JUL-DEC. 1977
A880855 (con.) O Onited States ste«l Corporation; 11Peb75: A880855.
A880856. Bepreseotative perforaance assiqnment: Inspect and service a differential. 3 p. (Steel industry craft deteraination proqraa, no. 1253-B) SB: revisions. United States Steel Cocpofation; 11Feb75; i8e0856.
A880857. Bepresentative perforaance assiqaaent; Test an enqine for coapression. 3 p. (Steel industry craft deteraination proqraa, no. 1254-B) NH: revisions. Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Feb75: A880857.
A8808S8. Bepreseotative perforaance assiqnaent: Inspect and service coolinq systea. 3 p. (Steel industry craft deteraination proqraa, no. 12S5-B) NH: revisions. Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Peb75; A880858.
A880859. Bepresentative perforaance assiqnaent: Inspect and service enqine lubrication systea. 3 p. (Steel industry craft deteraination proqraa, no. 1256-B) HH: revisions. Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Peb75; A880859.
ASSOSeO. Bepresentative perforaance assiqnaent: Inspect and service exhaust systea. 3 p. (Steel industry craft deteraination proqraa, no. 1259-H) HH : revisions. Onited states steel Corporation; 11Peb75; A880860.
A880861. Bepresentative perforaance assiqnaent: Inspect, service, adiust valves and seats. 3 p. (Steel industry craft deteraination proqraa, no. 126a-B) NM: revisions. O Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Peb7S: A380861.
A880862. Bepresentative perforaance assiqnaent: Deaonstrate proficiency in use of an exhaust qas analyzer. 3 p. (Steel industry craft deteraination proqraa, no. 1261-BI HH: revisions. Onited States Steel Corporation: 11Peb75; A880862.
Ae808e3. Bepresentative perforaance assiqnaent; Inspect, service and adjust carburetor. 3 p. (Steel industry craft deteraination proqraa, no. 1262-B) MB: revisions. Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Peb75: A880863.
A880861I. Bepresentative perforaance assignaent: Bebuild a carburetor. 3 p. (Steel industry craft deteraination proqraa, no. 1263-Bl SH: revisions. Onited States Steel Corporation: npeb75; A88O8614.
A88086S. Bepresentative perforaance assiqnaent: Inspect, service and adjust a qasoline fuel puap. 3 p. (Steel industry craft deteraination proqraa, no. 1264-B) HO: revisions. C Onited States steel Corporation; npeb75; A880a65.
A880866. Bepresentative perforaance assiqnaent: Inspect and service an oil filter. 3 p. (Steel industry craft deteraination proqraa, no. 1265-a) NH: revisions. Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Feb75: A880866.
A880867. Bepresentative perforaance assiqnaent: Inspect and service a dry type air cleaner. 3 p. (Steel industry craft deteraination proqraa, no. 1266-B) HB: revisions. O Onited states Steel Corporation; 11Feb75; A880867.
A8e0868. Representative perforaance assiqnaent: Inspect, clean and service an oil bath air cleaner. 3 p. (Steel industry craft deteraination proqraa, no. 1267-B) KB: revisions. O Onited states Steel Corporation; IIFebTS; A880868.
A880869. Bepresentative perforaance assiqnaent: Inspect, service and adjust a governor. 3 p. (Steel industry craft deteraination proqraa, no. 1268-BI NB: revisions. Onited States Steel Corporation; nPeb7S: A880869.
A880870. Bepresentative perforaance assiqnaent: Inspect, repair and adjust a hydraulic pover steering systea. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 1270-B) BB: revisions. C Onited States Steel corporation; 11Peb75; A880870.
A880871. Bepresentative performance assignment: Inspect and service a aobile air compressor. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination pcograu, no. 1271-B) NB: revisions. O Onited States Steel Corporation: 11peb7S; A880e71.
A880872. Knowledge questionnaire for Diesel fuel systea. 7 p. (Steel industry craft deteraination proqraa, no. 1272-K) UB: revisions. Onited states Steel Corporation; 11Feb75; A880872.
