JUL-DEC. 1977
A877753 (con,) Lafkio and Jenrette Securities Corpo- ration; 29Jun77: 4877753.
A8777Slt. Hetrooedia. Inc.; action recommendation, Jane 1977- 20 p- Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette Securities Corporation; 28Jun77; 1877754.
A877755. First supplement to the 1977 electronic marketinq directory. 1 y. Appl. au: National Credit office. NM: revisions. Dun and Bradstreet, Inc.; 6Jul77; A877755.
A877756. Third supplement to the March 1977 NCO survey. 22 p. Appl. au: National credit Office, division. Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. NH; reyisions- 6 Dun and Btadstreet, Inc.: .251lay77: A877756.
A877757. Second supplement to the June 1977 NCO survey. 11 p. Appl. au: National Credit Office, division. Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. NH: revisions. Dun and Bradstreet. Inc.: 6JU177; A877757.
A877758. first supplement to the May 1977 NCO credit and marketing quide to vholesale and retail markets (June 1977) 1 v. Appl. au: National Credit Office, division. Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. 6 Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. ; 3Jun77; A877758.
A877759. The Mobile bone and recreational vehicle manufacturers of the United States and Canada. 1977. 132 p. Appl. au: National Credit office, division. Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. e Dun and Bradstreet. Inc.; 8JU177; A877759.
A877760. NCO credit quide of high fidelity aiid sound specialists, June 1977. Sheets. Appl. au: National Credit Office, division. Dun and Bradstreet. Inc. Q Dun and Bradstreet, Inc.; 30Jun77; A877760.
A877761. NCO credit guide of high fidelity and sound specialists, April 1977. sheets. Appl. au: National Credit Office, division. Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. 6 Dun and Bradstreet, Inc.; 29Apr77; A877761.
A877762. The Credit guide on the mobile home and recreational vehicle dealers, April 1977. Sheets. Add. ti: A/C/S. the credit quide on the mobile home and recreational vehicle dealers, April 1977. Appl. au: National Credit office, division. Dun and Bradstreet. Inc. C Dun and Bradstreet, Inc.; 27May77: Aa77762.
A877763. NCO credit and marketing guide to the chemical coatings industry. June 1977. Sheets. Appl. au: National credit Office, division. Dun and Bradstreet. Inc. Dun and Bradstreet, Inc.; 10Jim77; A877763.
A87776a. NCO survey. June 1977. Sheets. Appl. au: National credit office, division. Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. 6 Dun and Brad- street, Inc.; 2ajun77: A877764.
A877765. A Desiqned land for a chosen people plug-in; script. Folder (9 p.) O Scripture Press Publications, Inc. ; 6Jul77: A877765.
A877766. Toddler picture totes- 52 cards. Appl. au: Scripture Press staff, e SP Publications, Inc.; 28Jun77; A877766.
Aa77767. Hon to tell the truth. By Hichard B. De Haan 6 Herbert Vander Lugt. 144 p. 6 SP Publications, Inc.; 28Jun77; A877767.
A877768. Be riqht: an expository study of fiomans. By Harren U. Hiersbe. 175 p. SP publications. Inc.; 1Jan77; A877768.
A877769. All things weird and uonderful. By Stuart Briscoe. 166 p. SP Publi- cations, Inc.; 27Jun77; A877769.
A877770. Danger on the Alaskan trail, by H. H. Bailey. The Mysterious camel of India, by Grace Vernon. Israeli oil well mystery, by Bernard Palmer. 117 p. Appl. au: Scripture Press staff. SP Publications, Inc.; 1Jul77; A877770.
A877771. Daniel: decoder of dreams. By Donald K. Campbell. 143 p. O SP publications. Inc.; 28Jan77; A877771.
A877772. Earth's coming king; 12 overhead transparencies for teaching the Book of Revelation. By James Eckhardt, illus- trated by Joe Eagont. 1 ». O SP Publications, Inc.; 7Jul77: A877772.
A877773. Prayer: talking with God; 12 overhead transparencies for teaching about prayer. By Emily Nicholson, illustrated by Joe Bagont. 1 v. SP Publications, Inc.; 7Jul77: Aa77773.
