A877986 - S878026
JUL-DEC. 1977
4877986. PlaQDinq points for aarried people. Folder (5 p.) Kennedy sinclaire. Inc.; 27aa?77: 4877986.
4877987. Pension and profit Sharinq Plaoning, June 1977. Polder (5 p. I Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 27llay77: A877987.
AS77988. Tax Trends. June 1977. 7 p. e Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.: 27Hay77: 4877988.
4877989. Money Matters, June 1977. Folder. e Kennedy sinclaire. Inc.; 27May77; 4877989.
4877990. Love is one qood reason to leave your estate in trust — read here about five more. Folder (5 p.) (Tan Talks, June 1977) Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc. : 27May77: 4877990.
4877991. Becent Decisions affectinq vills, trusts and taxation (with estate planning coaaent) June 1977, 7 p. Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 27Hay77; 4877991.
4877992. Scelbi's Galaxy qaae for the "6800." Authors: Bobert Findley E Bayaond Edvards. 1 V. Appl. au: Scelbi Computer Con- sultinq. Inc. Adaptation of Scelbi's Galaxy qame for the 3008/8080. prev. req. 4762313. NM: adaptation 6 additions. @ Scelbi CoBputer Consulting, Inc.; 28Jan77: 4877992.
4877993. Onderstandinq alcrocoaputers and saall computer systems. Author: Nat Nadsuorth. 1 V. Appl. au: Scelbi Computer Con- sultinq. Inc. Portions prev. pub. in Scelbi-8H user's manual, req. 4651918. UMi revisions & additions. 6 Scelbi Computer Consulting, Inc.; 5Jul77; 4877993.
4877994. Introduccion a la ecof isiologia vegetal- Por Ernesto Medina. 102 p~ Appl. au: General Secretariat of the Organization of American States. C The General Sec- retariat of the orqanization of 4merican States (in notice: The General Sec- retariat of the Orqanization of 4Berican States — Secretaria General de la Orqanizacion de los Estados 4aericanos) ; 11(Jun77; 4877994.
4877995. The Northwest mosaic: minority conflicts in Pacific Northwest history. Edited by James A. Halseth S Bruce A. Glasrud. 301 p. NM: compilation of prev. pub. articles with additional text. 6 James A. Halseth 6 Bruce A. Glasrud; 1Jul77: A877995.
A877996. Poems. By Bobert Luban. 16 p. e Bobert Luban; 22Jul77; 4877996.
4877997. A Love story. By Gabriele Delgado. 61 p. e Impact Books. Inc.; 15Jun77; A877997.
A877998. How to qet it up in the garden. 31 p. Appl. au: Jane Georqe. 6 Jane Georqe; 6Jun77; 4877998.
4877999. 4dministrator's career education implementation guide. 42 p. 6 Partners in Career Education: 14Jul77; 4877999.
4878000. National insurance law review service. 1976 edition. Mar. 1977 suppl. Sheets. O National Insurance Law Service; 31Har77; A878000.
A878001. National insurance law review service. 1977 ed. Sheets (330 p.) e National Insurance Law Service; 28Jun77: 4878001.
4878002. Diary of desegregation. 575 p. 4ppl. au: lone Mary Malloy. lone Mary Malloy; 11JU177; 4878002.
4878003. European drawings from the Fitzwilliam, lent by the Syndics of the Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge. Introd. by Michael Jaffe. 1 v. 4dd. ti: European drawings: Fitzwilliam. S International Exhibitions Foundation; 14Dec76; 4878003.
4878004. B.P.I.: a new dimension in social service planning. 1 p. Appl. au: Jo4nn Tyler-Bhitley. e Jo4nn lyler-Bhitley 6 People 4ction in Community Services. Inc. (in notice: Jo4nn T. ihitley e P4CS. Inc.); 1May76; 4878004.
4878005. History of culture 2 (medieval) No. SS 271c. 7 p. Fort aayne Bible college; 22JU177: 4878005.
4878006. New F04 labeling regulations. Bulletin no. 109. July 1977. By Simon S. Jackel. Folder (p. 883-886) & 4merican Society of Bakery Engineers; 15Jul77; 4878006.
A878007- Can science ignore telecybernetics' ? An open letter to Doctor Philip H. Abelson. editor: Science. 3 p. Appl. au: G. 4rthur Mihram. O G. 4rthur Mihram; 28Feb77; 4878007.
