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i879713 - 4879759


JUL-DEC. 1977

1879712 (con.) Hlriam H. Beik. 239 p. O Rarce State Onlversity Press; 29Juii77: »879712.

»879713. BestoratioD of lost or obliterated coraers and subdivisions of sections, 1883-19711. Conpiied by Carben SurTeyinq fieprints. 1 ». idd. ti: Corner restoration circulars, 1883-19711. Appl. au: Carlisle Madson C B. Ben Buckner. NH: compilation, pref. & contents. O Carlisle Hadson 6 B. Ben Buckner d.b. a. Carben Sur»eyinq Beprints; 27Jul77: 1879713.

18797111. Song of MacataHa. By J. Bobect Qaick. 110 p. J. Bobert Quick; 21Juo77: 18797111.

1879715. nth lllied P.O.H. linq. 258 p. Appl. au: Bervey S. Stockaan. Kaa POI's, Inc.: 11uq77: 1879715.

1879716. ODiversal joints: passenger car and truck, industrial and aqricultural P.T.O. joints. Cataloq CJ-P, supersedes CJ-7a. 1118 p. HH: neu cover, illus. 6 app- lications. C Bepublic Parts, Inc.; 211Hay77; 1879716.

1879717. Hasonry nails. 4 p. Idd. ti: Architectural dravinqs: aasonry walls, e Bapperswill Corporation; 25Jal77: 1879717.

1879718. Iritten coaiunication inventory (iCI) ; reasons for scoring key responses. By Gerald s. Dirsberqer. Polder. O Gerald E. Hirsberger; 15Jul77: 1879718.

1879719. Botticelli in the can; rules & tabular material. Folder (U p.) Ippl. au: Jases a. Gleason. O James H. Gleason; 1Auq77: 1879719.

1879720. Crete Cure concentrate. Bulletin CC-3. Polder. Ippl. au: Bonald Orloff. MB: revisions 6 additions. Superior Concrete Iccessories, Inc. ; 1Jul77; 1879720.

1879721. Load key joint. Bulletin LK-5. Folder. Ippl. au: James A. Black. NH: revisions C additions. Superior Concrete icces- sories. Inc.; 1Jun77; 1879721,

1879722. Job-proven screed key joint. Bulletin SK-7. Folder. Ippl. au: James 1. Black. NS: revisions £ additions. Superior concrete Iccessories, Inc. ; 1Jun77; 1879722.

1879723. Dual connector for knee braces. Folder. Ippl. au: Norman G. Turner. Superior Concrete Accessories, Inc. ; 15Har77; A879723.

1879724. Jahu concrete forming method. Bulletin FH-a. Folder. Appl. au: James A. Black. MH: revisions 6 additions. O Superior Concrete Accessories, Inc.; 15Jun77; A879724.

A379725. 1 History of Federal nuclear safety assessments: from lash-7>ia throuqh the reactor safety study. By Daniel F. Ford. 1 V. Onion of Concerned Scientists, Inc.; llApr77; A879725.

A879726. Fee schedule: laboratory services. 31 p. O New Enqland fledical Laboratories, Inc.; 18JU177; A879726.

A879727. Golf grip by the Uham-mer. No. 1. 11 p. Ippl. au: Carl D. Strickler. NH: revisions £ additions. Golf Special- ties; 15JU177; 1879727.

1879728. Gallant vomen of 1977: migrant farm Horkers. By Joy Hintz. 29 p. Joy Hintz; 8Jul77; 1879728.

A879729. Shoe bulletin. No. 83, July 27, 1977. 2 p. Friction naterials standards Institute, Inc.; 27jul77; A879729.

A879730. Ditch uitch VPIOO; operator's manual & parts list. Issue no. 1, July 1977, 050-584. 1 V. O The Charles Machine Uorks, Inc.; 28Jul77; A879730.

A879731. Draft control. 25 p. O Conco, Inc. ; 28JU177; 1879731.

