JUL-DEC. 1977
487900«. Groii in God's world: the nerd is life. By Gerard P. Heber, Janes J. Killgallon 6 a. Hichael O'Shauqhnessy. 2nd ed. 96 p. idd. ti: Grow in God's love. Benziger Bruce and Glencoe, Inc.; 25Jan77; 48790011.
A879005. Detroit diesel engines, V-71 highnay yehicle; service aanual. Bo. 6SE228. 1 V. Add. ti: V-71 highway vehicle engine service nanual. Appl. au: General Motors Corporation- HH: revisions 6 additions. Detroit Diesel Allison Division, General Motors corporation (in notice: General Motors Corporation) ; 30Jun77: A879005.
A879006. iaterloo. Cedar Falls, iaverly, lA, and nearby coiaunities telephone directory, July 1977. Northiiestern Bell Telephone CoBpany: 11Jul77; A87900e.
A879007. iaste of tinelessness and other early stories. By Anais Nin. 105 p. Anais Nin; 1Jun';7; A879007.
A87900e. Past and present recollections. By Elizabeth Doidge. 63 p. HM: nen oaterial. 6 Elizabeth Doidge; 3Jul76; A879008.
A879009. Newsweek condensed books. Vol. 5, no. 2. Editor: Herbert A. Gilbert, art director: Janet Czarnetzki, associate editor: Elaine K. Andrews, condensations created by Newsweek, Inc. 480 p. KM: editorial selection & additional text. O Hewsweek, Inc.; 31May77: A879009.
A879010. Beaver favorites. Cards. Appl. au: Mrs. George 0. Benz. NM: coopilation & additional text. C Mrs. George D. Benz; 31Mar76 (in notice: 1975): A879010.
A879011. Site and watershed napping, unit 5. Mapping teacher's manual, unit 5. Edited by Joseph Chadbourne. 1 v. e filastrip. NH: additions. Institute for Envi- ronnental Education; 18Mar77; A879011.
A879012. Oat of cars/into transit: the urban transportation planning crisis. Edited by Andrew Baser. 196 p. School of Business Adninistration, Georgia State Dniversity (in notice; Georgia State University) : 30Jul76; A879012.
A879013. The Art of friendship ninistry. By Donald Clayton Davis. 72 p. 6 Findex Dnliaited; 7Jul77: A879013.
A8790111. Nursing 313; Comprehensive nursing: a nodular approach. By Fostine G. Biddick, Shirley S. Hall, Juanita B. Jackson, B. Jane Klein 6 Elnora D. B. Daniel. 169 p. Fostine G. Biddick, Shirley S. Hall, Juanita B. Jackson, 6. Jane Klein & Elnora D. B. Daniel: 16Aug77; A87901U.
A879015. Introduction to library service; aanual, college-at-hone prograi. By Manuel Tubio, Jr. 46 p. Manuel Tubio, Jr. & Northanpton County Area Connunity College; 10ct76; A879015.
A879016. Technical processes 2; aanual, college-at-hone program. By Manuel Tubio, Jr. SU p. Manuel Tubio, Jr. E Northampton County Area Community College: 10ct76; A879016.
A879017. Hug 'a* bear and his file away friends; 21 motivational math games for the young, ages 5-8. Creator: Sandra Joyce Bradshaw, illustrator: Barbara York, editor: Gary Eugene Bradshaw. Sheets. O Sandra Joyce Bradshaw G Gary Eugene Bradshaw d.b.a. Bradshaw: 21Jun76; A879017.
A879018. Ohio Bunicipal law: procedure and forms, second (1975) edition. 1977 service to vol. 1-3 £ service index. A complete revision by John E. Gothernan of the originial ed. by Joseph H. Crowley. 4 v. Add. ti: 1977 service to Gotherman's revision of Crowley's Ohio municipal law. Appl. an: Banks-Baldwin Law Publishing Company. Q Banks-Baldwin Law Publishing Company; 25Jal77; A879018.
A879019. Advance legislative service for the Annotated laws of Massachusetts, 1977. Pamphlet no. 3, acts 1977, chap. 101-171. By the editorial staff of the Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company. 61 p. 6 The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company; 22Jan77: A879ai9.
A879020. Caminando sola y contemplando. Libra 1. Poemas de Mercedes, pseud, of Mercedes Beinoso, prologo: Alberto Baeza Flores. 98 p. Mercedes Beinoso; 17Apr77; A879020.
