JUL-DEC. 1977
A879U70 (con.) they are, uhure they are cbanqicq. Edited by Oayid F. Hells e John 0. Roodbcidge. 325 p. e on chap. 2 S rey. sections; Baker Book House Coapany; 14Jul77; i879it70.
A879471. Bhy ve SHOke: hidden aotives behind the habit. By Bana Heiss. 18 p. O fiana ieiss: 25Jal77; »879it71.
i8791t72. Perfuae with a purpose: for ladies and qentleien. Folder. Appl. au: Barry Dayl (Henri Honet) NH: revisions. O Barry Dayl a. k.a. Benri Honet; 28Jul77: i8791t72.
»879l»73. Collector-car auction reporter. Vol. 1, no. 1. By Brian Nelson Jones. 42 p. Brian Nelson Jones d.b.a. Collector-Car Auction Beporter; 2Feb77: A879I473.
A879ll7lt. Electaaeal aedidisc. Ser. D-50-20-30. Add. ti: Electaaeal calculator for diabetics. Appl. au: Daniel c. Hun- qerford. Daniel C. Hungerford; 1Jan76; A879l(7l».
A879475. Genesis study guide: to be used with the book, God's plan unfolded. By Jack B. Scott. 91 p. Jack B. Scott; 6Jul77; A879lt75.
A8791t76. Bay City, Hatagorda, TX, telephone directory, July 1977. Southnestern Bell Telephone Company; 27Jul77: A879I476.
A8791177. Ploydada, TX , telephone directory, July 1977. O Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 27.iul77; A879U77.
A879U78. ProqraBBinq stress for complete dentures. Hanual no. 703. By S. Charles Spinella with the collaboration of Charles Thoaas Spinella, introd. : Hilton fiabinowitz, 73 p. Portions prev. reg. in A Siaplified approach to the Gnathic systea. C S. Charles Spinella; 12Jul77; A879it78.
A879479. Blue plate special. Poets: Bill Paraer 6 others. 1 v. Bill Faraer, Frank Hurdock, Bob Ualker, Bill Pluape, John Bunch, Martha Bercill 6 Keith BcHullan; 17JQ177; A879479.
A8791t80. I.P.D. "on the air": a report on a aedia proiect. Presented by the aeabers of the Springdale Education Association. 19 p. Appl. au: Heabers of Instruction and Professional Developaent Coaaittee. O Springdale Education Association; 25JU177: A879it80.
A879481. CCH capital changes reports for Federal incoae tax purposes. No. 1392, July 1, 1977. Sheets. Coaaerce Clearing House, Inc.; 1JU177: A879it81.
A879II82. CCH capital changes reports foe Federal iocoae tax purposes. No. 1393, July 8, 1977. Sheets. Coaaerce Clearing House, Inc.; 8J0177: A879il82.
A879II83. CCH capital changes reports for Federal incoae tax purposes. No. 139U, July 15, 1977. Sheets. Coaaerce Clearing House, Inc.; 15JU177: A8791I83.
A87948lt. CCH capital changes reports for Federal income tax purposes. No. 1395« July 21, 1977. Sheets. O Coaaerce Clearing House, Inc.; 21JU177; A879484.
A879lt85. CCH capital changes reports for Federal incoae tax purposes. No. 1395 A, July 22, 1977. Sheets. O Coaaerce Clearing House, Inc.; 22JU177; A879485.
i879486. CCH capital changes reports for Federal incoae tax purposes. No. 1396, July 28, 1977. Sheets. C Coaaerce Clearing House, Inc.; 28JU177; A879486.
A879lt87. SCARAB. Vol. 15, no. 7, Feb. 1, 1977. 11 p. Appl. au: J. a. Uilleain. J. H. Rilieain; 3llay77; A879487.
A879488. SCAEAB. Vol. 15, no. 5, Jan. 1, 1977 £ selected awards annotated, section 9.200. 1 1 p. e sheets. Appl. au : J. H. iilleain. NB: section 9.200 contains editorial revisions & additional text. O J. H. Hilleain; 3aay77; A879U88.
A8791t89. SCAEAB. Vol. 15, no. 6, Jan. 15, 1977, topical index G selected awards annotated, chap. 9. 12 p. t sheets. Appl. au: J. H. Hilleain. NB: topical index, p. 19-28 contain editorial revisions G additional text. J. H. Hilleain; 3llay77: Ae79U89.
A879lt90. Calbiochea enzyaatic lipase aax-Pack. Folder (4 p.) Calbiochea; 25Feb77: A879490.
