4879386 - A879429
JUL-DEC. 1977
»879386. lao fuel oil puap data book. No. FO-77. 1 V. tppl. au: Delaval Turbine, Inc. Delaial Tucbine. Inc. (IHO Puap Division) (in notice; Delaval Turbine, Inc.): 27JU177: 4879386.
4879387. flartin's invisible invention. By Jo 4nn Steqer Boffadn, illustrated br Onada Glieife. 1 V. JudsoD Press; 1611ac77; 4879387.
4879388. Fred Boqers writes and sings about Hany Hays to say I love you, for people who care about children. 32 p. Accoapanied by sound recordinq. Fred H. Boqers; 22Jun77; 4879388.
4879389. Sespond. Vol. S. Edited by Bobect Uonard. 128 p. Judson Press; BJul77: 4879389.
4879390. Orita for black youtli: an initiation into cliristian adulthood. By Frank T. Fair. 24 p. Judson Press; n4pr77; 4879390.
4879391. Local church planninq aanaal; contains all needed instructions S worksheets. By Bichard E. Busbuldt, Bichard K. Gladden G Norian n. Green. Jr, illus. by Paul Edwards. 2i«8 p. C Judson Press; 22Jun77: 4879391.
4879392. The Wine drinker's lournal. Editor: Harqe F. Coulton. 1 v. Appl. au: Billian F. Coulton. Paris Hountain Press; 25JU177; 4879392.
4879393. Perfornance auditing; instructor's manual. By Leo Herbert. 1 1 5 p. O Leo Herbert; 19Jul77; 4879393.
4879391. Perforaance auditing. By Leo Berbert. 1 V. O Leo Herbert; 19Jul77: 4879391.
4879395. The Glossary of special education teras. By Hichael Beraan Sexton. 17 p. O Hichael Heraan Sexton; 14pr77: 4879395.
4879396. Peraa-cards. 1 p. 4ppl. au: 41vin L. Spivak. Alvin L. Spivak; 10Jun77: 4879396.
4879397. Baking a Bible play; teacher guide. Grades 1-6. By Heidi T. Hack, edited by Sophie Daaae. 32 p. Parish Life Press; 18JU177; 4879397.
4879398. Ten to get ready: preparing for retireaent. By Betty Bolf e Oahau Rolf, edited by Balph B. Bellerich. 96 p. 4ppl. states all new except quotations frOB Scripture & aaterial on p. 79-86. O Parish Life Press; 15Jul77; AB79398.
4879399. The Barket for processed fruits and veqetables; a coaprehensive aarketinq and econonic investiqation, June 1977. Analyst: Jeffrey Goldberg. 302 p. 4ppl, au: Horton Besearch Corporation. O Borton Besearch Corporation; 30Jun77; 4879399.
A879100. The Industrial fastener industry; an econoaic, aarketinq & financial study. July 1977. Analyst: S. Lazerow. 112 p. Appl. au: Horton Besearch Corporation. arch Corporation
A879U01. The Aniaal health industry; an econoaic & aarket investigation, June 1977. Analyst: L. Kaap. 127 p. Appl. au: Horton Besearch Corporation. Borton Besearch Corporation; 30Jun77; A879101.
A879402. Life beyond the grave. 78 p. Appl. au: Joan Becrill Haraon. BH: editor's pref. e editorial revision. Joan Berrill Haraon; 16Apr77; A879102.
A879103. Hale perceptions of the aale aid-life crisis. By Joan B. Hunts. Sheets (110 p.) Joan B. Hunts; 15Jun77; 4879103.
4879101. Starter parts for doaestic and iaport cars. Catalog no. s-2. Ill p. 4ppl. au: Harris E. Fischer 6 Joseph Haurizio. O Valley Forge Products, division of Avnet, Inc.; 29Jul77; A879101.
4879105. Unaasking the spirits. By Theresa 4. Uhelpley. 79 p. O Beview and Herald Publishing Association; 9Feb77: 4879105.
A879106. Tin-ainer's son: the story of Harry Boyle Tippett. By lilaa Boss lestphal. 159 p. O Beview and Herald Publishing Association: 3Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; A879106.
A879107. God is in a hurry. By Harjorie Lewis Lloyd. 61 p. Beview and Herald Publishing Association; 16Har77 (in notice: 1976) ; A879107.
