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JUL-DEC. 1977

i879086. Alqol on the B6700: a coaplete pciaec. Vol. 2. By Donald J. Gregory, lllus. by Joyce Bidlon Gregory. 317 p. Donald J. Gregory: 20Jul77; A8790B6.

i879087. Betteravla, Casialia, Guadalupe. CA, and others, July 1977. General Telephone company of California: 5Jol77; A879087.

A879088. Lompoc, CA, and all other comounities in northern section of Santa Barbara County, July 1977. General Telephone Coipany of California: 1Jun7: A879088,

A879089. Ho» to Bake yourself big shot success: Bobert Fodesta's $1,000,000 no joke Italian's success systeo. By Bobert Edward Podesta. 60 p. & U2 cards in box. Bobert £. Fodesta: 22Jul77: A879089.

A879090. Go EasthaH young aanl or. Eastham or bust! Teit by Noel i. Beyle, illus. by James £. Quens. 108 p. The Innermost House: 22JU177; A879090.

A879091. Handbook: D.S. students abroad. 76 p. Youth for Onderstanding: 15Jun77; A879091.

A879092. A Layman's guide to the Hichiqan consumer protection act. By Joseph H. Pattok. 2t p. Michigan State Chamber of Commerce; 16Jun77: A879092.

A879093. The Johnny Appleseed pev. By Bill James Cook. 1 V. Bill James Cook; 22Jul77: A879093.

A879091t. Defending Eden: Nen Mexican pioneers in southern California, 1830-1890. By Joyce Carter Vickery. 130 p. 6 Joyce Carter Vickery; 1Jul77; A87909U.

AB79095. He take pride in presenting this manual. 5 p. John Glass Leasing, Inc. ; 13Jun77; A879095.

A879096. Once upon a table; or. Ancient, medieval and Benaissance vargaming rules for miniatures. By Richard A. Boyd vith Michael Guy Uhitehead, illus. done by Bobert Black. 63 p. Bichard A. Boyd; 3Jun77; A879096.

A879097. Code of ordinances, city of Fort iriqht, Kentucky: adopted Apr. 15, 1977, effective July 1, 1977. 1 V. Municipal Code Corporation: 6Jul77; A879097.

A879098. To an aging nation (Hith occult overtones) 101 p. (Gallery series 5: poets) NM: compilation, editorial selection & new textual & photographic material. Artcrest Products Company. Inc.; 8JU177: A879098.

A879099. Getting along with your foreign roommate. By Gary Althen. 17 p. O Oniversity of Iowa; 1Jul77: A879099.

A879100. Contemporary biology. By Sebastian Haskel & David F. Sygoda. 457 p. NM: editorial revisions. O Amsco School Publications, Inc.; 17Jun77; A879100.

A879101. A Structural theory of the emotions. By Joseph De Bivera, with an introductory essay by Hartvig Dahl. 178 p. (Psychological issues, vol. 10, no. 4, monograph 40) International Oniver- sities Press, Inc.; 7jul77; A879101.

A879102. Antioch alumni directory, 1977. 371 p. Prev. pub. as Antioch College alumni directory, 1857-1971. BM: additions, new cover. 3 photos G 6 p. introductory matter. Antioch College: 24Jun77: Ae79102.

A879103. License plate game for the Onited States. By Ahnco. 1 v. Add. ti: Dnited States of America. aSA license plate game. Appl. au: Alvin H. Neunaber. O Alvin H. Beunaber: 28Jul77; A879103.

A879104. Supertiles: a game of visual-perception and mathematics, bilingual-multicultural. By Baymond Tartakoff. Cards & 1 p. O Hesteru Learning Laboratories; 25Jul77; A879104.

A879105. Productivity improvement for profit program; an action-based program for increasing productivity in your orga- nization; action guide, plan book S memo. By James M. Apple. 2 v. S 1 p. O American Institute for Industrial Engineers, Inc. (in notice: American Institute of Industrial Engineers, Inc.) ; 1Peb77; A879105.

A879106. LaureltoQ, Bosedale, Springfield Gardens, NT, yellow book street address and numerical directory, 1977-78. 25th ed. lellow Book Publishers; 5Jul77; A879106.

