A878062 - A878097
JUL-DEC. 1977
A878061 (con.) 37 p. O on Spanish text; Ann Cook £ Ellen Blance; 11Jol77: A878061.
A878062. Honstcao encuentra trabajo. Ellen Blance 6 Ann Cook esccibieron este cuento, Qgientin Blake hizo los dibulos, tra- ductores: Sirqidoa aurissi, Jesus Manuel Cabranes, Bancy Desplantes £ Leslie Stein. 36 p. e on Spanish text; Ann Cook £ Ellen Blance: 11Jul77; A878062.
A8780e3. Hoostcuo, la Senorita Bonstruo y el paseo en bicicleta. Ellen Blance 6 Ann Cook escribieron este cuento, Quentin Blake hizo los dibuios, traductores: Nirqidoa Nurissi* Jesus (lanuel Cabranes* Nancy Desplantes fi Leslie Stein. 36 p. on Spanish text; Ann Cook £ Ellen Blance: 11Jul77: A878063.
A87806I1. Honstruo compra un anioalito. Ellen Blance 6 Ann Cook esccibiecon e$te cuento, Quentin Blake hizo los dibujos* tra- ductoces: Hirqidma flurissi, Jesus Manuel Cabranes, Nancy Desplantes £ Leslie Stein. 37 p. O on Spanish text; Ann Cook £ Ellen Blance; 11Jul77: A878064.
A878065. Honstruo y la qalleta de sorpresa. Ellen Blance £ Ann Cook escribieron este cuento. Quentin Blake hizo los dibujos, traductores: Nirqidia Durissi, Jesus (lanuel Cabranes, Nancy Desplantes £ Leslie Stein. 37 p. O on Spanish text; Ann Cook £ Ellen Blance; 11Jul77: A878065.
A878066. Honstruo y la liguidaclon de juguetes. Ellen Blance £ Ann Cook escribieron este cuento, Quentin Blake hizo los dibujos, traductores: Nirqidaa Nurissi, Jesus Hanuel Cabranes. Nancy Desplantes £ Leslie Stein. 37 p. on Spanish text; Ann Cook £ Ellen Blance: 11Jul77: A878066.
A878057. Don't svallov the dictionary! Folder. (Letter perfect, reference 287) O Clenprint, Inc.; 6Jun77: A878067.
A878068. Bulb planting, oidnight-style. Folder. (Letter perfect, reference 288) e Cleiiprint. Inc.; 13Jun77; A878068.
A878069. Hake each letter an aabassador of qoodnill. Folder. (Letter perfect, reference 289) C Cle»print, Inc.: 20Jun77; A878069.
A878070. Hit the right letters for sneeter music. Folder. (Letter perfect, reference 290) Cleaprint, Inc.: 27Jun77; A878070.
A878071. How to make your first inpression a good one! Folder. (Sales perfornance plus) e Clemprint, Inc.; 27Jun77; A878071.
A878072. You have to plan what you vill say and do. Folder. (Sales performance plus) Clemprint, Inc.; . 20Jun77; A878072.
A87e073. How to get to the person nho can okay the purchase. Folder. (Sales performance plus) O Clemprint. Inc.: 13Jun77: A878073.
A87807U. Hhat to do when the customer says "I'm not interested." Folder. (Sales performance plus) Clemprint, Inc.: 6Jun77; A87807a.
A878075. Leadership: are you on the road to success? Folder. (The Better-nork supervisor, June 20, 1977) e Clemprint, Inc.; 20Jun77: A878075.
A878076. HoH to Hxn and keep customers. Folder. (The Better-Hork supervisor, June 6. 1.977) e Clemprint, Inc.; 6Jun77; A878076.
A878077. Let's tratch what we're doing! and avoid mistakes! Folder. O Clemprint. Inc. ; 27Jun77; Aa78077.
A878078. Customers look for value! Folder, a Clemprint, Inc.; 13Jun77; A878078.
A878079. Artanging flowers for the church. By Oleta Staley Moffitt. 32 p. SH: editorial revisions, e Fortress Press; 12JU177: A878079.
A8780e0. The Church emerging: a Onited States Lutheran case study. Edited by John Eeumann. 275 p. NH: 90t new. Fortress Press; 30Jun77; A878080.
AS780ai. Property committee manual. By Norman N. Lueck, editor: Frank 8. Klos. 48 p. Nil: over 90% new. & Parish Life Press; 12JU177: 4878081.
