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JUL-DEC. 1977

A87988lt. siaoD and Schuster crossword puzzle book. The latest volume o£ fifty oriqlDal ccossHocds constcucted by the top experts and edited by Hacqacet Faircac. 1 v. (Series 113) O SIbod and Schuster, lac, a division of Gulf and Hestern corpo- ration: 13Jun77; 18798811.

A879885. Simon and Schuster crostics 77. By Thomas H. giddleton. 1 v. Simon and Schuster, Inc., a division of Gulf and Western Corporation: 13Jun77; &879885.

A879886. HcGra»-Hill illustrated auto repair course: study guide. By tsorton J. Schultz. 10 p. ScGraw-aill, Inc.; 8Jul77: A879886.

A879887. Oiqital loqic qates. 6i4 p. (BcGraw- Hill course in continuing education for electronics enqineers) (Electronic circuit desiqn »ith solid-state devices, lesson 6) Appl. au: HcGrav-Hill Book Company. on introductory reading assiqnment material, quiz £ index; HcGran-aill, Inc.; 8Jul77; A879887.

A879888. Practice tests for radiotelephone licenses. By Robert L. Shrader £ Jefferson C. Boyce. 1 v. O HcGraK-Hill, Inc.; 19JU177; A879888.

A879889. PL/C essentials. By Lawrence J. aazlack. lilS p. C McGran-Bill, Inc.; 19JU177; A879889.

A879890. 10 vocabulary booster: level E; teacher notebook. By Billiam Kottmeyer, Audrey Claus 6 Buth Dockery. 157 p. HcGcaM- Hill. Inc.; 1Jul77; A879890.

A879e91. Aq-Rain, Inc. iater-Binch traveling sprinkler calculator. NH: compilation of public domain material G additional text. O perryqraf, division of Nashua Cor- poration; 21JU177; A879891.

A879892. GTE Sylvania energy cost savings calculator. Add. ti: GTE Sylvania energy cost calculator. SB: compilation of public domain material 5 additional text. Perrygraf, division of Nashua Cor- poration: 19Jul77; A879892.

A879e93. EG and G Ortec silicon detector parameters calculator. Add. ti: Ortec, Inc. silicon detector parameters calculator. NH: compilation of public domain material £ additional text. O Perrygraf, division of Nashua Cor- poration; 22J0177; 1879893.

A879894. Ford reliability engineering: slide- chart. Prepared by General Dynamics Corporation, Pomona. Add. ti: Ford Hotor Company reliability engineering slide- chart. Appl. au: Perrygraf, division of Nashua Corporation. NH: compilation of public domain material C additional text. Perryqraf, division of Nashua Cor- poration; 20Auq62; A879894.

A879895. Colton Hetaiex Company cobalt titanium copper-nickel miscellaneous alloys; slide-chart. Colton Hetalei Company nickel alloys. NB: compilation of public domain material G additional text. Perryqraf, division of Nashua Cor- poration; 21JU172; A87989S.

A879896. SouthHire Company ACSB standard packages. NH: compilation of public domain material C additional text. O Perryqraf, division of Nashua Cor- poration; 21JU177; A879896.

A879897. Botary Drilling Services, Inc. solids content of weighted muds calculator. Botary Drilling Services, Inc. solids content of low wexght muds calculator. NH: compilation of public domain material G additional text. Perrygraf, division of Nashua Corporation: 21Jul77; A879897.

1879898. Kennametal, Inc. K-Hrll feed and speed calculator for milling. K-Hill removal rate and horsepower calculator: hardness conversion. Add. ti: Kennametal, Inc. K-Hill feed and speed calculator for milling/hardness conversion/removal rate. NH: compilation of public domain material C additional text. Perrygraf, division of Nashua corporation: 21Jul77; A879898.

A879899. Stetson-Boss calculateur de production pour le rabotage. Stetson-Boss regie a calculer la Vitesse de surface. Nfl: compilation of public domain material G additional text. Perryqraf, division of Nashua Corporation; 22Jul77; A879899.

