. 1975. Beport author: Eliot G. iooduard, a research report by the Long Banqe Planning Service, Stanford fiesearch Institute. 2<t p. Appl. au: Stanford Research Institute. O Stanford fiesearch Institute: 31Dec7S; A881086.
A881087. Consumer product safety. Executive suanary, report no. 569, Dec. 1975. Beport author: Eliot G. Hoodward. 2 p. Appl. au: Stanford fiesearch Institute. Stanford Besearch Institute; 310ec75: A881087.
A881088. Industrial finishing. Executive summary report no. 568, Dec. 1975. Beport author: Charles D. Turlt. 2 p. Appl. au: Stanford Besearch Institute. Stanford Besearch Institute: 30Dec75: AB810S8.
A881089. Industrial finishing, fieport no. 568, Dec. 1975. Beport author: Charles D. Turk, a research report by the Long Bange Planning Service, Stanford Besearch Institute. 16 p. Appl. au: Stanford fiesearch Institute. Q Stanford Research Institute: 30Dec75; A881089.
A881090. Industrial noise. Executive summary report no. 567, Dec. 1975. Beport author: James R. Young. 2 p. Appl. au: Stanford fiesearch Institute. Q Stanford Besearch Institute; 23Bec75; A881090.
A881091. Industrial noise. Report no. 567, Dec. 1975. Beport author: James B. Young, a research report by the Long Bange Planning Service, Stanford Besearch Institute. 20 p. Appl. au: Stanford fiesearch Institute. Stanford Besearch Institute; 23Dec75; A881091.
A881092. Travel to and from North America. Executive summary report no. 566« Dec. 1975. fieport authors: Terrence Cullinan E Keith E. Duke. 2 p. Appl. au: Stanford Besearch Institute. Stanford Besearch Institute: 23Dec75; A881092.
A881093. Travel to and from Horth America, fieport no. 566, Dec. 1975. Beport authors: Terrence Cullinan & Keith E. Duke, a research report by the Long fiange Planning Service, Stanford Besearch Institute. 16 p. Appl. au: Stanford Besearch Institute. Stanford Besearch Institute: 23Dec75; A881093.
A881094. Psychoqraphics. Executive summary report no. 565, Dec. 1975. fieport author: uilliam D. Hells. 2 p. Appl. au: Stanford Besearch Institute. Stanford Besearch Institute; 18Dec7b: A881094.
A881095. Psychographics. Beport no. 565, Dec. 1975. Beport author: Billiam 0. Veils, a research report by the Long fiange Planning Service, Stanford Research Insitute. 2U p. Appl. au: Stanford Besearch Institute. Stanford Besearch Institute; 18Dec75: A881095.
A88109e. Uorld business. Ho. 3. Editorial director: H. E. Bobison. 61 p. (SBI international, no. 31, 1977) Appl. au: Stanford fiesearch Institute. Stanford Besearch Institute; 18Hay77; A881096.
A881097. Husic merchant: song lyrics book. Vol. 1. By aichael U. Hoore. 1 v. NH: additional text compilation. aichael Hoore: 13Apr77; A881097.
A88109e. Sore knees and prayer, September 18, 1977. By Prank Lee. 1 p. Appl. au: Liguori Publications. O Liguori Publications: 19Jal77: A881098.
A881099. The Greatest crime against our children, October 9, 1977. By Hugh J. O'Connell. t p. Appl. au: Liguori Publications. 6 Liguori Publications; 19Jul77: A881099.
A881100. Don't be a TV robot, September 25, 1977. By Hugh J. O'Connell. 1 p. Appl. au: Liguori Publications. O Liguori Publications; 19Jul77: A881100.
A881101. Do you sin too much or too little? October 2, 1977. By John Farnik. 1 p. Appl. au: Liguori Publications. Liguori Publications; 19Jul77; A881101.
A8eil02. On Fragmento de esperanza. Por Alan i. Compton. 28 p. Appl. au: Editorial Hundo Hispano. O Editorial Hundo Hispano; 25Har77 (in notice: 1975); A881102.
Assiioa. Farrah and her friends. Editor: Alexandra Borthington S other editors. 11 p. (TV greats, vol 1, no. 1, Oct. 1977) Sterling's Magazines, Inc.; 19Jul77; A881103.