A879108. Tiaai-ti and other stories froa far away. By Dorothy Lockwood Aitken, editor: Bobbie Jane Van Dolson, illus.: Kurt fieichenbach. 128 p. Beview and Herald Publishing Association; 2Hay77; A87910S.
A879109. So you're not a preacher! A lay leader's guide for seraon preparation. By Steven P. vitrano. 61 p. Beview and Herald Publishing Association; 284pr77; 4879109.
4879110. God's need. By V. B. Schoen. 176 p. Beview and Herald Publishing 4sso- ciation; 12Bov76; 4879110.
4679111. Of course I'a scaredl By Dorothy Aitken. 160 p. O Beview and Herald Publishing Association; 21Sep76: 4879111.
4879112. Ordeal by fire: what God and perse- verance can do. By Halter H. Statks. 123 p. O Beview and Berald Publishing 4ssociation; 190ct76; 4879112.
4879113. Curse of the cannibals. By Virgil E. Bobinson, editor: Thoaas A. Davis, illus.: John Gourley. 125 p. originally pub. in Guide aaqazine as King of the cannibals. NH: editorial revisions. Beview and Herald Publishing Association; 3Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4879113.
4879111. 4 Little bala and a little honey. By Ivy Duffy Doherty. 61 p. Beview and Herald Publishing 4ssaciatiou; 21Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4879111.
4879115. 4gainst the wind. By Harjorie Levis Lloyd. 62 p. Beview and Berald Publishing Association; 11Feb77 (in notice: 1976); A879115.
A879116. Belp for troubled Binds. By Buth Jaeger Buntain. 60 p. Beview and Berald Publishing Association; 16Har77 (in notice: 1976); A879116.
A879117. Bucky the jack rabbit. By Harry Baerg. 63 p. O Beview and Herald Publishing Association; 7Har77 (in notice: 1976); 4879117.
4879118. Jaaes Hhite. By Virgil Bobinson. 316 p. 4ppi. states all new Batter except prev. pub. excerpts which constitutes less than ISl of the work. Beview and Berald Publishing 4ssociation; 17iiov76; 4879118.
4879119. Once upon a Bible tiae. Book 1. Told by Etta B. Degering, illustrated by Vernon Bye. 1 V. O Beview and Berald Publishing 4ssociation; 23Nov76; A879119.
A879120. Harry Anderson, the aan behind the paintings. By BayBond H. Hoolsey C Buth Anderson. 127 p. O Beview and Herald Publishing Association; 17Nov76; 4879120.
4879121. Practical accounting for saall businesses. By Lyn Taetzsch C Laura Taetzsch. 262 p. O Lyn Taetzsch 6 Laura Taetzsch; 5Jul77; 4879121.
4879122. First in the field: 4Berica*s pioneering naturalists. By Bobert Elaan. 231 p. O Bobert Elaan; 5Jul77; 4879122.
4879123. Hho's who in chiropractic international, 1976-78. Editorial director: Fern L. Dzaaan, with assistant editor: Sidney Scheiner. 118 p. O Fern L. Dzaaan; 18JU177; 4879123.
4879121. Soccer. By Derek Trevis & Joel H. Cohen. 133 p. Derek Trevis G Joel H. Cohen; 204pr77; 4879121.
4879125. Conteaporary readings in sales aanageaent. Editor: Harvin 4. Jolson. 355 p. NH: coapilation & section introductions. C Hason/Charter Pub- lishers, Inc.; 21Jun77; 4879125.
4879126. Let's play gaaes in French. By Bernard Crawshaw. 129 p. NH: revisions e new introd. O National Textbook Coapany; 15Feb77; A879126.
A879127. Espanol para los hispanos; a guide to standard Spanish for native speakers. By Paulline Baker. 116 p. Appl. au: National Textbook Coapany. NH: revisions. O National Textbook Coapany; 17Hay77; Ae79127.
4879128. 4ustria: its people and culture. Editor-in-chief: Billiaa o. Hestervelt. 91 p. 4ppl. an: National Textbook Coapany. O National Textbook Coapany; 6Hay77; 4879128.
4879129. France: its people and culture.
Editor-in-chief: Lynn H. Hilton. 94 p.
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