JUL-DEC. 1977
1878906 (con.) for Indastcy, Inc. Manageaent and Traininq Systems for Industry, Inc.; 9Apr76; A878906.
»878907. Beport on & TraiDinq oe«ds audit. Prepared for iiioco oil Coipany by aanaqeaeot and Trainiuq Systeis for Industry, Inc. staff. Sheets. O aanaqeient and Traioinq Systeis for Industry, Inc.; 13Peb75: A878907.
A878908. TransBisiones Banuales; leccioo 5s. Preparado por Eric Boscoe. 15 p. Appl. au: aanaqeient and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. aanaqeient and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. : 3Peb76; 1878908.
1878909. P. L. Saidth rotary kiln; aanual B<t01. Prepared by E. C. Bartaann. <48 p. Ippl. au: aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 13&pr76: 1878909.
1878910. Irranque maqnetico coabinado (poli- fasico) Manual E927S. Preparado por Jaaes Scott. 43 p. Ippl. au: aanaqeaent and Traininq systeas for Industry, Inc. aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 91pr76: 1878910.
1878911. Indicadores Bailey PS tipos 1100 y 1500; aanual 281S. preparado por Intonio L. aontes. 21 p. Ippl. an: aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 12aar76: 1878911.
1878912. Sisteaas aecanicos de la excayadora; leccion IIS. Preparado por Eric Boscoe. 56 p. Ippl. au: aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 8Jun76: 1878912.
1878913. Interruptores en aceite Sieaens H515; aanual B943S. Preparado por J. B. Bazon. 40 p. Ippl. au; aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. O Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 91pr76: 1878913.
1878914. IDN Plant asa 211-lDH: aake-up electrolyte systea. Prepared by K- Bayes & aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. sheets. Ippl. au: Polyaaide Interaediates, Ltd. O aa- naqeaent and Traininq systeas for Industry, Inc.; 18Peb77; 1878914.
1878915. Sulfur Recovery Plant aanual nuaber 7: incineration. Prepared by staff of aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. 1 ». Ippl. au: Ishland Petroleua coapany. aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 21JU176: 1878915.
1878916. Sulfur Becoyery Onit aSB 1: o»er»ieii. Prepared by J. Fisher 6 aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. 1 y. Ippl. au: Ishland Oil Befininq Coapany. O aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 14Jun76: 1878916.
1878917. Bailey class 8 pneuaatic receiver: aanual I 287. Prepared by Intonio L. Bontes. 21 p. Ippl. au: Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. O Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry. Inc.; 8Jun76; 1878917.
1878918. Estacion Generadora PB-2BS: qeneracion de vapor. Escrito por Eric Boscoe, traduccion: Serqio Sobredo, prepared by Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. Sheets. Ippl. au: Bxaibal. O Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 24Feb77; 1878918.
1878919. Bet Starch Division traininq aanual nuaber 03-2: steepinq. Prepared by 1. G. Beaaerlein, Jr. 6 Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. 1 v. Ippl. au: Corn Products, CPC International, Inc. Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 17Auq76; 1878919.
1878920. Convertidor Foxboro aodelo 33iB EKF/P; aanual I 535S. Preparado por B. Bosado. 47 p. Appl. au: Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. O Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 13Apr76; A878920.
Ae78921. Bitsubishi steaa turbine; aanual a230S10. Prepared by E. C. Bartaann. 94 p. Appl. au: Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 5aar76; A878921.
A878922. Gas Hydrotreatinq Departaent BSB 3008: catalyst regeneration. Prepared by G. J. Arnusch £ aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: Petrosar. Ltd. aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 18Hov76; A87e922.
1878923. Hazeaaq APK-30 iapact crusher: aanual 8336. Prepared by Eric Boscoe. 38 p. Appl. au: Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. O Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. ; 26Auq76: A878923.
A878924. South lard Process Area BSB South Yard PA-1: overviea of processinq. prepared by B. Ferrell S aanaqeaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: Atlantic Bichfield Coapany. Banaqeaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 51lov76; A878924.
A878925. Circuitos controladores de aotores 2; aanual E922S. Preparado por J. G. Scott. 1 V. Appl. au: Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 23Auq76: A878925.
A878926. Bydroqen Plant aanual nuaber 5: steaa qeneration. Prepared by aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. staff. 1 V. Appl. au: Ashland Petroleua Coapany, Nuaber 2 Befinery. O Banaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 2Dec76; A878926.
A878927. Bydroqen Plant aanual nuaber 3: hydroqenation and sulfur reaoval. Prepared by aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. staff. 1 v. Appl. au: ishland Petroleua Coapany, Nuaber 2 Befinery. O aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 2Dec76; 1878927.
electronic recorder; aanual I 712. Prepared by aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. staff. 1 v. aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 8Nov76; 1878928.
1878929. Gas Bydrotreating Departaent BSB 3004: BTX toHer. Prepared by G. J. Irnusch G Banaqeaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. 1 v. Appl- au: Petrosar, Ltd. O aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 18Nov76; A878929.
A878930. Shop dynaaic balancinq; aanual B144. Prepared by Don Bhodes. 35 p. Appl. au: Banaqeaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. O Banaqeaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 12Peb76; A87e930.
A878931. Petrocheaicai Division, Butadiene Departaent, B. E. Nuaber 1 Onit BSB nuaber B-243: butadiene desorption and vash. Prepared by C. Bancliffe G Banaqeaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. 40 p. Appl. au: Polysar, Ltd. O aanaqeaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 24Bar76; A878931.
A878932. Bitsubishi generator; aanual B361. Prepared by E. C. Bartaann. 30 p. Appl. au: Banageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. O Banageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. ; 22Jan76; A878932.
A878933. petrocheaicai Division, Styrene Departaent, Benzene Onit BSB nuaber S-300: overvien. Prepared by Doug Bart G Banaqeaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. 14 p. Appl. au: Polysar, Ltd. aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 15aar76; A878933.
A878934. Instruaents classified: aotion balance: aanual I 112. Prepared by Banageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. staff. 1 V. HB: revisions G additions. Banageaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 9Sep76; A878934.
A878935. Control de coabustion Borno reductor; aanual I 156S. Preparado por personal de aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc., traduccion: P. 0. Jiaenez. 1 V. aanaqeaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 1Dec76; A878935.
A878936. Oil Boveaents Departaent BSB 80-6: product tankaqe area. Prepared by aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. 62 p. Appl. au: Bahaaas oil Befininq Coapany. aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 5Apr76: A878936.
A878937. Beqistradores indicadores eiectricos Bartaann and Braun ABO; aanual I 56es. Preparado por Pablo O. Jiaenez. 33 p. Appl. au: aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. Banageaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 16ipr76; A878937.
A878938. About shop aachines; aanual alOO. Prepared by Toa Strachan. 80 p. Appl. au: aanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. O Banageaent and Traininq Systeas cor Industry, Inc.; 16Apr76; A878938.
Steam generation BSB 2: fuel oil and
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