4879126 - 4679167
JUL-DEC. 1977
A879126. The Systen foe bac coDtrols. <tS p. ippl. au: Jay S. Baker. Jar S. Baker £ Sally Baker d.b.a. Control Seiinars; 16Feb77: 4879126.
4879127. Purpose of this evaluatioo report. 1 p. 4ppl. aa: Hartin s. Berqec. I nveotioo HarkBtinq, loc; 104pr76: 4879127.
4879128. Officer coapeDsatioD with overhead personnel study 1976. 45 p. national Electrical Contractors 4ssociation« Inc. ; 25JU177: 4B79128.
4879129. Safe load table, Plexicore. 12" x 24" section. Fori no. 122iiD-CB. 4uq. 17, 1976. 2 p. The plexicore Coapany, Inc. : 2Sep76; 4879129.
4879130. CoBPOsite desiqn safe load table, Plexicore, 10" x 20" section plus 2" structural toppinq. Pora no. T1020D-CB, July 26, 1976. 2 p. The Plexicore Coapany, Inc.; 50ct76; 4879130.
4879131. Safe load table, Plexicore, 10" x 20" section. Pora no. 10200-CB, July 26, 1976. 2 p. The Plexicore Coapany, Inc.; 50ct76: 4879131.
4879132. Coaposite desiqn safe load table, Plexicore, 6" x 2i4" section plus 2" structural toppinq. Fora no. T62t4-CB, Auq. 31. 1976. 2 p. The Plexicore Coapany, Inc.; 17Hov76: 4879132.
4879133. Safe load table, Plexicore, 6" x 24" section. Pora no. 62aA-CB, 4uq. 31, 1976. 2 p. O The Plexicore Coapany, Inc.; 17lloy76; 4879133.
4879131. Coaposite desiqn safe load table, Plexicore, 12" x 24" section plus 2" structural toppinq. Fora no. T1224D-CB, 4uq. 17, 1976. 2 p. The Plexicore Coapany, Inc.; 2Sep76: 4879134.
4879135. Analysis of polycyclic aroaatic hydrocarbons. Bulletin 773. Polder (4 P.I Supelco, Inc.; 27Jul77; 4879135.
4879136. fluiti-pass aethod for evaXuatinq the filtration perforaance of a coarse hydraulic fluid pover filter eleaent. BFP4 recoaaended standard T3. 10. 8. 18-1977. 28 p. O National Fluid Power Association, Inc.; 15JU177: A879136.
A879137. Deyelopinq a course io aarine science. By Byron Eaaett Jordan. 154 p. O Byron E. Jordan: 6Jun77; A879137.
4879138. Scott specialty albua for postage staaps of Greece. Suppl. no. 10. Sheets (4 p.) io envelope. 4dd. ti: Greece nuaber 10 specialty suppleaent. NH; coapilation £ additions. C Scott Publishinq Coapany: 1Jul77; 4879138.
4879139. Scott specialty albua for Portuquese postaqe staaps. Suppl. no. 27. Sheets in envelope. 4dd. ti: Portugal nuaber 27 specialty suppleaent. NH: coapilation t additions. Scott Publishinq Coapany: 1Jul77: A879139.
A879140. Scott specialty albua for postaqe staaps of Scandinavia and Finland. Suppl. no. 27. Sheets in envelope. Add. ti: Scandinavia and Pinland nuaber 27 specialty suppleaent. tlH: coapilation 6 additions. Scott Publishinq Coapany; 1JU177: 4879140.
A879141. Scott specialty albua for postage staaps of Spain colonies and possessions. Suppl. no. 28. Sheets io envelope. Add. ti: Spain and colonies nuaber 28 specialty suppleaent. NH: coapilation & additions. Scott Publishinq Coapany; lJul77; A879141.
A879142. Scott specialty albua for postage staaps of Japan. Suppl. no. 10. Sheets in envelope. Add. ti: Japan nuaber 10 specialty suppleaent. NH: coapilation G additions. O Scott Publishing Coapany; 1JU177: A879142.
A879143. I HP: individualized aatheaatics proqrae. Level r. IV. O EdllS; 26Sep75: A879143.
A879144. IBPi individualized aatheaatics proqraa. Level 2. 1 V. EdITS; 200ct75; A879144.
A879145. IflP: individualized aatheaatics proqraa. Level 1. 1 V. O EdITS; 16Sep75: A879145.
A879146. TELAB: teaching essential lanquaqe and reading. Level A: third £ fourth grade objectives. 1 v. O EdITS; 291lov76: A879146.