A879021. Code of ordinances city of Jersey Village, Texas; adopted April 18, 1977, effective April 18, 1977. 1 v. 6 Municipal Code Corporation; 29Jun77; A879021.
A879022. Code of ordinances city of Lakeland, Georgia; the charter and general ordinances of the city, adopted April 4, 1977, effective April 4, 1977. 1 v. 6 Municipal Code Corporation; 29Jun77; A879022.
A879023. Code of ordinances city of Live Oak, Florida; containing the charter and general ordinances of the city, adopted April 12. 1977, effective June 15, 1977. 1 V. Municipal Code Corporation; 11Jui77: A879023.
A879024. Code of ordinances city of Goshen, Indiana; general ordinances of the city, adopted Match 1, 1977, effective June 1, 1977. 1 V. Municipal Code Corporation; 29Jun77; A879024.
A879025. Good news for business, industrial, professional people in management. By Baxter Ralker. 1 v. O Baxter Balker; 19JU177: A879025.
A879026. Let's make ice cream. By Jo Gwyn Baldwin (Josie Lee Gwynn Baldwin) 52 p. Jo Gwyn Baldwin: 14Jun77; A879026.
&879027, Ignacio Aldecoa: a collection of critical essays. Edited by Bicardo Landeira 6 Carlos Hellizo. 142 p. Add. ti: I. Aldecoa: a collection of critical essays. NH: compilation. Dniversity of Syoming; 19Jul77; A879027.
A879028. Lovenots.. J By David Schmidlapp. 1 v. O David Schmidlapp: 7Jul77: A879028.
A879a29. Aspectos de biologia celular y la transformacion maligna. Por Manuel Bieber, editora: Eva V. Chesneau. 58 p. (Serie de biologia. monografia no. 17) Appl. au: General Secretariat of the Organization of American States. d General Secretariat of the Organization of American States; 11Jul77; A879029.
A879030. Discussing rape with children. 23 p. O iOAB a.a. d. for lomen Organized Against Bape; 11Jul77: A879030.
A879031. Tomahawks illustrated. By Bobert Kluck. 112 p. Bobert Kluck; 21Jul77: A879031.
A879032. Oklahoma City Dniversity law review; annual survey of Oklahoma law. Vol. 2, no. 1, winter 1977. 503 p. Appl. au: Oklahoma City University School of Law. Oklahoma City Dniversity; 6Hay77; A679a32.
A879033. Portuguese cooking. By Irene Vizi. 100 p. O Irene Vizi; 5May77: A879033.
A879034. Alexander's bridge. By iilla Sibert Cather, introd. by Bernice Slote. 138 p. on introd.; University of Nebraska Press: 13JU177; A879034.
A879035. District Sound, Inc. featuring a complete line of famous brand audio components. 16 p. Appl. au: Stanley lerbin. District Sound, Inc.; 29Mar77; A879035.
A879036. Famous brand audio components at low discount prices. Catalog no. 50. 16 p. Appl. au: Stanley ierbin. Sound Beproduction, Inc.; 29MarT7; A879036.
A879037. That wine and roses. 1 p. Appl. au: Bill Niederkorn. Bill Niederkorn; 20JU177; A879037.
A879038. Edward L. Grieger's Beports now offers a unigue investment consultation service. 1 p. Appl. au: Edward L. Grieger 3td. O Edward L. Grieger's Beports; 13Jal77: A879038.
A879039. NCCLS proposed standard, PSI-6: guidelines for service of clinical laboratory instruments. 12 p. G National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards; 27Jun77; A879039.
A87904a. Go down on the drag. By Thomas Hardy Pinkard. 1 p. Thomas Hardy Pinkard; 4Feb77: AB79040.
A879a41. The Damon theories. Group 1. 3 p. Appl. au: J. Hillian Damon. O J. Hilliam Damon; 26Jal77; A879041.
A879042. Material for accountant examinations. By Joseph A. Hiseman. 53 p. NM: additions. Joseph A. Hiseman; 25Jul77; A879042.
A879043. Automobile insurance losses, injury coverages; a preliminary comparison of results from Volkswagen Babbits with passive and active seat belts, 1975 and 1976 models. Besearch report HLDI A-8, June 1977. 19 p. Highway Loss Data
Institute: 18Jul77; A879043.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.