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JUL-DEC. 1977

BB56290 (con.) Colorado Springs Sim. SpclDqs Sun: 6Auq77:

BB56291. Han alienated in iir Force fiqht. By Neil Ucsterqaard. (In The Colorado Sprinqs sun, »uq. 7, 1977, p. 1-2) ippl. au: Colorado Sprinqs Sun. The Colorado Sprinqs Sun: 7Auq77; BB56291.

BB56292. Han battles to expose alleged uronqs. Bv Neil Uesterqaatd. (In The Colorado Sprinqs sun, Auq. 5, 1977, p. 1-2) ippl. au: The Colorado Sprinqs Sun. The Colorado Sprinqs Sun: S»uq77: BBS6292.

BB56293. Divorce law update. Divorce laMS coast to coast: chart. By Doris Jonas Freed. (In Harriaqe, divorce and the faiily newsletter. Mar. 1. 1976, p. 3) ippl. au: Harriaqe and Divorce Press, Inc. NH: editorial natter in article 6 revision o£ chart, e The Harriaqe and Divorce Press, Inc. £ Doris Jonas Freed; 1Har76: BB55293.

BB56291I. International socialist review. Editor: Caroline Lund C other editors. (In The Hilitant, Oct. 7, 1977, p. 11-22) Appl. an: The Silitant. The Militant; 29Sep77: BB5629U.

BB56295. Sponsored research bulletin — special report by the professionals on Ambush pyrethroid insecticide for cotton. Authors: Larry F. Bewick, Ed Pieters, Danny Kiser, Hilliam Hudspeth, Dan F. Clower, Charles Lincoln, Ja»es A. Harding, J. E. Bradley, Jr. £ Bichard E. Kinzer. (In Aqri-Fieldnan and Consultant, suaaer 1977, p. A-1-A-16) Appl. au: Meister Publishing COiipany/Aqri-Field»an and Consultant. Agri-Fieldman and Consultant, a Meister Publishing Coapany publication: 17Jul77; BB56295.

BBS6296. Florida: the forgotten fil» capital. By Richard Alan Nelson. (In Journal of the University Fila Association, sujuner 1977, p. 9-21) Bichard Alan Nelson; 15Sep77; BB56296.

BB56297. Dear Bister God. By Linda Sue Hells. (In The Dolores star (CO), Dec. 2, 1977, P. 2) O Linda Sue Bells: 2Dec77; BB56297.

BB5629B. Psycholoqy of hunan development. Lecture 7; creative retireaent. By Hary Heffernan. (In Bockland (Nl) lournal- news, Oct. 27, 1977, p. 1 1 B) O Saint Thoaas Aquinas Colleqe; 270ct77; BB56298.

BB56299. Psycholoqy of buaan developaent. Lecture 3: adolescence. By John V. Galotto. (In Bockland (NY) iournal-news, Sept. 29, 1977, p. 19B) 6 Saint Thoaas Aquinas Colleqe: 29Sep77; BB56 299.

BB56 300. Psycholoqy of huaan development. Lecture 8: fulfillinq years. By Mary Heffernan. (In The Bockland (NI) 1ournal-news, Nov. 3, 1977, p. 9B) O Saint Thoaas Aquinas Colleqe; 3Nov77; BB56 30D.

BB56301. School years. By sister Joan Beaxrsto, O. P. (Psycholoqy of huaan developaent, lecture 2) (In The Journal- news . Bockland County, NY, Sept. 22, 1977, p. 9B) Saint Thoaas Aquinas Colleqe; 22Sep77; BB56301.

BB56302. Adulthood and aamaqe years. By Leonard S. fiomney. (Psychology of human developaent, lecture 5) (In The Journal-news, Bockland County, NT, Oct. 13, 1977, p. 11B) Saiot Thoaas Aquinas College: 130ct77; BB56302.

BB56303. Photo arts. Add. ti: Photographic costuae and aake-up sessions of the "Egyptian" and "Integrator designate." (In Triad maqazine, Sept. 30. 1977, p. 24-27) Appl. au: Jorie Gracen. Jorie Gracen: 30Sep77; BB56303.

8656304. Zack. (In Southern mediator journal. Little Bock, AB, Oct. 20, 1977, p. 8) Appl. au: David L. Butler. David L. Butler; 2D0ct77: BB56304.

8856305. The Shooter. (In Shootin" gallery, Sept. 1977, p. 3) © iayne H. Pollard (in notice: Uayne) ; 9Sep77; BB56305.

BB56306. color ae anything but blue. By Patricia Eve Carr. (In Martha aatters, Oct. 1977, p. 1) Patricia E. Carr; 250ct77: BB56306.

BB55307. Essay on Genesis. By Carolus J. Hackey. (In coral Island aagazine, Sept. 10, 1977, p. 1-10) e carolus J. Hackey; 10Sep77: BB56307.

