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BB56210 - BB56248


JUL-DEC. 1977

BB56210. No»a knoBS. By Bobert C. Colfer. (In I? oews. Oct. 8- in, 1977. p. 2) Bob colfer. sole o»ner of nova Kno»s ; 80ct77; BB56210.

BB56211. No»a ItnoBS; dreaB/patapsycholoqy qaestion/answer articles. By Hobert C. colfer. (In TV ne.s. Oct. 22-28, 1977. p. 131 Bob Colfer, sole ouner of nova; 220ct77; BB56211.

BB56212. Faces of slavery. (In Aaerican heritage. June 1977. p. 4-11) on daquerreotypes; President and Felloiis of Harvard Colleqe; 25Bay77: BB56212.

8B56213. Uhat the nane chanqe statutes say by state at divorce/dissolution. By priscilla B. aacDouqall. (In Barriaqe, divorce and the family neiislettcr, Sept. 1, 1976, p. 5) »ppl. au: The Barriaqe and Divorce Press. Inc. The Barriaqe and Divorce Press, Inc. £ priscilla B. BacDouqall: lSep76; BB56213.

BB56214. Brother Pria. By Jeffrey Len Bullock. (In Focus (Sunday ca»era, Boulder. CO) Oct. 30, 1977. p. 3, etc.) C Jeffrey Bullocit: 30Cct77; 8656214.

BB56215. The Spook. (In Tines observer, Los Gatos. CA. Oct. 25. 1977, p. 4) Appl. au: Henry Bloes. e Henry Bloes; 250ct77; BB56215.

BB56216. Hhy not proqran the Hazen NilliaBS formula? By Thoaas a. Hablett. (In Hater and Bastes enqineerinq. June 1977, p. 26-28) C Thonas H. Hablett: 1Jul77: BB56216.

BB56217. Banaqinq the salesman's time — his most critical resource. By a. Alec Backenzie. (In Sales dimensions, Jan. 1975, p. 26-29) O B. Alec Backenzie; 9Jan75 (in notice: 1974); BB56217.

BB56218. Time-manaqement strateqy for Komen. By Eleanor B. Schwartz 6 8. Alec Backenzie. (In Banaqement rewieii, Sept. 1977, p. 19-25) Eleanor B. Schwartz fi a. Alec Backenzie; 14Sep77: 8856218.

BB56219. Jean Lafitte — the unknown man. By Te»is Clyde Smith. (In Pecan Valley news, Brownwood, TX. Sept. 14, 1976, p. 3-4) C Tevis Clyde Smith; 14Sep76; BB56219.

BB56220. New book released about Bobert E. Howard. Beviewed by Tevis Clyde Smith. (In Pecan Valley news, Brownwood, TS, Sept. 7, 1976, p. 3) Tevis Clyde Smith; 7Sep76; BB56220.

BB56221. Dove season off to fine start. By Te»is Clyde Smith. (In Pecan Valley news, Brownwood, TX. Sept. 7, 1976. p. 5) Te»is Clyde Smith; 7Sep76: BB56221.

BBS6222. Brownlnq — doinq his thinq. (In Pecan Valley news. Brownwood, TI, Sept. 7, 1976, p. 10) Appl. au: Tevis Clyde Smith. Tevis Clyde Smith; 7Sep76; BB56222.

BB56223. Capitols of the Teian Bepubiic. By Tevis Clyde Smith. (In Pecan Valley news, Brownwood, TI, Sept. 14, 1976, p- 6) Tevis Clyde Smith; 14Sep76; B856223.

BB56224. Two factions struqgle for control of rackets. By aichard S. starnes. (In The Sunday tribune, yarren, OH, Sept. 11, 1977, p. 1-2) The Tribune Chronicle; 11Sep77; BB56224.

BB56225. Gettinq a handle on Neptune. (In The Astrological review. Fall 1977, p. 20-23) Appl. au: Barbara Koval. O Barbara Koval; 14Dec77; BB56225.

BB56226. The Turkey who was up on Genesis. By John Fergus Byan. Prev. pub. abroad 1969. (In Pinch. Sept. 1977, p. 1-3) NB: editorial revision £ additional text. John Fergus Byan; lSep77: BB56226.

BB56227. Fred, the Christmas bear. 8y John Fergus Byan. Prev. pub. abroad 1970. (In Pinch, Sept. 1977, p. 4-6) NB: editorial revision 6 additional text. O John Fergus Byan; 1Sep77; 8856227.

BB56228. Bow to grow rhododendrons and azaleas from seed. By Alan E. J. Branigan. (In Flower and garden, Jan. 1978, p. 58-59) O Alan E. J. Branigan; 27Dec77 (in notice: 1976) ; BB56228.

BB56229. A Guide to all the arts — for a modern Bona; what's happening and where. By Cynthia Navaretta. (In Hs. magazine. Dec. 1977, p. 87-90) e Cynthia Navaretta; 22NOV77; BB56229.

