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1879593 - 1879634


JUL-DEC. 1977

1879592 (con.) Institute of laerica. Inc. ; 8Jun77: 1879592.

1879593. llert, June 1, 1977. 8 p. Ippl. au: Bichard R. Salzaann. The Besearch Institute of laecica. Inc.; 1Jun77; 1879593.

18795911. Besearch Institute Personal Beport foe the Executive. Vol. 3, no. 11, June 1, 1977. 8 p. Ippl. au: Bichard B. Salzoann. 6 The Besearch Institute of merica. Inc.; 7Jun77: 1879594.

1879595. The Besearch Institute of loerica estate planners alert. Vol. 2, no. 7, June 27, 1977. 8 p. Ippl. au: Janes E. Cheeks The Besearch Institute of laerica. Inc.; 27Jun77: 1879595.

1879596. Besearch Institute pension coordinator. Vol. 4, no. 12, June 22, 1977. 1 v. Ippl. au: Janes E. cheeks O The Besearch Institute of Imerica, Inc.; 22Jun77; 1879596.

1879597. Besearch Institute Uarketinq for Sales Executives. Vol. 3, no. 12, June 23, 1977. 6 p. Ippl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. O The Besearch Institute of Imeiica, Inc.; 23Jun77: 1879597.

1879598. flanaqer's guide to zero base budqetinq. p. 112-127. (HIl manaqenent alert, vol. 6. no. 47, June 15, 1977) Ippl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. e The Besearch Institute of laerica. Inc.: 15Jun77; 1879598.

1879599. Bequlatory alert, June 29, 1977. Folder (4 p.) Ippl. au: Bichard B. Salzaann. O The Besearch Institute of laerica. Inc. ; 29Jun77: 1879599.

1879600. BIl aanaqeaent alert: manaqement action. Vol. 6, no. 43, June 1, 1977. Folder. Ippl. au: Bichard B. Salzaann. 6 The Besearch Institute of laerica. Inc.; 1Jun77; 1879600.

1879601. BIl aarketlnq alert: personal report. Vol. 14, no. 49, June 22, 1977. Folder. Ippl. au: Bichard B. Salzaann. The Besearch Institute of laerica. Inc.; 22Jun77; 1879601.

1879602. 7our business and the lav. Vol. 7, no. 12. June 13, 1977. p. 67-72. ippl. au: Bichard fi. Salzaann. O The Besearch Institute of laerica. Inc. ; 13Jun77; 1879602.

1879603. BIl supervisory alert: action. Vol. 6, no. 24, June 14, 1977. Folder. Ippl. au: Bichard B. Salzaann. 6 The Besearch Institute of laerica. Inc.; 14Jun77; 1879603.

1879604. BIl supervisory alert: personal action. Vol. 6, no. 23, June 7, 1977. Folder. Ippl. au: Bichard B. Salzaann. The Besearch Institute of laerica. Inc.; 7Jun77; 1879604.

1879605. BIl supervisory alert: action. Vol- 6, no. 26, June 28, 1977. Folder. Ippl. au: Bichard B. Salzaann. O The Research Institute of laerica. Inc.; 28Jun77: 1879605.

1879606. BIl supervisory alert: personal action. Vol. 6, no. 25, June 21, 1977. Folder. Ippl. au: Bichard B. Salzaann. The Besearch Institute of laerica. Inc. ; 21Jun77; 1879606.

1879607. Hhat every eaployer should knou about social security. 18 p. (Staff recom- mendations, June 27, 1977, file 22) ippl. au: Bichard fi. Salzmann. 6 The Besearch Institute of Imerica, Inc. ; 27Jun77; 1879607.

1879608. BIl management alert: aanaqeaent action. Vol. 6, no. 49, June 22, 1977. Folder. Ippl. au: Bichard B. Salzaann. e The Besearch Institute of laerica. Inc. ; 22Jun77; 1879608.

1879609. BIl management alert: personal report. Vol. 6, no. 51, June 29, 1977. Folder. Ippl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. The Besearch Institute of laerica. Inc.; 29Jun77; 4879609.

1879610. your business and the law. Vol. 7, no. 13. June 27, 1977. p. 73-78. Ippl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. 6 The Besearch Institute of laerica. Inc. ; 27jun77; 1879610.

1879611. BIl sales alert: sales action. Vol. 6, no. 26, June 28, 1977. Folder. Ippl. au: Bichard B. Salzaann. 3 The Research Institute of laerica. Inc.; 28Jun77; 1879611.

