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A878222 - A8782S9


JUL-DEC. 1977

&878222. EBISi Benefit Funds, spring 1977 directory of pension funds. State of Harvland. 298 p. . Insurance Besearch, Inc.; 11Har77: A878222-

"78223. The Lanquaqe of the foreiqn book trade. By Jerrold orne. 3rd ed. 333 p. a American Library Association; 1Sep76: &878223.

1878221. Proceedings of the flash Badioqraphy Symposiua; 36th National Fall Conference, The Anerican society for Kondestructiye Testinq, Houston, II. 28 Sept. 1976. Edited by Laurence E. Bryant, Jr. 235 p- O The American Society for Hondestructive Testing, Inc.: 6Jul77: 1878224.

A878225. The Assault on the sexes. By Janes S. Fordhair »ith his indispensable iiife Andrea, pseud, of Andrea S. Fordhaa. 180 p. e Jaoes M. Focdhas S Andrea S. Fordham; 1Jul77: A878225.

A878226. Hinutes; poens. By Oaryl Hine. 53 p. Appl. states all neii except prev. pub. poeas on p. 3. 9, 12, 15, 18, 23, 28, 32, 38 6 51. Daryl Bine; 26Auq68: A878226.

A878227. The Hard hours; poeas. By Anthony E. Hecht. 103 p. Soae poeas prey. pub. in the NeB Yorker 6 others. NH: additions, revisions fi coapilation- Anthony E. Hech.t; 11Sep67: A878227.

A878228. The Stora aiid other poeas. By iilliaa Pitt Boot. 80 p. Hany poeas pre». pub. in The Atlantic monthly 6 others. SH: coapilation. 6 Billiaa Pitt Boot; 7Feb69 (in notice: 1966. 1967, 1968); A878228.

A878229. Sweetly sinqs the donkey: aniaal rounds for children to sinq or play on recorders. Selected by John langstaff, pictures by Nancy Rlnsloa Parker. 27 p. NH: selection, compilation of sonqs 6 additional text. John lanqstaff; 10Sep76: A878229.

A878230. Sweetly sinqs the donkey: aniaal rounds for children to sing or play on recorders. Selected by John Lanqstaff, pictures by Nancy Hinslow Parker. 27 p. on illus. ; Nancy linslow Parker; 10Sep76: A878230,

A878231. Texas family law with foras, Speer's 5th edition. »ol. 1. By Loy H. Siapkins. 603 p. NN: foras, annotation, notes £ index. 6 Bancroft-Hhitney Coapany; 13Say77: A878231.

A878232. Psychic archaeology: tiae aachine to the past. By Jeffrey Goodaan- 223 p. NH: soae illus. , coapilation 6 text except for quotes. 6 Jeffrey Goodman; 12Hay77; A878232.

A878 233. Exhibits schedule: annual directory of trade and industrial shows. 1977 suppl. 100 p. Appl. an: Successful Heetinqs Haqazine. Bill coaaunications. Inc.; 11JU177 (in notice: 19761; A878233.

A878231. Callaqhan's official ilsconsin reports; cases deterained in the Supreae Court of Wisconsin, Dec. 15, 1976-Feb. 18, 1977. yol. 75, 2d series. Eeported by Callaqhan and Coapany* s editorial staff. 703 p. e Callaqhan and coapany: 11Jul77; A878231.

A878235. Hartianus Capella and the seven liberal arts. Vol. 2: the aarriage of Philoloqy and aercury. Translated by Silliaa Harris Stahl 6 Bichard Johnson, with E. L. Burge.. 389 p. NH: translation. 6 Columbia University Press; 30Jun77; A878235.

A878236. Children of the revels: the boy companies of Shakespeare's tiae and their plays. By Hichael Shapiro. 313 p. NH: revisions. O Coluabia University Press; 11Jan77; A878236.

A878237. The Biocheaistry of adenosylaethionine. Editors: Francesco Salvatore, Ernest Borek, Vincent Zappia, Howard Guy iilliams-Ashman £ Fritz Schlenk. 588 p. e Columbia University Press; 30Jun77; A878237.

A87-8238. Jane Butel's Freezer cookbook. 310 p. NH: additional text £ editorial revision, e Jane Butel; 1Apr77; A878238.

A878239. Butter's goinq up: a critical analysis of Harold Pinter's work. By Steven Hershel Gale. 358 p. Portions prev. pub, in Old times £ others. Q Duke Dniversity Press; 11Jul77; 1878239.