A879147. A State of isolation. By Stephen J. Koundakjian. 409 p. Stephen J. Konndakjian; 21Jan77; A879147.
A879148. Cabrillo Festival 1977, San Diego, Septeaber 25-October 2. folder. O Cabrillo Festival, Inc.; 26Jui77: A879148.
A879149. Prograa Aaino. Printout. Appl. au: Donald Hilliaa Koraos. Donald villxaa Koraos; 26Jul77; A879149.
A879150. Paleoecology of Plio-Pleistocene hoainidae in the lover Oao Basin, Ethiopia. By Soel Thoaas Boaz. 234 p. O Noel Thoaas Boaz; 18Jun77: A8791S0.
A879151. Pharaacoloqy study guide. By Harriet Lazinski. 79 p. Harriet Lazioski; 13JU177; 4879151.
A879152. Speech for the eleaeotary teacher. By Donald E. Beady. 1 v. O Donald E. Heady; 18JU177: A879152.
A879153. Advanced aedical-surqical nursing 692-436 practicua guide. By Belene Broan, Leslie Buttles, Laurie Glass, Dorothy Hageaeier, Janet Hoppenrath, Carol Hunt, Lori Kaapwirth, Carolyo Novak, Patricia Proft £ Jaanita Baairez. 64 p. Appl. au: The Dedical-Surqical Teaching Staff. O Juanita Baairez; 13Jul77: A8791S3.
A879154. World Bar 2 — European area, 1942-1945. Poster. (Graphic history of the United States, chart 18) Appl. au: Janice H. Calvert. NH: text C coapilatioo of illustrative aaterials. Garrett Park Press: iaay77; 4879154.
A879155. The First World Bar, 1917-1918. Poster. (Graphic history of the Uoited States, chart 16) Appl. au: Janice a. Calvert. Bd: text & coapilation of illustrative aaterials. O Garrett Park Press; 1Hay77; A879155.
A879156. Borld Bar 2 — Pacific area, 194 1-1945. Poster. (Graphic history of the Doited States, chart 17) Appl. au: Jaoice H. Calvert. US: text & coapilation of illustrative aaterials. Garrett Park Press: 1Hay77; A879156.
4879157. The Civil Bat, 1861-1865. Poster. (Graphic history of the United States, chart 14) Appl. au: Janice n. Calvert. BH: text 6 coapilation of illustrative aaterials. O Garrett Park Press; 1(lay77; A8791S7.
A879158. A Changing nation, 1961-1976. Poster. (Graphic history of the United States, chart 11) Appl. au: Janice a. Calvert. Ha: text e coapilation of illustrative aaterials. Garrett Park Press; 1aay77; A879158.
A879159. 1909-1929: the golden years. Poster. (Graphic history of the United States, chart 8) Appl. au: Janice a. Calvert. Ha: text € coapilation of illustrative aaterials. Garrett Park Press; 1Bay77; Ae79159.
A879160. Age of the Pounding Fathers, 1789-1809. Poster. (Graphic history of the United States, chart 2) Appl. au: Janice a. Calvert. Ha: text e coapilatioo of illustrative aaterials. O Garrett Park Press; 1aay77; A879160.
A879161. The Era of good feeliog, 1809-1829. Poster. (Graphic history of the Uoited States, chart 3) Appl. au: Janice a. Calvert. BH: text £ coapilation of illustrative aaterials. Garrett Park Press: iaay77; A879161.
Ae79 162. Jacksooiao deaocracy aod its afteraath, 1829-1849. Poster. (Graphic history of the United States, chart 4) Appl. au: Jaoice a. Calvert. BB: text £ coapilatioo of writteo aaterials £ illus. O Garrett Park Press; iaay77: A879162.
A879163. leader of the free world, 1945-1961. Poster. (Graphic history of the United States, chart 10) Appl. au: Janice B. Calvert. NB: text £ coapilatioo of illustrative aaterials. O Garrett Pack Press; iaay77; A879163.
A879164. Acquiring and experiaentiog with independence, 1773-1789. Poster. (Graphic history of the Uoited states, chart 1) Appl. au: Jaoice a. Calvert. BB: text G coapilatioo of illustrative aaterials. Garrett Park Press; iaaj77: A879164.
A879165. A. Brill's Bible of building plans. Catalog no. IS. 2od ed. 320 p. O A. K. Brill: 60ct76; 1879165.
A879166. Spiritual sparkle. By Pat Beroacd Ott. 57 p. Pat Ott; 30Dec76; A879166.
A879 167. Let the little children coae unto ae.
Book 2. By Bob Ott (Bobert Leonard Ott) £
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