A880873. Knowledge questionnaire for Shop aatheaatics 12711. 3 p. (Steel industry craft deteraination prograa, no. 12711-K) BH: revisions. Onited States Steel Corporation: 11Feb75; A880873.
Ae80874. Knowledge questionnaire for Parts identification — chassis. 13 p. (Steel industry craft deteraination prograa, no. 1277-K) Bfl: revisions. Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Feb75; A880874.
A880875. Knowledge questionnaire for Parts identification — power transmission. 6 p. (Steel industry craft deteraination prograa, no. 1278-K} NB: revisions. O Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Feb75; A880875.
A880876. Knowledge questionnaire for Electrical circuits 1279. it p. (Steel industry craft deteraination prograa, no. 1279-K) KB: revisions. O Onited states steel Corporation; l1Feb75; A880876.
4880877. Knowledge questionnaire for Parts identification — fuel systea. 8 p. (Steel industry craft determination proqram, no. 1280-K) NB: revisions. Onited States steel Corporation; 11Peb75; A880877.
A880878. Knowledge questionnaire for Parts identif ication--engine. U p. (Steel industry craft determination prograa, no. 1281-K) KB: revisions. Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Feb75; A880878.
A880879. Knowledge guestionnaire for Parts identif ication--eiectrical. 7 p. (Steel industry craft deteraination prograa, no. 1282-K) KB: revisions. Onited States Steel Corporation; 1ireb75; A880879.
4880880. Bepresentative perforaance assiqnaent: Braze a cast iron casting. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination prograa, no. 1283-B) BB: revisions. O Onited States steel Corporation; 11Feb7S; 4880880.
4880881. Bepresentative perforaance assiqnaent; Overhead welding. 3 p. (Steel industry craft deteraination prograa, no. 128U-fi) BB: revisions. O Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Feb7S; 4880881.
4880882. Bepresentative perforaance assignaent: Service a clutch pacic. 3 p. (Steel industry craft deteraination prograa, no. 1286-B) BB: revisions. Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Peb75; 4880882.
4880883. Bepresentative performance assiqnaent: Service and rebuild an injector fuel punp. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination prograa, no. 1288-B) BB: revisions. Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Peb75; 4880883.
4880884. Bepresentative perforaance assignaent: Service and rebuild a caa type fuel puap. 3 p. (Steel industry craft deteraination prograa, no. 1269-B) NB: revisions. O Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Feb75; 4880884.
4880885. Bepresentative perforaance assignaent: Service and rebuild a fuel injector. 3 p. (Steel industry craft deteraination prograa, no. 1290-B) NB: revisions. Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Peb75: 488088S.
4880886. Bepresentative perforaance assignaent: Service a diesel fuel filter. 3 p. (Steel industry craft deteraination proqraa, no. 1291-fi) NB: revisions. O Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Peb75; 4880886.
4880887. Bepresentative performance assignaent; Service a traction aotor. 3 p. (Steel industry craft deteraination proqraa, no. 1292-a) BB: revisions. Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Feb75; 4880887.
4880888. Bepresentative perforaance assignaent: Inspect and service a reaote control transducer. 3 p. (Steel industry craft deteraination prograa, no. 1293-B) BB: revisions. O Onited states Steel Corporation: 11Feb7S: 4880888.
4880889. Bepresentative perforaance assignment: Service a locomotive generator. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 1294-B) BB: revisions. Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Feb75; 4880889.
4880890. Bepresentative performance assiqnaent; Bebuild a gasoline engine. 3 p. (Steel industry craft deteraination prograa, no. 1295-B) BB: revisions. Onited States Steel corporation; 11Peb7S: 4880890.
A880891. Bepresentative perforaance assignaent: Parts list for enqine rebuild. 3 p. (Steel industry craft deteraination prograa, no. 1296-B) BB: revisions. O Onited States Steel Corporation;
11Feb75; 4880891.
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