BB55935 - BB55976
JUL-DEC. 1977
BOOKS C F&HFBLEIS DEC. 1977 6655934 (con.) City Star, employer for hire. 6 The Kansas City Star Cofflpany; 1711ov77; BB55934.
BB55935. Boadfood. By Jane & Michael Stern. (In Neu rork naqazlne. Hay 16, 1977. p. 38-15) e Jane & nichael Stern; 16Hay77; BB55935.
BB55936. Golda Meir: an unforqettahle intervieH with the lioness in winter. By Julie Nixon Eisenhower. Fraja Special people, by Julie Nixon Eisenhower. (In Ladies* hoae lournal. Mar. 1977, p. 87, etc.) e Julie Nixon Eisenhower; 24Feb77; BBS5936.
BB55937. Uhat your name reveals. By Christopher P. Andersen. (In Ladies* home iournal, Sept. 1977, p. 314, etc.) e Christopher P. Andersen: 16Auq77; BB55937.
BB55938. The Faden City party line. By Gerald D. Barnett. <1d National depression glass lournal. Nov. 1977, p. 24-25) Gerald a. Barnett; 15Nov77; BB55938.
BB55939. Opinions and nemoranda of the New Yo.k Court of Appeals, 1976-1977; case no- By Henry J. Boitel. (In The Index, tl- 1977, p. 3-8) Henry J. Boitel; 18NOV77: BB55939.
BB559i»0. Family night. (In Marriage and family living, Dec. 1977, p. 20-23) Appl. au: Terry 6 Mini Reilly. e Terry E Himi Eeiily; 21Nov77; BB559110.
BB559it1. Gobbledygook. By Hillard Fox. (Fox tales) (In The Daily sentinel-tribune. Bowling Green. OH. Nov. 25, 1977, p. 10) e Millard Fox; 25Nov77; BB559«1.
8855942. Poll finds most are divided in support of a farm stri)ie. (Your opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch, Nov. 25, 1977, p. 4) Saint Paul Dispatch: 2SNov77: BB55942.
BB55943. International Socialist review. (In The Militant, Dec. 2, 1977) The Militant; 23NOV77; BB55943.
BB55944. It's hard ball on SSA turf. By Bobert Huddleston (In Federal times, Hashington, D.C. , Dec. 5, 1977, p. 12, etc.) Bobert Huddleston (Bob) ; 28Nov77; BB55944.
BB55945. Born tall. By Garnet K. Tien. (In Capper's weekly, Topeka, KS, Nov. 29, 1977, p. 21, etc.) C Garnet K. Tien; 29NOV77: BB55945.
BB55946. Bally head knew partners were tied to sob figures. By Theodore A. Driscoll. (In Hartford courant, Nov. 27, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: Hartford Courant Company, employer for hire. 3 Hartford Courant a.a.d.o. Hartford Courant company; 27NOV77: BB55946.
BB55947. Female president collects support. (In The Dallas morning news, Nov. 14, 1977. p. 1A) e The Dallas Morning News; 14Nov77; BB55947.
BB55948. Few favor candidates for governor. (In The Dallas morning news, Nov. 21, 1977, p. 2A) The Dallas Morning News; 21Nov77; BB55948.
BB55949. Many disapprove of Jimmy Carter. (In The Dallas morning news, Nov. 28, 1977, p. 1A) The Dallas Horning News; 28Nov77; BB55949.
BB55950. Copyright. (In Sojourner, Dec. 1977, p. 10) Appl. au: Catherine A. Lee. @ Catherine A. Lee; 27Nov77: BB559S0.
BB55951. One poet's struggle: the search for Bill Dickey. An exclusive interview by Jim Borie, photo, by P. E. Scott, Jr. (In Phoenix, Feb. 15, 1977, p. 3-4) Appl. au: Phoenix. © Phoenix; 15Feb77; BB55951.
BB55952. The Progress edition. (In The Chelsea (MA) record, Apr. 15, 1977) Chelsea Evening Becord, Inc.; 15Apr77; BB55952.
BB55953. James J. Nance talks Packard; interview. Exclusive to the Packard cormorant with fiichard M. Langworth & George L. Hamlin. (In The Packard cormorant, autumn 1976, p. 3-7) e James J. Nance; 1Dec76; BB55953.
BB55954. Holistic health care is getting rid of your headache without Excedrin. By Hayne B. Fiscus. (In Palo Alto times, Aug. 24, 1977, p. 19) Appl. au: Hayne B. Fiscus — Institute of Holistic Enrichment. Q Institute of Holistic Enrichment; 24Aug77; BB55954.
BB55955. Sangrella. By Spain, pseud, of Manuel Bodriguez. (In Zap, no. 7, p. 1-9) Manuel Bodriguez (Spain) ; 4Mar74; BB55955.