A879107. Irvington, North Tarrytown, Tarrytown, NT, yellow book community telephone directory, 1977-78. 24th ed, C lellow Book Publishers; bJul77; A879107.

A879108. Laurelton, Bosedale, Springfield Gardens, NT, yellow book community telephone directory, 1977-78. 25th ed. Yellow Book Publishers; 5Jnl77; A879108.

A879109. Hantagh, Bellmore, North Bellmore. North Hantagh, NT, yellow book street address and numerical directory, 1977-78. 44th ed. Tellow Book Corporation; 10Jul77: A879109.

A879110. Center Moriches, East Moriches, East Quogue, NT, and others yellow book street address and numerical directory, 1977-78. 3rd ed. Add. ti: Moriches. East Quogue, Eastport, NT, and others yellow book street address and numerical directory, 1977-78. Tellow Book Corporation; 23Jun77; A879110.

A879111. Hantagh, Bellmore, North Bellmore, North Hantagh. NY, yellow book community telephone directory, 1977-78. 44th ed. e Yellow Book Corporation; 10Jul77; A879111.

A879112. North Fork, Aguebogue, Calverton, NY, and others yellow book street address and numerical directory, 1977-78. 3rd ed. Yellow Book Corporation; 1Jul77: A879112.

A879113. Center Moriches, East Moriches. East Quogue. NY, and others yellow book community telephone directory, 1977-78. 3rd ed. Add. ti: Moriches. Quogue. Quiogue. NY, and others yellow book community telephone directory, 1977-78. e Yellow Book Corporation; 23Jun77; A879113.

A879114. North Fork, Aguebogue, Calverton, NT, and others yellow book community telephone directory, 1977-78. 3rd ed. © Tellow Book Corporation; 1Jul77; A879114.

A879115. Irvington, North Tarrytown. Tarrytown, NT. yellow book street address and numerical directory. 1977-78. 24th ed. Yellow Book Publishers; 6Jul77; A879115.

A879116. Ford's Deck plan guide. 3rd ed. 1 v. Appl. au: Herrian £. Clark. O Ford's Travel Guides; 7Mar77; A879116.

A879117. PCTE technician's practical guide to household pest control. By Taylor C. Johnston. 1 v. Taylor C. Johnston: 22JU177; A879117.

A879118. MOMI: Medical Of fice Management Institute financial management. 1 v. Add. ti: Medical office Management Institute (MOMI) financial management; MOMI financial management. Q Conomikes Associates, Inc.; 31May77; A879118.

S879119. MOMI: Medical Office Management Institute patient flow management. 52 p. Add. ti: Medical office Management Institute (MOMI) patient flow management; MOMI patient flow management. 6 Conomikes Associates, Inc.; 31May77: A879119.

A879120. MOMI: Medical Office Management Institute personnel management. 80 p. Add. ti: Medical Office Management Institute (MOMI) personnel management; MOMI personnel management. Conomikes- Associates, Inc.; 31Hay77; A879120.

A879121. The Management of fixed-income investments for employee benefit funds. Issued by the Trust and Investment Division, Morgan Guaranty Trust Company. 28 p. Appl. au: Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York. Q Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New Tork; 19Jul77; A879121.

A879122. Selected industrial countries. Prepared by the Economist's Department of Morgan Guaranty Trust Company. 1 v. (Mul- tinational report, July 1977) Appl. au: Morgan Guareinty Trust Company of New York. Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York; 18JU177; A879122.

A879123. Science fiction, science, and OFOs. By Stanton Terry Friedman. (In Mufon UFO Symposium proceedings, 1977. p. 137-166) Stanton T. Friedman; 16Jul77; A879123.

A879124. The Breezeman has come, and ready for the world; song lyrics. By The Breezeman. pseud, of Frederick C. B. Swanson, song lyrics written C sung by Frederick C. B. Swanson. 1 v. O Frederick Swanson; 28JU177; A879124.

A879125. Thinpower: natural weight loss and weight maintenance. 16 p. Appl. au: Dorothy K. Shisler. Dorothy K. Shisler;

23JU177; A879125.


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