A881104. Daily titanic. »ol, 1, issue 2, Hay 16, 1977. 2 p. Appl. au: Boy Bivenburg. e Boy Bivenburg; 18Hay77; A881104.
A881105. Selective gleanings from Camden, Tennessee newspapers, 1882-1932. By Jonathan Kennon Thompson Smith. 167 p. NH: additions 6 compilation. Jonathan Kennon Thompson Smith; 22Jun77; A88110S.
A881106. Bules for pylon racing game. 1 p. (Bith To make the racing plane come back to the thrower) Appl. au: Howard B. Trowbridge. O Howard H. Trowbridge; ltDec76: A881106.
A881107. Ten steps toward mental health. Card. Hental Health Association of Leon County: 15Apr77; A881107.
A881108. Inter-disciplinary team evaluation- review. 1 p. Luther Home of Hercy abbreviated as L.H.H.; 1Jan77; A881108.
A881109. Inter-disciplinary team evaluation. 1 p. Luther Home of Hercy abbreviated as L.H.H.; 1Apr77: A881109.
A881110. Behabilrtation potential — nursing care plan. Polder. O Luther Home of Hercy abbreviated as L.U.H.; 10ct76; A8811ia.
A8ei111. Restraints — check list. 1 p. Luther Home of Hercy abbreviated as L.B.H.; 1Sep76; A881111.
A881112 Release authorization and instructions to act at time of patient death. 1 p. L. H. H. ; 1Apr76; A881112.
A881113. Horizon index to text and illustrations. Vol. 17, no. 1-11, winter 1975-autumn 1975. 23 p. O American Heritage Publishing Company, Inc.; 18Apr77; A881113.
A8S1114. PSI/ESI screeninig inventories. Appl. au: Ruth H. Pinnas. Buth Pinnas; 15Oct76; A881114.
A881115. Violence in our lives: focus on rape. Icitten by Gail Tyson. 32 p. Appl. au: Harrisburg Area Bape crisis Center. O Barrisburg Area Bape Crisis Center; 20Jun77: A881115.
A881116. From paper to the screen; a how-to, short course and manual on screenwriting. By Stanley L. Blumenthal. 38 p. HH: additional text 6 compilation. Stanley L. Blumenthal; 15Jul77; A881116.
A881 117. Halls that beautify any room. Sheets (4 p.) From Boman's day, April 5, 1977. HH: additions. O Pawcett Publications, Inc.; 8Har77; A881117.
A881118. The Adventures of Harvin Hetric and his friends. By Barbara Anne Lubbs, illustrated by Greg Badke. 1 v. O Barbara Anne Lubbs; 15Jun77: A881118.
A881119. Hayes and you, winning admiring glances! fall/winter '77. 63 p. O Hayes, Inc. a.a.d.o. Hayes Half-Size Fashions, Inc.; 8JU177; A881119.
A881120. The Hagic of words. Edited by Thomas C. Jones. 160 p. HH: compilation. J. G. Ferguson Publishing company; 1Sep76; A881120.
A881121. Chemical conversion factors and yields; commercial 6 theoretical. By Judith L. Blackford, with Robert E. Davenport 6 Elaine H. Klapproth. 2nd ed. 117 p. Appl. au: Stanford fiesearch Institute. O Stanford Besearch Institute; 1SHar77: A881121.
AB81122. Tut- Ankh- Amen 's battleplane: an unresolved mystery. 1 p. Appl. au: Thomas F. Smith. O Thomas F. Smith d.b.a. Aerographics; 22Apr77; A881122.
A881123. Garden of eatin"; a collection of recipes. Compiled by the Bomen's Auxiliary of the Garden City Community Church. 208 p. MB: new £ editorially revised material. O Homen's Auxiliary of the Garden city Community Church; 15Apr77; A881123.
A881124. Speech in color dictionary. By Don P. Brown & Juanita Bradshaw Sagan. 56 p. HH: compilation. Don P. Brown £ Juanita Bradshaw Sagan; 11Feb77; A881124.
A8ei12S. Happy memories. Book 1. By Paul Detlefsen. 1 v. HH: text. Shelly- Paul, Inc.; 3Hay77; A881125.
A881126. Leadership dynamics seminar. Sheets. Hanagement Dynamics, Inc.; 4Hay77;
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