A878587 - A878626
JUL-DEC. 1977
A878587. Uorker's coapensatlon lav of the State of HiscoDsin; Hith digest G suppleaentary lakfs, re?ised to Jan. 1977. 65 p. 6 American Insurance Association: 15Jun77; A878587.
A878588. Sunnacv of selected state laws and regulations relating to automobile insurance, January 1, 1977. 87 p. American Insurance Association; 15Jun77: A878588.
A878S89. Philadelphia yellow pages, southwest edition, Harcb 1977. 6 The Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania; 1Ilar77; A878589.
A878590. Civilian agency procurement; course manual. 1 v. Appl. states no copyright is claimed in materials taken from O.S. Govt, sources. 6 Federal Publications, Inc.; 19JU177; A878590.
A878591. CPA review: problems and solutiODS. By David F. Fetyko S Elwyo L. Christensen. 790 p. HH: selection, compilation G adaptation. Hadsworth Publishing Company, Inc.; 2Hlar77; A878591.
A87e592. Television production workbook. By Herbert Zettl. 3rd ed. 147 p. O Hadsworth Publishing Company, Inc.; 20ilay77: A878592.
A878593. Leader's guide to the Aviation products handling training program. Issued by Exxon International Company, Aviation Sales Department. 1 v. Appl. au: Exxon Corporation. Exxon Corporation; 25Aug75; A878593.
A878594. Ueekly charts, week ending July 19, 1977. Pull key list summary, month ending June 30, 1977, week ending July 19, 1977. 2 V. Appl. au: Halvin B. Boesch G Bobert P. Sanna. 6 Quantitative Analysis Service: 21Jul77; Aa7859<t.
A878S95. Heekly charts, week ending July 26, 1977. Full key list summary, month ending June 30, 1977, week ending July 26, 1977. 2 V. Appl. au: Halvin B. Boesch G Robert P. Sanna. O Quantitative Analysis Service; 2BJul77; Aa78595.
A878596. Teacher's guide for Freedom of expressLOn: freedom of speech, petition, and assembly with a special section on student rights. By Carlton s. Bartz. 37 p. Add. ti; Freedom of expression teacher's guide-- freedom of speech, petition, and assembly. Appl. au: Constitutional Bights Foundation, d Benziger Bruce and Glencoe, Inc.; 13Jan77; A878596.
A878597. The American Presidency. By Arthur J. Hughes. 318 p. Benziger Bruce and Glencoe, Inc.; 22Dec76 (in notice: 1977): A878597.
AB78598. Fair trial/free press: rights in conflict. By Todd Clark G Gebecca J. Novelli. 120 p. Appl. au: Constitutional Bights Program. Benziger Bruce and Glencoe, Inc.; 13Jan77; A878598.
A878599. Act as God's children: the word is life. By Gerard P. Heber, James J. Killgallon G sister H. Hichael O' Shaughnessy, O.P. 2nd ed. 184 p. Benziger Bruce and Glencoe, Inc.; 7Feb77; A878599.
A878600. Juvenile justice: the legal rights of young people. By Nancy Boyarsky. 90 p. Appl. au: Constitutional Bights Foun- dation. Benziger Bruce and Glencoe, Inc.; 13Jan77; A878600.
A878601. Live in God's world: the word is life. By Gerard p. Ueber, James J. Killgallon G Sister H. Hichael 0< Shaughnessy, O.P. 2nd ed. 92 p. Benziger Bruce and Glencoe, Inc.; 25Jan77; A878601.
A678602. Freedom of expression: freedom of speech, petition, and assembly with a special section on student rights. By Carlton S. Hartz. 75 p. Add. ti: Freedom of expression: speech, petition, and assembly. Appl. au: Constitutional Bights Foundation. O Benziger Bruce and Glencoe, Inc.; 13Jan77; A878602.
A878603. Change; teacher's annotated ed. By John u. Benner, Don G. Stafford G Vivian Jensen Coulter. 1 V. (Learning science) HN: teacher's manual G annotations in student text. O Benziger Bruce and Glencoe, Inc. ; 7Jan77; A878603.
A87S604. Systems; teacher's annotated ed. By John H. Benner, Don G. Stafford G Vivian Jensen Coulter. 1 v. (Learning science) NH: teacher's manual G annotations in student text. O Benziger Bruce and Glencoe. Inc.; 7Jan77; A878604.
