A880819 - A880855
JUL-DEC. 1977
A380819. Eepresentative perfornance assignment: Inspect, adjust and repair an autoaotive electrical systea. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 1210-H) NH: revisions. 6 United States Steel Corporation; 11Peb75: 1880819.
A880820. Eepresentative performance assignment: Service a storage battery. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 1211-E) SB: revisions. United States Steel Corporation: 11Feb75: 4880820.
A880821. Eepresentative performance assignment: Eebuild a distributor. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 1212-E) BM: revisions. 6 Onited states Steel Corporation: 11Feb75: A880821.
4880822. Eepresentative performance assignment: Inspect and rebuild an alternator. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 1213-B) HB: revisions. e Onited States Steel Corporation: 11Feb75: A880822.
A880823. Eepresentative performance assignment: Inspect, service and adjust a vibrating voltage regulator. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 1211-B) HB: revisions. 9 Onited States Steel Corporation: 11Feb75: A880823.
A880824. Eepresentative performance assignment: Inspect, service and adjust a current regulator. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 121S-B) NB: revisions. C Onited States Steel Corporation: 11Feb75: A88082«.
A880825. Eepresentative performance assignment: Inspect, service and adjust a carbon pile regulator. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 1216-B) NB: revisions. C Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Feb75: A880825.
A880326. Eepresentative performance assignment: Inspect and rebuild a generator. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 1217-B) NB: revisions. O Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Peb75: A880826.
A880827. Eepresentative performance assignment: Inspect, service and adjust an ignition system. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no- 1218-B) NB: revisions. Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Feb75; A880827.
A880828. Eepresentative performance assignment: Inspect, service and adjust a starting system. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 1219-B) NB: revisions. 6 Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Feb75; A880828.
A880829. Eepresentative performance assignment: Eebuild a starting solenoid. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, ~ no. 1220-B) NB: revisions. O Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Feb75; A880829.
A880830. Eepresentative performance assignment: Inspect and revire a lighting system. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 1221-B) NB: revisions. O Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Feb75: 4880830.
A8S0831. Eepresentative performance assignment: Inspect or replace shock absorbers. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 1222-E) NB: revisions. Q United States Steel Corporation; 11Feb75; A880831.
4880832. Eepresentative performance assignment: Layout and burn. 4 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 1223-E) SB: revisions, e Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Feb75; A880832.
4880833. Eepresentative performance assignment: Burn a section from strip. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 1224-B) NB: revisions. 3 Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Peb75; 4880833.
4880834. Eepresentative performance assignment: Burn off vertical section of T-bar. 4 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 122e-B) NB: revisions. 6 Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Peb75; A880834.
A880835. Representative performance assignment: Eeplace a coupler on an electric locomotive. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 1227-£) NB: revisions. Q Onited States Steel Corporation: 11Feb75; A880835.
A880836. Knowledge guestionnaire for Test instruments 1228. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 1228-K) NB: revisions. Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Feb75; A880836.
A880837. Eepresentative performance assignment: Bepair a battery. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 1228-B) NB: revisions, e Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Feb75; A880837.
A3e0836. Eepresentative performance assignment: Bepair body. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 1229-E) NB: revisions. Q Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Feb75: A880838.
A880839. Eepresentative performance assignment: Beplace a section of fender. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 1230-EI NB: revisions, e Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Peb75; A880839.
4880840. Eepresentative performance assignment: Beplace holding lines on a bucket. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 1231-B) NB: revisions. e Onited States Steel corporation; 11Feb75; 4880840.
4880841. Representative performance assignment: Inspect, repair and align frame. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 1233-B) NB; revisions. @ Onited States Steel Corporation: 11Feb75; 4880841.
4880842. Eepresentative performance assignment: Inspect, repair and adjust a mechanical steering system. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 1234-E) NB: revisions. O Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Feb75; A880842.
A88a843. Knowledge guestionnaire for Electrical symbols 1235. 2 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 12J5-K) HB: revisions. O Onited States Steel corporation; 11Feb75; A880843.
4880844. Representative performance assignment; Inspect, repair and adjust a hydraulic braking system. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 1237-R) NB: revisions. Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Feb7S; A880844.
A88a845. Representative performance assignment: Eeplace spring suspension system. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 1239-B) NB: revisions. 5 Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Feb7S: 4880845.
A880846. Eepresentative performance assignment: Inspect and repair an electric tractor. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 1240-R) NU: revisions. 3 Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Feb75: A880846.
4880847. Knowledge questionnaire for Pumps 1241. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 1241-K) NB; revisions. Q Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Feb75; 4880847.
4880848. Eepresentative performance assignment; Lubricate a chassis. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 1245-E) NB: revisions, e Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Feb75; A880848.
4880849. Eepresentative performance assignment: Bepair tires. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 1243-B) NB: revisions. © Onited States Steel Corporation: 11Feb75; 4880849.
4880850. Representative performance assignment: Lubricate wheel bearings. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 1245-B) NB: revisions. Onited States steel Corporation; 11Feb75; 4880850.
4880851. Eepresentative performance assignment: iheel and steering alignment. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 1247-B) NB: revisions. @ Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Feb75: A880851.
4880852. Representative performance assignment: Remove and replace a clutch. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 1248-B) NB: revisions. 6 Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Feb75; 4880852.
4880853. Eepresentative performance assignment: Bepair a manual transmission. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 1249-E) NB: revisions. 6 Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Feb75; 4880853.
4880854. Representative performance assignment: Repair an automatic transmission. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination program, no. 1250-B) NB: revisions. e Onited States Steel Corporation; 11Feb75; 4880854.
4880855. Eepresentative performance assignment: Cut steel plate using an air arc. 3 p. (Steel industry craft determination
program, no. 1251-B) NB: revisions.
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