A878a82. Easter and spring. Pupil resources, age 5. Prepared by Kristin Bamsdell, edited by Linda Schomaker. <t folders £ wall chart in envelope. @ Parish Life Press; 13JU177; A878082.
A878083. Christians in many places. Teacher resources, grades 4-6. Prepared by Buth Overdier, edited by Sophie Damae. Kit. e Parish Life Press; 14Jul77; A878083.
A878084. Ten to get ready; preparing for retirement; coordinator guidebook. By Betty £ Offlhau Holf £ Balph Bellerich. 96 p. a Parish Life Press; 12Jul77: A878084.
A87808S. Jesus in poetry and art: an Adven- t/Christmas experience; teacher guide. A 5-session unit for grade 6. Prepared by Harcia Berner, edited by Frederick Nohl. 24 p. © Parish Life Press; 7Jul77; 4878085.
A878086. Praise, thank, and love; teacher guide. A 5-session unit for age 5. Prepared by Emily gheatley Kiefaber, edited by Linda Schomaker. 24 p. O Parish Life Press; 12JU177; A878086.
A878087. Elementary statistical methods in psychology and education, second edition; study manual. By Paul J. Bloaaers £ aobert A. Forsyth. 258 p. NH: additional text. O Houghton Hifflin Company: 3Jan77; A878087.
A878088. Algebra and trigonometry: structure and method: solution key. Book 2. By Hary P. Dolciani, Bobert H. Sorgenfrey. Rilliam Uooten £ Bobert B. Kane. 383 p. O Houghton Hifflin Company; 17Feb77: 4878088.
A878089. Becoming visible: women in European history. Edited by Benate Bridenthal £ Claudia Koonz. 510 p. 6 Houghton Hifflin company; 3Feb77: A878089.
A878090. Hechanics of materials: an indivi- dualized approach: reference manual. By Edward Bornsey, David E. HcFarland. Karl Huhlbauer £ Bert L. Smith. 258 p. & Hougnton Hifflin Company; 3Jan77: A87809a.
A878091. Hechanics of aaterials: an indivi- dualized approach; study guide. By Edward E. Hornsey, David E. HcFarland, Karl Huhlbauer £ Bert L. Smith. 262 p. Houghton Hifflin Company; 3Jan77: A878091.
A878092. Excursions in historical geology: a modular prograa; instructor's manual. By George D. Brown, Jr. £ George I. Ladd. 250 p. e Houghton Hifflin Company; 3Jan77; A878092.
4878093. Marketing: contemporary dimensions. By Bobert A. Bobicheaux, Nilliaa fl. Pride £ O. C. Ferrell. 427 p. MH: compilation, part introductions, headnotes £ discussion guestions. 6 Houghton Hifflin Company; 3Jan77; 4878093.
4878094. Problem-solving in general chemistry. By Christopher J. Killis. 1 v. NH: additions £ revisions. Q Houghton Hifflin Company; 28Jan77; 4878094.
4878095. Kinesiology; workbook and laboratory manual. By Buth H. Harris. 279 p. 4ppl. states all new except for appendix £ some study guestions. Houghton Hiffliii Company; 28Feb77; 4878095.
4878096. Ninth Annual Offshore Technology Conference. 1977; proceedings. Vol. 1. 599 p. conference held in Houston, Hay 2-5, 1977. Appl. au: Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIHE. e Offshore Technology Conference on behalf of the American Institute of Hining, Betallurgicai and petroleum Engineers, Inc. (Society of Hining Engineers, the Betallurgicai Society, and Society of Petroleum Engineers). 4merican 4ssociation of Petroleum Geologists, 4merican Institute of Chemical Engineers, 4merican Society of Civil Engineers, 4merican Society of Hechanical Engineers. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Oceanic Engineering Council. Harine Technology Society, Society of Exploration Geophysicists £ Society of Naval 4rchitects and Harine Engineers; 2Hay77: A878096.
4878097. Ninth Annual Offshore Technology Conference, 1977; proceedings. Vol. 2. 555 p. Conference held in Houston, Hay 2-5, 1977. Appl. au: Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIHE. C Offshore Technology Conference on behalf of the American Institute of Hining, Hetallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc. (Society of Hining Engineers, the Hetallurgical Society, and Society of Petroleum Engineers) , American Association of Petroleum Geologists, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, American Society of Civil Engineers, American Society of Hechanical Engineers. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Oceanic Engineering Council, Harine Technology Society, Society of Exploration Geophysicists £ Society of Naval 4rchitects and Harine Engineers; 2May77;
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