A877774. Modern accounting and auditing checklists. 1977 cumulative suppl., no. 2. Edited by Paul J. Beudell, tax material edited by Mason J. Sacks. Sheets. 6 Harren, Gorham and Lamont, Inc.; 13JU177; A877774.
A877775. Bittker and Eustice's Federal income taxation of corporations and shareholders, third edition. 1977 cumulative suppl., no. 2. By James S. Eustice. 1 v. 6 Uarren, Gorham and Lamont, Inc.; 13JU177; A877775.
A877776. Equal credit opportunity manual; 1977 suppl. to the rev. ed. By Balph C. Clontz, Jr., in collaboration with the editors of The Banking law journal. 1 v. Harren, Gorham and Lamont, Inc.; 13JU177: Ae77776.
A877777. A Growing love: meditations on marriage and commitment. By Ulrich Schaffer, photos. & graphics by the author. Ill p. a Ulrich Schaffer; 25May77; A877777.
A877778. Perry and Seidler: Contemporary society, second edition; instructor's manual. By James F. Struna. 126 p. NM: additional text 6 revisions. O James F. struna; 17Jan75; A877778.
A877779. Simple and direct: a rhetoric for writers. By Jacques Bar2un, with additional exercises & assignments by Georgia Dunbar. 249 p. Portions prev. pub. in Wording and thinking on the waterfront 6 others. NM: additional text, e Jacques Barzun; 8Mar76; A877779.
A877780. Instructor's manual to accompany Teaching foreign languages, second edition. By Frank M. Grittner. 84 p. O Prank M. Grittner; 2Jan77; A877780.
A877781. Instructor's manual for Educational psychology: a realistic approach. By Thomas L. Good G Jere E. Brophy. 118 p. Holt, Binehart and Hinston; 24Jan77; A877781.
A877782. Exercises in organic spectroscopy. By Robert a. Shapiro £ Charles H. DePuy. 2nd ed, 171 p. prev. pub. under the title Spectral exercises in structural determination of organic compounds. 6 Holt, Binehart and Hinston; 11Feb77; A877782.
A877783. Vivent les differences: an intermediate reader for communication. By Gilbert A. Jarvis, Therese M. Bonin. Donald E. Corbin e Diane B. Birckbichler. 206 p. Appl. states all new except reading selections & illus. as acknowledged. Holt, Binehart and Hinston; 17Feb77; A877783.
A877784. Bridge: a cross-culture reading program. Beading booklet 5. By Gary Simpkins, Grace Holt S charlesetta Simpkins. 20 p. Houghton Mifflin Company; 3Jan77 ; A877784.
A877785. Bridge: a cross-culture reading program. Beading booklet 4. By Gary Simpkins, Grace Holt & charlesetta Simpkins. 20 p. Houghton Mifflin Company; 3Jan77; A877785.
A877786. Bridge: a cross-culture reading program. Beading booklet 3. By Gary Simpkins, Grace Holt S charlesetta Simpkins. 27 p. Houghton Mifflin Company; 3Jan77 ; A87778S.
A877787. Bridge: a cross-culture reading program. Reading booklet 2. By Gary Simpkins, Grace Holt 6 charlesetta Simpkins. 19 p. e Houghton Mifflin Company; 3Jan77; A877787.
A877788. Bridge: a cross-culture reading program. Beading booklet 1. By Gary Simpkins. Grace Holt 6 charlesetta Simpkins. 20 p. a Houghton Mifflin company; 3Jan77; A87778a.
A877789. American politics: playing the game; instructor's manual. By Susan Eouder. 78 p. O Houghton Mifflin Company; 8Feb77; A877789.
A877790. Conflict and order: an introduction to international relations; instructor's manual. By Forest L. Grieves. 81 p. e Houghton Mifflin Company; 3Feb77; A877790.
A877791. Writing by design; instructor's manual. By Baiter E. Klarner, James M. Billiams £ Harold L. Harp. 11 p. 6 Houghton Mifflin Company; 27Jan77; A877791.
A877792. Physics with applications in life sciences; instructor's manual. By G. K. Strother. 23 p. 6 Houghton Mifflin Company; 21Jan77; A877792.
A877793. Onderstanding sexual interaction;
instructor's manual. By Joann S. Delora 6
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.