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JUL-DEC. 1977

BB55976 (con.) section B, p. 1, etc.) Appi. au: Ti»es Publishing coupany, e»ployec for liire. Saint Petersborq Tines; 27lio»77: BB55976.

BB55977. Dece»ber delicacies. Br Sartha Tho«as (Hartha Iho«as Slieppard) (Souodinqs) (In BITF-Fd program guide 89.5, Dec. 1977, p. 3-5) O Martha Thoiias Sheppard: 25llov77; BB55977.

BB55978. lour servant is listening. (In Texas Catholic herald. Diocese of Beaaiont ed., Jan. 7, 1977, p. 3) ippl. au: yillia«  ganger. C Silliaii Hanger; 7Jan77 (in notice: 1976); BB55978.

BB55979. Jour servant is listening. (In Texas Catholic herald. Diocese of Beaumont ed. , July 22, 1977, p. 2) »ppl. au: Hilliam Sanger G anonymous. William Hanger; 22JU177; BB55979.

BB55980. your servant is listening. (In Texas catholic herald. Diocese of Beaumont ed. , Jan. 21, 1977, p. 3) Appl. au: Billiam Hanger. Billiam Hanger; 21Jan77 (in notice: 1976); BB55980.

BB55981. Publishing from your picture collection, a suggestion for photo archivists. By Predericll Korn. (In Picturescope, fall 1977, p. 151-157) Frederic)! Korn; 28IIOV77: BB55981.

BB55982. Haintaining the standard. (In The Cronn messenger, Dec. 1977, p. 3-6) O Pel- lOBShip of the Cromn; 1Dec77; BB55982.

BB55983. American Bevolution Bicentennial: dates, descriptions and locations of significant events, battles, etc., 1778. By Joe D. Hough. (In First days, Nov. /Dec. 1977, p. 34-36) Appl. au: American First Day Cover Society. Joe D. Hough; 11Hov77; BB55983.

BB55984. Ecjierd favored over Shevin in poll of Pinellas County voters. By Howell Baines. (In Saint Petersburg (FL) times, Nov. 30, 1977, p. 1-B) Appl. ao: Times Publishing Company, employer for hire. O The Saint Petersburg Times; 30Nov77; 8855984.

BB55985. Hidniqht, and it's purple. By Sheila Craft. (In The Alameda (CA) times-star, Dec. 2, 1977, p. 6) Sheila Craft; 2Dec77; BB55985.

BB55986. organizing citizens. By Hillard fox. (Fox tales) (In The Daily sentinel- tribune, Bovling Green, OH, Dec. 1, 1977, p. 12) Billard Fox; 1Dec77; BB55986.

BB55987. Personal slants. From James Holt HcGavran. (In Ideas for better living, Dec. 1977, p. 15) James Holt HcGavran; 1Dec77; BB55987.

BB55988. Kelly in Cuba: he came, he sa» and he quibbled. Political editor: UoHell Baines. (In Saint Petersburg (FL) times. Dec. 1. 1977, p. 1-A, etc.) O The Saint Petersburg Times; aDec77; BB55988.

BB55989. Business and the stock marliet. By Babson's Reports, Inc. (In Chelmsford- Bestford-Tyngsboro (HA) nensneekly, Oct. 13, 1977, p. 2, etc.) Babson's Beports, Inc.; 130ct77; BB55989.

BB55990. Business and the stocli market. By Babson's Beports, Inc. (In chelasford- Bestford-Tyngsboro (HA) nensiieekly, Oct. 20. 1977, p. 2, etc.) O Babson's Beports, Inc.; 200ct77; BB55990.

BBS 5991. Business and the stock market. By Babson's Beports, Inc. (In chelmsford- Bestford-Tyngsboro (HA) nensneekly, Oct. 27, 1977, p. 2, etc.) O Babson's Beports, Inc.; 270ct77; BB55991.

BB55992. Business and the stock market. By Babson's Beports, Inc. (In Seymour (IN) daily tribune. Oct. 7, 1977, p. 2J Babson's Beports, Inc.; 70ct77; BB55992.

BB55993. A Publishing Guggenheim. By John H. Davis. (In The Ben lork times book revieii, Nov. 27, 1977, p. 3, etc.) C John H. Davis; 27Nov77 (in notice: 1978); BB55993.

BB559911. Date book. Beek of Nov. 27-Dec. 3, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Bov. 27, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing company. Chronicle Publishing Company: 25NOV77; 8855994.