8B56230. Promoting the Saddlebred. By Bobert C. Bobinson. (The Trainer's space) (In saddle and bridle, Dec. 1977, p. 139-141) Bobert C. Hobinson; 16Dec77; BB56230.

BB56231. The Leprechauns' Christmas. By BubyAnn Cooper Gaskin. (In Kentucky advocate, Danville, Dec. 25, 1977, p. CI, etc.) BubyAnn Cooper Gaskin; 25Dec77: 8856231.

8856232. Bister Dickens (as it were) By Frederick Busch. (In The New York times, Dec. 25, 1977, section 4, p. 11) Frederick Busch; 25Dec77; BB56232.

BB56233. November 1977 calendar. The Bascally raccoon. (iould you believe. Instructor poster 3) (In Instructor, Nov. 1977, p. 87-94) Appl. au: The Instructor Publications, Inc., employer for hire. C Instructor, solely owned by The Instructor publications. Inc.; 120ct77; BB56233.

BB56234. December 1977 calendar. The Peculiar penguin. (Iould you believe. Instructor poster 4) (In Instructor, Dec. 1977. p. 53-60) Appl. au: The Instructor Publications, Inc., employer for hire. Instructor, solely owned by Instructor Publications, Inc.; 12Nov77; BB56234.

BB56235. September 1977 calendar. The Amazing albatross. (Uould you believe. Instructor poster 1) (In Instructor, Sept. 1977. p. 173-180) Appl. au: The Instructor Publications, Inc.. employer for hire. Instructor, solely owned by the Instructor Publications. Inc.; 12Aug77; BB56235.

BB56236. Vanity, fame, love and Bobert Frost. By Donald Hall. (In Commentary, Dec. 1977, Donald Hall;

BB56237. The touch of Spirit. By Gordon B. Clarke. Add. ti: A lecture on Christian Science entitled: 'The Touch of Spirit. ' (In The Christian science monitor. Dec. 12, 1977, p. 30-31) Appl. au: The Christian Science Board of Directors, employer for hire. O The Christian Science Board of Directors; 12Dec77; BB55237.

8856238. Italians in New York: the way we were in 1929. By Luigi Barzini. (In New York, Apr. 4, 1977, p. 34-38) Luigi Barzini; 28Bar77; BB56238.

BB56239. Title 1 education funds should get Jl billion boost: will Carter budget reflect urban needs? By Albert shanker. (Uhere we stand) (In New York times, Dec. 18, 1977, section 4, p. 9) O Albert Shanker; 18Dec77; BB56239.

8B56240. The Young couple who believed in a God of love. By Stella Terrill Hann. (Stories from life) (In Unity magazine, Jan. 1978, p. 13-16) O Stella Terrill Bauu; 1Dec77; B856240.

B856241. Bind bogglers. (In Boris Karloff tales of mystery. Feb. 1978, p. 38) O iestern Publishing Company, Inc.; 15Dec77; B856241.

BB56242. Court-mandated citizen participation in school desegregation. By Lila N. Carol (Lila N. Carol Cunningham). (In Phi delta kappan, Nov. 1977, p. 171-173) NH: additional material. Lila N. Carol; 200ct77; BB56242.

BB56243. Stolz rebut committee report on honorarium. By iiliis C. Estep 6 Timothy A. Sullivan. (In The BG news. Bowling Green State University, OH, Bay 27, 1977, p. 1) e The BG News; 27Bay77; BB56243.

8856244. BSD grid scandal revisited: Stolz denies involvement in questionable transactions. By Niiiis C. Estep 6 Timothy A. Sullivan. (In The BG news. Bowling Green State Oniversity, OB, Bay 25, 1977. p. 1, etc.) The BG News; 25Hay77; BB56244.

BB56245. "ginterland" — original acrylic on artists' canvas. Cover artwork by Joyce K. Duke. (In A/E concepts in wood design, NOV. -Dec. 1977) O Joyce K. Duke; 28NOV77; BB56245.

BB56246. Safety in construction. Pt. 2. By Bobert E. Vansant. (Vansant's law) (In A/E concepts in wood design, Nov.-Oec- 1977, p. 28) Bobert E. Vansant; 28NOV77; BB56246.

BB56247. Acquaintance. (In Insight, spring 1977, p. 5-8) Appl. au: Bitchell Bobert Cantor (Bitchell a. Cantor) O Bitchell a. Cantor; 10Jun77; BB56247.

BB56248. The Iowa Uniform Securities Act exemptions. Pt. 1: The Securities exemptions. By Edgar F. Bansell 6 G. B. Neumann, Jr. (In The Journal of corporation law. spring 1977. p. 437-480J O Edgar F. Hansell £ G. B. Neumann, Jr.;

27Auq77; BB56248.


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