JUL-DEC. 1977
A880127 (con.) 18 p. Johnioseph Pajor; 4880427.
4880428. The Business tenderfoot's guide to tax avoidance. By Jeffrey L- Palmer^ in association «ith Dorothy B. Stegeaan. 134 P. e Shrewd Inforaation Press; 29Jul77; 4880428.
4880429. Continuum for oral language development: criterion-referenced assessment pro- cedures; a continuum of basic oral language skills. Written by Larry Mattes (Lawrence J. tiattes) S Hary Gheyssarieh. 64 p. Larry Mattes & Mary Gheyssarieh; 25JU177; 4880429.
4880430. Hhy New Orleans needs an office for business ventures. 7 p. 4ppl. au: Baymond J. Hunna. 6 Baymond J. Hunna; 1May77; 4880430.
4880431. City pumps full, rural wells dry. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Josephine L. Hindaan (Jo Hindsan) Jo Hindman (Josephine L. Hindman) : 14ug77; 4880431.
4880432. Criminal iustice model for investigsition and prosecution of sexual assault. Compiled & written by Paula Heiss« with assistance from Susan Krestge 6 Geneva Hathis. 21 p. 4ppl. au: Nomen organized 4gainst Bape. U04E, a.a.d. for Homen Organized 4gainst fiape; 1bJul77; A880432.
4880433. OCC spirit. By Dorsie E. Ivy. 24 p. e Dorsie E. Ivy; 30JU177; 4880433.
4880434. Group games. By Jack Silverman. 70 p. e Jack Silverman; 14ug77; 4880434.
4880435. Central Power Pack Systems, model numbers ES-03, ES-06, ES-09 and ES-15; service manual. Publication no. 9 1172 00 620, May 30, 1977. 1 v. 4dd. ti: Service manual for Central Power Pack Systems. Easier Electric Company; 14ug77; 4880435.
4880436. Handbook of activities for the remediation of oral language deficits; a guide for the primary grade classroom teacher. Written by Larry Mattes (Lawrence J. Mattes) 86 p. C Larry Mattes; 25Jul77; 4880436.
4880437. Homen, men, and the Bible; reading book, leader's guide & individual workbook. By Virginia Barney Mollenkott. 2 v. 4ccoDpanied by sound recording in box. 4ppl. states all new except portion prev. pub. in Christian herald, Nov. 1975 6 others. 6 4bingdon; 19Jan77; 4880437.
4880438. Our 4merican heritage; giant story coloring book. Edited by Buss Slocum, illustrated by Richard C. Johnson. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Cav-Mart, Inc. Cav-Bart, Inc.; 20Jun77; 4880438.
4880439. March 1973, an apology, and other titles. By Susann fiossi Dalton. 4ccompanied by cover photo., reg. JP20500 £ additional material. (In Taxi dancer) e Susann Eossi Dalton; 24Feb77: 4880439.
4880440. Pier Paulo Pasolini dead, and other titles. By Linda Anne Boag. 4ccompanied by cover photo., reg. JP20500 6 additional material. (In Taxi dancer) Linda 4nne Hoag; 24Feb77; 4880440.
4880441. Poem, and other titles. By Susan Frantz Hoover. 4ccoupanied by cover photo., reg. JP20500 6 additional material. (In Taxi dancer) Susan Frantz Hoover; 24Feb77; 4880441.
4880442. Hitual murder, and other titles. By Tessa Marquis. 4ccompanied by cover photo., reg. JP10500 6 additional material. (In Taxi dancer) Tessa Marquis; 24Feb77; 4880442.
4880443. Taxi dancer. By Susann fiossi Dalton 6 others. 1 v. 4ccompanied by cover photo., reg. JP20500 6 additional material. Q on compilation & editorial work; Exotic Beauties Press, Inc.; 24Feb77; 4880443.
4880444. Sheller-Globe Corporation, July 22, 1977. 7 p. in portfolio. (Forbes special situation survey) Forbes Investors 4dvisory Institute, Inc.; 22Jul77; 4880444.
4880445. Light duty V-belt drive design manual. 38 p. The Gates Rubber Company; 19JU177; 4880445.
4880446. Exophthalmos, especially Graves' disease. Commentary £ review by Joel Glaser, Dwaln Fuller £ Barry Hyman. 4 p. (4udio journal review in ophthalmology, vol. 2, no. 9, Sept. 1976. Editor: Douglas B. 4nderson) Grune and Stratton, Inc.; 180ct76; 4880446.