BB55308. You gotta wanna. By Frederick Marvin Hannah, Sr. (In Milwaukee coaaunity -journal, July 27-Auq. 3, 1977, p. 4.) O F. Marvin Hannah, Sr. ; 27Jui77; BB56308.

BB56309. Guste pulls out of corruption inves- tigation aysteriously. By Henry E. Yoes 3rd. (In Saint Charles herald, Hahnville, LA, Sept. 29, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Saint Charles Herald; 29Sep77: 8856309.

BB56310. If Jesus was here. Add. ti: If Jesus were here. (In Ladies' hoae journal, Dec. 1977, p. 68) Appl. au: M. G. "Pat" Bobertson. MM: new text. H. G. "Pat" Bobertson; 22Nov77; BB56310.

B856311. Sunday punch, Deceaber 11, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday ezaainer and chronicle, Dec. 11, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle publishing Coapany. chronicle Publishing Coapany; 9Dec77; 8856311.

8856312. Date book. Beek of Dec. 11-17, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday exaainer and chronicle, Dec. 11, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Coapany. Chronicle Publishing Coapany; 9Dec77; 8856312.

8856313. c. N. cotton, Indian trader. By Lester L. Billiaa. (In The Denver iesterners roundup, May/June, 1977, p. 3-17) Lester L. iiliiaas; 15Jun77; B856313.

8856314. Mental health consultation in a rural Chicauo coaaunity: Crystal City. By Luis M. Laosa, Alvin G. Burstein e Harry H. Martin. (In Aztlan, international journal of Chicano studies research, fall 1975, p. 433-453) O Luis M. Laosa (in notice: Luis M. Laosa, Alvin G. Burstein 6 Harry H. Martin) ; 18Mar77 (in notice: 1976) ; 8856 3 14.

BB56315. Most adults oppose paid ads on theater screens, poll shows. (Your opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch, Dec. 16, 1977, p. 20) O Saint Paul Dispatch; 16Dec77; BB56315.

BBS6316. Hart Crane at about the age he aoved to Barren. (In Icon, winter 1976, p. 13) Appl. au: Grace Hart Crane. Vivian Peaberton; 30Jan76; BB56316.

8856317. Unpublished photo of Hart crane in Barren, August 1931. (In Icon, winter 1976, p. 13) Appl. au: Helen Hart Burlbert. 6 Vivian H. Peaberton; 30Jan76; BB56317.

BB56318. Koreans in Aaerica: an eaerging ethnic minority. By Eui-young Yu. (In Aaerasia journal, 1977, p. 117-131) Eui-young Yu; 1May77; BB56318.

BB56319. Under the rainbow span. (In Nordisk tidende, Brooklyn, Dec. 8, 1977, p. 18) Appl. au: Edaund Beppen. Edaund Beppen; 8Dec77; B856319.

BBS6320. La Mere vipere. By B. J. Greer. Add. ti: The Snake strikes again. (In Triad aagazine, Oct. 14, 1977, p. 6, etc.) Appl. au: Jorie Gracen. NM: 8 photos. O Jorie Gracen; 140ct77; BB56320.

BB56321. The Binter of ay life. By Ida Crane Balker. (In The Sentinel record. Hot Springs National Park, AB, Nov. 5, 1977, p. 5) Prev. reg. 1977, EU839540. Ida Crane Balker; 5Nov77; BB56321.

8856322. Elvis holds arm after taking blood test. (In The Montgomery (AL) advertiser, Aug. 18, 1977, p. 44) Appl. au; Herbert C. Strickland. O Herbert C. Strickland; 18Aug77; 8856322.

8856323. Becruit Presley holds records. (In The Montgoaery (AL) advertiser, Aug. 18, 1977, p. 44) Appl. au: Herbert C. Strickland. Herbert C. Strickland; 18Aug77; 8856323.

BB56324. Dapper rock star reports to station. (In The Montgoaery (AL) advertiser, Aug. 18, 1977, p. 44) Appl. au; Herbert C. Strickland. O Herbert C. Strickland; 18Aug77; 8856324.

BB56325. Civvies go back on for one last tiae for Presley. (In The Montgoaery (AL) advertiser, Aug. 18, 1977, p. 44) Appl. au: Herbert c. Strickland. Herbert C. Strickland; 18Aug77; 8856325.

BB56326. Elvis gets first taste of hurry- up-and-wait routine. (In The Montgoaery (AL) advertiser, Aug. 18, 1977, p. 44) Appl. au: Herbert C. Strickland. O Herbert C. Strickland; 18Aug77; 8856326.

8856 327. The Best for life. (In Baynedale news. Fort Bayne, Nov. 24, 1977, p. 9) Appl. au: christian Stauffer. O Christian Stauffer; 24Nov77; BB56327.

8856328. This earthly life. (In Buyer's guide,

Bluffton, IN, Nov. 1, 1977, p. 8) Appl.


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