A878134 - A878177
JUL-DEC. 1977
A878133 (con.) by SteTen M. Cahn. illus. researched 6 aesiqned by Patric F. O'Keeffe. 1007 p. NB: oeu introductions, annotations* bibliographies 6 18 illus. e Hackett Publishing Company, Inc.; 15Mar77; A87B133.
A87813lt. Prosloqion. By Anseln, translation by lillian E. Haiin. (In classics of iestern philosophy, p. 263-279) SB: translation. O Hilliau E. Hann: 15aar77; A87813i».
Aa78135. Propeller repairaan course 3 curriculua, 1977. rssued by Cessna International Iraininq Academy. 1 v. Appl. au: Cessna Aircraft Company. 6 Ihe Cessna Aircraft Company; 18Peb77: A878135.
A878136. Plasticizers: infrared spectra. Vol. 1 (update) Sheets. NB: revisions & additions. C Sadtler aeSearch Labo- ratories, Inc., subsidiary of Block Enqineerinq, Inc.; 11Ilay77: A878136.
A878137. Onite at the Lord's table: the nerd is life. By Gerard P. geber. James J. Killqallon £ Sister a. Hichael O'Shauq- hnessy. O.P. 2nd ed. 208 p. Benziqer Bruce and Glencoe, Inc.; 24Jan77; A878137.
A878138. Thinqs; teacher*s annotated ed. By John U. fienner« Don G* Stafford & Vivian Jensen Coulter. 1 T. (Learninq science) NH: teacher's manual & annotations in student text. Benziqer Bruce and Glencoe, Inc. ; 7Jan77; A878138.
A378139. Believe vith God's family: the vord is life. By Gerard P. Heber, James J* Killqallon & Sister B. Bichael O'Shaug- hnessy, O.P. 2nd ed. 240 p. Benziqer Bruce and Glencoe, Inc.; 7Feb77 ; AB78139.
A8781II0. Hear uith God's people: the vord is life. By Gerard P. Veber, James J. Killqallon & Sister B. Bichael O'Shauq- hnessy, O.P. 2nd ed. 272 p. C Benziqer Bruce and Glencoe, Inc.; 7Feb77; A8781lt0.
A8781II1. Action: teacher's annotated ed. By John i. Benner, Don G. Stafford & Vivian Jensen Coulter. 1 V. (Learninq science) NB: teacher's manual & annotations in student text. O Benziqer Bruce and Glencoe, Inc.; 7Jan77: A878141.
A87811t2. Variation; teacher's annotated ed. By John i. Benner, Don G. Stafford £ Vivian Jensen Coulter. 1 v. (Learninq science) NB: teacher's manual G annotations in student text. O Benziqer Bruce and Glencoe, Inc.; 7Jan77: A878142.
A878143. Bodels; teacher's annotated ed. By John i. Benner, Don G. Stafford & Vivian Jensen Coulter. 1 V. (Learninq science) HB: teacher's manual & annotations in student text. Benziqer Bruce and Glencoe, Inc. ; 7Jan77; A878143.
A878144. Fore and aft. No. 4. Kit. & H> J. Associates; 28Apr77; A878144.
A878145. Parts of speech. No. 13. Kit. H. J. Associates: 28Apr77; A878145.
A878146. Synonyms and antonyms. No. 11« grades 10-12- Kit. e fl. J. Associates: 28Apr77; A878146.
&878147. Synonyms and antonyms. No. 9 4-6. Kit. B. J. Associates: A878147.
grades 28Apr77;
A878148. person, place, thing cards. Sheets (2 p.) S cards. 6 B. J. Associates; 28Apr77; A878148.
A878149. Belationships. No. 12. Kit. B. J. Associates; 28Apt77; A878149.
A878150. consonant caper. No. 5. Kit. B. J. Associates; 28Apr77; A878150.
A878151. Synonyms and antonyms. No. 10, grades 7-9. Kit. e a. J. Associates; 28Apr77; A878151.