4880447. 4udio journal review: general surgery. Vol. 6, no. 6, June 1977. Editor: Robert N. McClelland. 2 p. Grune and Stratton, Inc.; 7Jul77; 4880447.
4880448. Choroidal melanomas. Commentary 6 review by Fred Blodi £ Donald Gass. 4 p. (4udio journal review in ophthalmology, vol. 3, no. 6, June 1977. Editor: Douglas B. 4nderson) Grune and Stratton, Inc. ; 14JU177; 4880448.
4880449. The Role of perception in child language disorders. By William S. Bosenthal. Folder. (Communicative disorders: an audio journal for continuing education, vol. 2, no. 7, July 1977. Editor: Larry J. Bradford) Grune and Stratton, Inc. ; 19JU177; 4880449.
4880450. 4uditory processing dysfunctions and impaired learning. By Donald L. Bampp £ Bonnie 4nn Plummer. Folder. (Learning disabilities: an audio journal for continuing education, vol. 1, no. 7, July 1977. Editors: Marvin I. Gottlieb £ Larry J. Bradford) Grune and Stratton, Inc.; 8JU177; 4880450.
4880451. Clinical masking. By Frederick N. Martin. Folder. (Audiology: an audio journal for continuing education, vol. 2, no. 7, July 1977. Editor: Larry J. Bradford) Grune and Stratton, Inc.; 19JU177; 4880451.
4880452. Specular microscopy of corneal endothelium and orbital infections. Commentary £ review by 41an Sugar £ Donald Nicholson.. Folder £ insert. (4udio journal review in ophthalmology, vol. 3, no. 5, May 1977. Editor: Douglas B. 4nderson) Grune and Stratton, Inc.; 27Jun77; 4880452.
4880453. Repair parts catalog for standard air compressor. 15 p. NM: revisions. C Joy Manufacturing Company; 15Jun77; 4880453.
4880454. World directory of crystalloqraphers and of other scientists employing crystal- loqraphic methods. General editor: S. C. 4brahams, associate editor: 4. L. Bednowitz. 5th ed. 220 p. Inter- national Onion of Crystallography; 13JU177; 4880454.
4880455. Parenteral medication; teacher's guide. Project director: Elizabeth 4. Krueger, assistant project director: David L. Jaeckels. 113 p. 4ppl. au; School of Nursing, Dniversity of Wisconsin, employer for hire. Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin; 5Feb73 (in notice: 1972) ; 4880455.
4880456. Parenteral medication; study guide and workbook. Project director: Elizabeth 4. Krueger, assistant project director; David L. Jaeckels. 132 p. Appl. au: School of Nursing, University of Wisconsin, employer for hire. © Board of Begents of the University of Wisconsin; 5Feb73 (in notice: 1972); 4880456.
4880457. The Teacher desktop card file of 361 teaching tips for all seasons. Prepared by the editors of Teacher magazine. 1 v. Macmillan Professional Magazines, Inc.; 20JU177; 4880457.
4880458. The Penny whistle book. By Bobiu Williamson. 63 p. Appl. au: Oak Publications. NM: text £ musical arr. Oak Publications, a division of Embassy Music Corporation; 29Mar77; 4880458.
4880459. The Farm recorder: farm record journal and tax aid for 1977. 48 p. lowndan Enterprises, Inc.; 20Nov76; 4880459.
4880 460. The Untold story of Hobo and dangerous Dan McGrew. Text, layout £ design by Stu Bothman, illus. by Yvonne Horthington. 28 p. 4ppl. au: Kenneth R. Lavigne (Ken Lavigne) NM: additional text £ pictorial matter. © Kenneth E. Lavigne (in notice: Ken Lavigne); 1Hay75; A880460.
A880461. Weekly money market with daily and weekly rate charts: week ending July 28, 1977. 1 V. Appl. au: Malvin B. Boesch. Quantitative 4nalysis service; 29Jui77; A880461.
A880462. Criterion referenced tests; reading tactics F. By Olive Stafford Hiles E J. Jaap Tuinman. 45 p. £ 1 p. Appl. au: Scott, Foresman and Company. NM: new editorial matter. Scott, Foresman and Company; 3Jan77: 4880462.
4880463. Engraved nameplates, doorplates, deskplates, countersigns, directional signs, badges, bulletins, plagues, key tags. Folder. MM: editorial revisions £ artwork. © New Hermes, Inc.; 1Jun77; 4880463.
4880464. Spirit master activity sheets for Here I
am. 2nd ed. 25 p. 4ppl. au; Cebco
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.