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BB56015 - BB56056


JUL-DEC. 1977

BB56011 (con.) aaqarr (in notice: Al 6 Kerstln Hagacy) i 2Dec77: BB560ia.

BB56015. California vine line. No. 5. By Alan naqary. (In The fieportec^ Stanford Graduate School of Business, CA« Oct. 14, 1977. p. 9-10) e Kerstin Magary S Alan Haqary (in notice: Al & Kerstin flaqary) ; 2Dec77; BB56015.

BB56016. Gournet guide. By Kerstin Hagary. (In The Beportec* Stanford Graduate School of Business. CA. Oct. 14. 1977, p. 8) Kecstin Hagary & Alan Hagary (in notice: Kerstin & Al Hagary): 1'tOct77; BB56ai6.

BB56017. ifaere have all the good toys gone? an insider's guide to underground sources. By Ruth B. Boufberg. (In Princeton spectrum, Dec. 7, 1977, p. 1-3) Buth B. Boufberg: 70ec77; BB56017.

BBSeolS. lou qotta Hanna. By Fredericit Harvin Hannah, Sr. (In Hilwau)cee comaunity journal. Hoy. 30-Dec. 7, 1977, p. 2) 6 F. Harvin Hannah, Sr.: 30Nov77: BB560ie.

BB56019. Optical perception of people and conputers: point huaans. By Ellis Dexter Cooper. (In Interface Age, Nov. 1977, p. i»0-«6) e Ellis Dexter Cooper: 11lov77: BB56019.

BB56020. Nov and then: coaparisons of ordinary Americans' synbol conventions uith those of past cartographers. By Denis Hood. (In Prologue: the journal of the National Archives, fall 1977, p. 151-161) Denis Hood: 10Oct77: BBS602a.

BB56021. A Gliipse of the village. By Hark Alan Stamaty. (In The Village voice, Nev lork. Dec. 5, 1977. p. 56-57) Hark Alan Stanaty: 30Nov77: BB56021.

BB5e022. Play better golf — uith Jack Nicklaus. (In The San Francisco exaainer, Nov. 2. 1977. p. 61) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus e Ken BoHden. Q Jack Nicklaus & Ken Bouden: 2NOV77: BB56022.

BB56023. Play better qolf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In The Hiaai herald, Nov. 7. 1977, p. 11-D) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus & Ken BOHden. C Jack Nicklaus & Ken Bovden: 7NOV77: BB56023.

BB5ea24. Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In The New Jersey herald, Newton, Nov. 4, 1977. p. 16) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus e Ken Bowden. Jack Nicklaus & Ken Bowden; 4NOV77: BB56024.

BB56025. Play better qolf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In The Hiaai herald. Nov. 9, 1977, p. 7-E) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus & Ken Bowden. Jack Nicklaus S Ken Bowden: 9NOV77: BB56025.

BB56026. Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In The New Jersey herald, Newton, Nov. 11, 1977. p. 16) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus S Ken Bowden. 6 Jack Nicklaus & Ken Bowden: 11Nov77: BB56026.

BB56027. Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In The New jersey herald, Newton, Nov. 14, 1977, p. 10) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus

BB56028. Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In The San Francisco examiner, Nov. 16, 1977, p. 80) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus e Ken Bowden. 3 Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden; 16NOV77: BB56028.

BB56029. Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (Is The New Jersey herald, Newton, Nov. 18, 1977, p. 15) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus & Ken Bowden. 6 Jack Nicklaus & Ken Bowden: 18Nov77: BB5e029.

BB56030. Play better qolf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In The Hiaai herald, Nov. 21, 1977, p. 10-F) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus & Ken Bowden. Jack Nicklaus & Ken Bowden; 21NOV77: BB56030.

BB56031. Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In The Hiami herald, Nov. 23, 1977, p. 4-C) Appl. au; Jack Nicklaus & Ken Bowden. 6 Jack Nicklaus & Ken Bowden; 23NOV77; BB56031.

BB56032. Play better qolf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In The Hiami herald, Nov. 25, 1977, p. 8-H) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus e Ken Bowden. 6 Jack Nicklaus & Ken Bowden; 25NOV77; BB56032.

BB56033. Play better qolf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In The New Jersey herald, Newton, Nov. 28, 1977, p. 10) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus & Ken Bowden. 6 Jack Nicklaus & Ken Bowden; 28Nov77: BB56033.