BB55956. The Promise of interdisciplinarity and its problems. By George T. Potter. 23 p. (In fiamapo papers. Bamapo College of New Jersey, Mahwah, vol. 1, no. 3) 6 George T. Potter; 1May77; BB55956.
BB55957. Tribal center. By Holley M. Linn. (Education) (In Copper Country anthem, summer 1977, p. 66-67) Holley M. Linn; 9Aug77; BB55957.
BB55958. Emergent cultural systems; the psychocuitural evolution of man. By Bonald LeBoy Campbell. (In phoenix: new directions in the study of man, summer 1977, p. 17-26) Prev. pub. under the same title in The concept of man in integral psychology, 4883924. DM: modifications £ additions. O Bonald LeBoy Campbell; 15Aug77; BB55958.
BB55959. Postal history of Oregon from opening to July 1, 1851. By Calvet a. Bahn. (In Western stamp collector, Albany, OB, Sept. 7, 1974, section 2, p. 3, etc.) © Calvet M. Hahn; 7Sep74; BB55959.
BB55960. An Interview with Lotte Jacobi. By Elsa Dorfman. (In New Boston review, fall 1977, p. 16, etc.) Elsa Dorfman 6 Lotte Jacobi; 27Sep77; BB55960.
BB55962. For the record: Guess who? (In The Thoroughbred record, Aug. 3, 1977, p. 506) Appl. au: Christine Mallory. 6 Christine Mallory; 4Aug77; BB55962.
BB55963. Last will and testament. By lillard Fox. (Fox tales) (In The Daily sentinel-tribune. Bowling Green, OH, Oct.
BB55964. Tax reform: justice, efficiency, politics--public versus private policy. By Gerard a. Brannon. Add. ti: Tax reform, introduction: justice, efficiency, polit-i Csus private policy. (In Tax auces; the journal of policy relevant tax analysis, Oct. 31, 1977, p. 3-4) Appl. au: National Conference of Catholic charities. National conference of catholic Charities; 280ct77; BB55964.
BB55965. Star woes. Art S story: Bonald Hilber. (In socket* s blast comicollector, Oct. 1977, p. 25-28) 6 Bonald Bilber; 280ct77: BB55965.
BB55966. Twilight of the heroes. Pt . 1: Last respects. Art £ story by Bonald Nilber. (In Bocket*s blast comicollector, Oct. 1977, p. 43»45) © Bonald Bilber; 280ct77; BB55966.
BB55967. Churchianity talkin* blues. iords by Boger Himes. (In Presbyterian charismatic communion newsletter, Oklahoma City. Mar. -Apr., 1977, p. 8) 6 Soger Hiaes; 1Mar77 (in notice: 1976) ; BB55967.
BB55968. Kids' talk. (In Sheridan Green, "scene 2") Appl. au: Kay Adele Buri £ Janet M. Hauser. Q Educational Creations; 21NOV77; BB55968.
BB55969. Pooh-poohed rights- By fiose K. Goldsen. (Show 'u' tell machine) (In Ithaca (NIJ new times, July 7, 1977, p. 4) O Bose K. Goldsen; 7Jul77; BB55969.
BB55970. Selling "the look." By Bose K. Goldsen. (Show n' tell machine) (In Ithaca (NY) new times, Aug. 23, 1977, p. 6) O Bose K. Goldsen: 23Aug77; BB55970.
BB55971. Naming presidents. By Rose K. Goldsen. (Show n* tell machine) (In Ithaca (NY) new times, Aug. 30, 1977, p. 6) 6 Bose K. Goldsen: 30Aug77; BB55971.
BB55972. God/man. By Pamela Maize Harris. (In Insight, poetry issue, Nov. 8, 1977, p- 16) © Pamela Maize Harris; 8Nov77; BB55972.
BB55973. Garage sale leaves sour taste. (Your opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch, Dec. 2. 1977, p. 19) © Saint Paul Dispatch; 2Dec77; BB55973.
BB55974. Dues blues; or, Hould you rather be a frustrated genius or a happy idiot? By Nevin Hilroy, pseud, of Bonald Strothers. (Hilroy's profiles: "stuff you should know about") (In Stuff, Newark, NJ, May 19, 1977, p. 2) © Bonald Strothers, whose pseud, is Nevin Hilroy; 18aay77; BB5597 4.
BB55975. Hilroy's Future world dictionary. By Bonald Strothers a.k.a. Nevin Hilroy. (Hilroy's profiles: "stuff you should know about") (In Stuff, Newark, NJ, Sept. IS, 1977, p. 2) e Bonald strothers, a.k.a. Nevin Hilroy; 15Sep77; BB55975.
BB55976. Who are the 10 most powerful people in Florida? By Bobert Hooker. (In Saint
Petersburg (FL) times, Nov. 27, 1977,
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.