A879732. Nortgaqe and real estate investment guide. By aalcoim C. Sherman. il8th ed. , rev. Hay 1977. 1 v. Ippl. au: Alan Clarke Sherman, also registered under Alan C. Sherman. Alan Clarke Sherman: 17Jun77; A879732.

A879733. Operating system for microcomputer based multiple servo systems. By Newell D. Sanders. 21 p. Newell 0. Sanders; 30JU177; A879733.

A879731t. Beau, Cieta, Elkios, TX, and others telephone directory, July 1977. 6 aid-Plains Bural Telephone Co-op, Inc.; 1Jul77; A87973I1.

A879735. Uaurika, Byan, OK, telephone directory, July 1977. C Southwestern Bell Telephone company: 1Jul77; A879735.

1879736. Aurora, Burr Oak, Courtiand, KS, and others, July 1977. O Continental Telephone Company of Kansas, Inc.; 1JU177; A879736.

1879737. Hannibal, Center, Frankford, HO, telephone directory, July 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 1JU177; A879737.

A879738. Belfast, Chapel Hill, College Grove, TN, and others, June 1977. Onited Telephone Company; 1Jun77; A879738.

A879739. Bristow, Oepew, OK, telephone directory, June 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 15Jun77; A879739.

1879740. Sedalia, Knob Noster, La Honte, HO, telephone directory, July 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 1JU177; A879740.

A879741. Ash Grove, Ualnut Grove, HO, telephone directory, June 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 14Jun77: A8797it1.

1879742. Barnes, Cable, Drummond, HI, and others telephone directory, July 1977. Chequamegon Telephone Cooperative, Inc.; 1JU177; 1879742.

A879743. Hena, AB, telephone directory, July 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 1Jul77; A879743.

A879744. Honett, Pierce City, HO, telephone directory, June 1977. O Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 14Juii77; A879744.

1879745. Nowata, lliuwe, Delaware, OK, telephone directory, June 1977. O Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 17Jun77; 1879745.

1879746. Bloomfield, Carlyle, Circle, BT, and others, telephone directory, 1977-1978. Hid-aivers Telephone Cooperative, Inc.; 14Jun77; 1879746.

1879747. Tuttle, OK, telephone directory, June 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 15Jun77; A879747.

A879748. Coaldale, Cotopaxi, Hillside, CO, and others, telephone directory, 1977-1978. d Arkansas Valley Telephone Exchange; 9Jun77; A879748.

A879749. Bond, Burns, Eagle, CO, and others, telephone directory. 1977-1978. Eagle Valley Telephone company; iajun77; A879749.

A879750. Elaore City, OK, July 1977. Elmore City Telephone Company; 1Jul77: A879750.

A879751. Trussville, AL, July 1977. O Con- tinental Telephone company of the South-Alabama; 1Jul77; 1879751.

A879752. Hexico, Benton City, Bush Hill, HO, telephone directory, July 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 1JU177; A879752.

A879753. Blytheville, Dell, Gosnell, IB, telephone directory, June 1977. O Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 13Jun77; 1879753.

1879754. Harrah, OK, telephone directory, June 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 14Jun77: 1879754.

1879755. Davis, OK, telephone directory, June 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone company; 17Jun77; 1879755.

1879756. Harrison, including listings for Coapton, Everton, AB, and others, June 1977. Boone County Telephone Coapany; 17Jun77; A879756.

A879757. Kingsland, Bison, Bowell, IB, telephone directory, July 1977. C Cleveland County Telephone Coapany, Inc.; 1Jul77; A879757.

A879758. Auasville, Detroit, Gates, OB, and others, July 1977. Continental Telephone Coapany of the Northwest, Inc.; 1JU177; A879758.

A879759. Hestport, Grayland, Tokeland, HA, and others, July 1977. O continental Telephone Coapany of the Northwest, Inc.;

1JU177; A879759.


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