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BB56249 - BB56290


JUL-DEC. 1977

BB56249. Stan Saith's Teanis class, (Id The Hoastou post. Nov. IS. 1977, p. 6F) Stanley fi. Saith; 15not77: BB56249.

6B56250. Her son. the teen-aged ascetic; a story. By Alice a. Green, pseud, of Alice K. Berkotfitz. (In Coanentary. Dec. 1977. p. 58-791 e Alice M. Green: 2Dec77; BB56250.

BB56251. Billy B. and the great synchronicity nachines. By Dean Gengle. (In The Advocate. San Hateo, CA, Dec. 14. 1977. p. 24. etc.) Dean Gengle; 17Nov77; BB56251.

BB5e252. Battle for the big blue. Pt. 1. (Clock struck one) (In The Times of the Boyertoiin (FA) area, Sept. 8. 1977, p. 10) Appl. au: Alise fiodgers. Alise Bodgers; 8Sep77; BB56252.

BB56253. Battle for the big blue. pt. 2. (Clock struck one) (In The Tiaes of the Bayertovn |PA) area. Hov. 10. 1977, p. 10) Appl. au: Alise Bodgers. Alise Bodgers; 101IOV77; BB56253.

BB56254. Tax cut heavily favored, bat some doubt. By Jack Bhodes. (Your opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch. Dec. 23, 1977, p. 3C) Appl. au: Saint Paul Dispatch. 6 Saint Paul Dispatch: 23Dec77: BB5625U.

BB5e255. The Polar bear's than! (The Adventures of E-Han) (In The Hark digest. June 1977. p. 34-39) e Svift and Company: 5Jal77: BB56255.

BB56256. Jack the Dripper! (The Adventures of E-Uan) (In The Hark digest, first quarter 1977, p. 34-37) C Swift and Company; 4Apr77: BB56256.

BB56257. Simon DeGree and his Hot House Gang! (The Adventures of E-Uan) (In The Hark digest, fourth guarter, 1976, p. 34-37) Snift and Company; 27Dec76; BB56257.

BB56258. The Great suitcheroo! (The Adventures of E-Han) tin The Hark digest, third quarter, 1976. p. 11-14) 6 Svift and Company: 24Sep76; BB5625a.

BB56259. Presley pauses with parents. (In The Hontqomery (AL) advertiser, Aug. 18. 1977, p. 1) Appl. au: Herbert C. Strickland. Herbert C. Strickland; ieAug77; BB56259.

BB56260. American textiles — an historical narrative. Chap. 22. By Hildred Gwin Andrews. (In Southern textile news, Charlotte, NC. Dec. 5, 1977, p. 2, etc.) NH: compilation, interpretation e revision. 6 Hildred Gwin Andrews: 5Dec77; BB56260.

BB5e2ei. Courts and political thickets. fly Harold Leventhal. (In Columbia law review. Apr. 1977, p. 345-387) e Harold Leventhal: 210ct77; BB56251.

BB56262. The Tax deferred annuity. (Dollars and sense) (In Club Jonathan magazine. Aug. 1. 1977. p. 3, etc.) Appl. au: Irwin J. Safdie. e Irwin J. Safdie; 1Aug77; BB5e262.

BB5e263. lour home — build and improve: A Bonus of space. By John 0. Bloodgood. (In The Sunday post. Bridgeport, CT. Dec. 4. 1977. p. E-17) e John D. Bloodgood: 4Dec77: BB56263.

BB562e4. Victim's throat cut in hospital but death papers say "suicide". By Tom Kuhn. (In The Arizona republic. Phoenix, Nov. 22. 1977. p. A1) e The Arizona Bepublic; 22NOV77; BB56264.

BB5626S. Large guantities of drugs stolen from hospitals; U.S. agency not told of many thefts. By Tom Kuhn. (In The Arizona republic. Phoenix, Nov. 29. 1977, p. B1. etc.) C The Arizona Bepublic: 29 Nov 77; BBS6265.

BBS626e. Some health care professionals are in trouble over their drug use. By Tom Kuhn. (In The Arizona republic. Phoenix, Nov. 28. 1977, p. B1-B2) O The Arizona Bepublic: 28Nov77: BB56266.

BB56267. Prescription pills easy to get from osteopath's office. By Tom Kuhn. (In The Arizona republic. Phoenix, Nov. 27, 1977, p. A1, etc.) 6 The Arizona Bepublic; 27NOV77; BB56267.

BB56268. Possible conflicts among pharmacy inspectors revealed in probe. By Tom Kuhn. (In The Arizona republic. Phoenix. Nov. 26, 1977, p. B1-B2) O The Arizona Bepublic: 2eBov77: BBSe268.

BB56269. Quality of nurse training "questio- nable": licensing failures high at rural colleges. By Tom Kuhn. (In The Arizona republic. Phoenix, Nov. 25, 1977, p. A1, etc.) e The Arizona Bepublic; 25Nov77: BB56269.