A879491. Beagent systea for radioiaaunoassay of huaan prolactin. Folder (5 p.) & 1 p. Calbiochea; 22Apr76; A879491.
A879492. Caaden, Eaton and Nest Manchester, OH, alphabetical listings, 1976. coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. General Telephone Coapany of Ohio; 1Jan76; A879492.
A879493. Photo-lab-index. PLl suppl. no. 145. Editor: Ernest a. Pittaro. Sheets 6 folder. Na: revisions £ additions. 6 Morgan and Morgan, Inc. ; 2Dec75; A879493.
A879494. Photo-lab-index. PLI suppl. no. 143. Editor: Ernest a. Pittaro. Sheets 6 folder. Na: revisions 6 additions. Morgan and Morgan, Inc. ; 20Jun75; A879494.
A879495. Photo-lab-index. PLI suppl. no. 147. Editor: Ernest M. Pittaro. Sheets B folder. NM: revisions £ additions. Morgan and Morgan, Inc.; 7Jun76 (in notice: 1975); A879495.
A879496. Photo-lab-indei. PLI suppl. no. 149. Editor: Ernest M. Pittaro. Sheets S folder. NM: revisions & additions. Morgan and Morgan, Inc.; 6Nov76; A879496.
A879497. Photo-lab-index. PLI suppl. no. 144. Editor: Ernest H. Pittaro. Sheets £ folder. NM: revisions £ additions. Morgan and Morgan, Inc.; 70ct75; A879a97.
A879498. Photo-lab-index. PLI suppl. no. 148. Editor: Ernest a. Pittaro. Sheets £ folder. NM: revisions £ additions. Morgan and Morgan, Inc.; 20Sep7b; A879496.
A879499. Photo-lab-indei. PLI suppl. no. 146. Editor: Ernest M. Pittaro. Sheets £ folder. NM: revisions £ additions. Morgan and Morgan, Inc.; 1Mar76; A879499.
A879500. The Unfulfilled searcher. By Harold J. Conway. 39 p. Florence Conway (in notice: Flo Conway); 14Dec76; A879500.
A879501. Instructor's manual to accoapany Beadrngs in ecology, energy, and human society; conteaporary perspectives, edited by Hilliaa fi. Burch, Jr. Prepared by Laurel Burch Minakan £ Nilliaa B. Burch, Jr. 43 p. O Laurel Burch Minakan £ Billiaa B. Burch, Jr.; 22aar77; A879501.
A879502. Concepts of Aaerican business; student learning plan, curriculua for careers sample package. 1 v. NM: coapilation. O Dallas Independent school District; 14Mar77; A879502.
A879503. Headings in ecology, energy, and huaan society: conteaporary perspectives. Edited by Hilliaa s. Burch, Jr. 1977-1978 ed. 308 p. Appl. au; Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc. Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc.; 21Mar77; A879503.
A879504. Nutrition, weight control, and exercise. By Frank I. Katch £ Hilliaa D. McArdle. 365 p. Houghton Mifflin Coapany: 16Feb77; A879504.
A879505. Eleaentary algebra, part 1, new edition progress tests; teacher's ed. By Richard A. Denhola. 89 p. Appl. au: Robert Onderhill £ Mary Dolciani. O Houghton Mifflin Coapany: 23Feb77; A879505.
A879506. Fundamentals of ausic. By Bichard L. Hink. 277 p. Houghton Mifflin Coapany; 28Feb77; A879506.
A879507. Nasotracheal suctioning; instructor guide. 8 p. Appl. au: Decision Media, Inc., employer for hire. O J. B. Lippincott Coapany; 10Jul74; A879507.
A879508. Bronchial drainage; instructor guide. 7 p. Appl. au: Decision Media, Inc., eaployer for hire. J. B. Lippincott Company; 10Jul74; A8795a8.
A879509. Oxygen therapy; instructor guide. 6 p. Appl. au: Decision Media, Inc., eaployer for hire. J. B. Lippincott Coapany; 10JU174; A879S09.
A879510. Deep breathing and coughing; instructor guide. 6 p. Appl. au: Decision Media, Inc. , employer for hire. J. B. Lippincott Coapany; 10Jul74; A879510.
A879511. Aerosol therapy; instructor guide. 6 p. Appl. au: Decision Media, Inc., employer for hire. J. B. Lippincott Company; 10JU174; A879511.
Oral medication; teacher's guide. 34 p.
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