A879900. Members does you a good turn 20% homeowner savings. Add. ti: Hembers Life Insurance Company, an affiliate of the Texas Credit Onion League homeowners saving chart. NH: compilation of public domain material G additional text. O Perryqraf, division of Nashua Cor- poration; 26JU177; 1879900.

1879901. Ingersoll-Band master maintenance schedule (CH350 and ECM350 Crawlair drill mountings) Ingersoll-Band Crawlair drill trouble shooting guide. NH: compilation of public domain material G additional text. Perrygraf, division of Nashua Corporation; 26Jul77; 1879901.

1879902. Igway dairy feeding guide. Idd. ti: Aqway, Inc. dairy feeding guide. NB: compilation of public domain material G additional text. Perrygraf, division of Nashua Corporation; 21Jul77; A879902.

A879903. Scoring chart for diving and sync- hronized swimming. Add. ti: Arcadia Air products diving scoring calculator. English, German, French 6 other languages. NB: compilation of public domain material £ additional text. Perrygraf, division of Nashua Corporation; 26Jul77; A879903.

1879904. Standard drives VS engineered drive systems ship date calculator. Idd. ti: Reliance Electric ship date calculator. NH: compilation of public domain material G additional text. O Perrygraf, division of Nashua Corporation; 21Jul77; 1879904.

A879905. Fotomat picture promise schedule delayed. Fotomat picture promise schedule regular. NB: compilation of public domain material G additional text. O Perrygraf, division of Nashua corporation; 21Jul77; 1879905.

1879906. Los Ingeies times news editing system typesetting specification, June 22, 1977. 89 p. O The Times Hirror Company d.b.a. Los Ingeles Times; 22Jun77; 1879906.

1879907. Los Ingeles times news editing system typesetting specification, June 22, 1977. 89 p. NH: revision of text. O The Times Birror Company d.b.a. Los Angeles Times; 18JU177: A879907.

Ae79908. Pediatric neurology for the house officer. By Boward L. Heiner, Bichael J. Bresnan G Lawrence P. Levitt. 226 p. O The Uilliams and Nilkins Company; 13JU177; Aa79908.

A879909. Klemer's counseling in marital and sexual problems; a clinician's handbook. Edited by Bobert F. Stahmann G uilliam J. Hiebert. 2nd ed. 375 p. O The Biliiams and Nilkins Company; 5Jul77; 1879909.

1879910. Outline of endocrine gland syndromes. By T. S. Danowski. 3rd ed. 471 p. The Williams and Bilkins Company; 20ct76; 1879910.

1879911. 1 Visual approach to radiographic anatomy. By Nicholas Pontilena, Inthony V. Boccabella. Theodore Pearlman G Elizabeth llger. 45 p. The Uilliams and Hilkins Company; i5Jun76; 1879911.

1879912. Occupational therapy for physical dysfunction. By Catherine Inne Irombly G Anna Deane Scott. 422 p. The tilliams and BiUins Company; 1Jul77; A879912.

A879913. VTAB concepts and planning. 1 v. (IBB technical newsletter, no. GN31-060b) NB: additions G revisions. International Business Bachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBB corporation: 13Jun77; A879913.

1879914. D0S/?S RPG2 auto report. Program.no. 5746-RG1. 113 p. (Licensed program) O International Business Bachines corporation a.a.d.: IBB Corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines corporation); 12Jul77; 1879914.

1879915. IBB 3790 communication system data entry configuration. IBB 3760 key entry station supervisor guide. Release 2. 0. 1 v. (Systems) O International Business Bachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBB Corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines corporation) ; 7Jul77j 1879915.

A879916. Interactive instructional system course authoring guide. Program no. 5748-2X6. 254 p. (Program product) O International Business Bachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBB Corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines Corporation); 7Jul77: A879916.

A879917. IBB system/3 model 12 user's guide. 1 V. (IBB technical newsletter, no. GH21-5541) NB: additions 6 revisions. O International Business Bachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBB Corporation; 6JU177; A879917.

A879918. 3742 dual data station theory- maintenance. 1 V. (IBB maintenance library) NB: additions G revisions. O International Business Bachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBB Corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines Corporation); 14JU177; A879918.


4741 models 1 and 2 data station


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