BBS6270. Higher wages lure imposters into Arizona's nursing ranks. By Tom Kuhn. (In The Arizona republic. Phoenix, Nov. 24, 1977, p. A1, etc.) e The Arizona Bepublic; 24Nov77; BB56270.

BB56271. Deaths caused by medical error are not reported to prosecutors. By Tom Kuhn. (In The Arizona republic. Phoenix, Nov. 23, 1977, p. A1, etc.) O The Arizona Bepublic: 23NOV77: BB56271.

BB56272. Hedicare billed for treating dead woman, examiner feels. By Tom Kuhn. (In The Arizona republic. Phoenix, Nov. 21, 1977, p. A1, etc.) Q The Arizona Bepublic; 21NOV77: BB56272.

BB56273. 7-month probe in state reveals some risky and lax health care. By Tom Kuhn. (In The Arizona republic. Phoenix, Nov. 20, 1977, p. A1-A2) O The Arizona Bepublic; 20Nov77; BB56273.

BB56274. The Bevolting return of H. £. DeTank. (The Adventures of E-Han) (In The Hark digest, Sept. 1977, p. 34-39) 6 Swift and Company; 1Nov77; BB56274.

BB56276. Dickinson's It- poems: a linguistic consideration. By Jill Barnum Gidmark. (In Studies in poetry: a graduate journal, vol. 2, 1977. p. 36-43) Jill Barnum Gidmark; 1Sep77: 6856276.

BB55277. The Haps, plans, and sketches of Herman Ehrenberg. By Diane Harie Tarantino Bose. (In Prologue: the journal of the National Archives, fall 1977, p. 162-170.) e Diane H. T. Bose; 100ct77; BBS6277.

BB56278. The Night Christmas came on wings. (In iest life, Bestlake, OH, Dec. 15, 1976, p. 18-19) Appl. au; Great Northern Shopping Center Herchant's Association, Paulette Kaplan Advertising Company, Inc. e Sharyn F. Hinman. Q Great Northern Shopping Center Herchant's Association, Paulette Kaplan Advertising Company, Inc. & Sharyn F. Hinman; 15Dec76: BB56278.

BB56279. The Constitutional right to know. By David Hitchell Ivester. (In Hastings constitutional law quarterly, winter 1977, p. 109-163) e David Hitchell Ivester; 29Aug77; BB56279.

BB56280. Hajority favors keeping Taiwan ties. (In The Dallas morning news, Sept. 19, 1977, p. 1A) e The Dallas Horning News; 19Sep77: BB56280.

BB56281. Ike's wartime letters to Hamie. Editor: John S. D. Eisenhower. (In HcCalls, Jan. 1978, p. 92. etc.) Appl. au: Dwight D. Eisenhower. 6 John S. D. Eisenhower & Hercantile Safe Deposit and Trust Company as trustees for the Estate of Dwight D. Eisenhower: 20Dec77; BB56281.

BB56282. Funtastic centers. By Bose K. Goldsen. (Show n' tell machine) (In Ithaca (NY) new times, Aug. 16, 1977, p. 6) 6 Bose K. Goldsen: 16Aug77; BB562S2.

BB56283. Berun diplomacy. By Bose K. Goldsen. (Show 'n' tell machine) (In Ithaca (NY) new times, Aug. 9, 1977. p. 6) e Bose K. Goldsen; 9Aug77; BB56283.

BB56284. Free market of images. By Bose K. Goldsen. (Show 'n' tell machine) (In Ithaca (NY) new times, June 23, 1977, p. 4) e Bose K. Goldsen: 23Jun77: 8856284.

Bfl56285. All items sold separately. By Bose K. Goldsen. (Show 'n' tell machine) (In Ithaca (NY) new times. June 2, 1977, p. 4) S Bose K. Goldsen; 2Jun77; BB56285.

BB56286. ACT, a parents lobby. By Bose K. Goldsen. (Show 'n tell machine) (In Ithaca (NY) new times. June 30, 1977. p. 6) e Bose K. Goldsen; 30Jun77; BB56286.

BB56287. Preschool fashion dolls. By Bose K. Goldsen. (Show 'u' tell machine) (In Ithaca (NY) new times, June 9, 1977, p. 4) e Bose K. Goldsen: 9Jun77: 8856287.

BB56288. A Baggedy Ann blitz. By Bose K. Goldsen. (Show n' tell machine) {la Ithaca (NY) new times, Aug. 2, 1977, p. 4) O Sose K. Goldsen; 2Aug77: BB5623B.

BB56289. Public access proposal. By Bose K. Goldsen. (Show 'n' tell machine) (In Ithaca (NY) new times, June 16, 1977, p. 6t Bose K. Goldsen: 16Jun77: BB56289.

BB56290. Charges confirmed by report; computer equipment cannibalized. By Neil Hestergaard. (In The Colorado Springs

sun. Aug. 6, 1977, p. 1-2) Appl. au: The


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