A878605. The Gimmie putting game. Kit. Appl. au: John L. Urigbt. O John L. Wright d.b.a. The Gimmie Putting Game a.a.d.o. The Bright Brother Company (in notice: The Bright Brother Company) : 29Nov76; A878605.
A878606. Government puzzles: 50 spirit masters- By Stan Slessor. 1 v. G sheets (50 p.) in box. O J. Ueston Balch, Publisher: 1itJan76; A878606.
A878607. Business law quizzes: 50 spirit masters. By Salph Buby, Jr. 1 v. G sheets (50 p.) in box. e J. Beston Balch, Publisher; 60ct76; A878607.
A878608. fiesources for the medical data analyst, July 1977. 1 V. 6 sheets. Foundation for Health Care Evaluation; 7Jul77; A678608.
A878609. The American chameleon. By Hilliam Bhite, Jr. 80 p. Sterling Publishing company. Inc.; 29Jun77; A878609.
A878610. Brain metabolism and cerebral disorders. Edited by Harold Edwin Himwich. 2nd ed. 381 p. C Spectrum Publications, Inc.; 19Apr76; A878610.
A878611. Covered bridges of Best Virginia: past and present. By Hyrtle Auvil. 3rd ed. 2119 p. Hyrtle Auvil; 13Hay77; A878611.
A878612. Principles of real estate law. By Paul G. Creteau. 416 p. Prev. publication was: Haine real estate law. NH: additions G revisions. Paul 5. Creteau; 15Feb77; A878612.
A878613. The Belatiooship between the premen- strual phase and acting-out behavior in adolescent girls in institutions. By June Dolores Hayes. 80 p. O June 0. Hayes; 21Hay77; A878613.
A8786U. EBISA Benefit Funds, spring 1977: directory of pension funds. State of Hew Jork, Hew Jork City area. Pt. 2: Brooklyn, Queens, and Long Island. 462 p. Insurance Sesearch, Inc.; 11Har77; A878614.
A878615. EBISA Benefit Funds, spring 1977: directory of pension funds. State of Hew rork. New york City area. Pt. 1: Hanhattan, Bronx, and Staten Island. 714 p. O Insurance Besearch, Inc.; 11Har77; A878615.
A878616. EBISA Benefit Funds, spring 1977: directory of pension funds. State of California. Pt. 2: northern California regions (excluding San Francisco area) 359 p. Insurance Sesearch, Inc.; 11Har77; A878616.
A878617. EBISA Benefit Funds, spring 1977: directory of pension funds. State of California. pt. 1: northern California region (San Francisco area) 358 p. Insurance Besearch, Inc.; l1Har77; Ae78617.
A878618. EBISA Benefit Funds, spring 1977 directory of pension funds, southern California. Pt. 1. 758 p. Insurance Besearch, Inc.; 11Har77; A8786 18.
A878619. EBISA Benefit Funds, spring 1977 directory of pension funds. State of Kansas. 172 p. C Insurance Besearch, Inc.; 11Har77; 1878619.
A8 78620. EBISA Benefit Funds, spring 1977 directory of pension funds. State of Virginia. 284 p. O Insurance Besearch, Inc.; 1IHar77; A878620.
A878621. EBISA Benefit Funds, spring 1977 directory of pension funds, northern Florida. 2 74 p. Insurance Besearch, Inc.; 11Har77; A878621.
A878622. EBISA Benefit Funds, spring 1977 directory of pension funds. State of Oregon. 204 p. O Insurance Besearch, Inc.; 11Har77; A878622.
A878623. EBISA Benefit Funds, spring 1977 directory of pension funds. State of Bashington. 298 p. O Insurance Besearch, Inc.; 11Har77; A878623.
A878624. EBISA Benefit directory of pe Texas. 314 p. Inc. ; 11Bar77; funds, spring 1977, sion funds: southern Insurance Bese A878624.
A878625. EBISA Benefit Funds, spring 1977, directory of pension funds: state of Hew lock (excluding Hew york City area) 677 p. O Insurance Besearch, Inc. ; 1 1Har77; A878625.
A878626. EBISA Benefit Funds, spring 1977, directory of pension funds: southern California. Pt. 2. 384 p. Insurance
Besearch, Inc.; 1IHar77; Aa78626.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.