1879612. BIl sales alert: personal action. Vol. 6, no. 23, June 7, 1977. Folder. Ippl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. S The Besearch Institute of Imerica, Inc.; 7Jun77; 1879612.

1879613. Tax action coordinator. Vol. 8, no. 8, June 27, 1977. sheets. Appl. au: James E. Cheeks. O The Besearch Institute of Imerica, Inc.; 27Jun77; 1879613.

1879614. BIl Federal tax coordinator 2d. Vol. 23. no. 23, June 9, 1977. 3 v. 5 sheets (3 p.) Ippl. au: James £. cheeks. The Research Institute of America, Inc.; 9Jun77; 1879614.

1879615. Tax guide. Vol. 12. no. 27. June 23. 1977. 1 V. Ippl. au: James E. Cheeks. 3 The Besearch Institute of Imerica. Inc. ; 23Jun77; 1879615.

4879616. The Husic industry catalog, 1977-78. 126 p. O The Instrumentalist Company: 26JU177; 1879616.

1879617. If I lose him, (her) (what happens to ae?) By lltheda H. Hiller. 76 p. e lltheda M. Miller; 27Jul77; 1879617.

1879618. HcGill snitch catalog 89, June 1977. 42 p. Ippl. au: HcGill Hanuf acturing Company, Inc. 6 HcGill Hanufacturing Company, Inc., Electrical Division (in notice: HcGill Hanufacturing Company, Inc.); 13JU177; 1879618.

1879619. Guidelines for the assessaent of clinical quality and professional performance. 71 p. (Quality evaluation for dental care) C California Dental Issociation; 26Jul77: 1879619.

1879620. Chain of choices, paths of inquiry: renewal of liberal education; executive suaaary. By Francis J. Huest. 16 p. 9 Francis J. guest; 20Hay77; 4879620.

1879621. JudentuB und Judenfeindschaft: Einfuehrung. By Inton Lourie. 49 p. e Inton Lourie; 19Jul77; 1879621.

1879622. Electricity; liquid duplicating masters. Grades 5-9. By Sharon Smith. 24 p. Ippl. au: ESP, Inc. e ESP, Inc.; 28JU177; 1879622.

1879623. Onderstanding instructions; liquid duplicating masters. Grades 3-6. By Janis Hinton. 24 p. Ippl. au: ESP. Inc. d ESP, Inc.; 28JU177; 1879623.

1879624. Our state: procedures and practices common to all states; liquid duplicating masters. Grades 3-4. By Fred Justus. 24 p. Ippl. au: ESP, Inc. ESP, Inc.; 28JU177; 4879624.

1879625. Understanding punctuation; liquid duplicating masters. Grades 7-12. By Helba Iston. 24 p. Ippl. au: ESP, Inc. e ESP, Inc.; 28JU177; 1879625.

1879626. 2280 hydrostatic-drive Hindrouer; technical manual. TH-1179, Hay-77. 1 v. Ippl. au: John Deere Ottumva Rorks t Deere and Company Service Publications Department. 6 Deere and Company; 27Jun77; 1879626.

1879627. The Safe Hay around machines; safet- yslide script. 1 v. O National Safety Council; 6Jun77; 1879627.

1879628. Fun afloat. Prepared with the assistance of Julius Cooper. 26 p. Ippl- au: National Safety Council. National Safety Council; 13Jun77: 1879628.

1879629. National safety calendar, 1978. Calendar in envelope. O National Safety Council: 28Jun77: 1879629.

1879630. Guide to traffic safety literature: articles, pamphlets and books. Vol. 20. 1977 ed. 117 p. e National Safety Council: 14Jun77; 1879630.

1879631. Idipic acid. Data sheet 438, 1977 revision 1 (extensive) Prepared by staff members of the National Safety Council. 2 p. e National Safety Council; 14Jun77: 1879631.

1879632. Press brakes. Data sheet 419, 1977 revision B (extensive) Revised by the Power Press and Forging Section of the National Safety Council. 7 p. Ippl. au: National Safety Council. 6 National Safety Council; 6Jun77; 1879632.

4879633. Selenium and its compounds. Data sheet 578, 1977 revision B (extensive) Revised by the Industrial Hygiene Committee of the Hetals section. National .Safety Council. Folder (3 p.) Ippl. au: National Safety Council. National Safety Council; 16Jun77; 1879633.

1879634. The Cottonwood ranch: a laboratory

problem for farm records. By Robert E.


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