4878008. SPT 1977 membership directory. 1 v. 4dd. ti: SPT membership directory. 4ppl. au: Margaret (Peggy) Jonas. Society of Photo-Iechnologists; 7Jul77; 4878008.
4878009. The Lost sisterhood: prostitution during the progressive era. 341 p. Appl. au: Buth Bosen. 9 Buth Boseu; 18Feb76; 4878009.
4378010. Guides to multinational business. No. 1: Saudi Arabia. Hritten by Howard J. a. Nestlake. 1 v. Appl. au: Bicardo L. Larrabure e Sharon K. Uorniak. Four Corners Group; 184pr77; 4878010.
A878011. I learn about the Bible. Written by Carolyn Nystrom, illustrated by Dwight llalies. 32 p. O Creation House; 30Jun77; 4878011.
A878012. Hhite's Tax exempt bond market ratings, 1977. All ratings compiled by Bilson White, Jr. 20th ed. 425 p. O Hhite's Batinqs. Inc.; 27Mar77; A878012.
A878013. Heritage of the lizard people. By Clark Darltou. translator: aendayne Ackeraan. 117 p. (Perry Bhodan, 113) (Hith Death's demand) NM: additional text 6 compilation. 9 Ace Books; 3May77; 4878013.
4878014. Death's demand. By Kurt Mahr, translator: Hendayne Ackerman. p. 125-251. (Perry Bhodan, 114) («ith Heritage of the lizard people) NM: editorial revision, additional text & 2078 6 Ace Books; 3May77;
4878015. Seeds of ruin. By Hilliam Toltz. translator: Hendayne 4ckerman. 113 p. (Perry Bhodan. Ill) (Hith Planet mechanica) NH: additional text, editorial revision t compilation. Q 4ce Books; 14pr77: 4878015.
A878016. Planet mechanica. By K. H. Scheer. translator: Hendayne Ackerman. p. 117-252. (Perry Bhodan, 112) (Hith Seeds of ruin) NM: editorial revision, additional text £ compilation. Q Ace Books; 1Apr77; A878016.
A878017. Duel under the double sun. By K. H. Scheer. translator: Hendayne Ackerman. 189 p. (Perry Bhodan, 108) NM: editorial revision £ compilation. S Ace Books; 1Feb77; A878017.
A878018. Gold mountain. By Charlotte Paul (Charlotte Paul Heese) 334 p. NM: additional material & compilation. e Charlotte Paul Eeese; 1Apr77; 4878018.
4878019. The Hitches' almanac: Aries 1977-Pisces 1978. Prepared 6 edited by Elizaiieth Pepper 6 John Hilcock. 90 p. O Elizabeth Pepper 6 John Hilcock; 15Mar77; 4878019.
4873020. Pencil puzzles. 6. By Selma B. Orleans e Jacob S. Orleans. 96 p. 9 Jacob S. Orleans & Selua B. Orleans; 154pr77; 4878020.
4878021. Inside Las Vegas. By Mario Puzo, color photography by John Launois. black- and-white photography by Michael 4bramson & Susan Fowler-Gallagher. 253 p. 4n excerpt originally appeared in Playboy magazine. NH: additional text £ compilation of pictorial matter. C 4nthony Cleri. Margaret Maurer. Elizabeth Haworth. Bobert Puzo, Joseph Puzo £ 4nthony Cleri as guardian for Christopher Puzo, Maria Puzo, James Puzo fi Gina Puzo; 29Apr77; A878021.
A878022. Inside Las Vegas. By Mario Puzo, color photography by John Launois. black- and-white photography by Michael Abramson fi Susan Fowler-Gallagher. 253 p. Appl. au: Howard Chapnick. employer for hire. An excerpt originally appeared in Playboy magazine. Q on photos., compilation of photos. £ additional pictorial matter; Howard chapnick; 29Apr77; 4878022.
A378023. Let's beat up the church. By Jim Billman. 97 p. 6 Laverne Billman. (E of the Estate of Jim Billman) (in notice: Jim Billman); 29Dec75; A878023.
A878024. Inside out. By Donnie Bee Bicks. 76 p. Some poems originally pub. in Disinfected garbage. Donnie Bee Bicks; 17Nov76; A878024.
4878025. Confrontation and unity within the labor movement (1889-1923) By Esther vilenska. 98 p. Zvi Breitstein; 3Dec76; 4878025.
4878026. Spunky the inchworm. Hritten £ illustrated by George Crompton 2nd. 21 p-
Marie T. Crompton; 14Dec76; 4878026.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.