A878152. Certainties for God's neM people; resource kit. Editor: Thomas L. Clark. Appl. au: Ihe Sunday School Board of the SBC, employer for hire, d Convention Press: 31Dec76; A878152.
A878153. Summer youth ministry packet, 1977. Compiled by Bob B. Taylor. Kit. Appl. au: The Sunday School Board of the SBC, employer for hire. S Convention Press; 31Dec76; A878153.
A878154. Danville. Chatham, Clover, VA, telephone directory, July 1977. e The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company of Virginia; 1Jul77; A878154.
A878155. iilliamsport, PA, and nearby commu- nities, July 1977. e The Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania; 1Jul77; A878155.
A8781S6. Parkersburg, HV, telephone directory, July 1977. O The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone company of Best Virginia; 1Jul77: A878156.
A8781S7. Lock Haven, Benovo, PA, and nearby communities, July 1977. C Ihe Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania; 1Jul77; A878157.
A878158. Suffolk, Nt, telephone directory, 1977-78. e Ne« lark Telephone Company: 2SJU177; A878158.
A878159. Lake Tahoe, Soda Springs, Truckee, NV, and others telephone directory, July 1977. e The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company: 29Jun77; A878159.
A878160. Quincy, including Blairsden, Graeagle, CA, and others telephone directory, July 1977. 6 The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; 29Juii77; A878ie0.
A878161. Hinona, BS, Duck Hill, Kilmichael, Vaiden telephone directory, August 1977. e South Central Bell Telephone Company: 27JU177; S878161.
A87B162. Centreville, AL, including Brent, lest Bloctou telephone directory, August 1977.
A878163. Citronelle, AL, Bclntosh, Bount Vernon telephone directory, July 1977. Q South Central Bell Telephone Company; 20Jun77; A878163.
A878164. Philadelphia, BS, telephone directory, July 1977. S South Central Bell Telephone Company; 6Jul77; A878164.
A878165. Tylertoun, BS, telephone directory, July 1977. e South Central Bell Telephone Company: 1SJun77: A878165.
A878166. Savannah, TN, including Adamsville, Billedgeville, and others telephone directory, July 1977. S South Central Bell Telephone Company; 14Jun77; A873166.
A878167. Tupelo, as, Baldiiyn, Nettleton, and others telephone directory, July 1977. South Central Bell Telephone Company; 29Jun77; A878167.
A878168. Anniston, AL, area telephone directory, July 1977. O South Central Bell Telephone Company; 30Jun77; A878168.
A878169. BreHton, AL, Evergreen, Flomaton telephone directory, July 1977. S South Central Bell Telephone company: 23Jun77; A878169.
A878170. Henderson, KY, Corydon, Hebbardsville, fiobards telephone directory, July 1977. Q South Central Bell Telephone company; 30Jun77; A878170.
A878171. Lake City, FL, telephone directory, July 1977-78. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company; 18Jul77; A878171.
A878172. Boone, Blowing Bock, also listings of Sugar Grove, Hatauga, NC, telephone directory, July 1977. e Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company; 1dJul77; A878172.
A878173. Palatka, Pomona Park, Nelaka, FL, and others telephone directory, July 1977-78. & Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company; 15Jul77; A878173.
A878174. Official compilation codes, rules and regulations of the State of Ne» york. Suppl. no. 3, Bar. 1977. Sheets. Appl. au: Department of State, State of NeH York, e Secretary of State, State of NeH York; 10Jun77; A878174.
A878175. EBISA Benefit Funds, spring 1977: directory of pension funds. State of Hassachusetts. 478 p. e Insurance Research, Inc.; 1iaar77; A878175.
A878176. EBISA Benefit Funds, spring 1977: directory of pension funds, state of Bichigan, Detroit area. 474 p. Q Insurance Besearch, Inc.; 11Bar77: A878176.
A878177. EfilSA Benefit Funds, spiiiig 1977: directory of pension funds. State of Binnesota. 380 p. 6 Insurance Sesearch,
Inc.; 11Har77; A878177.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.