A878210. Thoaas Bolfe underqraduate. By Bichard Gaither ialser. 166 p. Duke University Press; 1Jun77; A878210.

A878211. Using the computer in the social sciences: a nontechnical approach. By Bonn J. Hy. 155 p. Elsevier North- Holland, Inc.; 61lay77; A878211.

A878242. Index to the 1850 census of Delaware. Compiled by Virginia L. Olmsted. 370 p. e Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc. ; 13JU177; A878212.

A878213. Hy picture dictionary. By Hale C. Beid £ Helen S. Crane. 17 p. Appl. au: Ginn and Coapany, a division of Xerox Corporation. NH: editorial revision 6 new pictorial matter. © Ginn and Coapany, a division of Xerox Corporation; 29Har77; 1878213.

1878211. The Ginn interaediate dictionary. Editor in chief: Billiaa Horris. 800 p- Appl. au: Ginn and Company, a division of Xerox Corporation- NH: editorial revision. @ Xerox Corporation; 21Har77; A878211.

Aa78215. Liver, bile ducts and pancreas. Translated S adapted from the French ed. by Thoaas Taylor Bhite, Henri Sarles fi Jean-Pierre Benhaaou, illus. by Phyllis Bood. 110 p. Prev. pub. as Foie, pancreas, voies biliares- NH: editorial revision £ additions. 6 Grune and Stratton, Inc. ; 25Apr77; A878215.

A878216. Edward Gibbon and the decline and fall of the Boman Eapire. Edited by Glen Barren Bowersock, John L. clive 6 Stephen Bichards Graubard, introd.: Hyron Piper Gilaoce. "2^7 p. NH: introd. fi index. e The President and Fellows of Harvard College: 7Jun77; 1878216.

1878217. Affairs of State: public life in late nineteenth century America. By Horton Keller. 631 p. Horton Keller; 15Feb77; 1878217.

1878218. Eleanor of Aquitaine: a biography. By Harion Heade. 389 p. Appl. states all original material except for photos., poeas & songs (sirventes) Q Harion Heade; 1Jun77: 1878218.

A878219. fiotor air conditioner and heater manual; professional service trade ed. Editor: Louis C. Forier 6 other editors. 1th ed. 1061 p. 6 The Hearst corporation; 19JU177; A878219.

A878250. Insatiability: a novel in two parts. By Stanislaw Ignacy Bitkiewicz, translated, with an introd. 6 commentary by Louis Iribarne. 117 p. NH: additions £ translation, e The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois; 9Hay77 ; Aa78250.

A878 251. Interpreters for Nigeria: the Third Borld and international public relations. By Horris Davis. 197 p. The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois; 23Jun77; A878251.

A878252. Goodwill: for the love of people. By John Fulton Lewis. 156 p. Appl. au: Goodwill Industries of America, Inc., employer for hire. 6 Goodwill Industries of imerica. Inc.; 1 Jul77 ; A878252.

A873253. United States Supreme court reports, October term, 1975; lawyer's ed. , annotated. Vol. 18, 2nd series. 1016 p. e on additions 6 revisions; The Xawyers Co-operative Publishing Company; 13Jun77; A878253.

A878251. Beports of cases decided in the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court, State of New york. Vol. 53, 2nd series. State reporter: John T. Fitzpatrick. 1230 p. Add. ti: Official Appellate Division reports. Supreme Court, New York. NH: compilation, additions £ editorial revisions. Hario B. Cuomo, Secretary of State, state of New lork; 9Jun77; 1878251.

A87825S. Environmental and land controls legislation. By Daniel B. flandelker, with a chapter by David G. Heeter. 117 p- O The Bobbs-Herrill Company, Inc.; 18Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A878255.

1878256. Crazy love: an autobiographical account of marriage and madness. By Phyllis Beynolds Naylor. 192 p. S Phyllis Naylor; 111pr77; 1878256.

1878257. The Sheik. By Maggie Hill Davis. 312 p. O Haggle Davis; 11Apr77; A878257.

A873258. colonies in orbit; the coming age of human settlements in space. By David C. Knight. 91 p. on text; David C. Knight: 111pr77; 1878258.

A878259. 1 Guide to worker productivity experiments in the United States, 1971-75. By Raymond A. Katzell, Penney Blenstock £ Paul B. Faerstein, prepared for BOrk in America Institute, Inc. 186 p. 6 Bork in Aaerica Institute, Inc.; 6Jul77;



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