BB56034. Play better golf — with Jack Nicklaus. (In The New Jersey herald, Newton, Nov. 30, 1977, p. 17) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus e Ken Bowden. Jack Nicklaus & Ken Bowden; 30Nov77; BB56034.

BB56035. Stan Saith's Tennis class. (In Bead (PA) eagle, Nov. 1, 1977, p. 29 e Stanley B. Saith; 1Nov77; BB56035.

BB56036. Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Bead (PA) eagle, Nov. 3, 1977, p. 54) Stanley B. Smith; 3Nov77: BBS6036.

BB56037. Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Bead (CT) press, Nov. 5, 1977, p. 16) e Stanley E. Smith; 5Nov77; BB56037.

BB56038. Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Bead (PA) eagle, Nov. 8, 1977, p. 27) e Stanley B. Smith; 3Nov77; BB56038.

BB56039. Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Bead (PA) eagle, Nov. 10, 1977, p. 52) e Stanley £. Smith; 10Nov77: BB56039.

8856040. Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Bead (CT) press. Nov. 12, 1977. p. 13) e Stanley B. Smith; 12Nov77; BB56040.

BB56041. Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Bead Houston post. Nov. 17, 1977. p. 10-C) O Stanley B. Smith; 17Nov77: BB56041.

BB56042. Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Bead (PA) eagle, Nov. 22. 1977. p. 27) 3 Stanley B. Smith; 22Nov77; BB56042.

BB56043. Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Beading (PA) eaqle, Nov. 24, 1977, p. 87) e Stanley B. Saith; 24Nov77; BB56043.

BB56044. Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In Bristol (CT) press, Nov. 26, 1977. p. 14) O Stanley B. Saith; 26Nov77; BB56044.

BB5604S. Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In The New Jersey herald, Newton, Nov. 29. 1977, p. 12) e Stanley B. Smith; 29Nov77; BBS6045.

BB56046. Falling leaves. By D. Jayne Anderson. (All creatures great and small) (In Alexandria (LA) news weekly, Dec. 8, 1977, p. 3) D. Jayne Anderson; 8Dec77; BB56046.

BB56047. Girtha. By Alfred Borelli C Stephen H. Token. (In Height Hatchers, Jan. 1978, p. 55) O Stephen B. yoken & Alfred Borelli (in notice: Al Borelli C Steve loken) ; 1Dec77; BB56047.

BB56048. Born tall. By Garnet K. Tien. Capper's weekly, lopeka. KS. Dec. 1977, p. 15 6 16) © Garnet K. Ti 15Dec77; BB56048. (In 15,

BB56049. Japanese ready to talk on restrictions for steel; official says O.S. must ask. By Toa Petziiiger. Jr. (In The Toungstowu (OB) vindicator, Oct. 23, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: The Youngstown Vin- dicator. & The loungstown Vindicator; 230ct77; BB56049.

BB56050. Troubled Florida nursing home got help from afar. By Virginia Ellis. (In The Saint Petersburg (FL) times, Dec. 5, 1977, p. 1-A, etc.) Appl. au: Times Publishing Company, employer for hire. 6 The Saint Petersburg Times; 5Dec77; BB56050.

BB56051. Eggs slip off Silverstone surface. By Carolyn Nolte-Hatts. (Hatch this space) (In The Saint Petersburg (FL) tiaes, Dec. 6, 1977, p. 3-D) Appl. au: Times Publishing Company, employer for hire, e The Saint Petersburg Tiaes; 6Dec77; BB56051.

BB56052. Eguitas New York bar course examiner. (In Aequitas, New lork Law School, Dec. 1977. p. 6) Appl. au: George Schwarz. e George Schwarz: 12Dec77: BB56052.

BB56053. Clausewitz, war and politics. By Jeffrey Thomas fiupen. (In The Columbia journal of ideas, fall 1977, p. 1-13) e Jeffrey I. Bupen; 13Dec77; BB56053.

BB56054. Catatonic state. (In Eastern news, Charleston, IL. Nov. 29, 1977, p. 4) Appl. au: V. Gene Hyers. V. Gene Hyers; 24Aug77; BB56054.

BB56055. It's designed for today; plan caters to modern family's needs. By John D. Bloodqood. (your home: build and improve, house design 7743) (In The Beading (PA) eagle. Oct. 23, 1977, p. 113) O John D. Bloodgood; 230ct77; BB56055.

BB56056. Innovative floor plan. By John D. Bloodgood. (Xour home: build and improve.

house design 7739) (In The Bridgeport


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