BB55995. Sunday punch, November 27, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Nov. 27, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing company. Chronicle Publishing company; 25Nov77; BB55995.

BB55996. This Borld, November 27, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Nov. 27, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. Chronicle Publishing Company; 25Bov77: BB55996.

BB55997. Date book. Beek of Nov. 20-26, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Nov. 20, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. Chronicle Publishing Company; 18Sov77; BB55997.

BB55998. This »orld, November 20, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Nov. 20, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing company. Chronicle Publishing Company: 18Nov77: BB55998.

BB55999. This morld, November 20, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Nov. 20, 1977) Appl. au: The chronicle Publishing Company. Chronicle Publishing Company; 18Nov77; BB55999.

BB56000. Albert Speer on energy — a voice from history. By Bo»ard S. Goller. (In The Kansas City (HO) times, Nov. 23, 1977. p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: The Kansas city Times, employer for hire. The Kansas City Star (in notice: The Kansas City Star Company) ; 23NOV77; BB56000.

BB56001. Allied mission: find secret of Hitler's synthetic fuel. By Honard s. Goller. (In The Kansas City (HO) times, Nov. 24, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: The Kansas City Times, employer for hire. The Kansas city star (in notice: The Kansas City star company); 24Nov77; BB56001.

BB56002. Ball flowers. (In Barper's, Sept. 1977, p. 66-67) Appl. au: Oeidi Von SchaeHen. Deidi Von schaewen; 23Aug77; BB56002.

BB56003. Vietnam's dismal new camps. (In Saint Louis post-dispatch, Nov. 3. 1977, p. 1, etc.) © Saint Louis Post-Dispatch, whose sole owner is the Pulitzer Publishing Company: 3Nov77; BB560D3.

BB56004. The Boman who made a molehill out of a mountain. By Stella lerrill Hann. (Stories from life) (In Onity, Dec. 1977, p. 20-24) O Stella Terrill Hann; 5Nov77; BB56004.

BB56005. The International management of whales, dolphins, and porpoises: an interdis- ciplinary assessment. Pt. 2. By James E. Scarff. (In Ecology law quarterly, 1977, p. 574-638) James E. Scarff; 110ct77; BB56005.

BB56006. Trouble with Tczcatlipoca (to Gene Day) By Tevis Clyde Smith. (In Fantasy crosswinds. Feb. 1977. p. 10) Tevis Clyde Smith; 4Har77: BB56006.

BB56007. John Bourbon. By Tevis Clyde Smith. (In Fantasy crosswinds, vol. 1, no. 2, p. 8) O Tevis Clyde Smith; 14Jan77; BB56007.

BB56008. Bulfdene. By Tevis Clyde Smith. (In Fantasy crosswinds, Jan. 1977, p. 14) O Tevis Clyde Smith; 7Jau77; BB56008.

BB56009. OB demolition: tribune check shows city paid razing costs on homes it burned. By John P. Hanser. (In The Tribune chronicle. Barren, OH, Dec. 2, 1977, p. 1-2) O Tribune Chronicle of Barren; 20ec77; BB56009.

BB55010. Kids' talk. (In Ihraemoor, Dec. 1977, p. 4) Appl. au: Kay Adele Buri £ Janet H. Hauser. Educational creations; 6Dec77; BB56010.

BB56011. ceremonial magick. By Hans B. Nintzel. (In In the continuum. Hay 1977, p. 1-18) Hans B. Nintzel; 15Hay77; BB56011.

8856012. Near miss by spinning car spares group treating woman: she lost leg trying to aid others. Photos, by Henry F. ZemaJi. (In The Grand Bapids press, Dec. 1, 1977, p. 1-A) Appl. au: The Grand Bapids Press. on 3 photos.; The Grand Bapids Press; lDec77; BB56012.

BBS6013. The King in the olive tree; a selection from the story of Tristan 6 Iseult, a medieval romance. Translated 6 adapted by George Bitterschein, illus. by Paul Saqsoorian. (In children's digest, Jan. 1978, p. 22-27) O on translation; George Bitterschein; 9Dec77 (in notice: 1978); BB56013.

8656014. California vine line. No. 7. By Uan Hagary. (In The Beporter, Stanford Graduate School of Business, CA, Dec. 2,

1977, p. 13) Kerstin Hagary 6 Alan


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